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13 minutes ago, Midnoot said:

lol @ the pure laziness in this thread where multiple people can't take 30 seconds to do a quick search and have the slightest understanding before they reply.

I'm more concerned with the lack of the sense of humor, but oh well. 

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I used to play The Sims eons ago.  The one thing I really liked about it was the ability make things for it without needing extensive training in 3D modeling.  There were plenty of tutorials. I made clothes and furniture and even put a photo of my cat in a frame. That transmogrifier was the BOMB.   I think it was the hamster painting.  I guess it was sort of creating in the old system layer days.  The hardest things I ever made was a fridge and a rug, and that rug caused me to cuss so much over a period of days. 

I even put my creations on The Sims Resource website.  I see that website is still successful.  The stuff on there now is worlds better than it was back in my day. lol

I really should put my pets in SL now.  Buy a few full perm frames and slap photos into it and done.  


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4 hours ago, Midnoot said:

lol @ the pure laziness in this thread where multiple people can't take 30 seconds to do a quick search and have the slightest understanding before they reply.

We can, but we shouldn't have to. Glad you put in the work of typin in all those words to white knight a lazy op tho.


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5 hours ago, Harper Held said:

We can, but we shouldn't have to. Glad you put in the work of typin in all those words to white knight a lazy op tho.


You shouldn't have to research anything? you should just have it all spoon fed to you? XD... OP is not responsible for your ignorance. They're not pleading to a court, believe it or not.

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On 9/13/2024 at 4:01 PM, xjohnklm said:

will SL end one day ? why SL is not popular like other games? will linden lab take "Inzoi" as a competitor?

Yes,. SL is totally and completely doomed. I say this because we are all totally and completely crazy and no longer have the faintest idea of what grass looks like or how light works.

Idk, why it's not as popular as other games.

What's Inzoi? If it has anything to do with Elon Musk or Mark Zugerburger, then I think we will be fine without trying at all.

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7 hours ago, Midnoot said:

lol @ the pure laziness in this thread where multiple people can't take 30 seconds to do a quick search and have the slightest understanding before they reply.

Hey, how dare you, the 'appeal to ignorance' fallacy is the lingua franca of this community!

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39 minutes ago, Midnoot said:

You shouldn't have to research anything? you should just have it all spoon fed to you? XD... OP is not responsible for your ignorance. They're not pleading to a court, believe it or not.

They're making a case, if they want their case to be understood then the onus is on them to actually ...make their case.

It's not our job to make their claims for them, nor to back those claims up.

And no matter how badly they may be doing it, they are still pleading a case.

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Second Life has survived so far despite being plagued by performance issues of one kind or another throughout most of its life. SL graphics can be very realistic but it depends on how good the creators of the items in-view were. Other virtual worlds have much less realistic, more stylised and cartoony graphics but I guess the payoff is that they actually work better, with less lag.

Will SL last for ever?  Well, most things come to an end eventually. I wonder if LL will work on a replacement for Second Life - I know they did this before with Sansar and that was not a success. Looking at current pictures of Sansar (which is no longer owned by LL), I think SL graphics have caught up with it. 

Edited by Conifer Dada
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2 hours ago, Harper Held said:

They're making a case, if they want their case to be understood then the onus is on them to actually ...make their case.

It's not our job to make their claims for them, nor to back those claims up.

And no matter how badly they may be doing it, they are still pleading a case.

Yeah, but in this case when someone is proffering an answer to a specific question, don't expect that answer to be valued if you then openly admit you don't know what the heck you're talking about!

As mentioned in my post above it's generally counted as an appeal to ignorance fallacy.

It's a lauded approach in these forums, but that doesn't mean we should accept it, and it's still ok to call it out when you see it.

Example Question.

'is it likely that transfer of angular momentum will, over the millennia, cause the moon's distance from the earth to increase?'

Appeal to Ignorance

"Pfft, the moon - never heard of it - is that something to do with Elon Musk? The social media channel I follow keeps mentioning Musk and the Moon so I'm against it!!

And don't even get me started on this angular momentusy thing, you made that up I think!

So your question is invalid and I think I speak for everyone on this thread!"

Edited by JacksonBollock
general rewording
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4 hours ago, WeFlossDaily said:

What's Inzoi? If it has anything to do with Elon Musk or Mark Zugerburger, then I think we will be fine without trying at all.

Nah, nothing to do with them. It's being developed by Krafton, Inc., a South Korean game developer (the makers of PUBG).

As for what it is - it's a singleplayer life simulation game entirely based on The Sims. Similar design, menus, gameplay, etc. It's just more up-to-date with a more powerful engine, better character customization, better environments, an open world with much smarter NPCs, driving, photography features, 3D object generation (take a photo of an item and upload it and it creates that object in the game to decorate with), facial capture features, and a built-in gen-AI tool for item and clothing customization.

Not a whole lot to do with Second Life, and it's mostly being marketed to diehard Sims fans.

Edited by Ayashe Ninetails
Fixing stuffs
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12 hours ago, Midnoot said:

lol @ the pure laziness in this thread where multiple people can't take 30 seconds to do a quick search and have the slightest understanding before they reply.

It's interesting to note that it is very common online for people not even to bother exploring the sources I will provide - for more information, to define something, or to source why I hold my current opinion - and many times when they supply their own, it is a hastily googled up link supporting their own view. They don't actually expect me to go read their source - as I will to see if their counterargument holds up and therefore to change my view - then find that their source is based on a headline only and many times the article won't even support them..

Because it's about 'winning' on the internet, not learning or testing one's views against another's

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Second Life will never be 'dead', if you define it as 'having users or not". Even Active Worlds still has users, along with IMVU, Runescape, Ultima Online, Age of Camelot (LOL), Lineage (wut) and many other games and platforms.

In general once a platform has 30,000 servers, and only 1 player in each of them, many will consider that platform 'dead' because they can't find anyone to play with. At one point even FPS game Rust had more servers than players, even though the concurrency was quite high. Now because of this the main population now comes from the official servers while custom private servers have taken a nosedive.. Many gamers will say "Wut? Rust? You still playing that dead game?".

It's all relevant to the numbers, and especially if you can join it and immediately find lots of players to interact with.

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5 hours ago, Midnoot said:

You shouldn't have to research anything? you should just have it all spoon fed to you? XD... OP is not responsible for your ignorance. They're not pleading to a court, believe it or not.

Do you really expect people to go and do serious research like buying, downloading, installing, playing it. just because someone asks if ....... (insert name here) is a SL competitor?

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17 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

Do you really expect people to go and do serious research like buying, downloading, installing, playing it. just because someone asks if ....... (insert name here) is a SL competitor?

Nope, but then don't attempt to answer the question !

Seriously people, if you have no clue what on earth is going on, then Shhhhh.

Actually that's a bit harsh, I apologise. But you are kind of making my point for me 🤷‍♂️

Edited by JacksonBollock
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On 9/13/2024 at 10:01 PM, xjohnklm said:

will SL end one day ? why SL is not popular like other games? will linden lab take "Inzoi" as a competitor?

Yes. Or no. Maybe. Let me...🔮Hmm. "There are things that better remain in the shadows."

But it is, it's the only computer game I play already since around 2010, and still play in 2024. It's very popular with me. You don't like it?

What? And what and why exactly should they do with or about it... 🤔 Hm, it's not released yet, it seems. Or is it? Google doesn't really seem to know either. I'll try it, once I can play it, or download it on Steam now to see if I already can....and will ponder the question again then. I've downloaded another "SL competitor" that someone mentioned on the forum before, and deinstalled it after half an hour or so, it wasn't anything even close to SL, and I doubt that inzoi will be, but if I keep trying, I might find something I'll like in addition to SL, you never know. And being a Korean development, it might be other-centric, which could be interesting.

Edited by InnerCity Elf
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On 9/14/2024 at 5:48 PM, Sid Nagy said:

The Sims are so very limited compared to Second Life. I've bought the game, since a lot of SL residents play that game too, but my conclusion about that game (especially when used to the possibilities of SL) can be described with just one word: Meh.
SL is so much more.

I agree with you that SL is so much more. That being said, The Sims 2 and 3 were better than the most recent installment of it, The Sims 4. They are arguably more fun. I really enjoyed the "open world" elements in The Sims 3 that were completely removed in The Sims 4. Not sure which one you played, but they are significantly different. 

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On 9/13/2024 at 4:01 PM, xjohnklm said:

will SL end one day ?

Unlike other "old games" SL wont run down to the last man and just sit online empty. It will close with tens of thousands of players online.

SL has always been socially fragile, hence the constant proclamations of SL's imminent death, and why the rest of the world thinks we died the day they quit.

But it's also technically and financially fragile.

Why? SL has high infrastructure costs, everything is hosted in the cloud. To pick out just one part of this, the CDN alone (content delivery network) that hosts all the images and meshes needs a kaiju sized pile of cash every month or it just goes away, and when it does, nothing can ever rez ever again. This isn't the only expensive external dependency.

On 9/13/2024 at 4:01 PM, xjohnklm said:

 why SL is not popular like other games?

SL requires users make their own fun. It requires a high personal investment in terms of time, energy, effort and money. There are no shortcuts and no way to play it "casual".

Other games are mechanically well defined, you can learn all you need quickly and come and go with a fairly minimal investment. Even short sessions can reward the player with some accomplishment or progression of their core tasks. 

SL is technically complicated, but that's not the half of it. The best rewards come at the point where players interact (in person or in / with a player created space). This dependency on interactions and activities of other users acts as a massive break. People are naturally slow. it takes time to write or build or create, and very little we do works to established externally typical norms or standards. Every location, every purchase, every person can come with unique hurdles. This forces a longer and more focused session length.


SL's lack of popularity is more nuanced than players falling foul of, or choosing to avoid, complex systems, dependency on interactions, or client UI paradigms.

There are effectively 3 different competing Second Life products.

  • The SL that participating users experience, in all it's individual uniqueness.
  • The SL that people know about by reputation.
  • The SL that Linden present via web services, socials and marketing.

The first SL is what it is, often adult in nature and like a personal diary, probably best left unread yet magnetically alluring.

The second is what people who read the diary gossiped about. Staggering quantities of pure salacious filth.

The third is a combination of what Linden think SL is and what they wish it was, and this is where things get out of step. Linden have spent the entire existence of SL, though changes of management and ownership, committed to selling an almost cookie cutter polished family friendly experience, mild excitement and surprise (suitable for actual minors as young as 13 under certain conditions).


Second Life's users are neck deep in the supermarket tabloids, judged for it by those who don't look deeper than the cover story, while Linden hide their shame by pretending to be National Geographic.

I'm sorry if this reads as being too blunt or harsh of a criticism.

This mess has had almost 20 years of my life, there is very little on offer I've not explored, participated in, and systematically picked apart to see how it worked (or in most cases, to understand why it didn't). The only consistent truth has been that whatever the "residents" (and I loath that diminutive reductive term) have enjoyed. Linden have deliberately killed it sooner or later while hiding behind (typically implied) external reasons. Sometimes coming back later to clumsily try and shove the golden egg back into the goose between chasing hail-mary side projects.

This will never be the lofty and noble meta-verse imagined in Snow Crash or Ready Player One's oasis, and trying to pluck those ideas from fiction as some kind or recipe is to deliberately ignore they needed a full on dystopian societal collapse to function.

Second Life is no less of an escape from the real world, and here we are .. up to all the things that are personally unobtainable or unachievable dressed in projections and expressions of wealth, personal power and sex.


Edited by Coffee Pancake
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The idea of SL ending one day is weird because that might not be something that can be done given current legislation being proposed at least in Europe. 

It's a bit like saying will the internet close one day. 

I think it will run down and become antiquated like any tech, but a day where an off switch is pressed - probably not, but I may eat my words. 

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1 hour ago, Cube Republic said:

I think it will run down and become antiquated like any tech

It can't. A minimally functioning grid reacquires a constantly refilled wheelbarrow of cash (and it really is an insane amount of cash).

Unlike opensim, we have actual infrastructure that we depend on to service tens of thousands on concurrent users. The only reason opensim can be cheap is it has no users, there is no need for expensive infrastructure. If SL closes at noon, opensim will be dead 5 minutes later and scaling up will take months and a staggering investment in infrastructure and development.

SL gets switched off with a lot of us still online.

Which is why Linden are pumping cash into platform modernization, PBR and GLTF and the rest.

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