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5 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Sorry, I was intending to refer to the bragging part, not the veracity. Apologies for being unclear. Extreme bragging.

Definitely not extreme bragging, or even moderate bragging. It only ever gets mentioned when it the topic comes up.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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Peeve: That after the flu/covid virus that hit me hard a few weeks ago, I thought my sense of taste was coming back. I can hardly smell or taste anything today.

Pet Delight: the saltiness of corned beef along with the soapiness of avocado made for a very pleasant sandwich this lunchtime.

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14 hours ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

Claiming that somebody who DOES NOT WANT random strangers in their home, is AUTOMATICALLY "obnoxious" is one of the most obnoxious things I've ever seen you post.

Spoken like a TRUE "What's mine is mine AND what's YOURS is MINE too!" enemy of neighbourhood civility.

Peeve: discovering that not everyone with the same surname as mine in Second Life is going to be pleasant and familial. A particular house-maker was very obnoxious towards me after his security orb booted me for going into the sky on his sim. Fair enough, I shouldn't have been exploring (perhaps), but I hadn't had to use the fly override feature, so thought flying was alright. His security orb kicked me, which I thought was fair enough, but then he, Mr D, felt the need to rant at me for trespassing.

It won't be a surprise to me if he has gone out of business. Karma gets everyone in the end.

Edited by Marigold Devin
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22 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Peeve: People who supposedly have you on ignore but react to your posts when you haven't even been quoted.

Quartz Mole has you on ignore ? 😮

Peeve : I wish I was ignored by moderation too.

Edited by Ted McGregor
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1 minute ago, Phil Deakins said:
6 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: We need more posts that call out good points of named individuals!

But they wouldn't be peeves ;)

Peeve: I shall not attempt to reach the height of logic which Phil attains!

See? That's an example.

Another example: Peeve: My female Alt will never be as lovely as @Rowan Amore

I could do this all day, Phil!

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Oh would you look at that - the expected outcome of an 'argument' occurred!

ETA: This isn't the "old days" here, where one could do such things for pages upon pages while also derailing a topic until one cannot truly recognize it anymore - stop trying to always be 'right' or trying to get the last word in. Say your piece, make corrections if needed (and no they are not always needed) and then move on.

Can't do that? Start using the Ignore function then.

Can't do that? Well then time to take a break.

Can't/won't do that? Eventually the Moderation team will make you do so. Then it is on you. Not them. You.

After all of that if you still cannot/will not adjust ... Then it is time to move on from the forum itself. Willingly or not.

Edited by Solar Legion
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8 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

And booting in 0 seconds isn't being an enemy of neighbourhood civility?

Peeve: I fully and completely support 0-second security systems, so long as 0-seconds is not against the covenant of wherever the device is used. Take that, civility!!1!!

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: I shall not attempt to reach the height of logic which Phil attains!

See? That's an example.

Peeve : Hidden snark within examples.

Peeve 2 : Implied limbodancing.

Edited by Ted McGregor
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Peeve: This weird dependency of the Second Life business side on Facebook of all things. Want to see what's on sale at an event? Facebook. Want to contact an organizer about a booth and inquire about fees? Facebook. Contacting a blogger for a flickr ad campaign?

Somehow... believe it or not, Facebook. Argh!

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18 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

Yep, that would be me then. I just look in from time to time to see how that chip on your shoulder is doing. 

Peeve: When you have someone on ignore and have to like their post when you see they mentioned people having them on ignore! (Not you..)

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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