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Thread for no multiple alts Linden Home seekers

Ethereal Silvercloud

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Some interesting ideas and comments on this thread.  Of course a lot of the multiple buyers have different reasons why they are doing it, I was just wanting a place to vent frustration without some of them telling us to toe the line and zip it . I'm sure there are many nice deserving  people that are purchasing hundreds of premium accounts for whatever reason but really in a all fairness they would feel the same way if the tables were turned and they never got much after hours and weeks and months waiting and refreshing and clicking. We put as much time as we can looking which is a lot as we are retired in rl and have the time to do it. They ( the multiples ) often use the argument we worked for it the people who constantly get prime spots . Well we are there scoping, waiting refreshing and many many times there at a release coming up with nothing or if we are lucky something in the back parcels. I've read about how they do it so I know I can't beat this system they use except for luck. So that's all we have as a tool, just luck. 

That said I wonder how many houses in Bingle will be captured by regular everyday home hoppers like myself looking for our dream home on the sea . 

I really like the idea about the canals.  The stilt houses are something I'm really looking forward to seeing how the water system will work there and how close they will be to the sea and Rez areas. . 

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10 minutes ago, Ethereal Silvercloud said:

 The stilt houses are something I'm really looking forward to seeing how the water system will work there

I hope for them, that the water will be deeper than it is for the houseboats. Most houseboats have super shallow water. I messured mine and its only 3 meters deep. Not enough to dive and build some underwater garden. And judgeing by the preview sim, not all Stilt homes will be in water (and I think we can all guess what that means).

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Don’t hate the players... hate the game, as they say. Linden Lab can start announcing release times if they wanted “fair game” - even then, just how fast would YOU be? I think it’s awesome people roll for homes with one av or 100 avatars. It’s like you buying lottery tickets irl and complaining about never winning... 

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20 minutes ago, Milk Pixelmaid said:

Don’t hate the players... hate the game, as they say. Linden Lab can start announcing release times if they wanted “fair game” - even then, just how fast would YOU be? I think it’s awesome people roll for homes with one av or 100 avatars. It’s like you buying lottery tickets irl and complaining about never winning...

I would compare Belli homes to cake. With some parts of the cake having fancy chocolate decoration on it. And someone comes in, buys half the cake and throws most of it in the trash, while others still wait for cake and would have cherrished and loved one of the chocolate pieces.

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13 hours ago, Ethereal Silvercloud said:

Hello I've started this thread out of frustration . I would like a thread for people looking for linden homes that don't have so many multiple accounts, meaning the frustration we go through trying to get a home in the competition of mega home owners that grab up a large portion of the homes when they are released leaving the scraps for us .  I hope this topic is allowed as it's a real issue for many of us . We are not trying to shame anyone, but we are in a different group. People who can only afford premium for one avatar. I have premium and my husband has premium so we have two linden homes slots for us , well one we are still looking. I hope it's ok to have another thread as this is a real issue. The thread is just about looking for homes but hopefully with people that aren't grabbing stuff up with multiple alts.  Presently we are seeking as many are a Victorian on the sea. right near the water. 

When I initially thanked you for making this thread I was under the impression that you and your partner couldn't actually get a home  NOT that you had certain preferences that need to be met before you accept a home!  I talked with a friend this morning and as she was downgrading one of her alts I suggested to her she that she offer you a sweet vic she'd found, but she now tells me it didn't suit as it wasn't on water, it was close to water both front and back and on a corner spot yet didn't meet with your criteria. 😳 

So your actual frustration isn't with the fact you can't get a home but with the fact that the homes you have rolled haven't met your particular criteria which is something quite different to what you initially made out.

Edited by Aisleyne
spelling... again!
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4 hours ago, Syo Emerald said:

someone comes in, buys half the cake and throws most of it in the trash, while others still wait for cake and would have cherrished and loved one of the chocolate pieces.

this isn't really a good example at all.. there are no LH trashed but put back in the pool

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In the long game I suspect we will end up with a slight surplus in the number of homes out there vs the demand for them. It's one thing to buy up 5 to 73 alts and get them all homes... it's a whole other thing to be still holding all that a year later after the 'shiny new hobby' aspect has worn off.

I left the 'game of houses' mostly back in December or January when I got my ideal spots. I am holding 1 more than I need because I can't decide... I rejoined the game for about a month when the log cabins hit, found one that almost got my interest, but wanted more water access - looked at the locations of those with the absolute best water access and realized even that was less than I like to have - so downgraded that alt and stepped out.

Eventually in the long run of things I will have from 0 to 2 accounts holding homes...

And that becomes the surplus. Because they're making them for the demand - but eventually the demand will go down.


The long game of all of this will look similar to the old linden homes. Maybe a better community - but otherwise always some notable percentage of vacancies and an easy ability to move around.

- but that's probably a year off.


I'm honestly not sure what "side" of all of this I fall on because I see good points on both sides. I just hope they can make sure the supply of homes is steadily coming out enough to reduce the conflict between folks over all of this. The more people who can make it to my side of the line: found their spot and no longer looking - the better.


Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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Thank you for making this thread! I would like to add a the most crippling thing about the other thread to me. Them thinking they are doing everyone a favor by posting homes they are releasing! You may think you are helping but YOU ARE NOT. Let me tell you why. I finally got a home after weeks. Suddenly I am getting random people coming to my home. I find it odd and tell my friend about it. She mentions to me "oh I bet its an abandon from that thread in the forums." So she directs me to that thread and lo and behold. There it is my new home address posted by someone in that thread as an abandon. Now I understand you are trying to do a nice thing here. However, once that home does not belong to you you have no right to be putting the next owners address on the forums! Did you ever consider we may get unwanted visitors? I ended up leaving the home because frankly I felt unsafe to even live there. Not when my home address was never going to be erased from that thread. My solution for posting about your abandon if you really must is to never post a complete address, a picture is fine I think, just give no details about the area, and please please please don't post the complete address! Have some respect for the next owner who might get that home, who's new address is forever posted on the forums for everyone to port to!!

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32 minutes ago, usagihara said:

you've not seen the place with the black triangle trees in North Wall, then? that was an insta-derender for me.

I think... and I could be wrong but I think he meant that once someone moves on - they don't destroy the home or remove it from SL, it's not put in the trash bin. It just goes back in the pool for the next person.

That said I am now in the region you mentioned to see if I could find black triangle trees. I didn't, but I DID find a house who's walls won't render for me - they instead are solid black and untextured.

I wonder if that region has some glitch in it?

EDIT: Just found the black triangle trees. That also looks like a graphics glitch causing an alpha-map to fail...


On my mainland I have a house set up, that has doors that - refuse to render the glass in them in one TPV. I have examined it and been unable to determine why. In the end because I spotted it on something I owned that had mod perms - I changed the texture of the glass a little and fixed it...

The person with the black triangle trees might not see the glitch if they're on a viewer different from us... hopefully.

Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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2 minutes ago, JasBabixz said:

Thank you for making this thread! I would like to add a the most crippling thing about the other thread to me. Them thinking they are doing everyone a favor by posting homes they are releasing! You may think you are helping but YOU ARE NOT. Let me tell you why. I finally got a home after weeks. Suddenly I am getting random people coming to my home. I find it odd and tell my friend about it. She mentions to me "oh I bet its an abandon from that thread in the forums." So she directs me to that thread and lo and behold. There it is my new home address posted by someone in that thread as an abandon. Now I understand you are trying to do a nice thing here. However, once that home does not belong to you you have no right to be putting the next owners address on the forums! Did you ever consider we may get unwanted visitors? I ended up leaving the home because frankly I felt unsafe to even live there. Not when my home address was never going to be erased from that thread. My solution for posting about your abandon if you really must is to never post a complete address, a picture is fine I think, just give no details about the area, and please please please don't post the complete address! Have some respect for the next owner who might get that home, who's new address is forever posted on the forums for everyone to port to!!

I've landed several properties of all sorts which were posted on the thread and not once have I ever had unwanted visitors.  I think most people will do a quick check on the map and if the land is named and is no longer Linden Home that's the end of it. Maybe these people have other reasons to drop in on you?  Did you ever ask them? 

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5 minutes ago, Aisleyne said:

I've landed several properties of all sorts which were posted on the thread and not once have I ever had unwanted visitors.  I think most people will do a quick check on the map and if the land is named and is no longer Linden Home that's the end of it. Maybe these people have other reasons to drop in on you?  Did you ever ask them? 

I am glad that was your experience, however that was not mine. Noone had a reason to port to my home as I had just gotten the home. I am 100% sure those unwanted visitors came due to the fact my address was posted on that thread. I asked them to leave politely none ever replied to me, and none stayed more than 1-2 minutes. However, that is not my point. My point is do not post an address on the forums as a courtesy and respect for the new owner who very likely does not want their address posted here forever!

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3 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

this isn't really a good example at all.. there are no LH trashed but put back in the pool

Of course none vanish, but how much joy do you get from your fifth, sixt or something LH? I've seen so many houses in beautiful locations, occoupied for months, but nobody "lives" in them. Of course I can't always know if those houses belong to hoarders or not, but the thought of them just trophy hunting doesn't seem too far off.

Maybe in the future, 1-2 years from now, enough homes will be there and enough new themes, that the situaton relaxes.

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2 hours ago, JasBabixz said:

Thank you for making this thread! I would like to add a the most crippling thing about the other thread to me. Them thinking they are doing everyone a favor by posting homes they are releasing! You may think you are helping but YOU ARE NOT. Let me tell you why. I finally got a home after weeks. Suddenly I am getting random people coming to my home. I find it odd and tell my friend about it. She mentions to me "oh I bet its an abandon from that thread in the forums." So she directs me to that thread and lo and behold. There it is my new home address posted by someone in that thread as an abandon. Now I understand you are trying to do a nice thing here. However, once that home does not belong to you you have no right to be putting the next owners address on the forums! Did you ever consider we may get unwanted visitors? I ended up leaving the home because frankly I felt unsafe to even live there. Not when my home address was never going to be erased from that thread. My solution for posting about your abandon if you really must is to never post a complete address, a picture is fine I think, just give no details about the area, and please please please don't post the complete address! Have some respect for the next owner who might get that home, who's new address is forever posted on the forums for everyone to port to!!

Yep, that's precisely why I requested folks in that thread stand NEXT TO their properties, on Linden Land, when making a slurl.  That way visitors pop up on Linden Land, instead of in-between the sex bed and the Saibt Andrew's Cross -- or in one case I had, the new owner had changed the house selection, so I wound up teleported to being stuck under the stairs lol

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Just now, Rabid Cheetah said:

 I wound up teleported to being stuck under the stairs lol

Lmao, damn I can't count the times I been stuck there. That sound too, while hitting stairs and walls... in a stress...

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5 minutes ago, iBrat said:

Lmao, damn I can't count the times I been stuck there. That sound too, while hitting stairs and walls... in a stress...

I'm an easy-going person with a goofy sense of humor.  I took pix and posted them lol. It was fun.  As we used to say back in The Sims Online:  It's not a bug, it's a feature.  I should have landmarked the place and going back from time to time, and if seeing the owner there play a knocking sound and start screaming for them to let me out of the basement.  Dang.  That would have been a gigglefest and a half. 🤣

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17 hours ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

@HylaRegilla You've still got a shot at a place.  Just as much as the rest of us.  It all comes down to how many are the Lindens spitting out each day, combined with how many get abandoned.  The recent release of thousands of log homes all at once really helped.  I'd suggest try premium for a month.  There are other advantages to membership.  See if you get a Linden Home or not.  Experiment with cheap Mainland parcels.  And if you decide it's not for you, cancel before the renewal date, and cash in your Linden stipends. 

I agree with Rabid, Hyla you have just a good of a shot at any premium home as any of us who have more than one acct.  I have just one alt but I only have one computer so only one account can look for a premium home at a time.  That equals the playing field.  Good luck and may the fastest fingers get the best locations. 

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7 hours ago, Aisleyne said:

So she didn't take very long at all to find out if any of her THREE homes suited her various Butterfly personalities as a few hours ago she passed two of them onto her mates without posting on the LH's thread.  So whatever spiel she gave you it was obviously BS. 

Hmmm, seems to me if that's the case then the vitriol in the threads where this has been discussed recently might just have something to do with the lack of a public announcement that those parcels would be released. 

Edited by Frigga Freidman
punctuation nerd
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9 hours ago, Frigga Freidman said:

Hmmm, seems to me if that's the case then the vitriol in the threads where this has been discussed recently might just have something to do with the lack of a public announcement that those parcels would be released. 

Hi Frigga, A public announcement would be great but I think the outcome would not be much different as I've read the megas have more than one computer and browsers going and of course many alter egos.  What I meant to comment on is the vitriol description.  Mine is frustration plenty more in life to feel and be vitriol about than lack of Linden Homes. And also the ganging up, etc.... and the very clique feel of the other thread , this little non conforming  non multiple alt  just wanted to be heard lol, the purpose for this thread or at least my purpose. I've enjoyed the discussion myself and am really glad I'm not alone in my feelings or observations. 

That said I'll probably go looking again on the land page and land the LH home of my dreams, ever hopeful and dreams are free.

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10 hours ago, Frigga Freidman said:

Hmmm, seems to me if that's the case then the vitriol in the threads where this has been discussed recently might just have something to do with the lack of a public announcement that those parcels would be released. 

Friga, many residents are on Summer vacation, and there are not that many releases as there used to. Also, comments and complaints about people posting their nices homes/abandons/homes to be released... have resulted in many residents ignoring the forum. And I get it; I got three lovely locations last night, and I let them go without posting about them.

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1 minute ago, Elena Core said:

Friga, many residents are on Summer vacation, and there are not that many releases as there used to. Also, comments and complaints about people posting their nices homes/abandons/homes to be released... have resulted in many residents ignoring the forum. And I get it; I got three lovely locations last night, and I let them go without posting about them.

Please dont let others dictate your choices on wether yes or no posting homes  here  before releasing   ,i sometime send them back silently and some i do post here  ,it just depends on my mood  ,but i will never let anyone else tell me how to live my SL  life  here 

I personally love to see those posts of all of you ,so please keep putting them here 

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24 minutes ago, Atina0 said:

Please dont let others dictate your choices on wether yes or no posting homes  here  before releasing   ,i sometime send them back silently and some i do post here  ,it just depends on my mood  ,but i will never let anyone else tell me how to live my SL  life  here 

I personally love to see those posts of all of you ,so please keep putting them here 

I know you're right @Atina0, but seriously, I didn't feel like posting them. 

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