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So about those nasty I can copy your im's picks of late

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By contacting me, and accepting im messeges from myself, you waive your waiver on recording conversastions about me, on this waiver , you agree that your agreement is not longer valid, and that my picks Tos disclaimer trumps yours. Therefore making all agreemetns null 'n void, besides the basic TOs aggrement with Linden Labs, that you cannot record any ims without a second party agreeing, which in clearly stated terms , I do not agree to.

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Well, I don't agree with the new cell phone laws.  So, if I choose to ignore the laws and call my friends while driving and get pulled over, I'm exempt...........I mean I have a bumper sticker on my car saying I don't agree with the cell phone laws and, for me, that law is null and void.


Don't you think I'd get a ticket and a big belly laugh from the officer when I pointed to my disclaimer on my bumper?  :)

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Regarding these statements in a person's profile or picks, I have nothing to do with them. 

If I receive an IM from anyone I'm not friends with, prior to replying I scan their profile.  If I see one of those statements in their profile or picks, I don't reply and mute them immediately.

And if I find a friend that has put that in their profile or picks, I say goodbye in local chat then I de-freind and mute them too.

I don't associate with drama queens, and frankly people like that are just too damn ignorant for me to waste my time on.

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Anyone can post anything in their profiles but it doesn't make it legal.  You can not opt out of parts of the TOS.  If someone shares a private IM with anyone else without the people that were part of the converstations explicit permission to share the log of that specific conversation, it is a violation and you can AR them.  I've done this and the person ended up finding out how worthless their disclaimers are. and had some time in RL to contemplate where they went wrong.

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I get so disappointed when I realize someone I think are alright has one of those statements in their picks. I usually think bright and intelligent people would know better then that. Needless to say I watch what I type to these people when talking to them to be on the safe side and I probably wouldn't friend them. Friends who suddenly have one of those statements I wouldn't trust at all and I'd probably end up keeping convos to "hi", " how are you" and "nice windlight setting isn't it" :matte-motes-evil-invert:

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I see amarock you want to put that in your picks to nullify any other person's notice in their 'picks' that they can record your IMs and post them elsewhere. I think it may work because the people who normally put 'picks' notices seem to believe there is some kind of legal power in the notices and if they were to not accept your 'picks' notice they would invalidate their own.

Anyhow, try using that notice, IM someone who has a 'I can copy your IMs' pick and tell us what happens.

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It is the Internet, Assume everything you say to everyone over the Internet is being logged or recorded at any time.

These disclaimers do not mean a thing, it is still illegal for people to disclose them all around SL in NoteCards and such for example, however if they do such you can abuse report them LL might suspend their account or such.

The only problem is 1. Linden Lab doesn't control anything that takes place outside Second Life, for example, Twitter, Myspace, FaceBook, etc.

2. You can get a lawyer, or file a complaint if you want something taken down, for example there is this woodpress site I reported once before, and they will not take down a site without court orders, even if you get the content taken down, you can always post the logs using a FREE WI-FI login spot like burger king with a Ipad, and they really cant prove who posted or made it if you give 100% False information.

3. I have a pick myself and multple picks, however I usually never even bother to open my logs folder unless I feel something is going on or someone griefs me or does something to bring harm to me or others I know first, then I will do what I please with what I have.

4. So just remember, if you don't want people to know about it, if you dont want something logged, don't say it because it is the internets lots of stuff goes on here even outside of Linden Lab's jurisdiction, and hey lets just say you said some private personal details to me for example, and someone else got hold of those logs and came back into Second Life disclosing them to everyone else getting banned and doing it more and more using proxies/VM's/Mac Spoofers and such LL won't take any action against that users account because it really isn't them doing it, and if done correctly they won't know who leaked the logs to begin with.

5. So really you would have to decide if getting a lawyer and spending the money to attempt to find out who did what to begin with or get a take down order is worthit.

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amarock Amat wrote:

By contacting me, and accepting im messeges from myself, you waive your waiver on recording conversastions about me, on this waiver , you agree that your agreement is not longer valid, and that my picks Tos disclaimer trumps yours. Therefore making all agreemetns null 'n void, besides the basic TOs aggrement with Linden Labs, that you cannot record any ims without a second party agreeing, which in clearly stated terms , I do not agree to.

By redacting me, and expecting dp massages from the shelf, who waves my wavelength on redundant consternations upon thee, on this weener, you argue that your argument is no longer livid, and that my pricks Ocd dismantled bumps yours. Furthermore baking all angry mints dull 'n devoid, beyond the burly TNt assessment with London Libs, that you refuse to endure any pms without an assistant blarney receding, switching cleanly started germs, I too got a green toe.

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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

I come here to make things, so dont use my profile the same way you all do, plus i cant see any reason why i would, but thats just me, i am odd, i dont mind if people copy anything i say in im or public, cos when i am horrid, i really mean it, so the more that know the better, i dont like being horrid but it is a tool and being a brit i dont turn back, so maybe if you dont want your im's copied must only mean you say things you dont mean or lie, believe me truth can slay the strongest and leave them crippled, so maybe it is a good learning curve about yourself and your own honesty.

So you're saying that Brits are horrid and anyone that doesn't want their IM's copied are liars, right?


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I heartily recommend everyone have their personal comments bandied about unregulated sites by those with fanciful imaginations every now and then :)

As a matter of fact I encourage it.

The results are always incredibly humourous and generally not flattering at all to the individual who passes such information on.

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amarock Amat wrote:

By contacting me, and accepting im messeges from myself, you waive your waiver on recording conversastions about me, on this waiver , you agree that your agreement is not longer valid, and that my picks Tos disclaimer trumps yours. Therefore making all agreemetns null 'n void, besides the basic TOs aggrement with Linden Labs, that you cannot record any ims without a second party agreeing, which in clearly stated terms , I do not agree to.

you don't need permission to copy an IM..it's a feature in the viewer..doesn't matter if you agree or not..

i would only need permission to share the log with someone else.. *winks*

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I saw this on someone's profile a long while ago, and I jacked it and put it in my picks:

"This is a disclaimer to void your ToS disclaimer whether you read it or not. And if you try to void my disclaimer of your disclaimer, then I void your disclaimer voiding my disclaimer voiding your disclaimer. I further make it impossible for your disclaimer of my disclaimer to void your disclaimer able to void my disclaimer.

I am clearly stating that you do not have my permission to disclose any chat or voice conversations involving me without my prior consent. Disclaimer valid even if you have read but not necessarily understood said disclaimer.

I got the disclaimer from a rl email at work, the return read reciept read "This is to validate that the email has been displayed on the screen, but not necessarily read or understood." I thought it was clever, so I put a bit of a sl twist on it :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:

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the only time we can choose to not claim that we will follow the TOS is when we choose not to click the agree button..

choosing agree and then not following the TOS is breaking the TOS..

clicking agree we enter into a one sided contract where only LL can make the changes to it..

when they make changes to the contract..we can agree or not agree to use the service..we do not get to modify the contract..


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Nobody cares.

Anyone can go make a free wordpress blog and publish 100% of what one types in chat or IM without any fear of reprisal from LL (unless publishing LL comms). Recording voice may run afoul of actual real life laws so people best make sure before they intercept voice comms.


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