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2020 an SL noob’s first impressions...

Fauve Aeon

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I agree completely with all of this. One larger issue, however, that is sometimes evident when we talk about adding new features that are designed to appeal to "younger users" (whatever that means), is that the existing demographic of SL tends, on the whole, to be older and, maybe more importantly, rather set it its notions about what SL is "for" (and this, in turn, tends to be a revenant of the platform ca. 2008 or even earlier). For another recent instance of this, look at the "emoji" thread. The Ageism and porch-stick-shaking is rampant.

And it's a shame, because this platform is old and creaky, and I don't just mean in terms of its technology.

I'd love to see more refreshing insights -- from young or old, men or women -- about how SL can serve users with different interests, coming from different cultural milieus, and so forth. That's the real value of this video, I think, beyond its possible uses for recruitment. It's a fresh look at the potential of SL, which is nowhere near exhausted by what we oldsters have been doing here.

While I agree with the idea of bringing younger user into SL by whatever means necessary, LL is barely managing to keep group chat working, the constant tp failures (another thread about that), marketplace issues (several threads about that), lag lag lag (so many threads), that I don't see how any video explaining anything is actually going to keep any younger person in here who is used to the type of world they get in a video game.  In order for it to be like they're used to, it would cease to be a user created world.  Does anyone want that?  Then there is the aspect of money.  There really is not way to earn points to upgrade your avatar.  I don't game but I know there's the level up stuff and whatnot.  Nothing like that in SL.  So will they be willing to spend money on a game that would basically be to them a glorified chat room?  Of course, being the younger generation, they'll probably be chatting on discord anyway so not sure they'd even be interacting with anyone.


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7 minutes ago, RowanMinx said:

While I agree with the idea of bringing younger user into SL by whatever means necessary, LL is barely managing to keep group chat working, the constant tp failures (another thread about that), marketplace issues (several threads about that), lag lag lag (so many threads), that I don't see how any video explaining anything is actually going to keep any younger person in here who is used to the type of world they get in a video game.  In order for it to be like they're used to, it would cease to be a user created world.  Does anyone want that?  Then there is the aspect of money.  There really is not way to earn points to upgrade your avatar.  I don't game but I know there's the level up stuff and whatnot.  Nothing like that in SL.  So will they be willing to spend money on a game that would basically be to them a glorified chat room?  Of course, being the younger generation, they'll probably be chatting on discord anyway so not sure they'd even be interacting with anyone.


Well honestly this generation of gamers are lazy anyway. Especially considering it is acceptable business practices now days to release unfinished Alpha games and charge for them. They want everything simplified. I mean a lot of complex mmos besides this one fell to the way side because they were to complex for the younger generation to handle. That's why most mmos out here on the market now are basic cookie cutter hold your hand type of games. And honestly SL is not really a game. Certainly not a platform I would recommend to kids. While I have no problem with a younger generation coming in you don't want these kids attracting to young of an audience in to this platform either. That's just asking for a buffet of problems. 😬

And as for the up keep on this mmo LL has made more then enough millions if not billions of dollars over the years on SL that there is absolutely no excuse on why they can't keep up the maintenance on it. They have always fell short when it came to support and maintenance and it was no excuse then and there is certainly not any excuse for it now. 😒

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@Velk Kerangbut a parent or a teacher is in an appropriate role to ‘let people know those things’ where we (and she) are your fellow users (and therefore your SL peers regardless of anyone’s age) and for me, it really does make you appear condescending to assume anything like those roles when speaking to or about someone unless you have established that relationship with them which in this case, you have not. With her or with any of us. I’m asking that you rethink your approach. It did not read as a friendly sharing of your opinion, it came off as someone with assumed authority. I don’t have any previous bones to pick with you so my impression of the tone of your manner is from your replies in this thread. And judging by some of the other replies you certainly did read this room wrong.

Also not to be confused with me saying that  ‘your opinion doesn’t matter’ because it does, each of us have one.
And just so you also know, the “c’mon you are smarter than that” appeal has very frequently gotten the behind your back eye roll - because just as often you are missing the whole point of why someone is acting that way.

You implied that some former profession makes you able to judge some things but that also doesn’t ever mean it’s appropriate or welcome outside the context of your former profession. At cocktail parties,  I don’t see doctors diagnosing people, or firemen nervously monitoring the alcohol burners, rather the opposite. Maybe some of the general discussion forum threads are more like that...

Edited by Fauve Aeon
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5 minutes ago, sirhc DeSantis said:

After my initial positive response, I now realise (thanks to one of the perma denizens here) that I am old and therefore must take the opposing view and go full Charybdis. So have a harrumph. get orf, shout at cloud etc instead

Oh come on...if you would ride in the glitter car, you know you ‘still got it’. Everyone who knows, knows...it’s not about the age - it’s about the outlook. 😉

But no one can be all ‘get off my lawn’  and still be the one playing with the kids in the lawn sprinkler all at the same time! 


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52 minutes ago, Fauve Aeon said:

@Velk Kerangbut a parent or a teacher is in an appropriate role to ‘let people know those things’ where we (and she) are your fellow users (and therefore your SL peers regardless of anyone’s age) and for me, it really does make you appear condescending to assume anything like those roles when speaking to or about someone unless you have established that relationship with them which in this case, you have not. With her or with any of us. I’m asking that you rethink your approach. It did not read as a friendly sharing of your opinion, it came off as someone with assumed authority. I don’t have any previous bones to pick with you so my impression of the tone of your manner is from your replies in this thread. And judging by some of the other replies you certainly did read this room wrong.

Also not to be confused with me saying that  ‘your opinion doesn’t matter’ because it does, each of us have one.
And just so you also know, the “c’mon you are smarter than that” appeal has very frequently gotten the behind your back eye roll - because just as often you are missing the whole point of why someone is acting that way.

You implied that some former profession makes you able to judge some things but that also doesn’t ever mean it’s appropriate or welcome outside the context of your former profession. At cocktail parties,  I don’t see doctors diagnosing people, or firemen nervously monitoring the alcohol burners, rather the opposite. Maybe some of the general discussion forum threads are more like that...

It seems to me that perhaps you and especially some of the other ladies are over thinking it way entirely to much. Reading way entirely to much in to it. What amazes me is I essentially complimented this kids intelligence level. That's not what everyone chooses to focus on. They choose to focus on my comments in regards to how she is acting which you can clearly see it in the video.

As for my training I didn't imply anything. I merely stated due to it I was able to pick up on some things fairly easily in fact. Body language, voice, and all. Nothing more and nothing less. Remember I only watch 3:46 minutes of that video. So your analogy really does not apply.

You say I came off with assumed authority. If I did which I don't feel like I did, but if I did then it was only at me being good at what I do. The kids is smart. Bottom line. Sorry if my gift wrapping wasn't as pretty as everyone would have liked it to be, but at the end of the day it's the gift that counts.

Now in regards to roles. First it wasn't like I was directly talking with her. However if I was and I had said that I would have been well with in my rights to do so with my so called assumed authority as you put it if for no other reason then because I am that child's elder. Now respect for ones elders may have fallen out of favor in this decadent age, but it is no less binding and a lesson every child needs to be taught either the easy way or the hard way. That's half the problem with the world and these kids now days anyway is that they are not obviously taught this.

I think your confusing assumed authority with speaking authoritatively. I'm just hard wired that way. That doesn't make me condescending or any of the other words people wish to tag on it. That means I get crap done and I don't BS around when I do it. I speak my mind and I am blunt and then I am pretty much done with the conversation. I don't sugar coat things. That's just who I am.

Some of my replies were not about reading the room. They were about reading the two of my fellow peers who decided to make a mountain out of a mole hill and create and issue where there is none. Made it about gender. Never in any of my comments did I once refer to that child's gender. So I responded to those peers accordingly and moved on from it and laughed it off basically.

I do think your a really nice person. You seem to be anyway. For the most part I have agreed with most of what you have said. I will think more on what you have said to me. In all honestly I will also probably reevaluate my opinion of whether or not I think it is entirely a good idea for a younger generation to even be exposed to SL at all considering most of us here are of the older generation and a lot people can't seem to get their communication together and on point. So I mean if we don't have it together we certainly can't show them how to get it together. That'd be like the blind leading the blind mate. lol :D

In any case I will think more on what you said to me. Thanks for sharing you thoughts. I do appreciate your opinion. Hope you have a good day and stay safe. :)

Edited by Velk Kerang
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42 minutes ago, sirhc DeSantis said:

(thanks to one of the perma denizens here) 

What metrics are you using to formulate that? those with 15K or more posts or the ones with 200 comments and 15K likes?

I want to get in on some of this hater action.



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No, Velk, the problem is that, as usual, you blundered in asserting yourself as the wise and all-knowlegeable judge of everything - who's clever, what misogyny is (thank you for that, sir), what words are for - and missed every target.

You noticed that she's clever, but you didn't realise that that's the point of what she's doing. She's a pink hearts girly girl who's playing GTA in lingerie, slinging putdowns at misogynists and letting them completely show themselves up while she gives not one cluck. She's confounding expectations that are rooted in misogynistic ideas about pink hearts girly girls.

It's a send up of a sexist cliche, Velk, and while it may not be everyone's cup of tea, it's not something that requires 20 years in MI5 or whatever you did to pick up on. And by not realising the self-awareness, you fell into that cliche.

Tbh, that wasn't a big deal, but going on to tell women that they're wrong about misogyny and you're right, even as you fell into a sexist cliche, was showing your bottom a bit. And if we're going to talk about reading the room... if you have to tell us how funny and cutting you were being, then chances are you didn't manage it.

Edited by Amina Sopwith
A word.
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10 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

You noticed that she's clever, but you didn't realise that that's the point of what she's doing. She's a pink hearts girly girl who's playing GTA in lingerie, slinging putdowns at misogynists and letting them completely show themselves up while she gives not one cluck. She's confounding expectations that are rooted in misogynistic ideas about pink hearts girly girls.

I can't imagine a more incisive and insightful analysis of what she's doing. Seriously. Bravo.

11 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

It's a send up of a sexist cliche, Velk, and while it may not be everyone's cup of tea, it's not something that requires 20 years in MI5 or whatever you did to pick up on. And by not realising the self-awareness, you fell into that cliche.

And this is precisely to the point.

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10 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

No, Velk, the problem is that, as usual, you blundered in asserting yourself as the wise and all-knowlegeable of judge of everything - who's clever, what misogyny is (thank you for that, sir), what words are for - and missed every target.

This is one of the very reasons I stopped myself in responding further. What is the use?

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55 minutes ago, Fauve Aeon said:

Oh come on...if you would ride in the glitter car, you know you ‘still got it’. Everyone who knows, knows...it’s not about the age - it’s about the outlook. 😉

But no one can be all ‘get off my lawn’  and still be the one playing with the kids in the lawn sprinkler all at the same time! 


He's less a "get-off-my-lawn" type, really, than a "pull-her-ponytail-and-run-away-giggling" type.

He knows all about playing.

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52 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I didn't say that *I* wasn't angry.

/me smiles sweetly

No worries i was not trying to defend him. everyone was making good points..was just stirring the pot a little🤡

He didn't seem willing look at things from another perspective. just bent on reinforcing his.

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It's nice to see a video about SL that isn't talking heads. Those are boring after the first minute.

(We really ought to have face and head feature tracking via webcam in SL. The bento heads can do facial expressions, but few people puppeteer them well, if at all. Look up "Facerig" to see what that looks like, done well. Not everyone would go for this, but YouTubers, machima, and quite possibly people having meetings would.)

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