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How Does Your SL Look Today?

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7 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

I am so glad you are making these informative posts. I haven't been able to find long enough pockets of time in which to log in and explore SL20B unfortunately, and you're helping me to see what I've missed. Thank you.

Thank you 😊 I like to take pictures of everywhere I explore, I used to take videos of SLB but it takes up so much of my hard drive.  I wanted to take a bunch more and put them on my second life feed, but for some reason at the moment it is not uploading 😞 

I've decided to wait it out in a cryogenic pod and hope LL (or FIrestorm if it is the viewer) fixes this.  Thankfully, I stumbled upon such a pod while exploring SL20 at the AMZ Interplanetary Shipping exhibit.


I even have some kittycats off in the distance to see me off in my slumber.  I think I'll set the dial for about 27 years or so, I wonder what the world will look like in 2050.  SL47B is sure to be a blast!  

My profile feed issue was fixed when I restarted Firestorm, no need for a 27 year slumber although it still is tempting.

Edited by Istelathis
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A quick visit with @JeromFranzicin our Master Bedroom. Cat suddenly came online, and was a bit upset at first, thinking I had brought Jerom here for sex , when only one other woman is allowed in our personal bedroom for that. But once I explained, she was happy she came to visit us!!!


Sandor, Cat , and jerom.png

Edited by Bagnu
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7 hours ago, Istelathis said:

Thank you 😊 I like to take pictures of everywhere I explore, I used to take videos of SLB but it takes up so much of my hard drive.  I wanted to take a bunch more and put them on my second life feed, but for some reason at the moment it is not uploading 😞 

I've decided to wait it out in a cryogenic pod and hope LL (or FIrestorm if it is the viewer) fixes this.  Thankfully, I stumbled upon such a pod while exploring SL20 at the AMZ Interplanetary Shipping exhibit.


I even have some kittycats off in the distance to see me off in my slumber.  I think I'll set the dial for about 27 years or so, I wonder what the world will look like in 2050.  SL47B is sure to be a blast!  

My profile feed issue was fixed when I restarted Firestorm, no need for a 27 year slumber although it still is tempting.

Keep taking videos, but use external storage, just in case your hard drive goes *bang* one day (too many people have lost stuff saved on hard drives). I have always been a bit OCD saving stuff from SL, and during my earlier years I would make videos and photos. You should see my back bedroom. It's full of DVDs, which I am in the process of going through and condensing them onto USB flash drive storage. One day it might all fit onto the head of a pin! Haha

I am, though, living vicariously through several people who look to be having some great adventures in Second Life while I am a bit limited with my current technology and time constraints, so thank you again. You're making some great memories for sure. 

(Laughing at SL47B - might see you there - I'll be the one with one with the white hair being pushed in a wheelchair and you won't have aged at all! )

Edited by Marigold Devin
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On 7/4/2023 at 3:29 AM, Istelathis said:

While exploring SL20B, yet again I decided to check the waters and as I was swimming, I noticed a wave come out of nowhere 😨


Thankfully, there were surfboards nearby so I hopped on one to take advantage of this opportunity


It was a lot of fun, the board made magnificent jumps, I must have gone over 20' on some of them, but it was exhausting, so eventually I decided to take a break and go exploring on my cloud.


At one of the highest peaks in SL20B I think, looking around for the mega ducky, none were in sight so I decided to go for a bit of a ride.  While cruising around on my cloud I saw a bunch of these  cute little dragons so I decided to hang out with them


They did not seem to want to talk very much, but appeared to be in awe of the cloud, I asked if they had seen any mega ducks, and told them of my grand quest, although they did not respond, they gifted me with one of their own, to assist me on my quest to find the mega rubber ducky.


Perhaps you all may have luck and get one as well at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SLB Fabulous/51/41/23


I'm really rather impressed with the surfing. 

It seems there is only one more week available to view SL20B. Crikey! They should extend it for at least another month by the looks of all there is to explore.

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On 7/4/2023 at 6:06 AM, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

More SLB20 pics:  I'll never get to every parcel.




Wonderfully interesting. As I just said on previous post, I wish LL would consider extending this SL20B event for another four weeks at least. Just looks to be so much to explore. 

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6 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

Bryn Oh's Anna's Many Murders

Another brilliant work by Bryn Oh

At the risk of annoying people for making too many comments, I am just catching up on some of the SL20B exhibits via this thread as I haven't been able to make it into world as much as I would have liked. Bryn Oh is amazing. I take it this is part of a bigger story too, like Vessel's Dream is/was? I was so fully immersed in that one a few years ago and lovely Bryn Oh gave me and a friend a personal tour. It really was incredible, almost like she had given us a tour of the inside of her own mind.  

Edited by Marigold Devin
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2 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

At the risk of annoying people for making too many comments, I am just catching up on some of the SL20B exhibits via this thread as I haven't been able to make it into world as much as I would have liked. Bryn Oh is amazing. I take it this is part of a bigger story too, like Vessel's Dream is/was? I was so fully immersed in that one a few years ago and lovely Bryn Oh gave me and a friend a personal tour. It really was incredible, almost like she had given us a tour of the inside of her own mind.  

She was there working when I visited.  I was too star struck to say Hello plus, I didn't want to disturb her.

The picture is from Anna's Many Murders.  Once I figured out how to get inside the upper rooms, it was classic Bryn Oh.  I didn't have time to explore the entire build so I'll be back there soon.

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11 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

It is quite boring to read the back and forth over and over again on the last pages as well.
Just saying.
Maybe agree to disagree and consider it done?

Eventually, someone essplodes. It can be a fun game to see who blows their top first! Meanwhile, feigning innocence and taking the high road. There is a danger of whiplash, and not the kind these guys go on (and on and on) about, either..

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  • Moles

Folks, while I confess I've not been following this thread in detail, I struggle to see how a detailed discussion of the OP's SL relationships and sex life are on topic for a thread entitled How Does Your SL Look Today?, which is why I've just had to delete rather a lot of posts.

Please, let's stick to the general topic, and try to avoid this turning into a vanity thread or someone's blog.

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2 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

I'm really rather impressed with the surfing. 

It seems there is only one more week available to view SL20B. Crikey! They should extend it for at least another month by the looks of all there is to explore.

It feels the same way for me, there is so much to explore, so much to tinker with and so many details I might have missed the first time visiting any exhibit.  I could spend hours a day, and not get to see all of the work involved and that everyone has put a lot of time into.

Such as today, I found another chatbot while exploring, this exhibit  which has no name and asking "Frank" the NPC what the name of the exhibit was, he wrote:

"Ah, dear Stella, the concept of a name is but a mere label that humans attach to objects and places. In the realm of Zen, we understand that names are transitory and hold no inherent meaning. Instead, let us focus on the essence of this lily pad, the interconnectedness it represents, and the tranquility it offers. When we embrace the present moment fully, the need for names dissipates, and we become one with the ever-flowing stream of existence."

I have seen this one earlier, but did not have the time to fully explore it, unfortunately.  


It was nice to sit upon a lily pad and talk with Frank the frog, he is incredibly chill.  I would like to come back some time in the future, have more discussions with him, and explore the rest of the exhibit.

I think perhaps making it temporary makes it more special.  Nothing Gold can stay after all, but I really wish it would stay with us a bit longer 🙃

Frank says:
"Greetings, dear Stella. As a zen enlightened frog, I perceive the world through a lens of tranquility and contentment. The concept of time, as we perceive it, is but an illusion. The duration of SLB, or any other phenomenon, is merely a fleeting moment in the grand tapestry of existence.
The nature of impermanence teaches us that all things, including SLB, are subject to change. Just like the ephemeral nature of a lily blooming upon the water's surface, SLB too shall come and go. It is not for us to desire its prolonged existence or hasten its departure.
Instead, let us embrace the present moment, appreciating the beauty of SLB as it unfolds before us. Whether it lasts a short while or an extended period matters not. The essence lies in the experience itself, the delicate dance of life upon the lily pad, and the lessons it imparts upon our froggy souls."

I think I am a bit more of a materialist than Frank is, I want it all right now 

I hope I am not dropped down into the waste below SLB 😱 I want today, tomorrow, and several more weeks😅





(I can envision LL saying "I said good day!")

Edited by Istelathis
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