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Peewee Musytari

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Everything posted by Peewee Musytari

  1. Try entering only the first 16 characters of your password, it should work then.
  2. Great, I hope they can get it fixed for you. Let us know what caused it if you find out, thats very strange. Good luck
  3. Thanks to Ruth, none of us can ever say we have completely shaken our newbness.
  4. Dresden Ceriano wrote: ROFLMAO!!!! ...Dres *is speechless* (You could have warned me so I'd have a speech prepared.) hehe you so purdy
  5. Always good to see people offering help to newbies, though your info about skins is not very accurate. When you buy a decent skin it will either be "no copy" or "no transfer" (usually no transfer), so people cannot simply be nice and give you a copy of their skin. They are lots of fairly decent freebie skins out there that people do often give away so you were probably given one of those & some of the skins that you find in your "initial outfits" in your library are awesome compared to past newbie skins.(though they do have modesty underwear on them so they aren`t always practical). Most of the top skin creators do offer at least one free skin at their stores so its worth checking around. I`m not sure that lucky chair hopping is an indicator of non-newbness lol but I`m glad you are having fun with it & that you no longer feel like a newbie.
  6. They do occasionally rollback a few mins or an hour or two without being requested, its extremely annoying if you are building, but I have never heard of a sim being rolled back a month or even a week, in fact you can`t even request a rollback that far, you should get in touch with the consierge, something is very wrong there.
  7. The group accounts should offer some clue as to where the charge originated & also what the amount of the total charge was, if it has been divided between members.
  8. AdaHendrix wrote: they mean land in the sky where you can put your own home down.they are more private and a lot cheaper. If you are talking of renting a deck in the sky that you can put your house on & the price is very cheap, then I would check that it is not someone that has multiple decks at different heights on the same plot, because you may find that is the reason it is so cheap & you will not have things like your own media streams & access lists or very easy prim management.
  9. Firstly, you should remove her name from your post. If she is the owner of a rental group, check her profile or the group, for other partners or managers & see if any have her edit perms & could help you out. as she is not around. I would also file an AR everyday until its gone.
  10. Skyland? You want to rezz a skybox on your land? You can do that on any parcel, you buy the land on the ground & you own it up to 4096m. Imagine a land parcel as a big tall box and you own all the space inside it, so you can put your skybox at any height up to 4096m.
  11. Dresden Ceriano wrote: No way... I WILL be queen of the forum one day... this is an inevitability... lol. ...Dres Err..what do you mean "one day"?
  12. The 10,10,10 thing is just another inidcation that you are not yet correctly logged in. If you could see behind the login screen while it is is black & loading, you would see that we are all logged in at 10,10,10 & once you are correctly connected to your true location the login screen vanishes and you see yourself in the right place. Your login screen is vanishing before that has happened & you are still trying to get connected to the region. It could be a connection issue with your computer or something lagging your avatar, such as too many active gestures, some dodgy attachments that you are wearing, possibly a group tag that has got corrupted. Since you can get in ok on other avatars, in your case it doesn`t sound like your computer connection.
  13. Choice of avatar is as varied as the ways in which people use SL. Not everyone that chooses a furry does so for the same reason or everyone that chooses to have a human avatar of the opposite gender to RL. For some SL is a fantasy, for others its a reflection of themselves, others like to experience life & people`s reactions to them from the opposite side of the fence to RL...Thin/fat, male/female, disabled/ablebodied, gay/straight, human/nonhuman, even rich/poor. The theory that no two people are the same is as true in SL as it is in RL, even if they "appear" to be more the same in SL.
  14. Those "Registered date" things are weird, have you noticed that you don`t have one unless you have a badge?
  15. I agree with Dres, you should start another thread about badge issues or bump your old one, as they do need to be on the agenda. Is it still true that if you have ever selected one of the preset themes you cannot go back to the default one? As for the issue about the feedback forum, that is still in the unresolved category & open to suggestions along with things like a better name for the Answers section (I believe Q&A is the current front runner there) & the organisation of the various categories of sub-forums, which imo is much better since the last change but can still do with a couple of tweaks. With Lexie being away there hasn`t been any updates to the forums as Jeremy & Rand work on the wiki & KB. So the last few meetings have been about those.
  16. There is one way, but not with the sort of detail you probably mean. You can do a specific search & then change the sort order to "best selling".
  17. I would expect a substantial payment in advance from any purchaser that didn`t have PIOF so that they are bound by the deal & if they back out you have your tier fee covered. I have seen others burned like you, where both parties submit tickets and everything just gets delayed until the purchaser gets their account sorted out, while the vendor can`t do anything about it.
  18. I like your badge Canoro, its like a close up the planet that the eye on mine is looking at.
  19. Cha Chama - He is only 10 days older than me, but had just built his first sim to do rentals on & one of his tenants had made him t-shirts with his logo & given me one because I had no clothes. Cha came by and saw me in the t-shirt & gave me 100L for advertising for him, I thought I was rich!! lol He went on to build a magnificent kindom of about 10 sims, they were all beautiful. Sadly now gone like so many in SL, but if you are still around 5 years later Cha, I never forgot you & *waves* PS. I still have the t-shirt too lol ..That was made by Bell Clellon, who is still on my friends list.
  20. A different viewer should fix the problem. I often have a low inventory count on Phoenix & if it gets too bad I switch to Firestorm to load it all and then it seems ok on Phoenix again after....Go figure lol
  21. wiked Anton wrote: strange, when i disbanded a group and had the pay group liabilities unticked, the money still got disbursed when i sold the land.....and the land wasnt even deeded to the group. Not sure how you managed that, if the land wasn`t group owned how would it have known what group to send the money to when it was sold? @OP Any credits that go to your group are automatically paid out the following day, so you don`t need to manually withdraw them.
  22. Canoro Philipp wrote: the CEO now is more popular than Torley, AAHH!! Wash your mouth out, saying such a thing!! Rod may be popular but it will be a while before he claim Awesomeness status!!
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