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Official or Firestorm?


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20 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

French Fries - in the US - come in MANY form factors, my grocery store sells all of these:

- "Extra Crispy", "Restaurant/Fast Food" fries - thin cut

- "Classic Cut" fries - a little thicker cut

- "Curly" fries

- "Steak" fries - thick cut

- "Crinkle" fries

- "House cut" fries

- "Waffle" fries


I like seasoned waffle fries with tzatziki. Yum.

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What I dislike about the Official viewer is the regular forced updates and then having to redo some of the settings as they don't seem to carry over from the last install. The lack of an inworld support group proves it is not suitable for new people because if they have an issue, which is almost guaranteed, they have no easy to find resources to fix the problems. Part of the problem for newer people is not even having a clue what question to even ask. That is where a Group like the Firestorm support comes in handy because other people asking questions has made me aware of multiple features for all viewers that I had no clue were available.

Recommending the SL viewer to new people is almost a guarantee they will not last long.


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So @Bazzilla, as you see, people tend to have strong feelings about viewers. They are mostly rational , reflecting the sorts of things that they find themselves doing a lot. RLVa is a valuable feature of FS  for many people because it makes quick costume changes easy, for example. The FS built-in AO is also a nice feature -- I use it myself. They also have handy "macros" that you can use to teleport yourself to any altitude and back to ground level, rez a temporary platform or do several other neat things.

As some people have pointed out, those features can come at a performance cost and they do make for a bewildering collection of options. The average user doesn't deal with more than a handful of those features -- sort of like a lot of the bloatware that is installed on new computers these days -- and the rest lie dormant in several extra pages of Preference settings.  Many of those same features are in Debug Settings provided by the standard LL viewer and available in any of the TPVs, so they aren't really unique to any of them.  Excellent AOs are a dime a dozen in SL too, so while it's handy to have one in the viewer, it's like choosing a new car model because you like its radio.

As Sid says, the choice between Firestorm and the LL viewer is like the choice between Apple or Android, Pepsi or Coke, PC or Mac, or pineapple/anchovy/banana/artichoke on your pizza. (I won't get into the potato chip debate.) People make a choice and they get comfortable with it. It becomes familiar and easy; other choices seem clumsy or backwards by comparison. They develop brand loyalty and reinforce each others' opinions -- loudly and rationally for the most part. I continue to use both viewers as I have for many years, because I can find things to like -- and dislike -- about each one.  Instead of making your own choice on the basis of forum opinions, I still strongly suggest trying them yourself and giving them a fair side by-side comparison to see what you like. As Zalificent and others will tell you, there are also other TPVs to consider too. Make up your own mind.

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38 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

I could be wrong but I have the impression that French fries are thinner that our chips. I make my own chips and I'm expecting a delivery of an air fryer from Amazon today. It has a tubular basket to rotate stuff in and I'm looking forward to seeing how does with chips. My current air fryer isn't geared to turn stuff, so I'm giving it away - along with my deep fat fryer that I've made chips in before.

I can discuss French Fries into lenghts. BTW, French Fries isn't even the correct word for what is called by the Brits "chips". Since 2017; the procedure of making French Fries is recognized as national intangible heritage of Belgium by Unesco and should be called "Belgian Fries".

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17 minutes ago, Dorientje Woller said:

I can discuss French Fries into lenghts. BTW, French Fries isn't even the correct word for what is called by the Brits "chips". Since 2017; the procedure of making French Fries is recognized as national intangible heritage of Belgium by Unesco and should be called "Belgian Fries".

And the French call fries pommes frites, meaning "fried potatoes".

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5 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

These kind of discussions are mainly like, should I eat my pizza with or without pineapple, should I eat a burger with or without a knife and fork in a real restaurant, should I eat my fries with mayo or ketchup, do I need an Apple smartphone or one running on Android? Pepsi or Coke?

4 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

Ketchup, definitely :D

2 hours ago, BillFletcher said:

Chips, fries, whatever you call them, if they need any sort of dressing they aren't worth eating

Properly fried and fresh French fries/ chips don't need extra seasoning besides a little salt, but are a wonderful carrier for all kinds of other flavors. My general fast food choice would be ranch dressing rather than ketchup, but I love me some chilli cheese fries. Brits also like curry fries, while Canadians like poultine .

Btw, one of my favorite quotes from this forum was when someone said Second Life smells like baked potatoes. 🥔 

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8 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Properly fried and fresh French fries/ chips don't need extra seasoning besides a little salt, but are a wonderful carrier for all kinds of other flavors. My general fast food choice would be ranch dressing rather than ketchup, but I love me some chilli cheese fries. Brits also like curry fries, while Canadians like poultine .

Btw, one of my favorite quotes from this forum was when someone said Second Life smells like baked potatoes. 🥔 

I did not see any mention in the thread yet of using "malt vinegar" as a condiment for chips/fries. IJS.

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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I did not see any mention in the thread yet of using "malt vinegar" as a condiment for chips/fries. IJS.

I think malt vinegar just gets on the chips naturally when one is putting it on one's fried fish.  Salt and black pepper is good on fries/ chips too. 

Btw,  I've already looked up the Wienerschnitzel menu for coupons for chili cheese fries and a chili burger.

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1 minute ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I think malt vinegar just gets on the chips naturally when one is putting it on one's fried fish.  Salt and black pepper is good on fries/ chips too. 

Btw,  I've already looked up the Wienerschnitzel menu for coupons for chili cheese fries and a chili burger.

I can only speak for my own experience in the US, but "fast food" places that specialized in fried fish, would always have "malt vinegar" on the table.  I intentionally put the vinegar on my fries at those places (not just on the fish)!


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As Rolig says, it's very much a matter of personal taste.     For myself, I've never really see the attraction of Firestorm.   I've got nothing against the viewer, though I was rather put off by the evangelical fervour  of some of its more enthusiastic supporters back in the days of the "viewer wars," but it's always seemed to me to be a bit of a Swiss Army Knife, with a few features I find really useful on the odd occassion I need them, and dozens that I never use.    That reflects what I look for in a viewer, of course, and probably also reflects the fact that I'm sufficiently old school that I became accustomed to using the debug menu to access various viewer settings well before Firestorm exposed them through the UI.   

I tend to use the Official Viewer most of the time, generally one of the release candidates, because I like to familiarise myself with all the latest features as soon as they become availalble, and Catznip, which has a very similar look and feel to the Official Viewer, when I want to do anything with RLVa.    Firestorm I tend to use primarily to check that objects and scripts look and work the same way  in that viewer as they do in the  other two.

Also, not so worried about condiments with chips as much as I'm concerned about how they're cooked -- heat lard or beef dripping (not vegetable oil) until it's starting to smoke, then deep fry them until they're just turning golden, remove them from the fat and drain them while reheating the fat until  it's starting to smoke again, and then return to the fat until they're golden brown.

Edited by Innula Zenovka
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I've tried nearly every single TPV available for SL. So far, sticking primarily with Firestorm, followed very closely with Cool VL and Genesis. Kokua is OK, and I'm happy it recently returned to Linux.

I have the best uptime with Cool VL and I think pictures look great from it, almost as sharp as Alchemy. (Nothing beats Black Dragon for photos, even in 2023.)

Genesis works great if I don't mind a less dynamic looking color palette, and am running integrated graphics at mid level or less with 128 or lower draw distance. My older laptop runs cooler anyway when I'm on integrated graphics on lesser settings, regardless of viewer used but Genesis is the best for this purpose IMO.

The LL viewer has given me some issues recently with a 'squished' look at high graphics settings. IDK why, but that's cemented my favored TPVs more.

Chips? Is there a viewer for that?

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