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Are there methods to find out a person's other avatars

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I was in a roleplay sim and in group chat they were saying they could find out a person's alts via their ISP number...Is that still possible?  I heard that every sim owner had that capability at their fingertips, is that so?  I remember a sim owner telling someone they checked a few people to see their alt names.

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13 minutes ago, AppleJellee said:

I was in a roleplay sim and in group chat they were saying they could find out a person's alts via their ISP number...Is that still possible?  I heard that every sim owner had that capability at their fingertips, is that so?  I remember a sim owner telling someone they checked a few people to see their alt names.

The people who told you that are either fools or liars, and probably both.

There are really bad scam-tech security systems on sale that promise to tell you if people are alts, but again, scam-tech based on stupidity.


These days many people use a "VPN" for protection against malicious content on the web, and VPN users appear to have the IP address of... the VPN, as in ALL of them use the VPN's IP..

It's also common now for people to have dynamic IP addresses, because there are more people using the net than there are available IP's, so you get a different dynamic IP EVERY time they connect to the web.


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It used to be possible to grab someone's IP address via Voice Chat servers and we used to have scripted items that would check someone's IP when they entered the region. Those things are very much illegal on SL these days and no longer work. I would not trust that Sim Owner. It's impossible to grab someone's IP address via SL tools now.

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3 minutes ago, Zambe Boo said:

It used to be possible to grab someone's IP address via Voice Chat servers and we used to have scripted items that would check someone's IP when they entered the region. Those things are very much illegal on SL these days and no longer work. I would not trust that Sim Owner. It's impossible to grab someone's IP address via SL tools now.

There remain ways to get IP addresses easier and more reliably than Vivox ever was, but as amply explained above, only idiots would rely on an IP match to identify alts with any kind of confidence. IP address-based "alt" detection, as laughably flawed as it was, nonetheless made for stupendous drama—and helped send a creep back to jail so it wasn't all for naught.

Even after that fiasco, it's never been against the ToS  to merely get the IP address of an SL connection. Rather, the violation is in identifying and revealing alt accounts by any means, reliably or not. Most third party viewers changed to make it easier to avoid certain forms of IP address leakage that are especially simple to grab by alt-obsessed creeps.

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Yeah, the problem is not that people can detect alts, which as others above have noted isn't really reliably possible, but rather that there are people who think one can -- and who may be stupid or uncaring enough to act on false or unreliable information.

In other words, this isn't really possible, but the belief that it is can still wreak havoc.

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42 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

only idiots would rely on an IP match to identify alts with any kind of confidence

An IP match is no 100% proof but what is it? 99%? Close enough.

Of course if you listen to support forums then games are flooded with household sharing members since it's always the brother who installed the cheat software on their pc that got them innocently caught.


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34 minutes ago, xDancingStarx said:

An IP match is no 100% proof but what is it? 99%? Close enough.

Except it works for exactly 0% of those with alts they try to keep anonymous.

So, yeah, it'll identify some alts whose alt identity only matters to the creep obsessed with finding alts.

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54 minutes ago, xDancingStarx said:

An IP match is no 100% proof but what is it? 99%? Close enough.


I admit that I always get a chuckle out of seeing statements like this. At no time throughout all my life, having lived in various countries throughout western Europe, have I ever had an ISP with static IPs.

It's funny to see people proclaim the accuracy of IP matches when a lot of folks can just press a button and get a completely different IP address within seconds.

Edited by ValKalAstra
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You have a greater confidence in detecting alts by paying attention to how they "talk".  Turns of phrases, shared typos, how they spell things out sometime, sometimes even proximity. (No one has seen me and Taylor Swift in the same room...I keep missing her by |> <| this much! 😛)

People trying to hide alt identities are generally careful about these things, but slip ups happen and complacency eventually wins... usually. (that right there is one of my tells lol) Hardly concrete and foolproof I'll be the first to admit, but it's more accurate than trying to any so called IP matching... probably.

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26 minutes ago, Anna Salyx said:

You have a greater confidence in detecting alts by paying attention to how they "talk".  Turns of phrases, shared typos, how they spell things out sometime, sometimes even proximity. (No one has seen me and Taylor Swift in the same room...I keep missing her by |> <| this much! 😛)

People trying to hide alt identities are generally careful about these things, but slip ups happen and complacency eventually wins... usually. (that right there is one of my tells lol) Hardly concrete and foolproof I'll be the first to admit, but it's more accurate than trying to any so called IP matching... probably.

Seconding this.  I have a friend... well, a friends?  I've known them by a few names in SL, and they play each part to a T.  They don't know the others (their other alts), they've never met my husband, different job, marital status, number of children, etc...
... but the tells are there.  I used to be insulted that they thought so little of my intelligence.  Now I figure whatever; it's their SL, they can do what they want with it.

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I had a static IP for a while when I had a business account with my ISP (I've been working from home for 16 years now).  Eventually my employer got too cheap to continue reimbursing me for the extra cost of the business account, so I went back to hang out with the peons and their dynamic IPs.

As long as the internet has been a thing, it still astounds me that people don't understand the concept of dynamic IPs. 

This sounds like the people who post bloviating threats in their SL profiles that if you hurt one of their friends or family, they can find out who you are and come get you in RL. It's all BS. 

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Let's say there'd be a way to see someone's ping, and weirdly two accounts match perfectly' comparative to the others in a sim that are all over the place, that'd be a way of at the very least deducting; not fool proof. 

I don't think what you're asking though is plausible. 

What is plausible however.

Simulations crashing/log outs, way of speech, profile, age of said profile, proximity and shared interests in sims' you might even have some1's alts as friends not knowing as they're very much into the same things as you' and their main. 

There's many easier ways to finding out of some1 has an alt or which is which' I'd def say this person is merely acting cool or heard from a "friend," and simply relaying false info. There are ways for sim owners to spy on visitors, but it is in no way as intrusive as obtaining your IP, if you are banned on 1 account from a sim, I don't remember if it's also an IP ping, I believe not but can be wrong. That'd be the only way in that manner of "getting a ping," or if you're a hacker then I guess anything goes. 

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Dynamic IPs... wait until the Internet finally fully adopts IPv6. One day. Soon. Maybe.

Basic privacy with that comes from a PC randomising its 'public' IPv6 address every time it connects. Given the number of available IPv6 addresses, it's unlikely you would ever have the same one twice, or that anyone else would ever get one you've had even if they used your allocation range (like multiple PCs in one house). My own registered allocation block has 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,174 addresses! That's a few more than my /28 IPv4 routed subnet (=14 usable IPv4 addresses) that I've clung onto for nearly 20 years.

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4 hours ago, Anna Salyx said:

You have a greater confidence in detecting alts by paying attention to how they "talk".  Turns of phrases, shared typos, how they spell things out sometime, sometimes even proximity. (No one has seen me and Taylor Swift in the same room...I keep missing her by |> <| this much! 😛)

People trying to hide alt identities are generally careful about these things, but slip ups happen and complacency eventually wins... usually. (that right there is one of my tells lol) Hardly concrete and foolproof I'll be the first to admit, but it's more accurate than trying to any so called IP matching... probably.

Thirding this. The same spelling mistake? The same way of spelling like "colour" etc? A distinct use of sentence case or ellipsis ... all easier to spot signs of an alt whose main is trying to hide the fact than engineering an IP solution. Being open about your alts (expect my male alt to thumb this post and speak to my great qualities shortly) is a far easier way of doing things unless you just need a way to relax and get away from the stress of 1,000 friends in world and need a night by yourself.

Of course, most people associate alts = nefarious reasons for good reason.

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I don't have a static IP, but it doesn't change with every logout/in, either, and in any case, if someone would geo-check a couple of IP adresses of my main and alt account, they'd know at least that "we" live in pretty close proximity. That's no proof, of course, but... 

23 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

only idiots would rely on an IP match to identify alts with any kind of confidence

Well, yes. That's the point, though, perhaps, people trying to "catch alts" probably are exactly that, and don't care about confidence. Their mission isn't about confidently matching IPs to uncover alts with 100% accuracy, but drama, any % over 0 is probably good enough for them 😅

If you need or want to join a website or such that your role play sim has set up, by the way, consider registering not with your main email address, or any that you'd not want them to know.

(it's not paranoia if they are really out there to get you, was it, right? ;))

Edited by InnerCity Elf
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17 minutes ago, Terry Pratchett said:

^^ This. Not only is she gorgeous and smart and a talented artist ... she knows how to spell colour correctly. What a stunning .. and did I say gorgeous ... girl that @Katherine Heartsong is?

I was gonna do that for someone else in this thread. You beat me to it!

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