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Avatar Evolution

Jesica Dragovar

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hey thought it'd be a fun little thread to make, post pictures of how your avatar looked when you first came to SL compared to how they look now, to see how much you have changed


here's my compairson pic





biggest things that changed, custom made skin and shape, and prim hair as opposed to newbie hair also higher quality clothes and accessories


so lets see yours

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Ceera was a vixen before she came to SL. She was a role playing character elsewhere. But even though she isn't usually Human, and even though my profile clearly states she's Partnered in SL (to Mariko Saito, played by the same friend that was Lady Marianne in the earlier role playing venue), and Married/Monogamous in RL, she still gets hit on by all sorts of guys (and quite a few girls, too).

Dug out some images to share:

Ceera and her Partner, Mari, before we came to SL :

2004 - Ceera and Mari.jpg


2005 versus 2008 :

Ceera 2005 vs 2008.JPG


New vixen form in 2009 :

New Ceera - 5-10-2009.JPG


New Human form in 2011 :


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well i dont really feel up to logging into SL and screenshoting both avitars so i'll describe instead.

EDIT: okay, so I heard something while on forums that gave me a build idea, so i did log on after all, thus, i have pics for you.



- i saw all the thin "good looking" avitars everyone used, so when i started, i created a big fat guy avitar.


- this avitar soon evolved into a fat green loincloth-wearing ogre, with a badly made club in hand.


ogre avi.png


-  I kept with this for some time, but then i eventually found a really cool looking hat. it was like those plaid hats you see golfers wear, except it was black and worn backwards, exactly like what I wear in real life. Also it had an awesome white bunny face on the front. loved it so much i built my avitar around it. (I've thought about making that on one of my hats in real life, LOL)



So i lowered the hat down mostly covering my eyes

 - added a ninja hood

 - bunny mouth/nose

 - black longcoat

 - punisher shirt

 - black pants

 - boots (which i retextured to metallic)

 - cross necklace

 - spiked metal armor on left shoulder

 - katana hilt

   (shortened off the blade so i could wear it on my hip without the sword running through my longcoat in the back)

 - black gloves

 - metal cat claws (wolverine/xmen) on one hand

 - red eyes and black/white leopard skin

- also I have a reb orb on the back of my coat with several security features/flight feather built into it.


bunyninja 1.pngbunyninja 2.png


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These threads are always fun! And I actually have a picture for this one. The "then" isn't from when I first joined - I'd fumbled with the shape sliders, notably in the face and chest. Pretty much everything she's wearing was given to me, as freebies, from someone playing "help the noob," which I very much appreciated - in fact, still do appreciate! I was never very happy with her, so once I finally put some money into SL, I fixed her up to something I was happy with.

The most notable differences, to me - hooker make-up is not necessary to be sexy; the breast size slider doesn't have to be at 100; nobody likes T-rex arms (mine are a tad longer now than they are in my "now" picture); and of course, better hair and clothes do make a difference, although as freebies go, the dress in the "then" picture isn't half bad, in my opinion.

This picture made me realize I'm a little taller than I'd like to be...guess I'll get around to editing that at some point.

Then and Now.jpg

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/me chuckles

I had fun with this one.  I had never looked at myself in a "before & after" photo and I gotta say...I had a big laugh at my own expense!  Back in 2008, I thought I was the hottest avatar on the grid!  I even had a pro photographer take some shots of me even though I had the WORST shape ever (note my hips) and wore some of the most ridiculous clothes I've ever seen!  Back then though...I thought it was the awesomest ever!  LOL!  I'm MUCH happier with my look now though.  :)


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It's amazing how much animation has changed over the years. It's truly incredible.

I wish I had some photos from my then and now but I'll just give you the run down. Basically, my then was dressed as a prostitute. I wore Blonde Tones flexi hair that was poker straight and fell to my tail bone. Spitzenhoisen (I think that's what it was called) get-up. So there was a girtle, mini-mini skirt, thigh high stalkings with epickly high heels, tube-top  like shirt that was connected to the skirt by suspenders.

 Now, I'm dressed in a red Artemis toga that's flaming red and totally flexy. Gold snake around my waist and biceps, flaming red hair that's bundled ontop of my head and falls down my back. My makeup is really pale but, again, red lipstick. I went all out for the whole Artie look. Those of you who have read the Dark-Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon will totally know what I'm talking about. I'll try to post a pic soon.

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It's a full mesh avatar :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

The first one I buys.... Only 300L, so why not? http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Peaceful%20Haven/127/156/2000

From Utilizator, the skin is already applied on the full mesh shape. I tried several poses, laying down, it's rigged well. I changed the eyes and added hair. My original shape is 6'1 and this is about the same. And I did a bit of PS job on that image. Levels, curves, added shadow and vignette, a bit softening. But it really don't look bad when you see it in SL either. This image is only cropped. It's a bit jagged edges... My computer isn't all that.

mesh av_003.jpg 

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Some dramatic transformations, here.

OK here's an early incarnation, as a "fae." I liked to just do that dream dance thing all the time back then. In my Bare Rose fairy outfit.  Sirena hair, with Shy Caramelle skin I do believe!


A recent pic of my av. Current, though not long for this world hobby is raising meeroos. That's my av holding a Myrr Meeroo who begged to be picked up.

60L skin, 60L outfit. Still not too bothered by fashion!

Mel Current Pic with Myrr Meeroo.png




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