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Who is in Charge of SL rn?

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I really have nothing to report on this. That is, I got a tip about a crystal void throne with these things called  -- oh, nevermind. I can't confirm that. Not my beat.

Here's what I have as of this hour.

I'm not in charge. That much I know! I am able to return prims on my land -- and even that, not always. 

My cat is not in charge.

That much I know.

Yet, miraculously, SL still runs.

There is no "VP of Engineering" -- he left the building -- but then, there need not be. I've done stints at Xerox or Citibank or other kinds of giant things like that, where they removed the VP of Something and nobody noticed. I think "engineering" is probably more, shall we say, necessary than, say, VP of Opportunities Creation but...

I do realize that when the Lindens all appeared inworld on a sim at one time -- a historic occasion which I have never seen in my 17 years -- I mean, with some of us looking on -- SL still ran, it didn't crash, unlike that time they had the goodbye party for Robin Linden and all the servers fell over. Maybe now that AWS runs the servers, they can take breaks now? Maybe they have like John's Work Routine?

I've been in jobs and so have you where big people left, sometimes amicably with nice sendoffs and balloons, sometimes with a hustle to the parking lot and their stuff in a cardboard box and security holding their elbow tightly. A big hole would be left not only in people's hearts but like, in the server room or the front desk.

In those kind of cases, sometimes we would be told the next day that: "It's this guy Ron".  But he might be gone in 7 days. I've seen that.

Or "Some guy named Dima is actually running the servers."

I was once made "network administrator" -- can you imagine the insanity of that? The sheer craziness? Good thing I can at least re-set an SL sim? you know? I had a wrote set of instructions to do every night. The real people had been fired. 

I would like to think that it's ok. I saw on the goodbye party video there's this guy named Log Linden. Yes, really. He's got a mastodon as an avatar. Very solid looking sort of chap. I hope Log is near the AWS panel. I have been put running AWS panels sometimes by people who should have known better. AWS is still sending me emails about things happening that someone named "Pavel" in Spain is supposed to be taking care of now....


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In the same vein, the internet certainly runs, and nobody's in charge of that. Once something has been set up with enough autonomy or redundancy or out-sourcing built in, it can just keep going because all the little parts are able to keep going with minor attention. The human body is much like this. I'd like to say I'm in charge of mine but there are times when I'm not at all certain of that.

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3 hours ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

In the same vein, the internet certainly runs, and nobody's in charge of that.

   What about the Robot Internet Overlords?


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6 hours ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

Once something has been set up with enough autonomy or redundancy or out-sourcing built in, it can just keep going because all the little parts are able to keep going with minor attention. The human body is much like this.

I remember that mine was like that once but now that it's past warranty, its little parts keep needing more frequent attention and they cost me more every time I take it into the shop.

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7 hours ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

I'd check with it first, mine most certainly runs our house.

I'm actually not a cat person, it's just that I end up with them because my children get them then can't keep them. My current cat is scratching something a lot in the other room. It could be trying to get that sim that is offline working again.

It has learned a lot since my daughter rescued him from the parking lot at NYU Hospital where he was left thoughtfully with a box of cat food that he couldn't open, but kind passersby would open for him. People in the neighbourhood said he belonged to a family who fled the pandemic when they couldn't pay their rent and lost their little store -- and grandma had died anyway -- who are now living in a van. I dunno, yuppies find it easier to make animal rescue centers than people rescue centers but actully, another group my daughter is in called Invisible Hands has kept some people in groceries, and still another moved a family of 6 into a one bedroom basement recently, so there are kind people...

He never left that edge of the parking lot while we waited for a week when she and her bf could get time after work to rescue him, take him to the vet (she belongs to this volunteer feral cat treatment center), then see maybe could I take him. He's not feral, he has been spayed and is incredibly well behaved. He has learned how to turn on the heat switch on the radiator. SL servers should be a cinch for him.


Edited by Prokofy Neva
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47 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

I remember that mine was like that once but now that it's past warranty, its little parts keep needing more frequent attention and they cost me more every time I take it into the shop.

The reason I could be "network administrator" after a series of mishaps and screw-ups in my NGO with 10 or 12 employees is because there was nobody else AND there were these systems that ran by themselves AND I could follow a set of wrote instructions from a guy if he found time for me at 9:00 pm on a school night. I just wanted our work saved and there wasn't room on the individual PCs not to save work there bc the kids had put all their Instas and YouTubes and stuff there I guess.

Currently, I am in receipt of an email from AWS. Why? I was once the backup to pay if my old boss, who worked nights in a rock band, couldn't do his day job for a few days because his lead singer died of a heroin dose and he also has to drive his girlfriend's son to soccer practice. I mean, life is filled with real things like this. There are things I can click on an AWS panel. It's better if more educated people do those things. There was this guy Lou in London? But then they got rid of him, his company was not robust enough to withstand DdoS attacks all the time. I really hate relying on that Cloudflare thing? It is so super annoying to readers? AWS has engineers that do that for you. Why is this still coming to me now that another guy was hired to do this AND the bills appear to be paid by someone? I have no idea. No one knows. It's a virtual office and was even before COVID. That's kind of one downside to all the virtual stuff? There is no kid on Slack that knows anything. So there's "Pavel" now in Spain. I personally have never had any transaction involving any "Pavel" not end in tears. But that's prejudiced. I'm sure Pasha will get this working just as soon as his Internet in Spain is working better.

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7 hours ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

In the same vein, the internet certainly runs, and nobody's in charge of that. Once something has been set up with enough autonomy or redundancy or out-sourcing built in, it can just keep going because all the little parts are able to keep going with minor attention. The human body is much like this. I'd like to say I'm in charge of mine but there are times when I'm not at all certain of that.


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3 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

There are things I can click on an AWS panel.

Yes, but are they things that do something?  I mean something useful?  When my son was about 8, I wired up a black box for him that had a dozen buttons and a few rheostats on it. Basically, it was a tone generator with a some odd filters and a bunch of flickering lights.  He loved that thing but it did absolutely nothing but startle the cat.  Maybe your AWS panel is a grown-up version of my black box.

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1 hour ago, Rolig Loon said:

Yes, but are they things that do something?  I mean something useful?  When my son was about 8, I wired up a black box for him that had a dozen buttons and a few rheostats on it. Basically, it was a tone generator with a some odd filters and a bunch of flickering lights.  He loved that thing but it did absolutely nothing but startle the cat.  Maybe your AWS panel is a grown-up version of my black box.

Let me say that wrangling Second Life sims is good preparation for the AWS panel now placed in front of me but you know? I know my limits. I'm not really sure what all these things mean and you know what? I think it's not prudent to show a company's AWS panel on a forums in a virtual world thereby indicating the the company has an idiot at the switchboard. There could be some sort of consequences for that. I wish Pavel would answer. The bill is paid, that much I can tell because it isn't a warning about that. But here's what's really weird. My boss says his credit card was not debited. So what's up? I'm not going to worry just yet because you know, this really truly isn't my job now in several ways. 

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6 minutes ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

Better minds than mine have driven themselves insane trying to answer that.

SL has stayed up running now let's see was it...hm...not a leap year this year so...6 days without Oz. Not to say he wasn't vital or anything like that. But you know how your boss can say "No one is irreplaceable!" after that time you dumped the grilled cheese sandwiches on the customer's lap by accident and he couldn't get anyone to replace you after you were fired and he thought better of it. 


I know *I'm* available in case anything is going to go wrong now with, you know, sims and stuff although I'm busy in RL too and making dinner.

But I'm a LITTLE worried about Appartamente Vida over here where the jefe has not shown up yet to return my 81-prim Estonian Cornflower Crowns.

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When I was writing code for one particular comms company the standard threat to get you to document your code was "You might get run over by a bus". I tried to point out that they were located on a green-fields site where no public services dared come closer than five miles, and even the cleaners were coming to work in Porsches. It did no good, the bus-threat persisted. Over thirty years later, the company has gone to the wall,  and I am refreshingly free of tyre-marks.

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22 minutes ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

When I was writing code for one particular comms company the standard threat to get you to document your code was "You might get run over by a bus". I tried to point out that they were located on a green-fields site where no public services dared come closer than five miles, and even the cleaners were coming to work in Porsches. It did no good, the bus-threat persisted. Over thirty years later, the company has gone to the wall,  and I am refreshingly free of tyre-marks.

Funny you should mention that! Because I am sending in some copy now and writing JUST IN CASE I DIE on the email because, well, I might, by tomorrow morning, unlikely, but he wanted it even tho the copy editor is MIA and I haven't gotten my daughter to tear herself away from studying physics (why she needs this to take the MCAT I have no idea, but I guess, things fall down, you need to know *how*) and proofread this puppy, the editor is nervous because the event is 14 weeks away, and that you would think would be time to get something up on the Internets but hey, what do I know. I'd be more comfortable with some other eyes on this thing that maybe millions will be reading in 14 weeks? But it's all good. Because I will have taken away his nerves, then I will spend the rest of the weekend trying to get it copy-edited and really this entire exercise...

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