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Article about SL fashion week with no mention of SL

Cynical Cloud

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18 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

So can someone explain the difference between NFTs and how things are typically sold in SL (as in NM-C-NT)?    I really like the short coat outfit but really don't understand  the NFT thing.  



Adding:  I wonder if there will be demos? And how many mesh body versions there will be.  Guessing not tons but I haven't been to Blueberry lately.   

To me NFT's benefits are in the unambiguous, decentralised ownership of non-physical assets and where I see the real value in the future:  Identity.
 My hope would be LL are also looking outwards on this, but I have to say I expect they are not really at the forefront (perhaps not even in the room).  
Albeit, Philip being back makes this interesting timing, considering how High Fidelity approached some of the blockchain strategy.


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1 hour ago, Charlotte Bartlett said:

To me NFT's benefits are in the unambiguous, decentralised ownership of non-physical assets and where I see the real value in the future:  Identity.
 My hope would be LL are also looking outwards on this, but I have to say I expect they are not really at the forefront (perhaps not even in the room).  
Albeit, Philip being back makes this interesting timing, considering how High Fidelity approached some of the blockchain strategy.


I guess I am having a difficult time wrapping my head around the "true metaverse" idea.  I understand how Opensim let's folks take their avatars and good to "other grids" via a suitcase. Many dangers there but let's overlook that. Those are more or less the SAME platform. 


It would be nice to be able to pack up my NFT avatar made in SL and hop over to Sansar and keep that avatar -- granted.  But things are so VERY different there -- and the devs -- as good as they were -- weren't able to get that to work (note I don't know that they TRIED but from casual "official" remarks it seemed like that was at one time a hope on the roadmap).  


Maybe in five or ten years, but by then my new NFT outfit might be very passe.   That won't stop me from buying NFTs any more than it stopped me from buying gachas whose permissions I didn't like. It just anything that will induce me to buy over regular SL goods.  


First fashion show must be starting.  I didn't even TRY to get in but maybe I can get a slot on the third day; (doubtful but will try).

Edit.  I made it over to an adjoining sim and currently standing under water -- but I can CAM.  Everything very slow to rez though even on my smoking computer. 



Edited by Chic Aeon
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For me, the value in Blueberry items is "mix and match" appeal.
I don't anticipate any one designer having the ability to make garments that suit my taste
and I rarely dress formal in SL anyways. I do have one beautiful sparkly gown tho.... 🥰
Gardening or Home studio is my most common style which I do "sex up" a bit.
Quite a bit sometimes as I'm mostly alone doing stuffs in SL. 

Edited by Maryanne Solo
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13 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

It would be nice to be able to pack up my NFT avatar made in SL and hop over to Sansar and keep that avatar -- granted.

Yeah that would be nice but  NFT's are not about getting a dress you bought in SL and magically having it on GTA V or Horizons.

Have a look at the video and you will understand what NFT's are.


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Here is my report on the fashion show as seen from a "cam" sim.


Really lovely modern and minimalist area. Classy.  While it took a long time for audience to rez for me, the outfits rezzed quickly (there are some ways to do that and happily it seems like they did).  Only one outfit was abve the 67K maximum complexity.  


My favorite outfit shown above but it walks very badly from behind so that likely kills sales potential for me.


THE SHOW REPEATS.  And there are a few (at least two) items that weren't in the video

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well, that wasn't unpleasant.

i remember runway shows back in the day. (still hunting around for those pictures and vid clips.) so, all in all, i'd say we've progressed exceptionally well as to stability and viewability. no crashes, good frame rates, everything rezzed perfectly fine (without advanced lighting tho).

if anyone's interested i'd recommend taking it in. use the landmark from the official post otherwise you're likely to land in the canals (no flying out allowed). there's 4 regions, 1 reserved for the performers.

i'm assuming the scripted bot models take to the runway as per the schedule. 1, 2, 3, 4pm SLT but you can take in Liam Cole's build, listen to the droning stream loop, and inspect Blueberry's outfits. the bots are stationed inside the pavillion when they're not programmed to walk the runway. and, they're all locked into a  walking animation lined up so close it's difficult to zoom into one without getting another model in the way. i would have preferred Ashur Constantine's scripts to include a static pose at rest. maybe a slow 360 turn. the Vista Barnes animations are nothing to write home about. kinda stiff, but i guess that's the NY style they were going for.

when the bots actually do come out to walk, one follows another way too fast. i would have liked to have supped in one model on the runway at a time. and, as others commented, it would have been nice to have some audio announcements giving a description of what design was up or indeed when they were walking.

i suppose having a speaker would entail someone being scheduled to actually attend. that's not always possible for a prolonged committment every hour on the hour even though it only took five minutes for all of the models to do their walk.

i hope i'm not coming across as a *****. i'd really like for fashion shows to come back, be they rl designers or sl's. it used to be a thing. maybe treating the fans to special events like this isn't in the cards (budget). i guess events like C88, uber, Access, and Equal10 command the designers agenda for an outfit or piece on a monthly schedule. it'd be nice to have designers adopt real life fashion house lines but i guess the organizers for those events went the way of the dodo. alas....

i'm still in it for more, more, more.

Paw Paw has a YouTube stream on the event

Edited by EnCore Mayne
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13 minutes ago, EnCore Mayne said:

would have preferred Ashur Constantine's scripts to include a static pose at rest. maybe a slow 360 turn.

But if the models when resting were in pose mode you wouldn't be able to see the weighting issues when you walk and there are a few major ones. 


I just assumed that I missed the sound / text description and info on buying because I was in the cam sim, so thanks for that info.    

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On 2/16/2022 at 7:29 PM, Mollymews said:

hopefully this turns out to be true for the long term

No. Land speculators in SL just takes land ownership off the table for SL's actual residents.

This is very bad for SL's actual users.

8 hours ago, Charlotte Bartlett said:

To me NFT's benefits are in the unambiguous, decentralised ownership of non-physical assets .......

Guess who's store I wont be shopping at ever again!

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Since no one else has said it (that I've seen so far) I'm going to say it. The number one reason why runway models in SL are so flipping tall is so you, the audience, can see them from your seats without having to constantly be moving your cam!

Won't someone think of the lookat crosshairs! 🤭

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9 hours ago, Charlotte Bartlett said:

To me NFT's benefits are in the unambiguous, decentralised ownership of non-physical assets and where I see the real value in the future:  Identity.

Can you explain further?

I'll confess this sounds like a "The road to Hell is paved with . . ." kind of thing. The original conception behind NFTs was pretty benign too.

And why do you think decentralized is a good thing?

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32 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

No. Land speculators in SL just takes land ownership off the table for SL's actual residents.

This is very bad for SL's actual users.

Land speculation is of course already doing this. Arguably I suppose it ensures that there is a little more land for which tier is being paid, but in the sense that it makes the development of the mainland more expensive, it's not helping the platform in the long run.

I think you're right -- I don't see how land speculation helps anyone other than the sharper speculators who may be able make a quick buck from someone else's naivety. 


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3 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Land speculation is of course already doing this. Arguably I suppose it ensures that there is a little more land for which tier is being paid, but in the sense that it makes the development of the mainland more expensive, it's not helping the platform in the long run.

I think you're right -- I don't see how land speculation helps anyone other than the sharper speculators who may be able make a quick buck from someone else's naivety.

my thought more comes from basic GDP economics as this applies to a mass of inhabitants in a space/on a land

there are two basic pillars of GDP growth. 1) increase labour inputs. 2) increase capital inputs. Most governments try to manage/balance the two (for this argument we can equate Linden with government as they control the space)

Linden have suceeded with 1). Marketplace dramatically increased labour inputs. There is more user-generated content available today than at any previous time in SL history, and there is little sign that the rate of production will decrease, even as prices per item (averaged across the board) are falling. More and more items are surfacing on Marketplace even as prices fall. Why ? Marketplace, the cost of entry for creators is sans tier, unlike it used to be before Marketplace

Linden have not succeeded as well with 2). To increase capital inputs then two paths. a) increase the spend of the existing customer base and/or b) increase the number of paying customers

every Linden CEO since the beginning, has said that the company needs to diversify its revenue away from land (tier). If Linden did want to do this then they should treat land as a treasured resource, and when the government treasures the land then so do the people

when something is treasured then people want to buy it. When bought then people will want to buy stuff to put on it - both of which are increased capital inputs

so resident calls for double-primmed mainland, more roads, rivers, parks, lakes, themes, etc are calls to Linden to treasure the land

ps add. should say that LDPW do their best to do what they can to make mainland as attractive as they can as best they can within the constraints.  The constraints are fundamentally that Linden as a company treasures the tier the land delivers, not so much the land as an objective in itself

pps. add more. I never got into the effect of land speculation as it distracts from what I was hoping to say here

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29 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

ps add. should say that LDPW do their best to do what they can to make mainland as attractive as they can as best they can within the constraints.  The constraints are fundamentally that Linden as a company treasures the tier the land delivers, not so much the land as an objective in itself

Yes, your first PS is to the point, I think.

The problem with making land ownership, in and of itself, valuable -- or focusing merely upon collecting tier, regardless of how the land is used -- is that you end up potentially where places like Decentreland currently are, with prohibitively expensive land that no one can afford to develop or build on. If you're paying thousands of RL$ for a smallish plots, the only way to recoup your losses is to flip it . . . to speculate.

LL shouldn't be encouraging people to think of land as "valuable." They should be "incentivizing" (ugh!!!) the development of land somehow. Exchanging a bit more tier for watching the mainland turn into a desolate barren is cutting off your nose to spite your face: if land isn't developed, there's nothing for residents to do, and nowhere for them to go. And that would kill off SL faster than anything else.

So . . . yeah. Switch the focus from "tier" to land development. Somehow.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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18 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

So . . . yeah. Switch the focus from "tier" to land development. Somehow.

at the moment Linden (thru LDPW) focus is on Bellissaria, which is working for them as this lis increasing the number of people paying Premium fees. It is a land development that is attractive, that people are willing to pay for, and are paying. So all good

olde mainland has attractive areas as well, attractive meaning that people are willing to pay more for parcels in built-up areas

so I think the aim for Linden should be to make more of olde mainland more attractive, which I think LPDW would love to do, as I think the Moles as individuals (and many if not all of the Land Lindens also) treasure the land as much as the mainland residents do

but mounting attractive-looking objects only goes so far. I think that Big Boss Linden has realised thru the Bellissaria project that attractive land is a treasure, and from this realisation I think that changes are going to come to olde mainland

i think that Land Linden within the forseeable future will start with addressing the causes of egregious pollution of the land. The two main visible causations of egregious pollution is micro-parceling and World Map branding signage on mainland


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what I have found in all my times on SL is that if we want Linden to do something then keep on mentioning it. Sometimes we don't get things we might hold dear, like bake materials for example. If we stop asking for it every time an opportunity presents then it has zero chance of happening

i am quite relentless in asking for stuff and supporting others who ask for stuff that makes sense to me. The end result of which is that Linden have done quite a lot of things over the times that I asked for and/or have supported others in their asking

all with never having had a can-you-do conversation with any Linden ever, or ever going to any user group meetings. I have filed exactly 1 JIRA in all my times. Was a bug report when Linden made me a attached media player because I kept asking for it til they did

edit add. Now that I remember I have filed 2 jiras. The other one was the viewer memory crashing exploit on the Linden Realms back in the day.  A Linden did reply on that JIRA that I should file a Abuse Report, and I said thats not actually the fix. Some other residents came on and gave some technical details and Linden ended up fixing it properly

and more recently a person mentioned on here a bug with MOAP on the then newly released Linden Viewer. Prof came inworld and we troubleshooted it as was affecting me as well. Prof done a detailed JIRA, and Linden did a rollback and then put out a fix for it the next week

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LL will never touch 'ye olde mainland'. Ever.

They will never add more bay city or horizons, no matter how much as we ask for them or how little effort might be required.

LL only approach projects that can be linked to some measure of growth, Linden Homes makes more premiums, so Linden Homes gets the love (abet a lot less creative love than the original continent).

They are especially unwilling to do anything that would require an actual Linden account to be involved, horizons is copy pasta and was designed to be copy pasta, but if LL have lost the template regions (likely) they can't just copy pasta anymore and they can't just hire a mole to fix it. They would have to get a god mode Linden account (probably a developer) to clone the regions to a holding grid and clean out the none Linden content. A proposition that's likely to die in upper management meetings because it's not growth focused.


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55 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

LL will never touch 'ye olde mainland'. Ever.

They will never add more bay city or horizons, no matter how much as we ask for them or how little effort might be required.

i don't think it is never ever

1) the development department has also gotten more developer resources recently which includes some olde linden devs

2) the influence of Patch Linden's department (responsible for the inworld experience) is growing. Is getting more resources (recently/currently hiring for LDPW)

all these new hires have to do something to earn their pay. A growing LDPW signals to me that the inworld experience is going to get more love from a residents perspective

and the LDPW has pretty much taken over all of Linden public access mainland already in terms of ownership. That department's influence on governance is also growing. (Who would have thought that LDPW staff would end up as forum monitors)  

the LDPW is going to come for mainland. As Patch Linden once said when we/me was complaining about some of the Belli restrictions on here. Patch said this is Our Estate - Our meaning LDPW.  Our Estate will soon include olde mainland also, LPDW will swallow up Land Linden, if it hasn't already

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6 hours ago, Mollymews said:


I too can credit that they actually fix bugs from time to time, I found and reported a rather obscure bug involving certain SLURLs not getting categorized correctly, (an SLURL to say something asked you to open the map) and they fixed it relatively quickly.

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in case anyone's still interested in how this metaverse event plays in the media take a look at the organizer Everyrealm's page. that should lead you to OceanSea's site where 6 NFTs are being sold. hurry and get your crypto wallets out. going bids seem to be from 0.08 Etherium ($260us) to 1 ETH ($2709.55us). quick while quantities last....

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19 minutes ago, EnCore Mayne said:

in case anyone's still interested in how this metaverse event plays in the media take a look at the organizer Everyrealm's page. that should lead you to OceanSea's site where 6 NFTs are being sold. hurry and get your crypto wallets out. going bids seem to be from 0.08 Etherium ($260us) to 1 ETH ($2709.55us). quick while quantities last....

As written on one of the items for sale:
"This edit of pieces from Simkhai's Fall Winter 2022 collection has been transformed into digital versions designed exclusively for the Metaverse."

I wonder which Metaverse, and what exactly the person who wins is buying.  If it is SL, I am curious if someone has created a script similar to the one @animatshad suggested earlier.  For all I know though, someone may just be purchasing a picture of the outfit.

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18 minutes ago, Istelathis said:

I wonder which Metaverse, and what exactly the person who wins is buying. 

"NFT holders will be able to wear NFT digital wearables across 1,400 partner platforms, including Somnium Space, Pixelynx, and others." -MSN -emphasis added

according to everyrealm:



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