Ezrael Glenwalker Posted August 4, 2011 Posted August 4, 2011 Most Sims look like Graveyards these days. :mansurprised:
Vladi Hazelnut Posted August 4, 2011 Posted August 4, 2011 probably depends on where you go and what time. I show almost 60,000 people online right now and its the middle of the day in the U.S. . So most are probably still at work, providing they have jobs considering our crappy economy.
Chelsea Malibu Posted August 4, 2011 Posted August 4, 2011 Everyone's on the Adult grid :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
Freecilla Kuhn Posted August 4, 2011 Posted August 4, 2011 It is not dead by any means. My thoughts are that the marketplace has removed a massive amount of traffic from inworld shopping. I remember when I used to like going shopping because you would almost always meet someone new since so many people where out and about in the stores and malls. This doesn't seem like it's going to change anytime soon unless it comes from the users. Marketplace web site shopping brings SL a lot of commission: 2% plus 5% plus 240L$ a day for enhanced plus $0.30 per transaction on the buyer's side so to them it is a monetary plus. However for serious minded users doing business in SL things are a lot calmer inworld and it is easier to work with fewer interruptions. One just has to look for the public places in SL which can be tough since so many are private homes but there are still a lot of public places to hang out with nice and fun people.
Suella Ember Posted August 4, 2011 Posted August 4, 2011 I always get a strange sense of deja vu every time an "Is SL dead" thread pos up! :smileyindifferent:
Butkins Sugarplum Posted August 4, 2011 Posted August 4, 2011 I have to agree , but i have a theory that what happens at my sim is very similar to what happens at most new and promising sims, we do everything we can to make ourselves visible in the searches, even spend money on ads etc, then we get traffic points ( well some don't even get that far ) then what i've been noticing happening is green dots start to show up one at a time in like 10 or 20 minute intervals, and theres only 1 at a time so they leave, they don't realize that about 10 minutes ago there was already someone there wondering the same thing they were, " where's all the people" so no matter how cool or nice that place is aesthetically, no one wants to hang around alone cause you got the one green dot at a time syndrome going, I have to wonder how really popular and well populated sims get their massive green dot crowd "coral" effect that soon snowballs into a sim thats hopping all the time with people, how do they get that initialized in the beginning, before they run out of startup money and would inevitably fold soon afterward. Makes ya wonder, how they do it? I know there are really few numbers of successful sims in ratio to unsuccessful and unpopulated dead sims when you think about how big the ratio difference the odds for a successful sim really just become staggering. Anyone want to elaborate how they do it? Maybe sl should have some kind of built in buddy teleport system then the green dots could show up in pairs.
Canoro Philipp Posted August 4, 2011 Posted August 4, 2011 not having a lot of people reunited in one single place doesnt mean its dead. socializing in-world is not one of my priorities, i love to explore and look around and if i dont see people near i dont mind at all. there are a lot of people in-world, some just dont care to get together in a group. people are enjoying SL, some in their own solitary ways
simo2401 Ansome Posted August 4, 2011 Posted August 4, 2011 hi can u help me...im getting a msg as im about to log on saying....s/l cant be accessed from this computer..iv spoked to linden labs and i havent a problem with my account so how come this says that...any ideas????
Canoro Philipp Posted August 4, 2011 Posted August 4, 2011 sometimes i got this message but i just keep trying and i log in. maybe you can try login in a few times and it will let you pass
Canoro Philipp Posted August 5, 2011 Posted August 5, 2011 youre right, is less laggy. the chances of being grifed is minimal. more privacy. you dont have to care about what others think. no one will interrupt your fun. (except maybe in IMs) all the poseballs are available. the scenery looks better. there are many reasons for people to evade going to places that has a lot of people.
Peewee Musytari Posted August 5, 2011 Posted August 5, 2011 They are invisible using the new privacy feature or busy offworld "social networking"
Randall Ahren Posted August 5, 2011 Posted August 5, 2011 If SL is dead, I have a very important question: Is there life after SL?
Six Igaly Posted August 5, 2011 Posted August 5, 2011 4 years ago people where asking the same thing.
Cerise Sorbet Posted August 5, 2011 Posted August 5, 2011 Hi, you are a little late. Second Life died in 2005. met its demise in 2006, coughed up its last breath in 2008, was mortally wounded in 2009,
Perrie Juran Posted August 5, 2011 Posted August 5, 2011 Sometimes I find it amusing that I did not know that I was supposed to HATE HATE HATE Linden Labs until I came to the Forums. Yes, they make some dumb decisions but really now. I think I'll write a book, "How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Learned To Love My Second Life."
Ceka Cianci Posted August 5, 2011 Posted August 5, 2011 it's not going anywhere..Why you ask? well because it's filled with too many damned zombies..thats why.
Void Singer Posted August 5, 2011 Posted August 5, 2011 wow, that first link was a trip down memory lane.... so many old friends acquaintances, and legends of the era...
madman626 Fall Posted August 5, 2011 Posted August 5, 2011 From the looks of my groups chat everybody is trying out the new mesh that only in a few sim. maybe that where they at but just less lag on the sim for us. but you right some look like graveyards.
Cato Badger Posted August 5, 2011 Posted August 5, 2011 Void Singer wrote: >.> <.< yes... you should let the dead lie. Everybody lies in SL.
Void Singer Posted August 6, 2011 Posted August 6, 2011 now I'm stuck wondering if you actually got the double innuendo there, or just keyed off the word... don't answer that
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