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43 minutes ago, Aiyana Quinnell said:

This has likely already been posted in this thread, but since I'm relatively new to reading and posting in the forums...and it recently happened again...

Peeve: People who come right out and ask for your avie's shape numbers.  Really?  I always try to be nice, but this annoys me.  Now they've put it on me to find a polite way of telling them "not a chance"  I'm always willing to give suggestions, but "here's my shape?"  No way.

Best reply:  I purchased the shape and it is No Mod, so I don't have access to the numbers.

Or better yet - say you got it from a friend who has left SL.  That way they aren't asking for the store that you bought it at.

Tiny white lies don't matter here.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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20 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


That I have to learn about this from a 3rd party news site

   Huh. Was the meeting recorded? I'd be quite curious to hear what was said if so. Not seeing it on LL's YouTube or in the blog feed ..

   Also, peeve: I forgot what my peeve was when I got distracted by looking around for any recording of that meeting! 

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1 minute ago, Orwar said:

   Huh. Was the meeting recorded? I'd be quite curious to hear what was said if so. Not seeing it on LL's YouTube or in the blog feed ..

   Also, peeve: I forgot what my peeve was when I got distracted by looking around for any recording of that meeting! 

I imagine a recording or a transcript will be forthcoming from Inara or others at some point soon.

ETA: Actually, I don't know that. I have no idea who had access to this meeting. I don't really know how Hamlet got access to the info, for that matter. So we'll see?

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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Just now, Lysistrata Szapira said:

They've already introduced the anonymization of the top sellers tab.  The names of the stores were there yesterday. 


Yes, although clicking on the links takes you, generally, to the MP pages.

They also introduced an age verification popup. As a great many of their "top places to go" are adult, that might be a good thing.

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   A-hah! I remembered my peeve now.

   Group notice spam. Okay, hear me out, it's a little more specific, and I know I could just turn off group notifications - but there are notifications that I'd like to see. Once. If I join a store's group, it's probably because I like their stuff and want to stay posted on new releases or updates, or get a discount or gifts - and I very much like it when they announce new releases or that they've got something out for sale, or a store-wide sale. But I don't need thirty-twelve notifications about the same dang weekend sale item, all that does is clog up my notifications, drowning out any other notifications I've left on because I'm interested in seeing them (again, once!). And when more than one store group is doing it, so that they're all just kind of drowning each other out, what's the bloody point? All that does is stutter my viewer for a few seconds when I have to delete 80 or so notifications every time I log on.

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6 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I imagine a recording or a transcript will be forthcoming from Inara or others at some point soon.

ETA: Actually, I don't know that. I have no idea who had access to this meeting. I don't really know how Hamlet got access to the info, for that matter. So we'll see?

They told us not to tell anyone outside the meeting.. They said Spechully U.


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Just now, Rat Luv said:

I thought everyone had an invite to the meeting? :S I was there too (was good to see you Ceka!) Some interesting updates! 

   Whut. No? Where? What? When? How? 

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2 minutes ago, Lysistrata Szapira said:

The links on the Top Merchants tab or the On Sale tab?

When I click on the 4 digit codes on the Top Merchants tab, I get nada. 

Ah. That's a recent change. This morning, the links were live. They look like they've been deliberately broken now.

This is moving quickly.

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2 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

I thought everyone had an invite to the meeting? :S I was there too (was good to see you Ceka!) Some interesting updates! 

The Concierge meeting was open to all -- but I couldn't make it.

The "fireside chat with Patch" is a different thing. Did they convey the same information at the Concierge meeting?

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Just now, Scylla Rhiadra said:

The Concierge meeting was open to all -- but I couldn't make it.

The "fireside chat with Patch" is a different thing. Did they convey the same information at the Concierge meeting?

 I don't know...I wasn't paying attention :/

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15 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

(Note: We'd better return to peeves before we're threatened with another thread lock.)

Peeve! Wet snow mixed with freezing rain. Make up your mind, damn it!

That was us today, too.  Now, all the slushy mess is supposed to freeze overnight!   Yay!!

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9 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

That was us today, too.  Now, all the slushy mess is supposed to freeze overnight!   Yay!!

The most awful thing -- it was -7C with wind chill today. And I saw a student walking to classes, properly bundled up in a winter coat, but wearing . . . crocks. With bare feet. In about 2 cms of wet snow.

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Just now, Scylla Rhiadra said:

The most awful thing -- it was -7C with wind chill today. And I saw a student walking to classes, properly bundled up in a winter coat, but wearing . . . crocks. With bare feet. In about 2 cms of wet snow.

I was out in mine today but they're the fleece lined ones.  😁

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2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


That I have to learn about this from a 3rd party news site


The post by Patch in the final bot thread that got locked mentioned that he was in communication with the creators of BB and with the legal team.

From that post:

That said, I am in direct contact with the creators behind the Bonniebots and I have consulted our legal teams and a GDPR specialist, to give me a full understanding of the situation at hand.

I feel that I will be able to attain an ammicable and suitable solution to all soon, while preserving the spirit of the policy and allowing open exploration of Second Life to continue on a healthy trajectory.  

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2 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

The post by Patch in the final bot thread that got locked mentioned that he was in communication with the creators of BB and with the legal team.

From that post:

That said, I am in direct contact with the creators behind the Bonniebots and I have consulted our legal teams and a GDPR specialist, to give me a full understanding of the situation at hand.

I feel that I will be able to attain an ammicable and suitable solution to all soon, while preserving the spirit of the policy and allowing open exploration of Second Life to continue on a healthy trajectory.  

Yes, I saw that -- and I think even quoted it above in this thread. What we haven't yet been told is that inclusion in the Bonniebot list of avatars and merchants will be "opt-out," or that merchants' names will be hidden (which rather renders that feature pointless, I think?)

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