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Oh hell yes! -- Pet Delights!

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 It's a shame a lot of people here really dislike AI and social media because they sometimes give us gems like this :D The part where the 'flying fish' appears has made my day 🤩 


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I lost a silver cross - it fell off the chain as I was putting it on and it vanished.  I didn't have much money so I ordered a tiny inexpensive replacement.  It arrived today, two days early without the cost of early delivery, and I found the other cross where I hadn't seen it before, so now I have two styles on two different-length chains, to suit different necklines.  :) 🙏

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I'm pretty sure I saw the Falcon rocket in the sky today, it might not have been the rocket, but it was shortly after it launched, in the right direction, and wow that thing was moving fast.  It was a cloudy day, so I did not get to see it for very long, I could see it in areas where the cloud coverage was not severe.  

I kind of wish I had a telescope and wonder how well I would have been able to make it out.  This is the first time I actually went outside to take a look in the sky after a rocket launch, and did not think it would be possible to see it slightly over 100 miles away (161 km) but apparently it can be visible from that range, plus perhaps it was closer to me by the time I saw it.. 




Doesn't it look like one of those UFO pictures you always see on conspiracy sites?  It is grainy, and looked so much more clear in real life, my phone camera is lousy.  It was very reflective, and shot across the sky in seconds.

Here is a video that is much better than my picture

It felt kind of surreal, delightful, and I enjoyed it for the few seconds that I watched it.  I think from now on, I will try to catch a glimpse whenever a rocket goes off, and perhaps purchase a cheap telescope, and if it is inexpensive also a camera to capture the moment.

Edited by Istelathis
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I had a heart scan today which seems all fine, and I was able to help three or four people in various ways, and as it was a sunny day I did without hospital transport home, instead taking the bus.  I stopped off at the shopping centre on the way and noticed that it looked more prosperous than last year.  I bought three puzzle magazines, then took the bus the rest of the way and had a lovely walk home from the bus stop.  It began pouring with rain on the journey but it all stopped before I got off, and the sun shone again, and the sky was a beautiful blue, the flowers in planters on the street shone with raindrops, the birds were twittering merrily, and when I got home I ate a KitKat (for which I feel no guilt at all, never mind what people are saying in the peeves topic).  So I thanked God for a lovely day.  :) 


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Pet Delight: I managed to setup and test "remote" recording / monitoring using Cat5 XLR extenders.

So, I can have my mixer / recorder in one room, and both control it, provide input (mic/line/etc.), and monitor it (using a headphone amp) in any other room so long as WiFi and Cat5 cables will reach.

Next, I'm learning some software that will let me also control my DAW from any room remotely..


Edited by Love Zhaoying
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   When you're about to buy a sofa for L$699, but you feel the store seems strangely .. Inconsistent. Upon closer inspection I found the sofa was a full perm prefab, which is L$599. And, the animations in it were so bad I was going to swap them anyway, and they used the default textures - soo. Saved L$100 and supported the original creator instead!

   .. Although now I'm going to have to muck about with AvSitter and figure out what animations I want in it ..

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On 3/30/2024 at 2:07 PM, Love Zhaoying said:

Pet Delight: I managed to setup and test "remote" recording / monitoring using Cat5 XLR extenders.

So, I can have my mixer / recorder in one room, and both control it, provide input (mic/line/etc.), and monitor it (using a headphone amp) in any other room so long as WiFi and Cat5 cables will reach.

Next, I'm learning some software that will let me also control my DAW from any room remotely..


Pet Delight: At the "next level" of remote recording/mixing, now I have remote mic and synthesizer / instrument capability, and remote MIDI!

Met the goal of some iPad software for remote DAW control, too.

I've run out of excuses, need to start making some music!

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3 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I've run out of excuses, need to start making some music!

Do ittt!!!

I love to create music, and wish I had your hardware skills.  Too expensive though, have to use computer mixers..

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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

I love to create music, and wish I had your hardware skills.  Too expensive though, have to use computer mixers..

I didn't want to use a computer at all, it turned out that to do the multi-track recording bit you really need to these days.

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Never sure where I can post this sort of thing anymore, so I'll call it a DELIGHT and possibly others will see it and be delighted also.

Meva is doing a 75% off sale to celebrate a store remodel - and you don't have to be a group member to get the deal. Pay the vendor regular amount and it will refund you 75%.  It applies to everything in the store except the items on the Happy Weekend board.  Gacha Fatpacks are included, but they don't refund - instead they have been directly discounted from L$2000 to L$500. It also applies to Gifting but the refund is dependent on the recipient actually receiving the item.  

The sale goes through tomorrow EOD.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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I was delighted to be in the most awesome place to witness the solar eclipse.  Directly in the path!  The streetlights came on, there were fireworks downtown, neighbors were cheering.  A very cool event!  

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About a year ago I contributed to the Go Fund Me drive for a Facebook friend who needed money for a bus pass to get to a new job. He ended up with almost 3x the amount he need. Great.

Then he went off the radar. No posts for months.

Then I found out he was convicted of assault, went to jail, got out of jail, and was in a rehab program. He apparently has a new job and is doing better now.

On Monday, Go Fund Me refunded the money I'd contributed. It wasn't that much, but getting it back was a nice surprise. 👍 

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45 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

This thread got pushed to the second page. 

Anyway, I am delighted by this sandwich.  Homemade rye bread, avocado, hummus, smoked salmon, pumpkin seeds, pesto, and pink sauerkraut.



That is quite an interesting combination of ingredients!


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I had some pizza 🥰🍕


The table was messy, the place was packed, there was a line, but the pizza and soda combo are only $2.66 USD.. It doesn't look like it, but it did taste pretty good, Sam's club does an okay job with pizza, considering the price.  I can get a whole pizza for around $9.00 USD I think. 

A two liter of soda costs more than what I paid, at some places a 16 oz bottle of soda costs more than that.  So I made sure to get a refill for when I made it back home.  It was definitely worth two miles of walking, plus I got my steps in for the day.

So now I am slurping away at my soda, relaxing in some AC until my next adventure strikes.




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Pet delight - SL jewelry makers who make lovely things, AND rig them for the most popular bodies. I can't stand how unrigged necklaces and rings look, they are never quite right. And some of the stores that make the best rigged jewelry, like Sigma and Yummy, also include an unrigged version for those that need it.

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Pet Delight - Free shoulder deformers on MP that let my female avatars continue to wear Matreya Lara classic bodies and all that clothing, while also giving them a body shape I like. This saves me so much time and money.

I already put a note in the titles of my clothing folders to say which bodies those items fit. If they're wearing Lara classic, I search for "M *" . If they're wearing LaraX, I search for "LaraX". Each body folder has a slightly different shape. My Lara classic folder includes a shoulder deformer. My LaraX folder includes the small butt deformer for my thinner girls. I love my OG Lara bodies, because I have so much clothing that looks great on them now!

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Pet Delight: I discovered yesterday that one of my favorite creators makes rigged earrings for evo x elf ears. I bought a pair I liked, gifted one to my twin sister and and my alt too...and sent a thank you message to the creator. A few hours go by and I'm hanging out at the Fantasy Faire with my husband when I get this really kind message from her in turn, but she also sent me the rest of the pieces of jewellery that go with the earrings.

I was so embarrassed because this beautifully kind gesture not only made me speechless, but I started crying because of how much this meant to me. I responded really awkwardly to her and apologized for doing so and we had a lovely conversation after. This meant so much to me after all the meanness I've been witness to lately. To not only see kindness, but extreme generosity as well. I never expected the gifts. I was just thrilled with my beautiful new earrings and wanted so much to thank her for them.

The whole experience was wonderful.

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