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26 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Yeah, I've run across him before.

And you didn't TELL me? PEEVE! My brother just emailed me about him earlier. He's the textile lover, so I'm not surprised he found him first. This designer slipped by me somehow.😂


30 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Also, India has become the innovator in fabric manufacture and design, and I wish more of this sort of thing were available here. But it's all fast fashion these days.

Big same, though, me when I first saw his portfolio...



Sigh. If only we had the swishes.


27 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Wow. Yes. This is totally accessible.


Yep! That's gorgeous, too. I was looking at this one cape and thought...only $300? Seriously? And it's so pretty. A regular person could totally save up for this. I've touched Helmut Lang tees that cost more than that (quite literally touched - I took a romp through Selfridges on Oxford Street in London one day just to touch things I'd never be able to afford, LOL).

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36 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Big same, though, me when I first saw his portfolio...


Yes, I made the same connection!

36 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I was looking at this one cape and thought...only $300? Seriously?

He has a real eye for draping. Understanding how fabric sits and moves is such an important piece of fashion design!

As for the price . . . well, I suspect his labour costs in India are, shall we say, less prohibitive?

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7 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

He has a real eye for draping. Understanding how fabric sits and moves is such an important piece of fashion design!

So agree. That's the very first thing I noticed when checking out his ready-to-wear. I've been totally digging the super-wide billowy, palazzo pants look lately for some random reason (yet another thing we can't have in SL due to mesh wonkiness - peeve!), so the drape of his capes and dresses immediately caught my eye. 


14 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

As for the price . . . well, I suspect his labour costs in India are, shall we say, less prohibitive?

It almost feels wrong somehow. I've seen enough Gucci and Balenciaga off-the-rack nightmare fuel with the stupidest prices soaring into the thousands, yet here's this talented visionary selling his extremely classy yet functional and wearable to serious social and/or business functions outfits and dresses for the price of a cheap ugly Coach bag on clearance at Macy's. I'd feel kind of bad not paying a little more, lol.

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50 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

yet another thing we can't have in SL due to mesh wonkiness - peeve!

Well, we can't in the sense of moving, naturally-falling garments, no -- but how the mesh is shaped to drape, particularly around the bodice and shoulders in tops, the legs in pants, and the hips in skirts and dresses, is almost always a determining factor in whether I'll buy something or not here. I almost never get skin-tight stuff. I want to see at least the illusion of space and movement and flow.

53 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

It almost feels wrong somehow. I've seen enough Gucci and Balenciaga off-the-rack nightmare fuel with the stupidest prices soaring into the thousands, yet here's this talented visionary selling his extremely classy yet functional and wearable to serious social and/or business functions outfits and dresses for the price of a cheap ugly Coach bag on clearance at Macy's. I'd feel kind of bad not paying a little more, lol.

Well, as he's Indian himself, I suspect it's a bit different -- but I don't really understand the ins-and-outs of that. But yeah, I'd rather spend $400 on a piece from India (and not merely churned out in a developing world sweatshop, but actually designed there) than something designed in the West, with the profits going there.

On top of which, I think that there's an accent in these pieces that is authentically inspired by Indian style, and not merely culturally appropriated in what are probably awful ways.

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8 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Well, we can't in the sense of moving, naturally-falling garments, no -- but how the mesh is shaped to drape, particularly around the bodice and shoulders in tops, the legs in pants, and the hips in skirts and dresses, is almost always a determining factor in whether I'll buy something or not here. I almost never get skin-tight stuff. I want to see at least the illusion of space and movement and flow.

I very much agree with this, and although I do peeve a LOT about the state of natural movement in garments across the entire games spectrum (hell, even 3D films struggle with this - the mini documentary about how hair movement was handled in Disney movies like Tangled and Encanto is really interesting), I do appreciate the other techniques that are employed to simulate clothing as realistically as possible, including draping. I don't like skin tight much either (even in RL) unless it's accompanied by something to give it a bit of movement and contrast.


9 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

On top of which, I think that there's an accent in these pieces that is authentically inspired by Indian style, and not merely culturally appropriated in what are probably awful ways.

Yes yes yes! All of this. This reminds me, actually. There's a singer named Lido Pimienta who some refer to as a "Colombian Björk" and that does actually describe her fashion style rather well. I posted one of her videos for "No Pude" in the music thread, but if you didn't see it there (or ya know, more location blocked goodness - PEEVE), go look her up - she's an absolute joy. Traditional clothing mixed with avant-garde fashion is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. And soooooooooo difficult to find in SL (I struggle to find Afrofuturistic fashion here - yes, there's yet another peeve).

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   Peeve: overly-carbonated beverages. Having to wait for a beer to stop being just froth after having poured it from a metre to knock out most of the excess gas. And then having to top it off because only a quarter of the glass contains liquid. And because of the thirst and anticipation built up whilst fiddling with it, the entire thing is gone in seconds.

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Just now, Orwar said:

   Peeve: overly-carbonated beverages. Having to wait for a beer to stop being just froth after having poured it from a metre to knock out most of the excess gas. And then having to top it off because only a quarter of the glass contains liquid. And because of the thirst and anticipation built up whilst fiddling with it, the entire thing is gone in seconds.

Irony: When the solution is..MORE BEER! 

Peeve: Warm beer


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On 8/31/2024 at 6:57 PM, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: This being almost Spooky Season, and assuming "ghosts" are mostly "alpha":

- Would ghosts have shadows?

- Would projectors cast shadows onto ghosts?

Ghosts would be alpha.

They would have shadows.

They wouldn't receive shadows from projectors though, only sun/moon.

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   Peeve: when you decide that today will be a good day for a smoke, and so you look through the humidor to find something a little every-day - but apparently I'm out of every-day stuff.

   Oh well, a Churchill by Romeo y Julieta it is ..

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Yet again the forums have shown that it's not OK say things even in light banter and it's certainly not OK to follow them up with your own well reasoned thoughts.  If you do, you will be hounded, accused of things you are not doing and pathetic people who just don't like you will put little agrees and thanks on the posts of those engaging in it.

This place is a sewer.

Good job everyone who participates in that.

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Look I'll be the first to agree that the forum has turned into a ***** hole these past few months.

A lot of regulars seem to keep their sane distance, activity in the picture threads has dwindled and some of the images should probably get some AR action. The overall tone is harsh, mods seem on vacation (or overworked and backlogged) and you can't go two threads without people going at it.

That said, this isn't a video game. If all you're seeing is enemies, that's probably not the right direction and if little post reactions get to you it might be a good idea to step back for a bit. Sorry you have experienced this place that badly.

I mostly agree there.

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On 9/3/2024 at 5:40 AM, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Well, we can't in the sense of moving, naturally-falling garments

We could if LL implemented vertex shaders for mesh (like they did with prims/flexi-prims).

The video is quite long and also covers things like cloth damage, etc. but does show how vertex shaders can be used to fake cloth simulation (at much lower processing costs than real cloth simulations).  Also, since It's a demo it uses some pretty extreme wind settings to better illustrate the effect, but what I found interesting was the effect the combination of gravity and motion have on the clothing.  There's an explanation of how it works at the end of the video but essentially it just involves using a "weight map" to control how much effect the vertex shaders displacement has on different parts of the mesh.

Of course we'd then have to contend with "flexi-mesh" which, given the complexity of a lot of mesh clothing available, would probably be far worse for performance than flexi-prims ever were, so it's probably a good thing LL haven't done that yet?! 🤔

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21 minutes ago, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

We could if LL implemented vertex shaders for mesh (like they did with prims/flexi-prims).


Of course we'd then have to contend with "flexi-mesh" which, given the complexity of a lot of mesh clothing available, would probably be far worse for performance than flexi-prims ever were, so it's probably a good thing LL haven't done that yet?! 🤔

(sowry if vid got copied) but yes apart from the flexi prim slur :)

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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:


Then of course there's also trees and grass that sway in the wind, water with ripples and waves, and so forth.  And, since gravity would rely on using the world co-ordinate system, if they provided a variety of different procedural noise effects and per object control over the strength of effect in each axis, you could probably (ab)use it to make things that contain parts which are always perpendicular to or parallel with the ground (and any arbitrary angle you choose in between) and all sorts of other crazy stuff. 🤔

Pet Peeve: All the nice things we can't have!

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Just now, sirhc DeSantis said:

yes apart from the flexi prim slur :)

I know, I kind of love them too... but having played around and made a bunch of things with them it's hard to deny that they impact framerates pretty heavily compared to most other content, and I doubt trying to do that with a million polygons is going to end well. :) 

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3 minutes ago, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

Pet Peeve: All the nice things we can't have!

Peeve: Of course, one can design and create things one's self that "simulate" a lot of different behaviors..but with prims not mesh. 

Peeve2: If LL ever takes away flexi for Prims and doesn't replace it with flexi for Mesh (considering that flexi is taking forever for the Mobile viewer..).  I've used a flexi-tail of my own design for many years that changes gravity, etc. randomly for "twitching". (I didn't try having it respond to "wind".)

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   Peeve: Spotify on my desktop doesn't show the 'recently played' list for what I've been listening to on my phone. 

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Peeve: Spotify randomly deciding to reset my password since they suspect suspicious activity. Of course, I use an email for it that I barely ever check, so there I am thinking I lost my damn mind when logging back in no longer works. 😒

Spotify, if someone really wants to bump G Yamazawa in their car from my account, let em. Dun care.

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