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anyone can organize my inventory

Deven Fae

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46 minutes ago, lokiilox said:

I need someone to organize my inventory. into Tops, Pants, accessories etc. I only have 2500 linden now but can add more if needed. anybody? 

No one else can access the items in your inventory (unless you give them your password to log into your account as you, and that is very frowned upon - and could be considered a violation of the TOS - and could lead to a host of other issues).

You can create a folder to put all the stuff into that needs to be sorted (named something like "To Be Sorted"), then build the folder structure for how you think you would like your inventory sorted. Spend a little time each login session moving things from "To Be Sorted" into their proper folder.    As new items come in, sort them right away instead of putting them in the "To Be Sorted" folder.  After awhile, you will find that you have most of your things sorted in a way that makes the most sense for you. 


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1 hour ago, Moira Timmerman said:

No one else can access the items in your inventory (unless you give them your password to log into your account as you, and that is very frowned upon - and could be considered a violation of the TOS - and could lead to a host of other issues).

You can create a folder to put all the stuff into that needs to be sorted (named something like "To Be Sorted"), then build the folder structure for how you think you would like your inventory sorted. Spend a little time each login session moving things from "To Be Sorted" into their proper folder.    As new items come in, sort them right away instead of putting them in the "To Be Sorted" folder.  After awhile, you will find that you have most of your things sorted in a way that makes the most sense for you. 


ok nvm then

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3 hours ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

Make sure to read this article before you let someone access your account, and your stuff. 

I wonder if LL's absolute prohibition of giving anyone else access would hold up in court if contested. If I grant someone a durable general power of attorney, they are empowered to act on my behalf in all matters with the same powers that I would have. My bank, my stockbroker, and everyone else must honor their instructions just as they would mine. They can't avoid that obligation just by writing something into their TOS. How can LL?

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is not forbidden to give someone else access to your account.  The ToS says that the account holder is responsible for all actions of the person who signs in to our account

people who have support/management accounts for their SL business activities often give their employees sign-in passwords to these accounts

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Since its a personal account you are better off doing it yourself you have no idea whoever you give your password to what they are going to do to your account not everyone is honest they could steal your L$ delete your inventory commit ban worthy stuff as you

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13 hours ago, lokiilox said:

I need someone to organize my inventory. into Tops, Pants, accessories etc. I only have 2500 linden now but can add more if needed. anybody? 

Don't worry, having a cluttered unorganized inventory is sort of an SL right of passage.  Many of us have been here for over a decade and still much of our inventory is an unsorted mess.

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10 hours ago, Jennifer Boyle said:

I wonder if LL's absolute prohibition of giving anyone else access would hold up in court if contested. If I grant someone a durable general power of attorney, they are empowered to act on my behalf in all matters with the same powers that I would have. My bank, my stockbroker, and everyone else must honor their instructions just as they would mine. They can't avoid that obligation just by writing something into their TOS. How can LL?

The ToS is an agreement you accept. In other words a form of contract.

If you assign power of attorney for some to act as you, it is for all legal purposes, you. So, technically the Lab doesn't see that as a breach of the ToS. Your assumption and description of the meaning of what the Lab says in the ToS shows you are reading something into it that isn't there.

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It doesn't take that long to sort a shambles if you focus completely.

First set categories like dresses, beach, tops and so on. I have creator sub folders under those categories.

Under Avatar I have sub folders for skins, make up etc etc. And so on.

I work with saved outfits which helps.

My inventory is still messy, but manageable.

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6 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

If you assign power of attorney for some to act as you, it is for all legal purposes, you. So, technically the Lab doesn't see that as a breach of the ToS.

Exactly. So, why wouldn't the OP be within her rights to appoint, instead of an agent with unlimited powers to act on her behalf, an agent with powers limited to logging on to her SL account and organizing her inventory? What other powers, whether it's to write checks on her bank account or take her dog to the vet, that the agent has should be of no concern to LL.

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20 hours ago, Moira Timmerman said:

You can create a folder to put all the stuff into that needs to be sorted (named something like "To Be Sorted"), then build the folder structure for how you think you would like your inventory sorted. Spend a little time each login session moving things from "To Be Sorted" into their proper folder.    As new items come in, sort them right away instead of putting them in the "To Be Sorted" folder.  After awhile, you will find that you have most of your things sorted in a way that makes the most sense for you. 


:) This is what I did, starting several years ago. It is a great system! Ummmm, I'm still 300 feet under a pile of inventory though, because, sadly, one actually has to USE this system to make it work. :)


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5 hours ago, BelindaN said:

It doesn't take that long to sort a shambles if you focus completely.

First set categories like dresses, beach, tops and so on. I have creator sub folders under those categories.

Under Avatar I have sub folders for skins, make up etc etc. And so on.

I work with saved outfits which helps.

My inventory is still messy, but manageable.

Says the avatar that just turned 2. :)

Try 11 years worth... "not too long" is measured in years.

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12 hours ago, lokiilox said:

yea I get it idk maybe ill try myself, its a lot tho

I haven't looked at your profile, so I don't know the age of your avatar, but even though I've been joking in this thread, I'm serious when I say "start as early as you can in your avatar's life." Take the time to set it up. And then be strict with yourself in using it. You'll thank yourself. You don't want to be a ten-year old avatar with an inventory of tens of thousands of items and be like "where did I put my extra set of eyes." :)


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I am firmly of the opinion that having a well-sorted inventory is of vital importance - mainly for my own peace of mind! It is free and very satisfying. Yes, it can be time-consuming, especially if an inventory has not been kept up-to-date. I can quickly and easily change from one set of clothing to another. Likewise landmarks (I have a self-made folder named Locations where I keep my favourite places). But maybe I am obsessed with being organised!!!  🤦🏽‍♀️

it makes enjoying the sensual pleasures of SL so much better! 😏

As for sharing a password, that‘S a BIG NO, whether in SL, my CC or bank account.  (Shudders)


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2 hours ago, GemmaStone9 said:

or bank account.

   Trust me, I'm-- . . . Not a doctor? Wait, I'll have to come up with something else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've found keeping my inventory sorted and manageable much easier to do after purchasing a wardrobe system.  It was a lot of work to set up, and it took some time to learn how it worked, but having an instant visual really helped.  There are a lot of great suggestions here already, some of which I've used myself (such as having a "To Be Sorted" folder). 

Organization and consistency are key.  You can rename clothing folders, but you should decide on a naming convention before getting too far into things.  Before my inventory got too big, I had clothing folders named according to description, vendor, name, and colour and then sorted into tops, bottoms, outfits, and dresses AND THEN in folders according to type of wear (i.e., casual, business, dress, evening, formal, etc.)  Lately, I've been re-renaming all my clothing folders to just the vendor name and product name, to coincide how items are named in my wardrobe system.

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On 5/9/2020 at 11:11 AM, Jennifer Boyle said:

Exactly. So, why wouldn't the OP be within her rights to appoint, instead of an agent with unlimited powers to act on her behalf, an agent with powers limited to logging on to her SL account and organizing her inventory? What other powers, whether it's to write checks on her bank account or take her dog to the vet, that the agent has should be of no concern to LL.

LL would likely never know if that was done, provided all went well. Unfortunately, that isn't how things go.

Having an inventory that needs organizing means it likely is connected to a bank account or some cash flow channel. If there is abuse or a dispute then it is likely LL will get sucked in as attorneys start filing paper or the inventory owner goes whining to LL. At which point the Lab will likely close both accounts and ban them for life.

Just knowing you can lose your account for such behavior is probably enough to stop people going to LL. It is sort of like a drug dealer calling a cop because he was robbed while doing a deal... doesn't really work. 

You know I have a business helping Nigerians get their millions of dollars out of the US banks. If you would like to help and take a cut, just give me all your baking details so I can park a few million in your account... sound familiar? 

Realizing how limited LL is in what we are doing, a person could take the chance and give someone access to their account. But really, give an account, with stuff valuable enough to you that you want to organize it, to an avatar!?! You have no way to know who they are in RL and whether they are honest, a thief, or just a griefer that is going to get a kick out of messing you up.

Often STUPID is completely legal.

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On 5/10/2020 at 1:58 AM, Seicher Rae said:

I haven't looked at your profile, so I don't know the age of your avatar, but even though I've been joking in this thread, I'm serious when I say "start as early as you can in your avatar's life." Take the time to set it up. And then be strict with yourself in using it. You'll thank yourself. You don't want to be a ten-year old avatar with an inventory of tens of thousands of items and be like "where did I put my extra set of eyes." :)



Hmm, you don't, eh? LOL. I guess that ship has sailed for me, a long time ago already! 🤩 I'm hopeless.

"If only you could see what I've seen with your eyes."

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