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Anxiety - Depression Advice Please

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On 5/20/2022 at 9:03 PM, DarkKinGdom said:

Hello Everyone, I hope you are having a good day or evening depending on where you are at in this massive world. I wish I was having a good day but sadly I am not.  I have been fighting with my depression, anxiety and panic disorder for upwards of six years. I have been taking medicine for it but it seems that it is not a permanent solution for me. If I stop taking the medicine then it seems my anxiety and depression becomes worse once again. I have tried exercise, all kinds of medication and even yoga. Even music meditation did not help. So here I am on this forum asking if anyone here can help me find a better way to treat this. 

 if you can tell me of a natural way or anyway if treating this or even giving me relief from the anxiety and depression, I would much appreciate it.


Thank you in advance

It's impossible to help on a forum because it could even be physiological in origin, that's why a doctor is needed for blood work and tests, etc.

Since you've had medication, it would seem though your doctor does know about it.

There are some good suggestions in this thread anyone could try or all of us could try as life has it's challenges.  Therapy and support groups is what I would suggest.  You need to define what is making you depressed/anxious by talking about it.  You could have situational depression and anxiety; i.e., living situation, job stress, relationship stress and that is best handled with a therapist.  Doctors don't have time to be a therapist but your doctor should have referred you to one.  Don't give up!  


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5 hours ago, Quartz Mole said:

I temporarily locked the thread, while I tried to clean up the last few hours' posts as best I can, trying to remove personal disputes, debates about the correct interpretation of forum rules, and general discussions of the nature of mental illness and the adequacy or otherwise of public health provision for it.

Rather against my better judgment, I'm unlocking the thread, since it's clearly a topic people want to talk about, but it it goes off the rails again, it will be locked permanently.   

Wouldn't be upset if you locked and hid .. there is a lot of personal information in this thread.

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  • 2 months later...
On 5/27/2022 at 9:23 PM, Arielle Popstar said:

Yes, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I had similar where through my teen years I would be ordered to sit down once a week or so to endure a fatherly lecture about why did I wear my hair so long, wear silly blue jeans, why didn't I apply myself to school more, why did I seem to like my friends more then my family since I was always out with them, and how bad an influence they were, why was I such a follower, why was I so selfish and never helped around the house, why did he bother to have kids that turned out like me, don't open your mouth when you smile because everyone can see the gap between your front teeth and noone will be attracted to that, especially a mate, I had a brain, why did i seem incapable of using it....and on and on.

In hindsight, there were things I should have paid attention to like long hair did not look good on me, I could have applied myself to school more, I could have been a little more careful in my appearance etc but most of all as he said years later, I should have stood up for myself and told him flat out this was how I am and it was up to him to accept that. It was his opinion that the day I did that, I would have been grown up enough to stand on my own feet. As it was, it took some years of being in recovery groups and the love, sharing and support in those sort of groups where I finally realized it and sat my father down and had a heart to heart with him and though I made an amend to him for not paying more attention to some of what he had been on about, I also finally made peace with him about some things which I did not intend to change that he didn't care for.

This idea that only a licensed professional is capable of guiding and supporting one through those sort of issues is not my experience and to be quite honest, I doubt that many of them would have understood the core of the problem because even I didn't and it was only through others sharing their experience in those groups that I came to realize how much it had impacted my life to the point where for years I used alcohol and drugs to cope with the f*** up I believed myself to be. From what I have seen of the Professionals including my own GP early on in my recovery was to be put on some medication that does little more then delay the inevitability of having to eventually deal with the issues that brought one to a point of having mental and emotional problems as life progressed. I had already been self medicating myself for years and that didn't work so well, so dealing with the issues was the only way forward for me and the reason I stuck with 12 Step recovery groups where I found the support and experience from people who had already gone through similar mental and emotional health issues. I'm happy you found what worked for you but that doesn't mean it would for everyone just like what worked for me wouldn't necessarily work for everyone.

I agree with you about most medical practitioners, they would rather dampen the pain with pharmaceuticals than heal the person. Have you tried hypnotherapy? I am a an actual Hypno Specialist, trained in two countries and have found much success in helping people through their subconscious. 

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On 5/21/2022 at 6:03 AM, DarkKinGdom said:

Hello Everyone, I hope you are having a good day or evening depending on where you are at in this massive world. I wish I was having a good day but sadly I am not.  I have been fighting with my depression, anxiety and panic disorder for upwards of six years. I have been taking medicine for it but it seems that it is not a permanent solution for me. If I stop taking the medicine then it seems my anxiety and depression becomes worse once again. I have tried exercise, all kinds of medication and even yoga. Even music meditation did not help. So here I am on this forum asking if anyone here can help me find a better way to treat this. 

 if you can tell me of a natural way or anyway if treating this or even giving me relief from the anxiety and depression, I would much appreciate it.


Thank you in advance

Hi! Have you ever considered hypnotherapy?  There are some medical conditions that do require medical investigation and treatment. However, every day we are exposed to countless ads, marketing and propaganda through social media. The media know how to appeal to emotions and use our subconscious to manipulate for their purposes. However, that subconscious can be returned to functioning for your benefit, helping you release negative emotions and restoring confidence, focus and calm. This is within your power! I am a trained hypno-specialist, and I do hope to create a wellness group in Second Life to help. In the meantime, I wish you the best! 

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On 5/21/2022 at 10:17 AM, Ceka Cianci said:

If you haven't already, You may want to look into your diet.. Forming the right diet for you can help, not only with depression and anxiety, but with so many other things going on in the human body..

I know it may sound cliche, but there is a reason for that.. we can burn any old fuel that comes along or we can burn what is good fuel that helps..

I say this to a lot of people because when I decided to change my diet, my results came pretty quick..  I was looking for more energy, plus wanted to reduce inflammation..

I won't go into it that much and start sounding like a health food commercial or anything like that..  But it's really amazing how powerful the right diet for us, can improve our lives..

When something ails me, I just look to see what could I put in my diet to help with that and then test it out for a week to see what results I'm getting.. Just make sure to look up the Pro's and the Con's of something to make sure what you add isn't harmful and is more beneficial..

It's something to look into if you haven't already..

I know it was the best thing I ever did for my body and my mind and everything else that goes with it.. This isn't me prescribing it, but more giving ideas on what you may want to look into..

You may be putting something in yourself that kicks those bad things into a higher gear than they are already in..


I just did a quick search for a video that gives some examples of things that can have an impact on what you are worried about..







This is so true! I am a hypno- specialist and diet is one of the first questions I ask my clients. Moods can be greatly affected as can the immune system and chronic conditions, due to inflammation. Thanks for sharing!

On 5/27/2022 at 9:23 PM, Arielle Popstar said:

Yes, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I had similar where through my teen years I would be ordered to sit down once a week or so to endure a fatherly lecture about why did I wear my hair so long, wear silly blue jeans, why didn't I apply myself to school more, why did I seem to like my friends more then my family since I was always out with them, and how bad an influence they were, why was I such a follower, why was I so selfish and never helped around the house, why did he bother to have kids that turned out like me, don't open your mouth when you smile because everyone can see the gap between your front teeth and noone will be attracted to that, especially a mate, I had a brain, why did i seem incapable of using it....and on and on.

In hindsight, there were things I should have paid attention to like long hair did not look good on me, I could have applied myself to school more, I could have been a little more careful in my appearance etc but most of all as he said years later, I should have stood up for myself and told him flat out this was how I am and it was up to him to accept that. It was his opinion that the day I did that, I would have been grown up enough to stand on my own feet. As it was, it took some years of being in recovery groups and the love, sharing and support in those sort of groups where I finally realized it and sat my father down and had a heart to heart with him and though I made an amend to him for not paying more attention to some of what he had been on about, I also finally made peace with him about some things which I did not intend to change that he didn't care for.

This idea that only a licensed professional is capable of guiding and supporting one through those sort of issues is not my experience and to be quite honest, I doubt that many of them would have understood the core of the problem because even I didn't and it was only through others sharing their experience in those groups that I came to realize how much it had impacted my life to the point where for years I used alcohol and drugs to cope with the f*** up I believed myself to be. From what I have seen of the Professionals including my own GP early on in my recovery was to be put on some medication that does little more then delay the inevitability of having to eventually deal with the issues that brought one to a point of having mental and emotional problems as life progressed. I had already been self medicating myself for years and that didn't work so well, so dealing with the issues was the only way forward for me and the reason I stuck with 12 Step recovery groups where I found the support and experience from people who had already gone through similar mental and emotional health issues. I'm happy you found what worked for you but that doesn't mean it would for everyone just like what worked for me wouldn't necessarily work for everyone.


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16 minutes ago, CatiaLyst said:

I agree with you about most medical practitioners, they would rather dampen the pain with pharmaceuticals than heal the person. Have you tried hypnotherapy? I am a an actual Hypno Specialist, trained in two countries and have found much success in helping people through their subconscious. 

In my experience it took time for me to determine first of all who I wasn't and what characteristics I had picked up along the way that really did not serve me well. That took some time measured in years. The way I see and understand hypnotherapy is that I would be deciding early on in recovery what characteristics I would want to accentuate and which to lose, which back then I was really not capable of determining.

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16 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I think that the best advice I can think of is, a Forum like this is a terrible place to ask for advice on the topic.

Best of luck!


I have a friend in SL who gets tremendous relief from his anxiety by building in Second Life.    In that case,  it's some what medicinal for him.   Aside from suggestions for creative pursuits that might have a calming affect,   I agree this might not be the best place to ask for mental health advice.  😉

OP - Best of all wishes to you!   I hope you can find someone / something to help!!  

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On 5/21/2022 at 5:25 PM, Alwin Alcott said:

it's this kind of answers why these questions are dangerous here.

"think that you're a happy bird and you'll fly"  ..

that's not a cure for depression and/or anxiety  but for a stressed chicken.

I have to agree.  And to dimiss it as being a "debbie downer" shows further ignorance  on just what mental illness is.


While wishful postive thinking is nice. It doesn't  cure mental health issues and can even cause further harm when it invevably fails to work.

Talk to professionals. They can perscibe the right medication and threaphy to help treat Depression and Anexity.


op you aren't alone, I have anexity and depression too. It is a terrible combo but thankfully, it is treatable.

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1 hour ago, CatiaLyst said:

This is so true! I am a hypno- specialist and diet is one of the first questions I ask my clients. Moods can be greatly affected as can the immune system and chronic conditions, due to inflammation. Thanks for sharing!


Inflammation is an immune system response but it’s not always a bad thing, in most cases it’s essential to activate certain pathways that actually help to remove pathogens. You are probably referring to chronic inflammatory conditions or autoimmune responses. In either case diet does play a vital role in reducing inflammation but it should be tailored for the patient and take into account everyone’s unique physiology. Certain foods or supplements can actually interact with prescription medications and the internet really isn’t the right place to give or take any medical advice, if you are serious about your profession.

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3 hours ago, CatiaLyst said:

This is so true! I am a hypno- specialist and diet is one of the first questions I ask my clients. Moods can be greatly affected as can the immune system and chronic conditions, due to inflammation. Thanks for sharing!


Hypno-specialist? That doesn't sound like a board certified physician or psychiatrist.

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On 5/21/2022 at 12:55 PM, LittleMe Jewell said:

I advise you to seek help from a RL therapist and not from these forums or anyone inworld.

I think she stated that she is on medication and refuses to stop because of repercussions. It is a good sign that she has taken a professional help. What I think she's asking for is some (natural)self help tips from people who are also experiencing the same medical problem to go along with her ongoing therapy.

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16 minutes ago, tako Absent said:

I think she stated that she is on medication and refuses to stop because of repercussions. It is a good sign that she has taken a professional help. What I think she's asking for is some (natural)self help tips from people who are also experiencing the same medical problem to go along with her ongoing therapy.

Thing is, we don't know anything for certain about this person, and any suggestions would be blind guesses and potentially cause more harm than good. That's why it's better to seek help from someone in RL.

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12 hours ago, tako Absent said:

I think she stated that she is on medication and refuses to stop because of repercussions. It is a good sign that she has taken a professional help. What I think she's asking for is some (natural)self help tips from people who are also experiencing the same medical problem to go along with her ongoing therapy.

Key words have been bolded.

As Akane says -- nobody here knows anything for sure.

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