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6 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: Assuming "knowing what someone's computer room looks like" is code for "we spoke on webcam".


(Why "Ewwww"? If all you did was "speak" on webcam, then there's no need for a euphemism such as "know what my computer room looks like".)

I didn't at all read his statement like that. I've seen a couple of people's computer rooms who are on these forums, both males, and there was no webcam or voice involved in either situation. (Am I doing it all wrong?)

But then when my old boyfriend used to suggest Netflix and chill, I really thought that was what he wanted, and we did actually watch an episode or two of Dirk Gently every time he came over! (But we also had sex. Ewwww TMI tee hee hee).

Edited by Marigold Devin
please don't hate me
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3 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I loved seeing when people would mess up in those zoom meetings and forget things they had in the background..

One guy got so comfy that he started smoking weed during a zoom meeting.. hehehe

That didn't end well for him..

Now I can't stop thinking about that bloke on the news who used a filter at the wrong moment.



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Peeve: I don't have a computer room, on the plus side though I have a laptop so I don't really need one.  Still, it would be pretty nice to have a room just for computers, one computer to locally host GPT,  another for  image generation, one for OpenSim, then I could have a section for retro computers, and then just one for general use such as web surfing and playing games with.  I guess I would like to add yet another though, to stream movies and games from.

I find myself in need of more computers to do all of the things I want to do, and a room to put them all in.  Still, I am pretty happy with what this old computer can accomplish, even though it is a bit slow at it.  With all of the new software I am fascinated by that is coming out, I haven't had a need for more computers until recently to run them all simultaneously.  It used to be that I needed two computers just to browse the web while playing EverQuest, but as computers became faster I found that unnecessary and switched to just using one for years.

Edited by Istelathis
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1 minute ago, Istelathis said:

Peeve: I don't have a computer room, on the plus side though I have a laptop so I don't really need one.  Still, it would be pretty nice to have a room just for computers, one computer to locally host GPT,  another for  image generation, one for OpenSim, then I could have a section for retro computers, and then just one for general use such as web surfing and playing games with.  I guess I would like to add yet another though, to stream movies and games from.

I find myself in need of more computers to do all of the things I want to do, and a room to put them all in.  Still, I am pretty happy with what this old computer can accomplish, even though it is a bit slow at it.

I don't have a computer room either, but I tend to call the back bedroom at my brother's house the computer room, because that's where I escape to some of the time when I'm there. My brother calls it something less cool - the granny flat :D - but really it's just the room where everything gets chucked, so it should really be called the junk room. 

I've seen some pretty nice set-ups, with multiple screens and devices with whirring fans that sound like they are about to take off. I get scared with loud noises, can't even use a cooker hood because of it. Mission control would be wasted on me. I like things simple. On. Off. Up. Down. Left. Right.

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And since my computer room has become a matter of discussion, here's a pic of a bit of it. In all it's glory LOL. The printed pics on the right are of my "Toy" AV, which was for a project I never had a chance to finish. 


Edited by Bagnu
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7 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

And since my computer room has become a matter of discussion, here's a pic of a bit of it. In all it's glory LOL. The printed pics on the right are of my "Toy" AV, which was for a project I never had a chance to finish.


It kind of reminds me of how I used to have my computers set up, I had cables everywhere, also several computers.  To cut back on my desk real-estate I would make use of a KVM switch for three computers IIRC, while having a fourth for my general purpose computer.  Cable management was difficult, when I was constantly moving things around, digging into my computer guts, swapping things from one to another, updating and so on.

I was worried at some  point, the cables would conspire against me.  I blame this little short video for my over active imagination at play with that 🤣


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28 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

Now I can't stop thinking about that bloke on the news who used a filter at the wrong moment.



I loved the ones during covid that were giving the weather and their pets or their kids would come into the room..

Kids just waking up slamming open the door rubbing their eyes with either, Mommy!! or Daaaady!  hehehe

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26 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

Я люблю прості речі. Увімкнено. Вимкнено. вгору вниз. Ліворуч. правильно.

I support) I like simple and clear (so not Linux). My bedroom is my living room, my study, my computer room (sometimes dining room) and my dressing room. One computer, a keyboard, several flash drives, two speakers (without a subwoofer, I don't like loud sounds either, so it's not rock or metal). good mood. the keyboard should glow in the dark (because I'm on the computer when everyone is asleep), so I laugh, trying not to be too loud (but when it's really funny, I slide under the table and laugh in convulsions there. It sounds scary. )) I dream of a game computer - but the old one will also go) The whole house further on (a few more rooms) then everything is for public use) I work there - but I live here

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41 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

And since my computer room has become a matter of discussion, here's a pic of a bit of it. In all it's glory LOL. The printed pics on the right are of my "Toy" AV, which was for a project I never had a chance to finish. 


Organised chaos, and I have some of that for sure right here where I'm sitting at my living room table. I always seem to be crawling about at the back of something electronic plugging wires in and out. Switch boxes are very useful. 

Peeve: That I can't easily dispose of an old style monitor so it's cluttering up a corner. 

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37 minutes ago, Istelathis said:

It kind of reminds me of how I used to have my computers set up, I had cables everywhere, also several computers.  To cut back on my desk real-estate I would make use of a KVM switch for three computers IIRC, while having a fourth for my general purpose computer.  Cable management was difficult, when I was constantly moving things around, digging into my computer guts, swapping things from one to another, updating and so on.

I was worried at some  point, the cables would conspire against me.  I blame this little short video for my over active imagination at play with that 🤣


That was a fun film!!! Looks like a Super8 or 16 transfer to digital. I built one that can do that, but I haven't used it in a few years. The stepper motor is very loud, and it can't do more than about 6FPS. My RL wife hates the noise. The camera isn't lined up, because it's just been sitting there. I had to 3D print the connector to the lens. It's in my computer room lol


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30 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

That was a fun film!!!

I remember the first time I saw it as a child, and it absolutely terrified me 😆  I think it was on PBS in the US, it has been so long I barely remember it now though.  Now that you have mentioned it, I would also like a 3d printer for my hypothetical computer room :D and of course, another computer attached to it.

Not likely to occur anytime soon, perhaps I will just build one in SL and dream away in my virtual computer room bliss 😊 (I did at one time, have a room setup with a bunch of prim computers, along with moap - it was a lot of fun)

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8 minutes ago, Istelathis said:

I remember the first time I saw it as a child, and it absolutely terrified me 😆  I think it was on PBS in the US, it has been so long I barely remember it now though.  Now that you have mentioned it, I would also like a 3d printer for my hypothetical computer room :D and of course, another computer attached to it.

Not likely to occur anytime soon, perhaps I will just build one in SL and dream away in my virtual computer room bliss 😊

The interesting thing in the film though, is that those were most likely audiotapes or videotapes, not actual film. So it's misttled. I personally see the film as a message of digital overtaking physical media, and us in general. I still prefer the look of actual physical film over digital. but it has to have been shot in the appropriate time period. I wouldn't want to see "1883" for instance shot on physical film, even though the concept lends well to it.

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1 hour ago, Bagnu said:

The interesting thing in the film though, is that those were most likely audiotapes or videotapes, not actual film. So it's misttled. I personally see the film as a message of digital overtaking physical media, and us in general. 

When I was younger, I used to imagine that the actor had become part of a movie on that film and forever trapped in it.  So in a way, perhaps my young mind thought we were being sucked into movies or something like that, I wasn't really looking for any meaning though, I was more so concerned with the tape coming to get me 😨 

I wonder if the person responsible for this film ever made anymore or wanted to go further with his short film, apparently it was on HBO, we didn't have that when I was younger though, I thought I had seen it on PBS.  It must have been one of those times that they give you a free trial, I must have seen it sometime perhaps in the very late 70s or earlier 80s.  

After a brief look, it seems the same author of this made a few other cool films


He wrote "Batteries Not Included" I haven't thought about that film in years, as well as wrote some of the tremors movies, to mention a few.

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Super Peeve: The retro gamer in me always gets the urge to fire up some ancient game I played the evalovin' heck out of as a kid, so I do. Without fail, like 5 minutes later, I embrace the rage and turn it right off.

I've seen people struggle less with Elden Ring! Gah. Dishonor on Mario, dishonor on his friends, dishonor on the princess...dishonor on that stoopit freakin' Koopa with the damn boomerang. 😂


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1 minute ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I've seen people struggle less with Elden Ring! Gah. Dishonor on Mario, dishonor on his friends, dishonor on the princess...dishonor on that stoopit freakin' Koopa with the damn boomerang. 😂

Peeve: The two I go back to: "Archon" and "Mule", for the C64. 

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2 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: The two I go back to: "Archon" and "Mule", for the C64. 

C64 is far more forgiving than Nintendo. Go figure!

When I'm in the mood to go that far back, the Windham Classics are my snuggly cozy zone. Alice in Wonderland and Below the Root, in particular. The Wizard of Oz when I want some interactive fiction. Though, Below the Root can be somewhat rage inducing as well...if you mistime your jumps.

Hi, I'm Aya. I always mistime my jumps.

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4 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

Now I can't stop thinking about that bloke on the news who used a filter at the wrong moment.


3 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I loved the ones during covid that were giving the weather and their pets or their kids would come into the room..

Kids just waking up slamming open the door rubbing their eyes with either, Mommy!! or Daaaady!  hehehe

Peeve....I miss all the Zoom madness from the lockdowns :( That cat one was brilliant...and this AMAZING Zoom meeting...I remember Amina posting it and being in real pain from laughing xD 


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7 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I loved seeing when people would mess up in those zoom meetings and forget things they had in the background..

One guy got so comfy that he started smoking weed during a zoom meeting.. hehehe

That didn't end well for him..

   Then there was that guy who was on a Zoom lecture, apparently muted it, and forgot it was on in the background and decided to .. Ahem, enjoy himself.

   His classmates' reactions, and how this one guy was diving on his phone to try reaching him - didn't end well for him either!

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1 hour ago, Orwar said:

   Then there was that guy who was on a Zoom lecture, apparently muted it, and forgot it was on in the background and decided to .. Ahem, enjoy himself.

   His classmates' reactions, and how this one guy was diving on his phone to try reaching him - didn't end well for him either!

/me quickly checks to make sure the webcam on his laptop is covered by a nice thick coating of black tape.

Edited by Bagnu
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