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You are doing it exactly the right way.
One step at the time. And don't be afraid to ask. Some people in SL can be a real pain in the ..., but there are tons of nice people out there too.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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2 hours ago, qpmomma13 said:

I visited a pub that had live music (which is really cool!) And I IM'd the host a few questions telling her I was new and asking some questions about how to dance and stuff. She was super helpful! Then I got an IM from someone asking if I was new. He showed me all kinds of stuff about my inventory and groups. He added me as a friend and showed me Free Dove and some other freebee places. He also gave me some other places that host live artists. I am now really excited to log in when I get home today! 

Thank you to everyone who is friendly with noobs like me! 

This is really lovely to hear! SL is full of really delightful people, although, like RL, you can certainly run into some awful ones. But friends are the most important reason I keep coming back year after year.

Also, I'm glad you found some live music! I tend to do mostly clubs with DJs myself (not sure why), but I know that's definitely part of the appeal of SL for many. And clubs, if you can find good ones, are great places to meet people and become attached to a community. I tend to prefer ones where there is a lot of banter and chitchat (as opposed to waves of *APPLAUSE!!!!* or whatever), but, search around a bit, and you'll find one or two (or three) that will come to feel like home.

I hope your excitement continues, and grows! Mine has . . . after 14 years. 🙂

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14 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I tend to do mostly clubs with DJs myself (not sure why), but I know that's definitely part of the appeal of SL for many.

And for counterpoint, .... there are plenty of people who rarely set foot in a club but who love to explore. Especially if you are not a crowd person, you may like to just get out and wander. (Wandering with a friend is particularly fun.)  Find a place where you can ride a horse (You can sometimes get one free temporarily, or you can buy your own) and just take off through public lands.  Or get a small boat and learn how to sail.  There's a LOT of open water in SL.  Or go shopping.  No, wait .... shopping is addictive.  Never go shopping.  ;) 

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13 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

And for counterpoint, .... there are plenty of people who rarely set foot in a club but who love to explore. Especially if you are not a crowd person, you may like to just get out and wander. (Wandering with a friend is particularly fun.)  Find a place where you can ride a horse (You can sometimes get one free temporarily, or you can buy your own) and just take off through public lands.  Or get a small boat and learn how to sail.  There's a LOT of open water in SL.  Or go shopping.  No, wait .... shopping is addictive.  Never go shopping.  ;) 

I'll second this as well, @qpmomma13. As Rolig says, if you want some solitary time, exploring is great, but it's even more fun with a friend. All of the mainland continents have a fairly extensive infrastructure grid -- public roadways with "rez zones" where you can rez a horse, a car, a bicycle or (my personal preference), a sporty little baby blue Vespa. The continent of Bellisseria is very pretty, and has been extremely well-laid out with streets, trails, and parks; there are as well many community-run events there. I think there are rezzable free bikes there in some places, but it's been a while for me. There are also railways on Heterocera Atoll and Sansara (two of the mainland continents) with "trains" or "pods" that are publicly accessible: just leap on one when it shoots by, and you can get a tour that way. My alt Laskya's home is at a SL railroad station, and I'll sometimes just walk along the tracks, exploring that way (and dodging the occasional train). For horse riding, there are some nature trails that offer free rideable horses (temporary) that you can use to explore that particular region or parcel. Oh, and there's flying -- there are a number of public airports in SL -- but that's less useful for touring as such.

And of course, if you just want to hop somewhere directly to explore, there is the Destination Guide which is imperfect (because typically a bit out of date), but not a bad way of finding places to go generally. The Editors' Picks section is usually pretty current.

Mostly I explore on my own now -- it's sort of deliberate "me time." But I used to explore with friends, and it can be a hoot. A fun thing I do with one set of friends sometimes is use a backpack that you can buy on the Marketplace that randomly teleports you and your friends places. A lot of the time you'll end up in weird places, sometimes unfriendly ones, and occasionally scary ones, but it's always a bit of a blast.

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@qpmomma13Yay! Glad you are excited. Welcome to SL.

As some have pointed out there is more to SL than clubs. There is as much to do in SL as there is in RL. However,  in SL it is usually cheaper and safer to explore places, activities, cultural norms, and relationships.

Be aware that just as in RL there are people in SL that will attempt to abuse, harm, or steal from you.

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22 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

Be aware that just as in RL there are people in SL that will attempt to abuse, harm, or steal from you.

Yup. We're all adults here (well, at least over 16, and most over 18), but that doesn't mean that everyone is a responsible adult all the time. Just use your head, don't take candy from strangers, and never share any information that you don't want to.  Those are the same rules we'd follow anywhere on the Internet these days.

I really don't recommend spending your time in SL looking over your shoulder for bad guys. They are way outnumbered by the good guys. (I've been here almost daily for over 15 years and I don't remember the last time I had an uncomfortable encounter).  YMMV, though, so it does make sense to learn the basics.  Read this:

Remember: you can be scared/offended/traumatized, but not physically harmed in SL.  You can log out any time by clicking the big X in the upper right corner of your screen.  You can teleport home any time.  You can submit an Abuse Report if you feel that you have been the victim of a TOS violation. And.... you have lots of friends. That's maybe the most important part. ;) 

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@qpmomma13, Most people in SL are helpful, friendly, nice, and honest. But not all of them. A small minority of bad apples means we do have to be a bit on our guard.

I teach a weekly class on Avatar Safety at Caledon Oxbridge University, at 12 noon SL Time. It's free to attend.

If you can't make it, I can give you some very concise advice:

  • don't click on links you see in IMs, chat, or group chats. If you do, be very careful. Some are "phishing" scams, which will take you to a page that looks like the SL website, and invites you to enter your username and password. Don't do that!
  • If someone gives you an object, and you rez it or wear it, and it asks permission to take L$ from your account, DO NOT click the "Allow" button. If you do, the object will be able to take all your money, and will continue to do so as long as it is rezzed in world.

Those are the two worst scams in SL. Almost everything else can be annoying or even a little scary, but is not truly dangerous.

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6 hours ago, qpmomma13 said:

I visited a pub that had live music (which is really cool!) And I IM'd the host a few questions telling her I was new and asking some questions about how to dance and stuff. She was super helpful! Then I got an IM from someone asking if I was new. He showed me all kinds of stuff about my inventory and groups. He added me as a friend and showed me Free Dove and some other freebee places. He also gave me some other places that host live artists. I am now really excited to log in when I get home today! 

Thank you to everyone who is friendly with noobs like me! 

This is great to hear!!!   

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19 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Most people in SL are helpful, friendly, nice, and honest. But not all of them. A small minority of bad apples means we do have to be a bit on our guard.

I teach a weekly class on Avatar Safety at Caledon Oxbridge University, at 12 noon SL Time. It's free to attend.

If you can't make it, I can give you some very concise advice:

  • don't click on links you see in IMs, chat, or group chats. If you do, be very careful. Some are "phishing" scams, which will take you to a page that looks like the SL website, and invites you to enter your username and password. Don't do that!
  • If someone gives you an object, and you rez it or wear it, and it asks permission to take L$ from your account, DO NOT click the "Allow" button. If you do, the object will be able to take all your money, and will continue to do so as long as it is rezzed in world.

Those are the two worst scams in SL. Almost everything else can be annoying or even a little scary, but is not truly dangerous.

@Lindal Kidd

Question.    I purchased a Trivia Ball for TFC.   The only way to get it to work is to give it permission to take lindens from me.   I have watched it carefully,  and it only takes what I set it to.  If I set the game to pay out - for instance,  it will take the lindens from me and then pay me back anything that isn't "won" ....      is this normal?

Edited by Cali Souther
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Yes, that's working as it should, @Cali Souther!

Certain things...tip jars, rental boxes, vendors, and games that pay out prizes...need to have access to your account, in order to give a refund, share a payment among multiple accounts, or award a prize. These items do give you the warning message I spoke of. But since you purchased the item, it's a lot less likely to be a scam.

It's the free things you're given by other people that you have to be the most wary of. Especially if they're offering something too good to be true...for example:

  • A free or very low cost mesh head that's normally sold for several thousand $L.
  • A "gift certificate" that offers you $L10,000 if you wear it and click "Allow"
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2 minutes ago, Cali Souther said:

Question.    I purchased a Trivia Ball for TFC.   The only way to get it to work is to give it permission to take lindens from me.   I have watched it carefully,  and it only takes what I set it to.  If I set the game to pay out - for instance,  it will take the lindens from me and then pay me back anything that isn't "won" ....      is this normal?

Yes.  That's the way it is supposed to work.  The reason you get that permission dialog is that LL wants to be sure that you can't just give permission without making a deliberate choice. So, before you click to say that you approve, be sure that the object is one you got from a trusted source. Then, once you have granted permission, test the thing by having an alt or a friend pay it.  If it doesn't then pay you, delete the thing.


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6 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

test the thing by having an alt or a friend pay it.  If it doesn't then pay you, delete the thing.

As an aside, there are some very inexpensive rental box and vendor systems out there that I dislike intensely. The reason they are so inexpensive is that they take a percentage of all your sales and send it to the creator.

This is not exactly a scam, but (especially since this is not very clearly explained by the creators) I consider it deceptive.

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7 hours ago, qpmomma13 said:

I visited a pub that had live music (which is really cool!) And I IM'd the host a few questions telling her I was new and asking some questions about how to dance and stuff. She was super helpful! Then I got an IM from someone asking if I was new. He showed me all kinds of stuff about my inventory and groups. He added me as a friend and showed me Free Dove and some other freebee places. He also gave me some other places that host live artists. I am now really excited to log in when I get home today! 

Thank you to everyone who is friendly with noobs like me! 

It's  so nice hearing threads like this from new members..

It's a huge grid and so much to do and explore.. Dabble in as much as you can, because it's easy to get sucked into a bubble that can having you only noticing a small part of the world..

My suggestion would be, be worldly and get a taste of everything you can, which can take you years in itself.. It's good to find your niche you can call home, but you just never know what's around the next corner until you give a peek.. There is so much to be curious about and to explore..

If you can think of it, it's a good chance there is some sort of a version of it on the grid..

I wish you a long and enjoyable SL :)

Ceka ❤️

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15 minutes ago, Cali Souther said:

Thank you, Ladies!!!   After all these years, I'm still learning.  :D

Same. I read the Forums (and generally not even the help/tech ones) and I'm always like, "Holy cow, I've been doing this for 13+ years and I didn't know that!"

So to @qpmomma13, welcome to the madness. There's always something to learn. I've been in SL and have never encountered a scam, so while it is important you be aware, it is like the Internet everywhere: Use common sense, and know that some people are jerks (I've only met a few), and it can vary what kind of things you do. It is good to hear that you got helped inworld. I was lucky and had a friend help me, even though I still thought I was getting into some wacky version of The Sims.

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8 hours ago, qpmomma13 said:

I visited a pub that had live music (which is really cool!) And I IM'd the host a few questions telling her I was new and asking some questions about how to dance and stuff. She was super helpful! Then I got an IM from someone asking if I was new. He showed me all kinds of stuff about my inventory and groups. He added me as a friend and showed me Free Dove and some other freebee places. He also gave me some other places that host live artists. I am now really excited to log in when I get home today! 

Thank you to everyone who is friendly with noobs like me! 

Welcome :)

What a ray of sunshine for the forum!

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