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46 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

My memory gets fuzzy on dates, but before about 2010 there were only a couple of translators, neither of which was very good compared to what's available today.  I had Babbler, which was slow but fairly reliable and easy to use.  It had a limited vocabulary but helped with handy phrases like:

Mijn broer is een arts. Misschien kan hij helpen uw neus te maken.

De piraten vermijden gewoonlijk dit deel van stad in het weekend.

There was a translator built into the LL viewer until something like 2014. I think it was based on the Google API, which was free up until then. When translator APIs started to get really reliable, Google and Bing and whoever started charging for them, and LL decided not to absorb the cost. I wouldn't hold my breath about seeing a free one again.

Google doesn't charge for me to use thier translator. Never have.

It won't let me snip it because it won't stay open but it is still there under the 9 dot grid menu.


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1 minute ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Google doesn't charge for me to use thier translator. Never have.

It won't let me snip it because it won't stay open but it is still there under the 9 dot grid menu.


The magical Google Translation "App" (I use the iOS one) is also free of charge to use.

The "magical" part is: Scan a page of text with your phone/tablet, it translates real-time and gives alternatives every few seconds (for instance, where a language may have multiple translation options, like for Japanese).

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1 minute ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Google doesn't charge for me to use thier translator. Never have.

It won't let me snip it because it won't stay open but it is still there under the 9 dot grid menu.



Sometimes these translations seem accurate to me, a non-speaker; sometimes they are unintentionally humorous...

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50 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

My memory gets fuzzy on dates, but before about 2010 there were only a couple of translators, neither of which was very good compared to what's available today.  I had Babbler, which was slow but fairly reliable and easy to use.  It had a limited vocabulary but helped with handy phrases like:

Mijn broer is een arts. Misschien kan hij helpen uw neus te maken.

De piraten vermijden gewoonlijk dit deel van stad in het weekend.

There was a translator built into the LL viewer until something like 2014. I think it was based on the Google API, which was free up until then. When translator APIs started to get really reliable, Google and Bing and whoever started charging for them, and LL decided not to absorb the cost. I wouldn't hold my breath about seeing a free one again.

I thought I remembered there being a built in one.  Been awhile since I used the Linden viewer, too so I was unaware they had discontinued using it.  It was kind of a handy feature.  You'd think with the diversity in SL, LL would see the benefit of paying for that service.  Maybe a feature they should add to Premium membership?

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13 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:


Sometimes these translations seem accurate to me, a non-speaker; sometimes they are unintentionally humorous...

Begs the question, had the speaker just punched the other in the nose? Or was this snark saying "Man, your nose is ugly"!?

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2 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Begs the question, had the speaker just punched the other in the nose? Or was this snark saying "Man, your nose is ugly"!?

Yeah, I was about to say, that is definitely an insult right there. Just imagine your doctor coming up to you and going, man you got an ugly nose. Lol 

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4 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:
7 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

Yeah, I was about to say, that is definitely an insult right there. Just imagine your doctor coming up to you and going, man you got an ugly nose. Lol 

It was like one of those "20 word stories!"

OK, I admit it. The two lines I quoted were actually from a multilingual phrase book that I got in SL before I started using Babbler. I think it was designed as a parody of RL phrase books (without much though to whether you would be able to understand their replies). Other samples:

Che pattini graziosi! Sono il vostro?

Sorgen Sie sich nicht. Er ist nicht so gefährlich, wie er schaut.

Pourquoi les pompiers portent-ils des bretelles rouges ?

Eso es un vestido bonito. Usted me recuerda mi tío.

Eu estarei acordado toda a noite se eu comer outra daquelas tortas.

Under the right circumstances, some of those phrases could get you an ugly look or a fat lip.

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42 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Google doesn't charge for me to use thier translator. Never have.

Not the on-line translator, but the API that you'd use to give the code in the viewer (or in a LSL script) direct access to the translator.  Without the API, you have to run the Google translator in a separate window and then cut/paste text between it and your chat window, which is what many (most?) people do now.  I haven't bothered to look for quite a while, but I am fairly sure that you can only get the API if you pay for a license.

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26 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

Not the on-line translator, but the API that you'd use to give the code in the viewer (or in a LSL script) direct access to the translator.  Without the API, you have to run the Google translator in a separate window and then cut/paste text between it and your chat window, which is what many (most?) people do now.  I haven't bothered to look for quite a while, but I am fairly sure that you can only get the API if you pay for a license.

I haven't forgotten any of that. It's not relevant to what I meant. When the free translators went the way of the dodo and LL started charging for it, I stopped using everything but the free online translator. I can't afford to be nickel and dimed.

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3 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

When the free translators went the way of the dodo and LL started charging for it, I stopped using everything but the free online translator. I can't afford to be nickel and dimed.

 Yup.  That's what Sammy meant too:

2 hours ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

Whereas if we didn't have to pay for a bing or google translation API and it came equipped in it. Like it should be, then I would be happy.

I was just reminiscing about the days before free APIs went away, so we had to start paying for translators in SL.

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1 hour ago, Rolig Loon said:

 Yup.  That's what Sammy meant too:

I was just reminiscing about the days before free APIs went away, so we had to start paying for translators in SL.

I don't pay to use the Google translator in SL, I simply open my Google browser and use it from there. [Copy/paste might be a PITA for some but it's what I am used to doing.]

I was actually using Google translate before I ever even knew there were free translators in SL. I forget who made it but there was one that most people had, and it translated all the most used in SL languages. That was the one I used until LL got greedy.

Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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On 7/11/2022 at 8:47 PM, Ceka Cianci said:

I've used Firestorm so much that I get lost in the SL viewer as well as Black Dragon..

I'm totally converted to new user in Black dragon for sure.. I just can't get used to the movement controls and rip my hair out and before I know it i'm gasping for air until I get back into firestorm.. lol

I really want to use Black Dragon for pictures, but really get refreshed on what new users to SL must feel when they first get here.. hehehehe

You can change the controls! Preferences - Keybindings.

On 7/11/2022 at 8:31 PM, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Peeve #2: The performance improvements that LL made to its viewer are quantifiably excellent: when I use it (which I do now for when I'm in very crowded places), my FPS shoots waaaaay up in comparison to what I'd be getting on Firestorm. Black Dragon has, I think, updated to incorporate those enhancements, and it too seems to me to have improved as a result.

When the #(@*$#@ will Firestorm get around to incorporating them?????

Unless you were talking about the Discord only "Beta" it wasn't incorporated until just now. Today marks the day they have been officially implemented, you will see MASSIVELY improved performance.

FS on the other hand always takes a while to implement LL changes, they have release cycles, testing phases and so on. 3-6 months per update.

Edited by NiranV Dean
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5 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: When you want to amend a post reply, but forget which post and which thread it was on.

assuming it was recent, you can just look at your post history and it should be somewhat obvious?


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9 minutes ago, Quistess Alpha said:

it should be somewhat obvious

The important word is "somewhat".  I imagine it might be a little harder if you make a lot of short posts than if you make fewer long ones. Not impossible, just harder. ;) 

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18 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: When you want to amend a post reply, but forget which post and which thread it was on.

In Content search, tick “Search by author“ and enter your own name. Then search for a word you think is unique to the post you want to find. You can also just hover over your name and click “Find Content” for a list of your posts, most recent first.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
“Hover” has an “h”!
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3 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

In Content search, tick “Search by author“ and enter your own name. Then search for a word you think is unique to the post you want to find. You can also just over over your name and click “Find Content” for a list of your posts, most recent first.

You can also use the "See My Activity" on your profile page.



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11 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I'd be afraid they stay that way! (Like if you frown too much and your face gets "frown creases".)

I actually don't hate these as much as the thigh, arm and waist ones.  It's something that does happen in RL, maybe not to such an extreme degree but yeah, I've experienced it myself.  

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On 7/12/2022 at 11:47 AM, Sammy Huntsman said:

to use the translator in SL. You have to have an API key, and it costs money. 

Yes and no.

The translator API is free to use, for casual use. They track how often it's used, and start charging when your usage hits some amount that I don't remember, but far larger than any individual user is likely to hit. What this means is that any commercially available translator that sells a bunch of copies is going to hit that limit quickly, and stop working. But translators can still be used in SL, if there are not very many of them.

A clever member of the Caledon Oxbridge University faculty made a translator and it's used by the COU faculty and staff. This use case still puts the total number of translation calls well below the paywall threshold.

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2 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

I actually don't hate these as much as the thigh, arm and waist ones.  It's something that does happen in RL, maybe not to such an extreme degree but yeah, I've experienced it myself.  

Yeah, I wrapped my arm too tight once with an Ace bandage after a light sprain. Stripes bruises result!

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