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To AR Is Human . . .

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I don't submit abuse reports if there is just some personal spat going on between a crow and a crane.

I do submit abuse reports if I am logged in during a spammer attack. 

I do submit abuse reports if I see bullying going on. 

I don't submit abuse reports if I see a situation where someone could really just walk away but continues to pour petrol onto their own bonfire. Life is too short.

I'm late to this thread. 

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2 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:


On a more serious note, as a rule of thumb, I don't normally AR someone unless it's a fairly major infraction. The rest I just shine on and either block/ban or just go about my merry little way without another thought about that person. Mostly it's the idiots that IM me out of the blue expecting me to carry on some weird conversation with them and when I refuse, they get abusive. 

Tl:dr Doing the above will get you ARed every time. No ands, ifs or buts about it.

I had someone do that not long ago, IM me to continue an argument after the thread had been closed. I told them I was not going to continue the discussion with them and did not respond to their response.

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Just now, Persephone Emerald said:

I had someone do that not long ago, IM me to continue an argument after the thread had been closed. I told them I was not going to continue the discussion with them and did not respond to their response.

I've had this too, someone attempting to continue some kind of interaction in world after being nothing but a trouble-causer on the forums. I did not see the need to respond, and the few others who have thought it has been a good idea to do that since have simply been blocked without me even reading their messages.

If I'm communicating on forums, that's where the discussion will stay. 

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25 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I had someone do that not long ago, IM me to continue an argument after the thread had been closed. I told them I was not going to continue the discussion with them and did not respond to their response.

If anyone has IMed me inworld to try to continue something from the forum, they never get through. My inbox is always full because I don't have it sent to email and I only log this account in to adjust poses so pretty rare these days.

Oh well.

Now, that's a deep subject.

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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

From this great discussion, maybe we can come up with positive ways to coddle, I mean reassure those who think we are "bullying" them / "ganging up on them"? I'm not sure if they're afraid they are also being AR'd. Which obviously most of us don't do;  just because we see a train wreck and try to assist the survivors, doesn't mean we have to be the ones to call the Popo.

Impossible to do unfortunately if they suffer with particular personality disorders and always feel like or have the need to play the victim. 


(can I hear footsteps?)

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13 minutes ago, diamond Marchant said:

Funny, it never occurred to me to AR in the forum. I thought Lindens and Moles were moderating.

I am pretty sure, although I don't know that I have proof positive of this, that moderation on this forum these days is "mixed," in the sense that it is applied both when the mods respond to ARs, and occasionally when they proactively go over a thread themselves. I suspect   (and again, this is just my impression based on what has occasionally been said when a thread has been shut down) that they are often "alerted" to problem threads by the number of ARs that it is producing.

So, possibly, they may be removing posts that haven't themselves been ARed, but that are part of a large mess to which their attention has been drawn by other ARs.

As to whether they will read and clean up a thread that has not been ARed on their own initiative -- that's maybe murkier, but I'd not be surprised.

Overall, I think ARs are still the most important important mechanism for enforcing community standards here.

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17 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

As to whether they will read and clean up a thread that has not been ARed on their own initiative -- that's maybe murkier, but I'd not be surprised.

I'm pretty sure that at least a couple of Moles are also regular Forum regulars.  So it is pretty easy for them to see that a thread is blowing up and they can then log their Mole account in to do the cleanup/lock/etc...

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I'm trying to remember a single forum post I've reported that wasn't a spambot, and I don't think I ever have. Even when somebody is being a complete arse, which is thankfully rare, I'd rather engage with them and try to talk 'em around as I would for a more minor disagreement. And if all else fails the last thing they'll hear from me is a "plonk" and all I'll have to put up with from them from that point forward is whatever anyone else quotes.

As for inworld ARs, back in the day before you could return something with a single encroaching vertex, I did AR serious encroachment. Other than those I think the number I've filed could probably be counted on one hand, and you definitely wouldn't need to take your boots off. Most problems walked onto my land on two (or more) legs and an eject/ban was plenty to deal with that, with maybe a quiet IM to an estate manager if I wasn't on mainland.

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3 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I'm pretty sure that at least a couple of Moles are also regular Forum regulars.  So it is pretty easy for them to see that a thread is blowing up and they can then log their Mole account in to do the cleanup/lock/etc...

Wow. Ok, I hadn't heard that.

Almost like res-mods then.

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27 minutes ago, diamond Marchant said:

Funny, it never occurred to me to AR in the forum. I thought Lindens and Moles were moderating.

This one...  I just imagine them drawing straws and whoever gets the short one has "Moderate the Forums" added to their job description.  It cannot be fun knowing you are now responsible for babysitting adults in the forum instead of whatever you would rather be doing like creating things inworld or fixing SL roads and bridges or marketing or scripting or whatever.

I am sure none of them are sitting around 24/7 reading what we write, but I bet they watch certain threads closer than others.  It seems like they would rely on us, as forum users, to alert them to possible issues with TOS and CS by using the abuse reports as they should be used - to draw attention to things they miss.

I feel for the mods having to read some of the ARs that I figure have been sent in. 

They called me a name.  They made me mad.  They said something I didn't like.  My feelings have been hurt.  Make them pay!  Give them a ban.  I have AR'd this 10 times.  Why won't you do anything about it?



I am sorry, moderators, for my part in doing anything to cause you spend time deleting one of my posts instead of making SL better for us.

I will still skate on the edge occasionally, but I will now be more aware of the pain I cause you. 🙊

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8 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

I feel for the mods having to read some of the ARs that I figure have been sent in. 

They called me a name.  They made me mad.  They said something I didn't like.  My feelings have been hurt.  Make them pay!  Give them a ban.  I have AR'd this 10 times.  Why won't you do anything about it?

I wouldn't be surprised if Moles and Lindens called those "Butthurt Reports" among themselves. (I'd post a BR but that's skating.)

Edited by Love Zhaoying
Deleted comma
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4 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

I just imagine them drawing straws and whoever gets the short one has "Moderate the Forums" added to their job description.

Moderating any online forum has always been a recipe for high blood pressure and a forehead-shaped divot in your keyboard. When it came to "moderating" I cut my teeth on a dial-up BBS and later progressed to first chanop and then a server-side O-line on a couple of IRC networks. It's only gone downhill from there, I'm afraid :P

It does mean I try (honestly, I do) to avoid giving moderators on any other online forum headaches and stick within the rules - but I do sometimes slip, I'm only (mostly) human, after all...

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11 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:
15 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I'm pretty sure that at least a couple of Moles are also regular Forum regulars.  So it is pretty easy for them to see that a thread is blowing up and they can then log their Mole account in to do the cleanup/lock/etc...


Wow. Ok, I hadn't heard that.

Almost like res-mods then.

Conspiracy theory: those of you with the magic "no restriction on post frequency" may, in fact, be Moles or Lindens. The Forum software at one point was just too old to hide that setting.

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I have done it a couple of times when I have thought threads are in the wrong place and should be moved to a more appropriate place (ie the adult one for instance) or have no relevance to SL (politics etc), but as for reporting individual people I may disagree with or who call me a nasty name...I'm a grown up and can use block.

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3 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Here's a fun game: use the information in this thread to guess who is AR'ing your favorite threads, who may be a mole, who may be Illuminati, and who may be your "soul mate". I'll call it, "marry, kiss, or AR".

I think you'd be my soulmate, Love. We seem to think alike so often and we both love huskies.

I think Rowan posts the hottest pictures, but that's not the same as wanting to kiss her.

There have been several posters who get under my skin, I would never post their names, nor will I post who I think sends the most BH ARs. I will say I think there's a large overlap between those 2 groups.

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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Here's a fun game: use the information in this thread to guess who is AR'ing your favorite threads, who may be a mole, who may be Illuminati, and who may be your "soul mate". I'll call it, "marry, kiss, or AR".

This is probably a dangerous game.

I've received two suspensions here. I think, based on circumstantial evidence, that I know who ARed me in both cases -- the same person, a very occasional poster who I know dislikes me and my views vehemently, and who just happened to reappear here just before each suspension. 

But I do NOT "know" that. And my suspicions, which are partly involuntary, should NOT govern my actions here. And I try to ensure that they do not.

There are others here who have voiced suspicions that this or that person (or "coterie") is persecuting them with ARs. And they too can't know that for a fact.

Allowing that kind of speculation to impact upon your interactions here is pretty certainly poisonous. For one thing, it turns what should be an open marketplace of ideas into a politicized battleground or even games arena.

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Just now, Persephone Emerald said:

I think you'd be my soulmate, Love. We seem to think alike so often and we both love huskies.

I think Rowan posts the hottest pictures, but that's not the same as wanting to kiss her.

There have been several posters who get under my skin, I would never post their names, nor will I post who I think sends the most BH ARs. I will say I think there's a large overlap between those 2 groups.

I knew that I'd find my soulmate on here! When's our first date?

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5 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Conspiracy theory: those of you with the magic "no restriction on post frequency" may, in fact, be Moles or Lindens. The Forum software at one point was just too old to hide that setting.

Love, stop that.

BAD lion!

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

This is probably a dangerous game.

I've received two suspensions here. I think, based on circumstantial evidence, that I know who ARed me in both cases -- the same person, a very occasional poster who I know dislikes me and my views vehemently, and who just happened to reappear here just before each suspension. 

But I do NOT "know" that. And my suspicions, which are partly involuntary, should NOT govern my actions here. And I try to ensure that they do not.

There are others here who have voiced suspicions that this or that person (or "coterie") is persecuting them with ARs. And they too can't know that for a fact.

Allowing that kind of speculation to impact upon your interactions here is pretty certainly poisonous. For one thing, it turns what should be an open marketplace of ideas into a politicized battleground or even games arena.

Was joke. Is why it took so many pages to formulate how to post it. Otherwise, the "guessing game" part occurred to me early in the thread.

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7 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Conspiracy theory: those of you with the magic "no restriction on post frequency" may, in fact, be Moles or Lindens. The Forum software at one point was just too old to hide that setting.

Where do you find that no restriction thingy you are talking about?


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4 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Conspiracy theory: those of you with the magic "no restriction on post frequency" may, in fact, be Moles or Lindens. The Forum software at one point was just too old to hide that setting.

How can we see that? I'd expect it to be based on an algorithm taking into account how long we've been posting vs. how often we've gotten in trouble with our posts. I don't think that rating would be only for forum moderators and I wouldn't want to guess might secretly be a Mole moderator. 

(I bet someone's going to say that's just what a secret Mole moderator would say.)

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