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Is height Synonymous with age?


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Ok, I have been pondering this  for a bit since I started, being that I came to SL per friends request.


The reason being for me to make this topic is, I am basically moving a RPC, or rolleplay character frim a former chat site, and after reading the ToS I was not finding clear confirmation on what I was looking for. My RPC is 18 and a half but she is way much shorter then the averge person, but this brings me to the next thing, she on previous said RP site it didnt count as 'Cub Play' due to her age. Do Terms of Endearment like "Little Girl" or of the likes, or her being at aroung roughly 4'5" in height, actually count as cub play? Since I came from a Abult RP envrionment, I am just curious as I do not wish to break any ToS.

Just got started on SL, and do not really wish to screw this up.

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There is more to a child avvie than just the height & a lot of us with avatars that are normal RL height appear small in SL & get accused of being kids. 4'5" is VERY small for an adult in SL, it would depend a lot on what shape you have, how you dress, how you behave & how you speak.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, chances are, it is a duck!!!

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Is height synonymous with age in real life?  If so, my 6' tall freak of a 15 year old cousin is older than my 4'9" gramma.  In an environment of "your world - your imagination" why try to set ~anything~ arbitrarily at all?  (^_^)

No, more the matter is the paranoia over any discrepency of avatar height is synonymous with the idiocy of the person you're dealing with. (^_^)

If you say you're not a kid, you're not a kid.  Anyone wanting to oppose your point or convince you otherwise is godmodding, at best. (^_^)

But, if you're wanting to fit in around a crowd of Boobzilla Frankenbarbies and Hulkmacho Manchunk avatars, expect to have to compromise a little. (^_^)y


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no hight does not make a cub, the best way to stay on the safe side without having to get big is to have clear development, in other words breast for women and muscles for male, complete it with obvius adult clothes and manerisms and you should have no problems (other then narrowminded fools)

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Thsnks for the answers, Some quier humorous!

THat makes me feel alot better, Thank you all!


Every Personality action and what not about my character is explained in detail int he profile for her, which I will be getting up soon once i get OpenOffice to work :D

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Height is NOT synonymous with age. My avie is 39 years old and 4'10" to 5'0" depending on how you want to measure.

That said, every so often she gets ejected or threatened (or harassed) in clubs. My response, biting my tongue in anger, is READ MY PROFILE which clearly states my age. No, I don't have an "adult" avatar. If you are lazy this is your own stinking fault. No, I don't have a chip on my shoulder. I just don't like rude bouncers who don't do their job. There is some hieght discrimination in Second Life. If I find myself a victim of it, I usually take my business elsewhere.

Now, I don't help matters because a realistic small female avie, dresses a bit cutesy. Smaller women in real life tend to do this. I like floral and novelty prints and bright colors. I also like them in real life. At the same time I don't let my avie run around in provocative dress. If bouncers would READ MY PROFILE, my second life would be totally sweet.



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Whew, Glad Im in the clear on the ToS.


Being a avid Roleplayer, I tend ot have a reason or description for every little detail, so I can explain why my said character is short perhaps maybe acts childish at times and what not.

But unfortunately, there are those TL;DR people, aka the Too lazy, dont read.


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I reckon that even a very short adult, with a body-shape, proportions, clothes and speech appropriate to an adult shouldn't have so many problems, I think you just have to be honest with yourself about what messages your avie is sending out. If it's got ankle socks, mary janes and a lollipop PLUS is truly tiny in stature, you can hardly get miffed when adult avies in adult sims don't want you around. The "discrimination" against small avies which is hinted at is often caused simply by - to put it in the words of another poster - so many avies looking exactly like ducks (and splashing about in adult ponds!).

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I agree completely!   I've never had an issue with shorter avis.  That being said, when they dress as you mentioned and carry around a teddybear, I see a child regardless of what your profile says.  In my experience, most 18 year olds in rl tend to want to look older not younger than their years.

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Josie Velvetleaf wrote:

I agree completely!   I've never had an issue with shorter avis.  That being said, when they dress as you mentioned and carry around a teddybear, I see a child regardless of what your profile says.  In my experience, most 18 year olds in rl tend to want to look older not younger than their years.

I agree - I'd add that most 15 year olds want and manage to look at least 18, if not older, if they put their minds to it. Come to think of it - your average RL 15 year old is probably the best person to ask for tips if you don't want to accidently appear under-age...

I know you'll find this hard to believe, but I have never been mistaken for a child avie!

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Height =!= age.

Now if only someone will tell those twits that shrink thier hootchie mama avis (complete with cleavage and makeup skins) and try to pass those off as child avatars that, it would make life so much easier for short adults and proper child avis alike.

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Magnek Fang wrote:

Height =!= age.

Now if only someone will tell those twits that shrink thier hootchie mama avis (complete with cleavage and makeup skins) and try to pass those off as child avatars that, it would make life so much easier for short adults and proper child avis alike.

HAH I was doing a high school RP once and I tried out for the cheerleading squad, they said I can be on it only  if I changed my shape, skin and hair to look more like "what a teenager looks like"

this is the skin, shape and hair I was using  




this is what they demanded I use 



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My avie is all of the above, some times she is 5, some times she is 18 some times she is 7, 12, depends on which market im after atm..im a developer, having her be versitle promotes my items. o and she is also some times male. none of the so mentioned mean im against terms of service. but i do run  into narrow minded peeps all the time, i am herrased all the time, when my avie is an age below 18. and my avie in most cases is 5 feet..skinny as a rail..because i do petite teens clothes. yes im age verified so i take my avie which ever i am atm any place i choose to take her..be it adult oh well. i go seeking poses for things i build. and if u dont like seeing my child avie in an adult sim for a few sec..its yr problem not mine! im so sick of hearing about peoples issues over the child avies. yes we all know people age play, but every child avie u see does not fit this profile! and since i have many avies in one, u can not judge what i do with them by my groups! how narrow minded! why cant all  of u mind your own business and let others alone, stop trying to rid the world of what u personaly dont like, maybe there is some thing u do; one of us wont like, how would u feel being herrased because u bowel. golf, fish, hunt, dance, date, and the list u can see goes on. i can tink for each of these resons to hate on u and bitch about what u do. people need to try harder to police their own door steps, and stay off others door steps. taking care of u is a full time job stop trying to take care of otherw who dont want yr input! I spend my own real life money in this game, and i dont need u to decide for me how to use it! IF U DONT LIKE WHAT U SEE LOG OFF! LEAVE! IM SO SICK OF THE MORAL MAJORITY DECIDING FOR THE REST OF US HOW TO LIVE AND PLAY! its the same in the real world and i think u r all a bunch of sickos cause u cant keep yr nose to home! no one died and left u to take over GODS  role! so get over it!

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There's no rule against shorter avatars, in fact there's a growing trend towards more realistically sized avatars because it's more practical in SL.

Land is a static size, so making your avatar larger effectively makes sims smaller. Also until the past week or two prims were limited to 10m to a side. Which means environments built with huge avatars in mind waste an obscene amount of prims. There's still a 64m limit on prim sizes so large scale builds (like role-playing sims) can still waste prims being unecessarily scaled up. Also, LL built in some odd restrictions on women's proportions making it impossible to have long enough arms when you're much taller than 6'.

Still, there's a lot of dim witted people out there with a kneejerk reaction against avatars smaller than their own. You'll get comments, and you may even get ejected from poorly run sims, but this attitude is dwindling due, in part, to the reasons above and explanations about SL's height issues becoming more readily availavble.


 Actually, there's a growing number of sims that encourage more realistically sized human avatars.

1920's Berlin aims for an immersive and accurate representation of, as the name implies, Berlin in the 1920's.

The Wastelands is a post-apocalyptic role-play and residential area where more of the public builds are starting to be done to scale.

 Doomed Ship is a sci-fi horror sim that is a fantastic example of how large and detailed a single sim can appear to be when built closer to realistic scale.

 The Island of Milk & Cream is a mature cowgirl themed island and club.It was recently mistaken for a full sim build by New World Notes even tho the island is only 1/4th of a sim.


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Here's an image I found that kind of puts the issue into perspective with real world imagery.

In SL, 8'10"/269cm tall are not uncommon.  They're more common than men under 7' tall.

Here's a bunch of chinese adults working around a pair of Na'vi statues (from the movie Avatar) which are 9'/274cm and 10'/304cm respectively.


This is how skewed the issue is. The statue on the left is about as tall as many SL men.

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This thread is nominally about AV height, but the OP says:

[...] Do Terms of Endearment like "Little Girl" or of the likes, or her being at aroung roughly 4'5" in height, actually count as cub play? [...]

Depending on context, "Little Girl" could very well push a suggestive situation into TOS-violating sexual ageplay.  If this character is going to be involved with adult content, it would be prudent not to edge-case her apparent age.

If such ambiguity is cultivated and one day there's a corresponding machine ban, it would certainly be no evidence of height discrimination.

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I think you may be pushing the envelope at ALLOWING her to be called 'little girl', with her being under 5' calling her that would only draw attention to her height & that she is being called little girl or any other type of child-like referance like that. From what I read your char was from a chat type RP rather than a visual 1; that can make a difference as peoplecan actually 'see' what she looks like & some may say 'hmm....I never imagined her to look so young....' Most chat based sites are less restricting on content than SL is, The best you can do is to use your own discretion & that usually works. ;)

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  • 7 years later...

I know this is old and iu am bumping a necro, but I get the same with a 5ft 8in tall avie with a Mid B cup but she is lithe. Someone said she looked like a preteen. So apparently this is a preteen? Just cause she is lithe and has smaller than a D cup and maybe a young looking face?


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Yeah no, that looks and sounds perfectly fine to me.

Too many new (and not so new) human avatars are still pushing seven and eight feet tall - easily dwarfing the avatar I use as the "norm" or baseline (a slightly shorter JOMO male fox) whereas I'd say that what you have there Abdashey would pretty much be well within the realm of realistic - even when compared against Fantasy types like me.

ETA: For that matter, your avatar is actually taller than my RL self by about eight inches. So yeah, anyone trying to tell you that your avatar looks like a preteen or a teen needs their head examined.

Edited by Solar Legion
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