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ATTENTION! Listings on the Marketplace are borked. Everyone check your stores!

Pearl Vollmar

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Josh, have you checked your listings?

I know you are still on Magic Boxes unless you changed something recently.

I see two of the listings in your store that are borked. And they are both in the 14xxxxx series. Go to your store, set page to 96 items, sort oldest to newest, on page 1 at the bottom there are two listings with your pics (I believe) but different listing and creator names. I would bet you know when you listed those too.

Items 1436951 and 1436952



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Yep, this one at least.


I see three in total.

The other two go to the default page for some reason, but, yeah, that's one.

Now this officially my problem.

If you think I haven't been holding anything back, I think you might end up pretty surprised by the end of this process. 

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lol, I thought you made that. I was just looking at the creator name and listing name. Yes, of course, that pic doesn't fit with the types of products you make.


Josh, when was the last time you really ever looked at all your listings? Since you stayed on Magic Boxes, it wouldn't surprise me if you didn't since this issue got highlighted with the rollout of DD. CTL said this problem existed before DD. So maybe those listings have been like that for a long time and it was never noticed.  Why not take the opportunity and help by updating the JIRA with the item numbers and the fact that you are still on Magic Boxes. The Devs need all the info they can get to correct this.

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The picture for the Women's Medieval thing is mine, but it's a picture for the Illegible Epitaph 2 item.

I believe these are not items Items 1436951 and 1436952 (which would make sense) but items Items 1436951 and 1455293.

Considering the two consecutive items are not the ones in which a picture has been shifted, this seems to me like it must be a reasonably sophisticated borking algorithm.


Otherwise, why should I be seeing one of my own pictures shifted AND numerically consecutive borked listings, but not have the 2 things map?

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I wish I could explain what's going on (lol, I just learned how to find item numbers today with help from Czari and Argus), so does everyone involved in this. All I know right now, is that it is "borked" and the JIRA is the way that info is communicated to CTL and the Devs. Providing all the facts that you can in the JIRA is the best way to help get this thing solved for everyone involved.

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>the JIRA is the way that info is communicated to CTL and the Devs. 

The JIRA is just a way to make the rest of you people feel like you're "doing something about it".

I'm actually doing something about it.

If I weren't, someone in SF wouldn't be scrambling to shut off the 2 numbers that were posted for me here.

How many of the other borked listing have been shut off so quickly like that?

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Andrea Sage wrote:

Yup... my listings are all screwed up too.  I added a comment to:



Thanks again LL for breaking something that worked just fine.... again.

It didn't work fine but when this problem initially happened LL just worked around it to keep the xsl migration going.  now with the changes made to optimise the site for dd the band aid has fallen off and it's a problem.,  It's a bit like having a table with a wonky leg, when it first happens you stop putting heavy things on it then a few years later someone who doesn't know comes past and dumps a heavy box on it.

For any of you who really want dates (which is actually quite irrelevant to sorting the issue but good for identifing which listings are affected for a manual fix) go digging in the forums back around sept/oct 2010.  There were quite a few discussions around this then.



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Josh Susanto wrote:

the JIRA is the way that info is communicated to CTL and the Devs. 

The JIRA is just a way to make the rest of you people feel like you're "doing something about it".

I'm actually doing something about it.

If I weren't, someone in SF wouldn't be scrambling to shut off the 2 numbers that were posted for me here.

How many of the other borked listing have been shut off so quickly like that?

Josh, what do you mean "shut off'? Do you mean it goes to the Marketplace Home Page when you try and click on the listing? If so, that's a behavior that has been observed for some time. When another creator's listing is using one of your images, and that listing no longer exists or has been somehow disabled, clicking on the listing in your store takes you to the home page. That's its standard behavior when it is asking to display a listing that does not exist.

If you mean something else by "shut off", please explain. I don't understand your meaning.

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At this point I've decided that everyone involved in SL is just paying to participate in a product that's still in alpha stages, and once it's not bringing in money anymore, LL will say "thankfully we never went ahead to paying people for beta testing".

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I just talked to a  merchant who has one of her items in my store. She wasn't aware of the fact and her store looks perfectly fine. I asked her if she could try to fix the problem on her end but she had deleted the listing and couldn't do anything.

She had no idea the Marketplace was having issues and told me she had bought something from another merchant and got a different product. She then went back to the product and realised the description of the article was different from what was in the picture (she's no English speaker btw so all she had to base herself on was the picture).  She was upset with the merchant and left a bad review. Not sure if she tried to contact the merchant, I'm guessing she probably did but got no response, probably because the merchant hasn't been online for some time.

I know the development team said they are giving this priority, but it would be nice if they told us what they have been doing. This lack of communication is just not right.

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I never had a problem like this with MP before.  So I didnt know anything like this had ever happened.  By what you are saying though... I doesnt come as a shock at all.

By saying "breaking something that worked just fine"... I simply meant that until they started screwing with DD... apart from the occasional missed delivery... MP did a pretty good job.  Now, it barely works if at all. 

I have been here since 2006... as a merchant most of that time.  I have had my share of disappointments from LL, as I am sure all of us have.  This one seems to be by far one of their worst screwups.

Even if they dont know how to fix it yet... simply telling us the truth would be better than saying nothing.  It gives the appearance they are DOING nothing.

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That wasn't a shot at you and my description was more of the LL developer's behaviour.  I only remember it because during the migration I had issues where I couldn't update items because they were supposedly duplicates.  The commerce team managed to put a fix in so those of us affected could update the items but it looks like the new team didn't realise that there was a code hack in there when they did the DD development.

If one of my (non ll) technical sources is to be believed, and he's only going on what he can see from the front end and the timing of the break, it's unfixable and only creating a new listing will fix it along with a bulk delete of the affected item range to get rid of those corrupted listings - and even then that may not work without some manual intervention to clean up after.

For me, I'd rather they did the bulk delete and told us to get on with listing new ones and focus on getting the direct delivery failures fixed but at the moment I'm less than optimistic they'll do either.  I'm sort of thinking that they're hoping the fuss will die down soon and we'll become resigned to both issues being part of our slm life.

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Couldbe Yue wrote:

If one of my (non ll) technical sources is to be believed, and he's only going on what he can see from the front end and the timing of the break, it's unfixable and only creating a new listing will fix it along with a bulk delete of the affected item range to get rid of those corrupted listings - and even then that may not work without some manual intervention to clean up after.

Looks like the problem area has been located however I wonder if doing the DD update introduces new errors in the data range that is affected? Has anyone noticed that their store was fine, updated and then had broken items in it?

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From http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Marketplace-and-Direct-Delivery-Update/td-p/1462915


[uPDATE: April 5, 2012]
We’ve identified two issues contributing to WEB-4587.

The first issue concerns mismatched data appearing on Marketplace listings. This impacts a very limited number of Merchants and has been occurring since the original migration from Xstreet to the Second Life Marketplace in September 2010. We continue to actively work on a resolution.

The second issue concerns incorrect listings appearing in search results. We have identified the issue and are actively working on a fix.



So, yet another ballsup from the original migration (which, incidentally, for those who don't remember, was much worse than this).

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Update:  I decided to live dangerously and reactivate 4 items.  (I am using the Magic Box.)  I went through the edit/reactivate procedure on the MP, update listing, synch with MB, etc.  Checked the listing in preview -all looked ok...UNTIL I then went to the store listings and the images were not of my products but of sandals.  I thought, oh great....new ticket to get this one straightened out, or just deactivate.  However, I decided to go through the entire procedure again, reuploaded the correct images, updated, resynched, this time I also clicked on the MB to initialize it and voila!  listings correct.  Whew!!!

I'm assuming I was able to change the incorrect images because they are still "live" someplace vs. merchants who are no longer listing on the MP but then that doesn't address the issue of not being able to change the images for merchant listings where the owner of the incorrect image is still around.

I checked the item numbers and they are all also in the 141xxx series.  The two borked listings are still on my MP along with their corresponding correct listings.

Just updating in case it helps anyone or sheds any light on the current bugs...or maybe makes them murkier. 


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Since I was planning to update my MP inventory eventually anyway... I deleted all the items from my magic box and removed them from marketplace.  Problem is... there are still 8 items, with descriptions and names of products by other vendors, with my pics on them, that are showing in my store... which I cant delete.

When you click on the listing, it takes you to the MP homepage... which tells me the listing isnt showing up on their end either... so I guess this is as far as I can go with them.

I am going to contact each of the merchants with items still on my page to see if they can do anything with them, but from what I have been reading here and on the jira, I doubt it.

I hesistate to reload anything until some sort of fix is implemented... 

Sorry... I just noticed I replied to the post above me, and not the whole thread.... oopsie :P

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

how do u easily get a list of all your listing numbers?

I relisted 19 of my listings that were unlisted prior to DD.  I relisted them as DD.  so far no problems with any of my DD as well as my main MB listings.

I'm not sure how to "easily" get a list of all my item numbers.  If someone knows how I'd love to know that as well.  All I've been doing is going into edit my items, then hover my cursor over the item in that list and the item number shows up in the URL at the bottom left of my browser - the item number being the last of the string.

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Hi, Andrea :)  I have two listings that had my image but the wrong description/price/merchant listed.  When clicked, both defaulted to the Marketplace Home Page.  One of the two designers no longer has a MP store and cannot be found in People Search in SL.  The other merchant has a rather large MP store which also has a LOT of borked listings.  I sent an IM and a notecard to her but her SL profiles says she's not in SL much anymore and I have heard nothing back from her.

Pearl (who began this thread) and I both submitted tickets re: this situation and both of us posted in this thread re: the responses we received.  Eventually it led to Brooke Linden contacting each of us and asking for us to submit another ticket with specific info which we both did and posted in this thread.  As a result, my borked listings were corrected, but so far the incorrect ones are *also* still listed on my MP store as well.  I'm happy that at least customers can purchase the two items again.  I would suggest going the ticket route.  Not sure if anyone else who has posted has done that but it is apparently how my listings were corrected.


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