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Inconvenient Truths about Second Life

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4 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Is this the same one who created a thread in the Forum? That reminded me of the inanimate animated objects in the "Beauty and the Beast" movie.

I think they came from the same factory?

Needless to say, next time I check the warranty before I buy from there.

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ITASL: No matter how good you are at scripting, there are still some places where even the most awesome farting toy is going to be a complete letdown.

ITASL2: No matter how beautiful your fish-monster avatar is, how artistically perfect, and true-to-fiction, there are still some places where you will not be allowed to go swimming.

Sorry folks, but it just had to be said by someone. I guess I was the one this time.

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11 minutes ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

How do you get to this window in the forums?

I see it in a sidebar off to the right of my screen. Along with the same few recent images that change every week or so.

Default light theme, dunno if that makes any difference.

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The game has server side problem from 21 years ago that are unfixed. The levels of lag and load times you see shouldn't happen in 2024. I have gigbit fiber and have worse lag than I did 16 years ago on 6Mbps cable.

I still have rubber-banding problems. Literally no one has rubber banding problems in 2024. It's a solved problem in online games... Unless the game is Second Life because the low-level server side code hasn't been meaningfully updated since George W. Bush was US president.

I loaded into a sim. Ten minutes later a HUD that's little more about 2MB - as in 2048-bytes of JPEGs and a meaningless amount of text files for scripts - hadn't transferred. I can download a 100GB game in about five minutes. A tiny color changing HUD hasn't loaded in 10 minutes. My Commodore 1541 floppy drive could have loaded it faster, and it was infamous for how slow it was... In 1983.

Let's discuss the client that has absolutely no garbage collection for unused assets. And, assets that are embarrassingly bloated and the opposite of optimized and the "official" Linden Labs policy is that somehow it's not only impossible optimize (except, you know, that similar software have done it - again decades ago) but that they're adding New Graphics Feature 2024 that adds even more bloat and makes the problem worse. Load into a busy sim and my system is swapping to SSD because the Viewer is using more RAM than my entire system. For a game with graphics that were top of the line more than a decade ago.

Don't get me started on what they're doing about garbage performance on Apple Silicon because apparent their policy is "absolutely nothing." Oh, wait, maybe the iOS mobile app will run on Apple Silicon mac except, you know, it doesn't and isn't on the road map. I have a feeling that when Apple drops support for Intel Macs - which will happen, sooner than later - then Second Life will no longer run on macOS. So much for cross-platform, I suppose. Apparently, Windows and the rounding error of users that is Linux is "cross-platform."

Edited by Hara Surya
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24 minutes ago, Hara Surya said:

I loaded into a sim. Ten minutes later a HUD that's little more about 2MB - as in 2048-bytes of JPEGs and a meaningless amount of text files for scripts - hadn't transferred. I can download a 100GB game in about five minutes. A tiny color changing HUD hasn't loaded in 10 minutes. My Commodore 1541 floppy drive could have loaded it faster, and it was infamous for how slow it was... In 1983.

I thought this was literal truth at one time, myself. Then I lowered my maximum bandwidth in prefs to something ridiculously low for someone who can download 4 or 5 MB a second, and all of my stuff loaded way faster. Turns out that max bandwidth setting has nothing to do with what people think it does, and if you set it to what seems right, it'll slow you down into last summer.

ITASL: Often the way things work is counterintuitive to the point that it can hamper the unknowing for, literally, years. It took me years to figure it out. And that's only one of the things I've learned that's given me over 30 FPS instead of about 3 or 4 FPS.

Protip: Be nerd-stubborn if you want a better SL.

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4 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I think they came from the same factory?

Needless to say, next time I check the warranty before I buy from there.

A lamp that carries a torch for you does seem odd, rather than emitting it's own light.

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8 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Inconvenient truth: Maybe, but I still shouldn't have let you tempt me into seeing what the laugh was about.

You'll always be the Final Boss to me now. Have no regrets. Final Bosses don't need sissy stuff like regrets.

And I still haven't seen anyone actually defeat you, like, ever.

So there's that, too.

Rowan Knows, and Love is the Final Boss.®

Edited by PheebyKatz
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31 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

Turns out that max bandwidth setting has nothing to do with what people think it does

Yep. It's one of those things that is proving hard to dispel too. I still see people cranking it to the max despite years of people mentioning it has nothing to do with how fast you download anything.

It's confusingly named, it should be "UDP control bandwidth, DO NOT TOUCH!" and actually not even exist since there's no good reason for this to be a control and if you tell them not to touchy touchy they think it's a conspiracy.

Edited by AmeliaJ08
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Even if we delete every avatar we ever created for Second Life, someone somewhere will have a record of what we said and did. 

Always remember your glitch pants people!

*chortles* - do meshies even need glitch pants?

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On 8/25/2024 at 2:42 AM, Hara Surya said:

I still have rubber-banding problems. Literally no one has rubber banding problems in 2024. It's a solved problem in online games... Unless the game is Second Life because the low-level server side code hasn't been meaningfully updated since George W. Bush was US president.

I'm working on that in my Sharpview experimental viewer right now. I'm up to SL viewer levels of performance, and might be able to do a bit better. I coded the fix in Firestorm years ago which made region crossings look sane. But the viewer can do only so much. The simulator is in charge.

What the server tells the viewer is "go here, then, optionally continue at this velocity and direction until otherwise directed". There's no time or distance limit sent with that info. If anything delays the next update, any velocity-driven motion runs too long, and you overshoot. This happens when 1) you cross a region boundary, or 2) the simulator has a brief stall for some reason, usually because an avatar is entering the region. So even minor sim-side stalls generate rubber-banding. To observe this, go to a busy shopping area and open Advanced->Statistics, and watch the sim side frame rate and the number of main agents. Normal is 45 FPS. When the number of main agents increases, someone has entered the region, and, briefly, the sim side FPS will drop, often as low as 4 to 6 FPS. You'll now see both rubber-banding and very slow movement until avatar loading completes.

Delays as an avatar enters a region seem to be behind a number of SL problems - region crossing fails, teleport fails, avatar clothing fails, rubber-banding, etc. This is a bug, but it's a several people for a year or two sized bug. As users, we need to keep LL's attention on this. They hate to be reminded, but it really is a killer bug that impacts the user experience in many ways.

On 8/25/2024 at 2:42 AM, Hara Surya said:

I loaded into a sim. Ten minutes later a HUD that's little more about 2MB - as in 2048-bytes of JPEGs and a meaningless amount of text files for scripts - hadn't transferred. I can download a 100GB game in about five minutes. A tiny color changing HUD hasn't loaded in 10 minutes. My Commodore 1541 floppy drive could have loaded it faster, and it was infamous for how slow it was... In 1983.

Textures not loading is usually a viewer-side bug. I've had that fixed in experimental Sharpview for a while now. LL looked into fixing that as part of Project Interesting some years back, but abandoned that branch. The code that does that in the C++ viewers is ... not too good.

Objects not appearing at all is usually a simulator-side bug. If things get far enough that an object appears at all, even as a grey blob, it's the viewer's job to take it the rest of the way. There is a race condition as a region goes live which results in some objects not appearing. I have a somewhat hokey workaround for that.

I'm not sure which side is responsible for incomplete avatar appearance, the thing in busy clubs where avatars appear nude and don't finish loading their clothing for minutes, if ever. Or get stuck in pink cloud mode.

Anyway, enough about the internal machinery for today.

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After 14 years in SL (give or take) it's kind of "meh" boring. The people are fickle, the sims are empty, and the overall inworld environment is stagnant.

The best thing about Second Life for me at this stage is the music; I'm always discovering new songs that I haven't heard before.

Edited by Destiny Marques
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33 minutes ago, Kalegthepsionicist said:

I love bot and the afker at sandbox ...

they never complain...


Those bots and AFKers at the sandbox are going to retaliate and strike back if they hear you complaining about being bored one more time! LOL

Edited by Destiny Marques
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36 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

Inconvenient truth - you'll gradually transition from being a young buck/buckette complaining about Myopic Captain Oldbies to becoming a Presbyoptic Commander Oldbie your ownself.

"Before Mesh we.."

"Before Windlight we.."

"Before EEP we.."

"Before PBR we.."


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1 hour ago, Flower Caerndow said:

Inconvenient truth - By putting two or three people on your ignore list you can read through a thread much faster!

I don’t have anyone on Ignore, but I often think of doing it for a couple people who post a lot and whose posts I usually just skim or skip. 

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