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1 minute ago, Rowan Amore said:

That's happened to me several times over the past couple of years.  It's also ONLY with the Your Avatar page.  Clearing cache always worked for me too.

Thank you! I've got a screenshot of this to prove that I am not utterly insane or imagining things!

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   I have encountered two peeves in less than half an hour.

   Peeve I: When you're trying to suckle the last milk out of the carton and your tongue slips into the hole and is sucked back by the vacuum. I did not consent to this snogging!

   Peeve II: When you're trying to find a recipe online and you have to dismiss the first three results because all of them start with '250 grams of margarine or butter'. Margarine is not a proper substitute for butter, nor is it a substance fit for human consumption. But in baking, it's outright sacrilege which warrants the most cruel punishments known to man.

   I suppose the resulting sub-par biscuits might be a punishment in its own right, but it just isn't bloody enough!

Edited by Orwar
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15 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   Peeve II: When you're trying to find a recipe online and you have to dismiss the first three results because all of them start with '250 grams of margarine or butter'. Margarine is not a proper substitute for butter, nor is it a substance fit for human consumption. But in baking, it's outright sacrilege which warrants the most cruel punishments known to man.

   I suppose the resulting sub-par biscuits might be a punishment in its own right, but it just isn't bloody enough!

Margarine? That's got you rattled? Someone hasn't yet discovered the horrors of TikTok cooking. 😂

Just...don't say I didn't warn you. You might want to stay in the dark on that. Don't go searching. I'll give you a preview:

People out there cooking with Fritos, Cheetos, and Doritos.

Once saw a girl boil chicken in plain water. Not broth. No herbs. No spices. No salt. No pepper. Just plain water.

Ramen noodles sandwiched between two huge layers of American cheese in a frying pan...

Some girl dumped dry pasta right into an aluminum pan without taking the huge paper sticker out first, loaded it up with soup and all kinds of mess, tossed it into the oven...that one HAD to be parody but...maybe not? I mean, she used up a ton of food...

Oreo fried rice....because that's a thing...

I could go on, but I don't want to give myself nightmares again.



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7 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

It's so weird. For some reason, I can't access the Your Avatar subforum page directly. It takes me to the correct URL, but the page refuses to load. This has been going on for months now: the only way to get in is to click on a notification or do a search for a topic and dive straight into that. When I click on "Go to topic listing" from within a thread to navigate up to the home directory, it still also stalls.

For a while I couldn't access it through either my computer or my phone, although my phone now seems to work.

And to be clear, this problem is on multiple computers -- both my home desktop, and my computer at work. I mostly use Firefox at home, and it won't get me in, but Chrome will. But I only use Chrome on my work computer, and I still can't get in there at all, even on that browser.

This makes no sense to me.

Try clearing your browser cookies.  It is in Settings, search on COOKIES then in Cookies & Data go for Manage Cookies.


You can test if it is the cookies by visiting the website in an incognito or private window. If this works then try deleting the cookies.

Broken cookies can cause some odd problems. While I am not sure that is your problem, it is easy to test. And the worst deleting the cookies will do is force you to log in on your next visit.

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4 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Margarine? That's got you rattled? Someone hasn't yet discovered the horrors of TikTok cooking. 😂

   I don't do TikTok. My attention span is sufficiently deficient without it rotting my brain, thank you very much! 

   But yeah, I don't like margarine, it's a defacement of our culinary culture which, unlike some of those 'recipes' you describe, has poisoned the masses and become socially acceptable with its vulgar falsity in its claim to be just as good as butter. BUTTER. Butter is the ambrosia of mortals, it is life-saving energy wrapped in splendorous flavour, essential nutrients delivered in the form of passion - to say that butter is good for you, is as no less obvious than to say that air or water is good for you.

   Margarine, on the other hand .. Margarine is over-processed, hydrogenised refuse, about as healthy as a tainted oyster dragged out of raw sewage and as flavourful as a rain-rinsed ashtray forgotten outside of a French café with an upstairs brothel. 

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23 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   I don't do TikTok. My attention span is sufficiently deficient without it rotting my brain, thank you very much! 

   But yeah, I don't like margarine, it's a defacement of our culinary culture which, unlike some of those 'recipes' you describe, has poisoned the masses and become socially acceptable with its vulgar falsity in its claim to be just as good as butter. BUTTER. Butter is the ambrosia of mortals, it is life-saving energy wrapped in splendorous flavour, essential nutrients delivered in the form of passion - to say that butter is good for you, is as no less obvious than to say that air or water is good for you.

   Margarine, on the other hand .. Margarine is over-processed, hydrogenised refuse, about as healthy as a tainted oyster dragged out of raw sewage and as flavourful as a rain-rinsed ashtray forgotten outside of a French café with an upstairs brothel. 

Oh, I don't disagree with you on that. Margarine's very bad. I just find it difficult to be outraged about margarine after seeing what I've seeeeeeeen. And I assure you - I didn't go looking for it myself. It's the kind of stuff you stumble upon by other horrified individuals who feel the need to share the horror around - videos make their way all over the place! 😒😂

But no, my number one food peeve is and forever will be ruining the texture of a perfect cheesecake. It's bad enough when people (and restaurants) try to get sassy by mixing some sponge cake in there or something, but I will absolutely rage at that "birthday confetti" fiasco, the "let's toss some Snickers candy in here!" concoction, the "you know what this needs? POPCORN!" creation. 




For real. WHAT IS THIS?! 😵


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2 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

For real. WHAT IS THIS?! 😵

   .. Are those chocolate-covered pretzels? Also how fossilised are those popcorn? Look like they're fresh out of the tombs of 12th dynasty pharaohs! 

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Just now, Orwar said:

   .. Are those chocolate-covered pretzels? Also how fossilised are those popcorn? Look like they're fresh out of the tombs of 12th dynasty pharaohs! 

Lol, could NOT have said it better myself! And yes, chocolate-covered pretzels, just to add insult to injury. Isn't it awful? That's not even the worst I've seen. I'll refrain from posting more. It's irritating me just looking at Google Images.


1 minute ago, Rolig Loon said:

Whatever it is, it makes my tummy hurt and I'm going to have nightmares now.  Thanks a lot!

Lol, I'm so sorry. I promise, I won't post more (but it gets a lot worse...ugh...why do people do this?).

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9 hours ago, Orwar said:

   I have encountered two peeves in less than half an hour.

   Peeve I: When you're trying to suckle the last milk out of the carton and your tongue slips into the hole and is sucked back by the vacuum. I did not consent to this snogging!

   Peeve II: When you're trying to find a recipe online and you have to dismiss the first three results because all of them start with '250 grams of margarine or butter'. Margarine is not a proper substitute for butter, nor is it a substance fit for human consumption. But in baking, it's outright sacrilege which warrants the most cruel punishments known to man.

   I suppose the resulting sub-par biscuits might be a punishment in its own right, but it just isn't bloody enough!

I use extra virgin olive oil in most everything. Margarine is just some evil conspiracy used to cull the population..


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9 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Margarine? That's got you rattled? Someone hasn't yet discovered the horrors of TikTok cooking. 😂

Just...don't say I didn't warn you. You might want to stay in the dark on that. Don't go searching. I'll give you a preview:

People out there cooking with Fritos, Cheetos, and Doritos.

Once saw a girl boil chicken in plain water. Not broth. No herbs. No spices. No salt. No pepper. Just plain water.

Ramen noodles sandwiched between two huge layers of American cheese in a frying pan...

Some girl dumped dry pasta right into an aluminum pan without taking the huge paper sticker out first, loaded it up with soup and all kinds of mess, tossed it into the oven...that one HAD to be parody but...maybe not? I mean, she used up a ton of food...

Oreo fried rice....because that's a thing...

I could go on, but I don't want to give myself nightmares again.



I think those things are meant to troll people that know what they are doing to liven up their comments.. They are trying to be the Johnny Knoxville  Jackass of the cooking world. hehehe

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9 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Oh, I don't disagree with you on that. Margarine's very bad. I just find it difficult to be outraged about margarine after seeing what I've seeeeeeeen. And I assure you - I didn't go looking for it myself. It's the kind of stuff you stumble upon by other horrified individuals who feel the need to share the horror around - videos make their way all over the place! 😒😂

But no, my number one food peeve is and forever will be ruining the texture of a perfect cheesecake. It's bad enough when people (and restaurants) try to get sassy by mixing some sponge cake in there or something, but I will absolutely rage at that "birthday confetti" fiasco, the "let's toss some Snickers candy in here!" concoction, the "you know what this needs? POPCORN!" creation. 




For real. WHAT IS THIS?! 😵


That is the same kind of sin that people make with steak sauce on a good cut of steak.

Either the cheese cake is terrible and they felt the need to try and fix it rather than just say no to having any.

Or they are away at collage and someone gave them a piece of cheese cake to take home and they are trying to make the most of it, because they know it could be a long time before they eat anything but packaged ramen noodles. So add every kind of snack to it and make it a moment to remember and flood it.. hehehe

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3 hours ago, Jordan Whitt said:

So in an effort to be more sociable / jump back into the dating scene, I reactivated my profile on a certain site.

My peeve?

Getting messages from people I have "history" with from there who do not remember me.  


I'm so guilty of this.. I am really good with faces and then can remember someones name, but if someone say's a name or I only see a name, I'm like a deer stuck in headlights trying to remember..

In SL if someone IM's me and I don't recognize them, I have to do a log search of their name and a quick read of our last conversation.. hehehe

If there isn't one, then I'll just have to ask where I know them from..

I'm so bad with remembering names..:$


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22 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

It's so weird. For some reason, I can't access the Your Avatar subforum page directly. It takes me to the correct URL, but the page refuses to load. This has been going on for months now: the only way to get in is to click on a notification or do a search for a topic and dive straight into that. When I click on "Go to topic listing" from within a thread to navigate up to the home directory, it still also stalls.

For a while I couldn't access it through either my computer or my phone, although my phone now seems to work.

And to be clear, this problem is on multiple computers -- both my home desktop, and my computer at work. I mostly use Firefox at home, and it won't get me in, but Chrome will. But I only use Chrome on my work computer, and I still can't get in there at all, even on that browser.

This makes no sense to me.


And when clicking on the page number at the bottom of the page to go to the next page, it still dumps me AT THE BOTTOM OF THE NEXT PAGE when it is supposed to BE AT THE TOP.

Yet, if I click NEXT, it takes me straight to the top of the next page.

That is NOT how those buttons work. BOTH should take you to the top of the page just like every other forum out there for the past 40 years.

LL should switch to Zenforo. *nods sagely*

Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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22 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

There was a time a few months back when I know the forum was giving some other people difficulties. But I'm pretty sure this is just me. And, as I said, I now appear to be able to access it on Chrome and on my phone -- but still not at all from my work computer.

Try hitting Ctrl+F5 with the page open. Ctrl+F5 refreshes the page by clearing the cached content of the page.

Edit: In Windows.

Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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15 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Once saw a girl boil chicken in plain water. Not broth. No herbs. No spices. No salt. No pepper. Just plain water.

Boiling chicken in water is how you get the broth. Herbs and spices are optional, especially for those who are on medical diets.

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15 hours ago, Orwar said:

   .. Are those chocolate-covered pretzels? Also how fossilised are those popcorn? Look like they're fresh out of the tombs of 12th dynasty pharaohs! 

The popcorn is caramel coated. Like Cracker Jacks.

I miss the original Cracker Jacks with the roasted peanuts, also covered with caramel.

You got something against caramel? Are we gonna have a 10 page long "discussion" about the merits of caramel before coming to the conclusion to agree to disagree? Do we dare enter the Twilight Zone? Tune in next year for the new season! 💨

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20 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

You got something against caramel? Are we gonna have a 10 page long "discussion" about the merits of caramel before coming to the conclusion to agree to disagree? Do we dare enter the Twilight Zone? Tune in next year for the new season! 💨

   I think caramel is brilliant. Crème caramel is one of my favourite desserts, the rich, creamy pudding enveloping the sharp sweetness of the caramel is lovely - and caramels themselves, excellent.

   But on a popcorn, on top of a cheesecake. Along with chocolate covered pretzels. It doesn't seem particularly .. Sophisticated. 

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6 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

That is the same kind of sin that people make with steak sauce on a good cut of steak.

Either the cheese cake is terrible and they felt the need to try and fix it rather than just say no to having any.

Or they are away at collage and someone gave them a piece of cheese cake to take home and they are trying to make the most of it, because they know it could be a long time before they eat anything but packaged ramen noodles. So add every kind of snack to it and make it a moment to remember and flood it.. hehehe

Funny enough, that cake has an entire recipe attached. The original link from Google goes to a grocery store's recipe & inspiration page. 🤢

To make it more offensive, the recipe calls for a pre-made frozen cheesecake. So, in essence, it's a recipe telling you to bust out a store-bought boxed cheesecake and load it up with caramel, popcorn, and pretzels. The only thing you actually make from scratch is the caramel sauce. Points for recommending butter, I suppose? 😩

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14 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

Caramel + sea salt = winning combination even on pretzels.

   Caramel + salt without microplastics = probably better still! 

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