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The best sea for sailing ?!

Luca Mercury

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You could consider the sea around the Bay City area to be a nice spot to sail. Pretty low lag with about 24 or so sims to cross making a nice long cruise rounding up to 12 or so minutes round trip. It's pretty stable with the sim crossings there too and such; I have a overall relaxing time flying and sailing that particular course. To me, areas like Bay City and other older historical areas are pretty overlooked by the masses; they need more respect.

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Zindra has a good amount of sailing area, just avoid entering the rivers which may cause your computer to experience lag. There are several rez zones, but the one I prefer is the North Shore Rez Zone in Shell Beach, http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shell Beach/80/57/24

Bellisseria has quite a lot of sea to see, and public rez zones are easy to find. You could try http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Springhurst Gulf/221/173/23

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5 hours ago, KjartanEno said:

Zindra has a good amount of sailing area, just avoid entering the rivers which may cause your computer to experience lag. There are several rez zones...

Yes, Zindra has a good ocean. The rivers are sailable until you get to an upstream dam. They're also wide enough for sailboat tacking, and have LL land on both sides most of the way, so there are no surprise ban lines.

There's a water rez zone alongside the Port of Kama City, but it's not marked.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/28/2020 at 2:52 PM, Ina Fairport said:

Blake Sea is pretty good for me. For sailing as well as for flying.

You could try this rezzzone  :  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nautilus - Symacom/28/46/23
From there sail to the west. Keep an eye on the map and you will find hundreds of good sailsims.

Truthfully? I wouldn't recommend the Blake Sea for the socialization but sure for the flying and sailing courses it's nice but once you get to certain areas like Siren's Isle or Barbarossa where the undesirables are with their laggy yachts it becomes a slog of a experience. The Blake isn't what it used to be like it was back in the day.

Edited by Simo Vodopan
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On 1/8/2021 at 2:55 AM, Simo Vodopan said:

Truthfully? I wouldn't recommend the Blake Sea for the socialization but sure for the flying and sailing courses it's nice but once you get to certain areas like Siren's Isle or Barbarossa where the undesirables are with their laggy yachts it becomes a slog of a experience. The Blake isn't what it used to be like it was back in the day.

You are right about Siren's Isle and Barbarossa but why should you go there ? Blake is much more than that. I dont have many problems at Blake

Edited by Ina Fairport
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On 12/21/2020 at 3:25 PM, LucaKen Baxton said:

i tried theBlake sea .. but it looks like full of lag .. 

Since uplift i would say lag is not an issue around the Blake Sea (with the exception of Barbarossa & Sirens Isle), Satori, Nautilus, Corsica, Gaeta, Dire Straits, Bingo straits etc. in that area. I had a Yava boat going at full pelt between Warben and Basilisk and back with out being chucked off also managed to sail between Emin (Nautilus) and squall (Gaeta)  with only one region crossing that looked like it was going to detach me from my boat. all that would have been impossible before uplift 

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There are more than 600 Regions of navigable water reachable from Campbell Coast public Rez Zone at the Emyniad / Couse Region border.. want to try and help me make a list of them all?   I have a feeling there will soon be many more.  Search for Connect the Continents 🗺 


Tradewinds Yacht Club has Friday Cruises, often with a party afterwards.  I think they all start away from, then end up at TYC.  I love the Cruises rather than races (I’m a lazy sailor) 😉 and the Cruise Routes can be done at any time for guaranteed and well-tested routes of smooth sailing ️ 

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  • 2 years later...
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36 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

Eden is a good place to sail. The area generally has few people there. There are long straight stretches, which are great for my catamaran.

I fly and sail in the area.

2018 map:


Many years ago I lived at Fruit Islands and Eden. I sailed a lot there. The estate is still nice.

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  • 1 month later...

I have had my houseboat in Siren's Cove forever and pretty much neglected it. I kept reading about Bellisseria and imagine my surprise when I found I was connected. WOW what an amazing sailing area for just out sight seeing. SO many cool properties to look at and a wonderful collection of lighthouses.

Currently I dock at Felicite Isle, Blue Lagoon is a great marina and accessible to the Blake. I've put a boat town at my houseboat too though and might start fixing it up now.

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There is no best place to sail, but let's say the less frequented ones will be the no-lag ones also. The worst spot is known from all : it's THE POND (Blake Sea) and specially approaching SIRENS ISLE sim as strangely everyone gathers there, even if strangely, there is nothing to do in or so... The best thing to do is to take a LITTLE sail boat and explore ALL of the UCSL. The less known part for now being the one very recently added to the UCSL right of TUARUA FIJI ESTATE on the general map : NORTH MEDITERRANEAN ESTATE, part of AZURE ISLANDS.

Sail also little canals on mainland waters, it can be hard, but fun.

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