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Everything posted by WeFlossDaily

  1. That's what I'm trying to say. Thanks. =] Noobs appear to be expected to immediately become mesh now on day 1. It's weird.
  2. You're right. I agree with you. =] My initial reaction is suspicion. But good ideas tend to hold up to scrutiny.
  3. Unless you restate my view word for word, then no, it would not be fair, it would be a mischaracterization or an assumption. Let's see . . . Interesting. My answer is: No. Who made the rule that you must build a full mesh avatar before you begin exploring? It should be perfectly acceptable to pick whatever and go. If it is not, then their is a potential problem with the existing user-base related to mesh supremacy. I think I can agree with this. That's how I feel about many of those in favor of PBR. Not really. SL was already like this before I got here. I'm just saying I like how the current system works. I'm not advocating for turning SL into anything here. I guess we should only take a hostile approach to newcomers who refuse to buy new PCs. You explore, talk to ppl, and figure it out. They screwed up PBR. This is a weird line of debate. It's okej to fail. I'm not saying it isn't. My issue would be declaring a failure to be good enough and then trying to force it on others as something beneficial to them. Recognizing a failure for what it is is important. Fix the last failure first. Then fail at something else. Repeat as often as needed. I generally try not to make assumptions about others. Maybe. I be sus. Would you like to provide an example? I agree with you.
  4. I forgot all about this one. Never seen it. Need to change that. Looks like good clean Christmas fun to me. =]
  5. I'm just going to go with the argument the PC Elite used for PBR to play the devil's advocate: It works fine for me and I like it. You aren't wrong about any of this. If anything, my viewpoint is likely the odd one out. But I do like the current system and don't think it's that bad. It allows for unlimited creativity in my opinion and I think that's important. Heck, we can do anything we want, and have multiple options on how we want to go about things. I like that. I'd hate to loose powerful creation abilities to LL botching how we work on our avatars. Cause their track record is not great. I be sus. But ya, I know, I'm playing the devil's advocate here. I absolutely understand why I'd get push back on this thread. No hard feelings.
  6. I might be a bit jaded from the PBR war or something. Interesting. It's not simple, ya. You did a lot to help them, which is nice. Sounds exhausting, though. Everybody here figured it out, though. We all got the hang of things, eventually. I ended up figuring it out myself and doing things my way. Took me awhile. But that was part of the fun. Everything about SL is complicated, but that's also what makes it interesting for a lot of us. Oversimplify it and I know I'll get bored. Also, I hate to loose the unlimited creative freedom we have.
  7. oO . . . I admire KFC's commitment to engage with the world in such a weird and over-the-top way.
  8. Don't Open till Christmas doesn't even try to be coy about what it is. Looks really good to me. I dig it. Whaa? Did KFC just troll Lifetime and Hallmark?
  9. Peeve: All Christmas movies, save for Diehard and Krampus Christmas Mail might be the worst them all. It's almost so-bad-it's-good.
  10. It's all mindless group-think. The idea is embraced by ppl because others champion it. None of them are able to explain why it is complicated or what exactly should be done to fix it. It's just incessant whining. Furthermore, everybody here managed to figure it out. It took me a day or two to understand even to begin to make edits I liked. After that, I'd slowly learn different tricks and tips to doing what I wanted better or differently. Our system currently allows us to do pretty much anything, while all other avatar creation systems eventually run into a wall that limits them. I saw that video. People will project their agenda onto anything Phil does. He looked like he was doing just fine, especially considering that he had a crowd watching him try to figure it out. I thoroughly enjoy the current system and see no reason to change it. Once it's understood, it's empowering and allows for unlimited creativity. =] This feels like scapegoating without enough evidence. PBR and poor performance are bigger problems, in my opinion. I enjoy the process of avatar creation here. I also like that we can edit the code that controls our avatars. Oversimplify any of this and ppl like me will get bored and leave. The technical challenge is part of the fun. Adding extra bento bones was a step in the right direction. Breaking content enrages the virtual population. However, it's not profitable for LL to create an avatar on par with the top 3, otherwise they wouldn't benefit from ppl purchasing lindens to buys the top 3 bodies. Cause you'll buy more lindens then what the body costs. And if you give up and leave, well they already got your money. Your a land baron, am I right? Understand economics you? I must assume so. The mesh bodies and heads create a ton of reason for why new players will buy the in game currency. LL undermining that reason would be them going against their own interests. It's an interesting economic situation. Oddly, Senra outclasses the smarter avatars of the other virtual worlds with easy and it's all that hard to work with. You could have went and played Sansar. Instead you remained here in a 20+ year old retro game. Black Desert Online is about as relevant as Decentraland, as far as I'm concerned. I debates the merits of any vaguely stated requirements and insist that such things be elaborated on in extreme detail. Ya, it's pretty-looking. Now, go pull up the system requirements. See them . . . ? Invest at what cost? One thing at a time. PBR is broken. Most avatars are too complex as it is. 'Fixing' and simplifying this system might be what takes away one of our final selling points. I already covered why it's not in LL's best interest to create a free avatar that competes with the top 3. I disagree, vehemently. A new advanced avatar system like you are advocating for would hurt everybody in my opinion, cause the SL economy to fully implode in on itself, and ultimately leave us stuck with all of old content botched, and a limiting new typing of character creator suite that some of us would consider anti-SL. How would it not break the old one? Given the track record established with PBR I question any feature would could harm the existing way of doing things. This is the worst idea ever, though. I just don't trust LL not to screw it up. 1. I thought you wanted to introduce a new system and leave the old system in place. 2. Your idea, if executed, will mean economic collapse for the grid. 3. I'm going to go with the argument the PC Elite use. It worked for me. 4. Which will destroy the economy and cause a hemorrhage of users as creators flee to anywhere else. 5. How? The in-world economy would be completely wiped out. Why do we need to be relevant? That's another group-think idea: The idea that we need to be relevant. We are currently the de facto standard of virtual worlds, in pretty much every single category anybody can think of. 6. If you aren't going to make an effort to retain old users, recruiting new ones is pointless. And changing to please others is a sure way to loose yourself. Why would a project like this automatically cost several million dollars and take years to complete? it sounds grand and impressive but is sort of nothing burger. I wouldn't take this path. The userbase has declined due to stability and performance issues related to PBR. No need to spend several million dollars. Fix the performance issues instead. Oh, and LL doesn't have years to complete this or to waste time changing systems that everybody here has successfully figured out. I agree with you about the Mobile viewer. I think I disagree about the myth of being relevant, though. I would reject such a system.
  11. It's always good to see this thread get breathed back to life. =] Forward-Render with/without ALM, and even bringing back the Legacy Render with the option to toggle basic shaders on and off, would be beneficial to those of us on the low-end while LL tries to figure out PBR, which brings me back to arguing for the diversification of rendering pipelines. If LL and the TVPs go the route of including all available rendering pipelines instead of focusing only on trying to unite us with one that is inconsistent and currently quite taxing, they will retain more of us longer and increase the chances of SL's ultimate survival, which everybody wants. On the high-end of things, there's no reason why devs couldn't try to figure out ray-tracing in some form, if they wanted, and begin experimenting with that also. Personally, I'd like to see a return-to-the-basics types of options. Plus: a grayscale mode, a rotoscopic cartoon effect that flattened alot of textures but provided good outlining (would be completely do-able), and ASCII with scalability options. Basically, highly optomized reshaing options built into the viewer, which would work a bit like photo tools and filters, except integrated into the rendering pipeline in a way that could be used to increase performance. You know, my same old complaints and rendering ideas that at least half of the ppl here utterly loath. Giving us better control of our rendering pipeline, which our client runs on our machines, would be a huge gain for everybody, regardless of how good or bad our machines are. If I were smarter, I'd try to implement some of these ideas myself. But I'm not. All I can do about it is talk and tinker in little ways. Most of it convinced nobody and accomplishes nothing. Like, if this post actually sparks more conversation related to complaining about PBR, which must be done identify what is wrong with it and to improve it, it's likely that I'll get so annoyed with the pro-PBR perceptive, which I find intolerably forceful, that I'll just end up reverting to the idea of ignoring PBR and advocating for separatism from PBR, when in reality, it really would be better for us to embrace all of the rendering pipelines instead of trying to force-adopt into one. Blah, blah, blah, I'm not exactly saying anything I haven't said before.
  12. When cats hear that can go pop, they on their way.
  13. They just have to stop introducing new features in a way that inadvertently forces ppl to buy water-cooled gaming computers. There is no reason why we can't have viewers that support multiple rendering pipelines and properly scale all the graphical stuff from the low-end to the high-end in a way that works for everybody.
  14. A hypothetical conversation in place of a real argument: The PC Elite: Why can't all the low-end users just go to Open Sim, where they can enjoy being outdated, and leave SL free to continue advancing toward the magical PBR future we want? The low-end user is holding us back. Me: That is fascist scapegoating and wreaks of entitlement. The PC Elite: I think we need to define exactly what [insert a random word that everybody knows exactly what it means here] means. Also, I'd like to insinuate that you don't know what you are talking about, Flossy. In fact, without explaining anything, I'm just going to dismiss what you have to say as moronic. It's important to set the record straight. And ppl will believe me because I said so, because I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. Me: So basically you have no argument. The PC Elite: You know what your problem is---- Me: Why don't you guys just go to Sansar? The PC Elite: What? Me: Didn't LL develop it to be the sum of all the graphical improvements you wanted? The PC Elite: Um . . . Me: Did you even go and look at it?
  15. I am a scatterbrain.
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