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Peeve: All these damned tornadoes!  It feels like it's been every week since January..

I was up until 2 am looking at radar just watching them pop up until the line got on the other side of us..

There were so many from the south all the way up into Iowa..  We had a big one heading for us that  moved just north of us.. That front had to break some sort of record for tornadoes  or got close to it..

I hope everyone  in here made it to the other side of the front  safely..

What a crazy terribly day and night yesterday..


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4 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Peeve: All these damned tornadoes!  It feels like it's been every week since January..

I was up until 2 am looking at radar just watching them pop up until the line got on the other side of us..

There were so many from the south all the way up into Iowa..  We had a big one heading for us that  moved just north of us.. That front had to break some sort of record for tornadoes  or got close to it..

I hope everyone  in here made it to the other side of the front  safely..

What a crazy terribly day and night yesterday..


That's how it is with some parts of the country, but with hurricanes, every year or two!

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31 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

That's how it is with some parts of the country, but with hurricanes, every year or two!

Ya, I remember  that one year, I think 2004 when Katrina hit.. That was a real bad year for those..Katrina wasn't even the worst one.. There was one that came all the way up into Tennessee and still had some good strength to it.

I remember trees and all kinds of stuff covering the roads here from that one.. I can't remember that one.. I think it had a guys name..

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2 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Ya, I remember  that one year, I think 2004 when Katrina hit.. That was a real bad year for those..Katrina wasn't even the worst one.. There was one that came all the way up into Tennessee and still had some good strength to it.

I remember trees and all kinds of stuff covering the roads here from that one.. I can't remember that one.. I think it had a guys name..

It was 2005. And you're right. Camille was far worse than Katrina was.

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SL Peeve #344: Many music streams dead as a duck. Went in world recently to help someone with their radio and noticed that.

RL Peeve #344: Tuning a RL radio station only to hear a loop saying "We have moved to your mobile device - download the Radio Something APP to hear your favourites." Station had nice tunes on it, but signing off the air.

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SL Peeve:  Could someone explain to me where the fad for women running around with their pants/shorts/jeans almost completely unzipped to the point of showing off their pewbs come from?  Is it akin to the gay male community where wearing pants falling below the bum signals availability?    Did the Kardashians do it and I was just blissfully unaware?



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Having to go to a sandbox to take a pic cos the sim I am on is too full to rez the backdrop I want, and so find a spot away from all three other people there to do my pic so I can leave ASAP...and suddenly random men feel the need to walk on over and interrupt me by wandering into shot or talking.

What the fudge makes anyone think I want to have a conversation when dressed like a silver cyborg posing on a destroyed city backdrop???

Peeve - PEOPLE!

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9 hours ago, Jordan Whitt said:

Having to go to a sandbox to take a pic cos the sim I am on is too full to rez the backdrop I want, and so find a spot away from all three other people there to do my pic so I can leave ASAP...and suddenly random men feel the need to walk on over and interrupt me by wandering into shot or talking.

What the fudge makes anyone think I want to have a conversation when dressed like a silver cyborg posing on a destroyed city backdrop???

Peeve - PEOPLE!

Some people out there might be interested in other people they see, maybe?

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Peeve: A club ("Private", "Members only!") just opened up  next to my parcel, right in my normal "standing there scripting" view! Guess I can rotate my view to look out at the water, or at my rezzed building. Or, face the other way (towards a dark Gothic build). 

Peeve #2: While standing there scripting, I noticed an IM as I was logging off. Someone messaged me asking for help with a random animation script and dropped me a notecard.  "Sorry, logging off..good luck finding help!"

I is not mean, just busy, and a random ask for help is going to get an appropriate response. 

Sorry to whoever asked for the help - I assume you are here.  (Otherwise, how'd they know I could script?)

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14 hours ago, Rufferta said:

Just a before and after someone bought water land in Corsica and put houses on what used to be a river.



Fisher'srestApril 2023.jpg

They did that all along The Great Wall too.. They can build right next to it, even right up to the side entrances..

The south entrance has some Egyptian build, built right into it.

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3 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

They did that all along The Great Wall too.. They can build right next to it, even right up to the side entrances..

The south entrance has some Egyptian build, built right into it.

I hang my head. Actually, I have a parcel against the Great Wall - I guess my excuse was "everyone's doing it". In my defense, I tried to build to blend in with the structures around me and I'm not obstructing any right-of-ways.

In both cases (the waterways, and the areas around the wall) hindsight suggests some prior zoning might have been nice. As it is, perhaps the Lindens could quietly convert abandoned land on waterways and near scenic builds to Public Land, 

I also realize that the Lindens are making a lot more money from tier for the 'houses on water' and 'near fringes of scenic builds' than they ever would from folks like myself.

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Someone above mentioned zoning, which is something a lot of us have argued for for a while.

Even if it were grandfathered (which is to say, you wouldn't be compelled to move if your existing parcel didn't fit the new zone guidelines), it would make a huge longterm difference in terms of the aesthetics of the Mainland. 

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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10 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Someone above mentioned zoning, which ois something a lot of us have argued for for a while.

Even if it were grandfathered (which is to say, you wouldn't be compelled to move if your existing parcel didn't fit the new zone guidelines), it would make a huge longterm difference in terms of the aesthetics of the Mainland. 

Zoning means someone has to police and judge it, that means extra work and so extra expenses for LL.
Will there be an appeal possible when your stuff is returned?

Besides it would take ages when old already existing eyesores were grandfathered. A good reason to jack up the land prices. "You want my junk out of here? Fork up the L$ I ask for my land".

And on top of that mainland will stay ugly no matter what, even if it is only because of the ground textures used.

(It is obvious, I guess, that I'm no mainland fan. :))

Edited by Sid Nagy
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17 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

Zoning means someone has to police and judge it, that means extra work and so extra expenses for LL.
Will there be an appeal possible when your stuff is returned?

Besides it would take ages when old already existing eyesores were grandfathered. A good reason to jack up the land prices. "You want my junk out of here? Fork up the L$ I ask for my land".

And on top of that mainland will stay ugly no matter what, even if it is only because of the ground textures used.

(It is obvious, I guess, that I'm no mainland fan. :))

Were it grandfathered, there likely wouldn't be that many ARs as a result: only new builds would be at issue, and those would (hopefully) mostly comply with new zoning.

I am a Mainland fan, for all sorts of reasons with which I won't bore you. You might become one if it were better managed than it is, however.

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1 hour ago, Rufferta said:

I hang my head. Actually, I have a parcel against the Great Wall - I guess my excuse was "everyone's doing it". In my defense, I tried to build to blend in with the structures around me and I'm not obstructing any right-of-ways.

In both cases (the waterways, and the areas around the wall) hindsight suggests some prior zoning might have been nice. As it is, perhaps the Lindens could quietly convert abandoned land on waterways and near scenic builds to Public Land, 

I also realize that the Lindens are making a lot more money from tier for the 'houses on water' and 'near fringes of scenic builds' than they ever would from folks like myself.

I think some of the builds that go to the top fit really well with the theme and also make it not such an empty walk or ride.

I just didn't understand why they did that with the entrances and any windows..

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PEEVE:  Stores preying on my addiction for good free stuffs!! This is almost everything up in the gift rooms at scandalize.

It's sucks being a victim of this kind of abuse! \o/




hehehehe  Just kidding!  This is a great place to send new users that get the bodies like Maitreya and Freya and Legacy and so on that have been around..:D

They sure wouldn't need to shop for awhile. They'll be too busy unpacking..hehehe

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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2 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

They'll be too busy unpacking..hehehe

I got all of Scandalize's stuff they had for free, a few years back, and it took a good long while to get around to unpacking.

I actually, don't like most of their outfits as outfits, but some of the individual pieces are real keepers.

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3 minutes ago, Quistess Alpha said:

I got all of Scandalize's stuff they had for free, a few years back, and it took a good long while to get around to unpacking.

I actually, don't like most of their outfits as outfits, but some of the individual pieces are real keepers.

Ya, I think they have much more gifts in their new store now. there is like 300 or so someone said in the group.. I had gotten their stuff from back in the other store and it was still a lot to unpack..

I'm not sure how long they have been out of the older store, but they redid that one,  then just redid it again a couple of weeks ago.. hehehe

But ya, they have a lot of nice pieces in their outfits.. That's mainly why I grab them.. Their gift a lot of times would be just the one color also.. Now it's mostly fatpacks and mega packs, which had me re-grabbing things  today.. that plus just wanted to get a picture taken so I can show new users if they are looking for clothes too..

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2 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

They sure wouldn't need to shop for awhile. They'll be too busy unpacking..hehehe

That's the real peeve with that. Each of those folders has a HUD you need to unpack. Luckily, most outfits include a photo, but sorting them out in my clothing folder is a massive pain in the butt. I picked those sets up on both avatars a million years ago and still haven't unpacked most of them.

I do use individual pieces here and there as outfit fillers (belts, underwear, bikni tops, etc.), but I prefer their newer advent gifts for full outfits.

If you need shoes to go with all that btw, Pure Poison (requires a group but I forget how much it costs) still has a gift room with 10L shoes, and KC Couture still has a bunch for free (free group).

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6 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

That's the real peeve with that. Each of those folders has a HUD you need to unpack.

Each folder has its own HUD?! They need a way to suck up all those HUDs and use a single HUD. A "HUD Sucker Proxy", so to speak.



Edited by Love Zhaoying
I'm rather proud of this one!
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