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Trick or Treat Event FYI

Lysistrata Szapira

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18 minutes ago, Polenth Yue said:

To be clear, I wasn't the person who counted up the names on the ban list and crosschecked them with forum names. My aim in discussing the banning was to make people think of what's not working, so that it can be improved. A lot of my bad experiences could be solved with one simple change: up the click distance to 10m so that people don't need to enter parcels in most cases.

I feel for people who want people to come inside and look around, but maybe that could be handled with a sign system. "No, just the candy" or "Yes, come in and look around".


Sorry, thought it was you.

And I like the 10m and sign ideas.

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18 hours ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

I don't have any free attach-to-your-avatar candy to give out, but there are enough food options, from hot peppers that make you run around with a burning mouth to robot-delivered pizza to satisfy any palate.



Plus, I've got a gift for those that take the time to explore a bit to find it:  Free mesh clothes!


I stopped by your camper and had a grand old time with the laundry pile.  I picked up your mesh clothes and it's absolutely fabulous! I'm going to dress up my other alts in this. (I could hear them calling me all sorts of unsavory names, including tightwad. ha) Thank you for the gift. :D 

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31 minutes ago, Polenth Yue said:

up the click distance to 10m so that people don't need to enter parcels in most cases.

Yes, that would help a lot, since at least 1/2 are putting their buckets near their porch or front door which is always more than 5 meters from the parcel line. I think the scripter didn't want us to miss the candy particles shooting off when you touched the pumpkin, and didn't think anyone would set their orb to eject trickntreaters.   

Or he/she didn't think Governance had enough to do, and would really appreciate hundreds of AR's for being ejected.

Edited by Jaylinbridges
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44 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

I don't do Twitter, so save those things for the Millennium and Z generation.




And now we've devolved to the point of using generation-bashing to knock the thread further off the tracks.

Oh, BTW...OOPS!  I'M SORRY!  I forgot who I'm speaking to.  "BTW" is little-kiddie-leetspeak for "By The Way" :  Hashtags have been around since the '70's


so clearly it was the older Millennium People, you know, the one's born in the '50's and '60's, who came up with it.



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5 minutes ago, Eddy Vortex said:

I stopped by your camper and had a grand old time with the laundry pile.  I picked up your mesh clothes and it's absolutely fabulous! I'm going to dress up my other alts in this. (I could hear them calling me all sorts of unsavory names, including tightwad. ha) Thank you for the gift. :D 

Thanks!  Glad you had fun!

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20 minutes ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

so clearly it was the older Millennium People, you know, the one's born in the '50's and '60's, who came up with it.

No it was the Boomers! They ruined everything.  Did I miss anyone? 


So now you got me curious about Twitter:

Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams in March 2006 and launched in July of that year.

Two of the founders were born in the mid 1970's, which would put them around 30 yrs old when they started Twitter. So you can't blame the Boomers either.  

The first published use of the term "hash tag" was in a blog post by Stowe Boyd, "Hash Tags = Twitter Groupings from on August 26, 2007

from your Wiki reference

Baby Boomers: Baby boomers were born between 1946 and 1964. They're currently between 57-75 years old (71.6 million in the U.S.)

Gen X: Gen X was born between 1965 and 1979/80 and is currently between 41-56 years old (65.2 million people in the U.S.

So Gen X started twitter, and the most users are still Millennials and GenZ, which is what I meant.  

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43 minutes ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

Oh, BTW...OOPS!  I'M SORRY!  I forgot who I'm speaking to.  "BTW" is little-kiddie-leetspeak for "By The Way" :  Hashtags have been around since the '70's


so clearly it was the older Millennium People, you know, the one's born in the '50's and '60's, who came up with it.

I used BTW long before you were born, but I get the point, you are trying to be insulting.

Hashtags as used in social media have been around since 2007, not the 1970's.

#hashtag in programming was known to programmers, not the general public in the 1970's.

People born in the 50's and 60's  up to 1965 are called Boomers, not older Millennium people :)

Millennials, were born between 1981 and 1994.


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7 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:

For ***** sake, STOP IT YOU TWO!

You are going to get a totally benign thread locked.  Please go have some Tea or THC or whatever calms you down, and hey, why not totally ignore this thread?


Already ignoring them.  It's getting way out of hand.

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20 hours ago, Rabid Cheetah said:


It's really not hidden.  All folks need to do is walk around a 512 parcel, at ground level, which should take about five to ten seconds.  Within that time, I hope people see enough interesting things to spark their interest, and they'll stick around a bit longer.

And it wasn't the fact that 200 people were hiding buckets that led me to find none;  I wound up using Firestorm's Area Search to confirm that each region I went to was indeed empty of buckets -- other than the one region where I found one.

I agree with you:  My time is worth more than what amounts to a gatcha bear.  I don't want the hassle of trying to keep track of a no-copy item anyway, especially one I can't go to the Marketplace and get redelivered.  I have plenty of teddies (even one dressed in leather lol) in SL, know where the Linden Teddy Bear Castle is (or at least have it landmarked), and get much more enjoyment out of my real-life collection of stuffed animals anyway.  So I got my one piece of "candy" (which not even my avatar can eat, let alone the real-life me), and that's enough for the Everybody-Gets-One teddy.  I also don't want a "kayn ayin hara" (look it up) issue with winning something that others really really want.  Been there, done that, got the game memorabilia signed by the dev team (of another game) and the nastiness of jealous players (of another game) to prove it.

So.  For those looking for my bucket, don't say "f@#& it" lol.  It's in th

You know, I think it's unfair to call the prize here "what amounts to a gatcha bear". I'm a big booster of gatcha, but this isn't a gatcha bear.

No, no. It's a Linden-type Mole bear. Linden/Mole represents the most superior content on the grid, optimized because, well, it's their grid. The Bellisseria houses are hard to beat. OK, the trees and flowers can get a little scrappie but then they have lag and prims and optimal LOD to think of, you know?

I really don't think there are better bears out there, having collected a lot of them. I think like "Linden protected land," Linden content is sought after. OK, that 2018 cabin set was kinda high prim and chunky, but you know? Sturdy. The trailers' picnic table where you can put down your head and cry? I don't think there is a better piece of content from Linden or anybody on the grid or even the Metaverse. That picnic table that enables you to cry unabashedly at how awful everything is (in this mini-case, the picnic food, but it's actually a conscious metaphor and synedoche for much else) -- *chef's kiss*.

I feel bad that I'm not going to qualify for more than that one bear. But not bad enough to spend hours on end burning my retinas with miles upon miles of Apple Fall fireplaces and Nutmeg messy Grandma's chairs, you know? Not to mention getting sent back home on the Legacy Mainland -- where I already am -- just for trying to click a pumpkie.


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6 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I think that a large number of home owners are not in the Belli group.  We know that there are over 2000 regions, with an average of probably 15-20 homes per region (more for the campers).   Yet the Bellisseria Citizens group only has 5800 members.  That is a small subset of total homeowners - and there are probably quite a few that don't really monitor the group chat constantly or doing the super active hours.  I also think that very few of the total homeowners pay any real attention to the forums on a regular basis.

It's a staggering thought, and a sobering thought, but the Lindens know their business. They know who their customers are. They are not on the forums, small or large.

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On 10/22/2021 at 7:50 AM, Prokofy Neva said:


I think what I can do is offer you sites where I have my pumpkins, and you can take it from there:

Thanks!  I'll reciprocate:  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innside/140/44/80

There are only 13 other houses in my region and I haven't found anyone else with a pumpkin. (Did stumble upon one in the neighboring region, Pratt Falls.)

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I think it is fun, I love seeing how the houses are decorated, there could be some improvements.  Perhaps prizes that can only be won for the people hosting the pumpkin, along with prizes for the candies, would encourage more to host. I would like it to be get x amount for most of the prizes, instead the top 100, maybe just do that for the top 2 prizes. 

As to people saying this is a marketing event, so is Halloween. There is no reason why fun events can not be marketing events for SL, as long as they are fun who cares. I think SL needs its own group or announcement channel, so many people are unaware of the event at all, because they are not on forums.

Also exploring the lands made me remember how beautifully landscaped the Victorian sims are, and why I love them. Would really like to see that level of terraforming and décor in the new themes, some are a bit lack luster when compared. 

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Now I sent my address to the owner of the big list, so hopefully I get more clicks.

Since it is no way I can get more than the first bear, I made my own competition: My pumpkin must get as many clicks as possible, so I can reset the bucket, hopefully reset it several times during this event! 💋

My bucket have 66 candies given out, that will not do!

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1 hour ago, Fay Starlight said:

My bucket as of today:




OMG, I quit.  I'll never catch up to you now.  So the rumors are true, 10,600 Belli residents are hiding their pumpkins in skyboxes so only the elite can win all the bears.  :)


Edited by Jaylinbridges
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On 10/24/2021 at 9:29 PM, Rabid Cheetah said:

Cuz it's not even a crappy contest.  It's a sales gimmick disguised as a crappy contest.  You have to be a Premium member to be a Belli citizen.  A PAYING Premium member.  It's just a way to incentivize people to open up their wallets for things that ultimately don't even exist, instead of going to buy some groceries.

You don't have to be a premium member to collect candies. The contest is open to all: premium accounts and free ones, and nobody is forcing you to participate. 

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Hello, everybody - Just wanted to let those who are collecting candy know that I have a pumpkin at the entrance to my always-open house. So far only 19 people have found it :(  Why not visit and look at the exhibition, indulge yourself in the cafe or daydream in the garden while you're there? http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Walrus Beach/83/111/33

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