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Things that make you go hmmmm

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Microphones for computers are very cheap these days,most new laptops have them built in.

I can not think of normal webcam that dose not have one built in and most computers if store bought throw in the webcams these days....why do so many people still have some crazy reason they can not use a mic...with that said share a few of the crazy reason people have given you not to use a mic...

Here is mine...


I am with a new friend,we are working on a new joint build..I say " really I hate typing ,use your mic or at least turn it on so you can hear me....

(ready for it.....wait.... for it...)

reply..."I can not use my mic as I take care of a older lady and she thinks I am talking to aliens in space and call the cops on me and it becomes a whole mess of me explaining to them no one is hurting her she just thinks people on computers are aliens"

hands down  most crazy thing some one told me about why they can not use a mic on SL...

follow up.." I will turn my voice on to hear you I just will keep it low and she will probably think its just music..."

So after being really confused ..I just chalked it up to they do not like to talk on mics....but enjoy   listening?

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Ok that was a very special reason :smileyvery-happy:

Usually people do not use mics because family (kids, partners...) are around or they have TV on or listen to radio ...

Some cannot use mics because they think it´s revealing to much of their RL :smileysurprised:

So the most reason people refuse voice is - family or other people are around and they would feel annoyd or disturbed. Actually thats my reason most of the time.

Last, even after being a DJ for about 4 years í´m still too shy and nervous to talk to people on voice, honestly dont laugh :P


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I have a 5 year old computer that doesn't have a cam/mic and I don't want to put the money out to purchase one.  Being able to talk to one another is something I would do only in a relationship...at that point, if they want to speak, the phone works :)


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TammyTgurl Umaga wrote:

I am with a new friend,we are working on a new joint build..I say " really I hate typing ,use your mic
or at least turn it on so you can hear me

You meant headphones or speakers in the bolded part of course.

I don't have any 'odd' reasons why people don't want to use voice comms, and I don't care in the slightest if they don't want to speak - as long as they can hear me and I don't have to type.

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What nerve by the OP. That question/argument sounded like all the fashion kids with their talking devises are the norm now and all the people who still use the most prominent feature of their computers, the keyboard, are total freaks and outsiders.

I have a fairly new desktop system custom built for SL. Contrary to my laptop it doesn't have neither cam nor mic. I saved those useless expenses.

And why? I guess Immy said it best: because I don't want to!

Telephones are for talking, computers are for typing. Not that I feel it necessary to defend my way of using a computer but I would just feel too silly to wear a headset and talking into the screen to some pixelated toons. Also I always have music running in background, it relaxes me, makes my toes wiggle and helps me keeping focused. Actually I mostly have all computer sounds turned off. SL for me is quiet. And silence.

Besides that I don't have a problem reading and comprehending the english language in written form but understanding it when spoken by some cockneys, welsh, scots or texans is incredibly hard. Also spoken conversation is prone for errors and misunderstandings. When you type something out I expect you have spent some time and effort in structuring your text and making your statement comprehensible.

Yes, you can talk in voice but for a decent conversation you need the good old text.





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i'm married and there are too many perves getting mics lol


have you ever been on mic and no matter what you say..it is taken to the gutter?

perve: Hi Ceka what are you up to?

Ceka: Not much.. whats up ?

Perve: mmmmmmm do you really wanna know whats up?

Ceka: Bleh......BYE!





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There are really too many causes about. Most of them already mentioned here:

  1. Some people play with a different sex. Female avatars while they are male in real, or the opposite (very usual also).
  2. Some people do not live alone in real. So they don't want someone else into the house to hear them when they speak in SL, or some others play SL and they want to keep it secret (for example when they are married).
  3. Some people do not want to mix their real life with SL and with it, they are absolut. I respect it.
  4. Some people don't speak English very well (no their native language). They can chat very easily (maybe sometimes use transators for unknown words) but really they have difficulties when they listen someone to speak in English.
  5. Some people are just shy.
  6. Some people have no microphones and they don't want to spend to buy one. Economical crisis affects all over the world nowdays.
  7. Some people had in past bad experiences when they used voice (and maybe sharing some real personal informations) and now they are very cautious.
  8. Some people (especially with old systems) experiment terrible lag when they use voice or they are unable to use voice without problems. We have reports about, almost daily.
  9. Some people when they meet someone want to make his imagination to work. They consider that SL is a kind of mind game. Isn't it?
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I have to disagree with a few things that you wrote, but I don't disagree with you doing things your way, of course.

(1) You wrote, "Telephones are for talking, computers are for typing." Computers are not for typing. Computers take input in various way, one of which is a mic. Operating computers by voice exists, although it's not perfect, but it will be before too long.

Communciation between two people is done by various means. The computer is one of them. Skype, MSN Messenger and Yahoo! Messenger run on computers and can include voice and/or live cams. It's about communication, and not about which piece of hardware is used. And, of course, many computers have mics built into them - they are part of the computers.

(2) You wrote, "Also spoken conversation is prone for errors and misunderstandings." On the contrary, it's written text that is far more prone to being misunderstood than voice. The main shortcoming of text is that it doesn't include expression , which adds a great deal of meaning. Without expression, text is easy to misunderstand.

Text is also more prone to errors than voice. I can't imagine the number of typos that I've done that cause the sentence to mean exactly the opposite of what I intended. I'll write "should" instead of "shouldn't", for instance. I often miss the end off words like that, because my brain is ahead of my typing, but I never miss them off when I'm speaking.

(3) You wrote, "When you type something out I expect you have spent some time and effort in structuring your text and making your statement comprehensible." When I type something out in a forum or message, you can expect me to have spent time to make it comprehensible, but chatting in text doesn't allow that sort of time. Each bit is quickly typed and sent. So quick that typos are the norm. When things are typed quickly, time spent structuring each sentence/response doesn't come into it.


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Not everyone has a laptop and I have yet to see a Tower computer that comes with a MIC. Most do not. At least not here in Florida.


I have been in MIC a few times so I am Voice verified, but not everyone has thought about a MIC when buying a computer. Laptops do not always come with webcam or MIC either. It depends. That and if they buy one of the older models that will play SL at least, then they stick with it if it works for them. So they end up never getting a MIC, or a webcam.


As previously stated, many do not use MICs for lagitimate reasons. Paranoia is what keeps people going hmmmm.

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Orca Flotta wrote:

What nerve by the OP. That question/argument sounded like all the fashion kids with their talking devises are the norm now and all the people who still use the most prominent feature of their computers, the keyboard, are total freaks and outsiders.

I think it's the other way 'round.  It's the geezers who like voice.  

Some of them still use voice on their phones, even, as if texting had never been invented.

Sure, when you have to talk to the elders, it's fine, but even then, I suspect gramps is texting away on his tablet at the same time.

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When voice was introduced to SL, there were protests at Governor Linden's Mansion, people complaining they would be 'forced' to either voice or admit they could not voice and/or admit they are not the same gender in RL as their avatar.

None of that ever happened.

I like to voice occasionally (even when I am not DJing) because it is a nice way to make a more personal connection with a trusted friend.  One friend does not wear a headset/mic because he does not like how it feels on his head.  So, in his case, I have gotten used to hearing my voice feedback over his speakers.  He has other reasons for not wanting to use his hands to text (and get your minds out of the gutter...he has a disability).

Rather than get all suspicious about the reasons why your new friend declines to voice, enjoy your time building with them and voice all you want.  Sounds like he is willing to accommodate you there.  Sounds like a friend.

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I personally prefer to use voice rather than type. I have friends who will, for whatever reason(s), not use a mic, and will instead listen and type when/if they wish to contribute to the conversation. The lack of a mic, btw, has never seemed to have been a roadblock to them. Other people that I know won't even turn on voice and prefer to converse exclusively in text, and that's fine by me, too.

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oh god i won't wear headphones ever again unless i know i am the only one home and i was the one who locked the doors and there is nobody that can tap me on the shoulder or all of a sudden be standing next to me to make me jump out of my skin..


i think i mentioned this in some other thread where headphones came up..

my husband just loves to scare  the daylights out of me too much..i can't even listen to music laying on the bed with them on cause he will see a chance to make a prank.

the worst thing they ever invented was headphones and the you tube pranks videos..where men share ideas of how to scare the daylights out of their wives and girlfriends.:smileysurprised:


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I don't like using voice in SL. Mainly because English is not my native language and I'm not used to hear it spoken and I guess it may sound terrible for a native speaker to hear me speaking.

Other thing is....I made quite bad experiances with other using voice. Most of the time the qualitiy is pretty bad. And I still remember that stupid girl talking to me and others while eating something cripsy :matte-motes-sour:

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Syo Emerald wrote:

I don't like using voice in SL. Mainly because English is not my native language and I'm not used to hear it spoken and I guess it may sound terrible for a native speaker to hear me speaking.

Other thing is....I made quite bad experiances with other using voice. Most of the time the qualitiy is pretty bad. And I still remember that stupid girl talking to me and others while eating something cripsy :matte-motes-sour:

oh god ..it's like i can tell when they are eating carrots..they just have their own sound..then they go to say something and that almost snorting sounds comes out of their nose and it's crunch smack *breathing sound*  crunch crucnh *gasp for air* smack smack smack ..then words get mixed in and it's like..

get a room wiff your carrots already!KthxBi..hehehehe

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I won't reply to the answers to my first response here; some of your arguments I accept, others I don't. Finito.

I don't have skype, I'm not member of any social network, I don't use messengers or whatever comunications tools are out there. I don't have a cellphone and I rarely use the landline phone. Like every 2 weeks my mom calls me ... and after that I'm having quite enough chitchat for the next 2 weeks.

I just don't like to talk, at least not in english. Usually I let my hubby do all the talking when we're out shoping and stuff. I don't like to listen to other ppl talking and need all my brain to figure out what the heck they are trying to say. It all distracts me from the SL experience too much. And worst of all I can't listen to music while voicing.

Also voice is a bandwith hog, and I'm connecting from South Africa, paying lots of money for each GB.

Last point: call me oldfashioned but I still prefer reading a book over watching movies. We have a TV in the house but it's collecting dust. Apart from my hubby watching cricket and rugby matches sometimes it's never on.



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I would have to say that structuring the sentences on the fly and making great pictures with them is a tremendous part of why I love SL. It's my writing outlet, since no one has yet volunteered to pay me for my hobby, lol. It was mentioned in another thread that ":leans forward, chin on hand, and listens intently' just doesn't come over on voice...I would have to agree with that. I will leave it to you to guess what else might be better described in lyrical text rather than breathy exclamations over a mic with feedback. Just sayin'....

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I have a damaged nerve in my arm...and some days...it makes typing really very painful..so for particular friends (as in those I actually know and have known for a long time) I will crank up skype to communicate and save the stress on my arm & hand.

The rest of the time I prefer my SL silent...occasionally in my SL home I will have the enviroment noises on (I dont have a radio or media on purpose) I like typing..I love written words...

My SL partner is Italian...english isnt his strong point...voice is just a slow way for us to communicate over typing. His written english is probably better than mine actually.

I couldnt bear it if I was forced to turn voice on and have to listen to every tom dick & harry droning on to be honest.


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