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Do you need to vent about things COVID-19?

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14 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

My son loves making smoothies. We sometimes add yoghurt and honey.

There is a guy at work that was talking to me about needing to change the way he eats.. He was asking me what I thought about smoothies and juicing and was it helping me.. That was 4 months ago.. He was also borderline diabetic..

I started sharing my recipes and ones i would find for certain things with him..

He's lost over 35 pounds and say's he feels like a new man.. His gut is about gone now and his energy level is up to where work doesn't even wear him down at all..where he used to go home and just sit and stiffen up.. now he goes home and can't sit down without having to go do something.. He say's he's got more energy than he remembers what to do with..hehehehe

For me ,smoothies and juicing is the best thing since the wheel for turning things around..


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1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I was gonna mention something about that again awhile back but got side tracked getting pissed off at the internet provider..

I was losing connection every 5 minutes for like two weeks.. Finally went back to our old provider..

Aaaaanyways, yea.. If anything do smoothies.. oranges grapefruits lemon lime pinapple apples pears kiwis.. Load up!! \o/

The berries I have those every night at work..

I'll make a little over a half gallon which will get me through two nights..

about 12 strawberries

1 cup of blue berries

1 cup of black berries

1 cup of raspberries

2  or more apples

1 or more pear

1 fresh pineapple, which I will juice for the liquid part of the smoothie..

It's packed with fiber and so many vitamins..  Berries alone can have reversing affects on many things, like inflammation ,blood sugar levels, great for improving your immunity which is what we need more than anything right now..

Let alone, It's sooo good you'll be smacking your lips and rubbin your tummy, like you were 4 years old again and going ,Aaaahhhhh after each gulp..

I have never had a more tasty drink than this one, Let alone that was good for me.. Anything that even came close to tasting this good, was usually full of crap that breaks a body down..



Looks delicious!  I'm worried about having too much sugar though, so I have low-glycemic fruits with spinach and protein power.

But...you said that guy was borderline diabetic and had no issues with all that sweetness?   I'm not borderline diabetic or anything but I do get low blood sugar so minimize spiking my blood sugar cause it bottoms out.

I just might try it...eat mostly fruits and veggies and see how I feel.

Do you use some frozen fruits btw or is it all fresh?

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1 hour ago, FairreLilette said:

I like Biden's plan to revive the middle class as well as offer incentives for businesses to bring their business and jobs back to America.  My thought to reviving the middle class and bringing jobs back to America from Biden:  brilliant!   I think this is a hope to reviving the America that once was.

Also, I wanted to say that California has Medicare and Medi-Cal.

Me too...this focus on the middle-class is great. They can't afford health insurance premiums either, with costs at $1300.00 or more monthly (plus co-pays and deductibles) for those in Silent's age range.. 

I've heard Medi-cal was much better than Medicaid.

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27 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Looks delicious!  I'm worried about having too much sugar though, so I have low-glycemic fruits with spinach and protein power.

But...you said that guy was borderline diabetic and had no issues with all that sweetness?   I'm not borderline diabetic or anything but I do get low blood sugar so minimize spiking my blood sugar cause it bottoms out.

I just might try it...eat mostly fruits and veggies and see how I feel.

Do you use some frozen fruits btw or is it all fresh?

I would say, if you have any concerns at all.. you should always check with your doctor..

the thing you have to watch out for with fruits is not the sweetness with a diabetic, but the carbohydrates.. plus you don't want to over due it.. myself i'm not diabetic or borderline and am really in very good health, so I drink these at work each night..

Berries are usually the ones that are fine for them like the ones i mentioned above.. But I'm not a doctor or a nutritionist..

I've only done research for myself and my family and researched all the benefits for us..

but  let me show you this also which is just on blueberries alone..


Also you asked about frozen fruits. yes i'll do those sometimes.. I've even heard that frozen berries can have different benefits even, that something with freezing them does some change to them.. I'd have to see if I could find information on that again.. that was awhile ago....

I'm gonna add this also: With the guy at work, The ones i was giving him were more in line with doing green smoothies than anything, because he was looking for more energy while at work.. A lot of kale, spinach Bok choy carrots and mixed with some fruits.. like green apples pears grapefruits lemon and lime and almond or cashew milk, things like that.. plus also giving him stir fry recipes and some ideas for what i was eating during the day..

I didn't even have the drink i take to work with me every night yet.. I think I've had this recipe for little over a month maybe,maybe two..


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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21 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I've heard Medi-cal was much better than Medicaid.

Medi-Cal supplements Medicare to where if you qualify, you pay zero except a few things which right now are glasses and not all dental is covered.   Eye exams are covered though, you just have to pay for the glasses which at Walmart, frames can be as low as fifteen dollars.  Hearing aids I'm not sure about...as well as other certain things, but Medi-Cal is a state assisted program for low income people.  Under Medi-Cal, there is no clawback nor fear of losing your property as far as I know.  But, the program of Medi-Cal which supplements Medicare is a state funded program thus the "Cal" in it's name. California is currently under-funded due to the coronavirus and Gov. Newsom has asked for financial aid from the federal government so it's different now.  Things have changed.  When the world will stabilize, I have no idea but it will eventually. 

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I am in contact with my PCP to hopefully get a second COVID test. 

I had one taken, without my knowledge, when I went to the hospital for my emergency surgery on 10/5. That makes sense. And yay, I was negative. October had me in contact with way more people than I normally am.

I've recently been having symptoms of shortness of breath and coughing. :|

These could be symptoms of anything but of course that little voice inside starts screaming, "PLAGUE!"

But I also have seasonal allergies. Maybe it is that. Or about a week ago my apartment was flooded due to the upstairs neighbor's toilet overflowing for hours.  "It was at least clean toilet water!" the fireman reassured me. This gross water soaked the new carpet and padding in my bedroom and its closet, and I'm pretty sure mold is growing. I'm so severely allergic to molds.

But: Plague?


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3 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Well I'm kind of spacey today but will try to explain...

Medicaid provides health care for those without income or extremely low income who have few assets (home & vehicle excluded as assets).
The Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare) provides health insurance in the form of subsidies based on income. For example, if you earned $20,000 you would pay much less for health insurance than if you earned $45,000 -- you would receive a subsidy from the government to pay the cost difference to an insurance company of your choosing.

While I know quite a bit about these programs as that's what I studied in Social Work (plus friends working in Social Work positions with marginalized people relay more current info, plus personally I was able to take advantage of Obamacare), I'm afraid the Biden public option is so new I don't know a lot here. In addition, it's all a bit up in the air as we don't know what the Democrats will be able to push through with new laws. I feel encouraged with what I do see though, as it aims to leave no person without insurance as is the case presently (when they earn too much to qualify for Medicaid yet don't earn enough to qualify for the ACA and Republicans disallowed Medicaid expansion).

Biden's plan is basically an expansion of the ACA. So, the plan is that if you earn very little you would automatically qualify for the Biden public option and pay nothing (nobody would be left out), and similarly to the ACA as it operates presently one would pay for health insurance according to income, qualifying for greater subsidies the lower their income.
Another nice feature is that nobody would have to pay more than 8.5% of their income for health care -- even those whose income is not low enough to qualify for a subsidy.
And, finally, health insurance won't be tied to employment -- a bad system to begin with, and even worse now with so many gig/freelance workers, and it discourages entrepreneurship as many are tied to a job they might otherwise leave due to fears of losing health insurance.

Personally, I'd like us to have the health care other developed nations enjoy, similar to the Medicare For All Sanders advocated where the bureaucracy and cost of insurance companies are removed and the money spent on people who actually need care. But I see Biden's plan as an improvement and so advocate for it.

I'm really hoping these 'clawback' provisions which allow the govt to take a Medicaid recipients house after they die will be removed!  This egregious practice keeps poor families poor, as wealth is often passed on from generation to generation via descendants acquisition of the family home. There are other nasty things tacked on to Medicaid I hope will be removed, as it was a program developed for the so-called 'undeserving poor' and unfairly stigmatized, as opposed to those who had/have enough income to qualify for other programs such as the ACA, Medicare, or those receiving health care through employment.

Some good reading on these issues here:

Sheet, no wonder the US is so screwed up. How many hours would it take to figure this out? Appreciate the pointers, now off to read. :/

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4 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:
6 hours ago, Dhyaanee said:

What's the difference, and what will happen if Joe Biden's plan is enacted?

FFS, do you know there is something called the INTERNET where you can do your research and NOT rely upon some crank on a Forum (SL or otherwise)?

And I'm guessing you could have voted...

Hopefully the coffee pot ran dry or you woke up on the wrong side of the bed and this isn't your normal personality. *Prays to the all-knowing one in the sky*
I'll ask a polite question when I please, sweetie, and anybody is likewise free to respond, or not, and in case you didn't notice, I didn't ask YOU.


Narcissist Graph.jpg

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5 hours ago, Dhyaanee said:

What's the difference, and what will happen if Joe Biden's plan is enacted?

is on the Biden campaign website. Google for: Joe Biden Health to find it

basically tho 3 main proposed changes

1)  a public option. Means that those who can't get affordable health insurance for preexisting conditions will most likely opt for this

2) Raise the tax credit limits for health insurance (reduces the cost of  insurance premiums)

3) In the states that only have private health insurance and federal Medicare/Medicaid, allow people in those states to opt in to a federal public option if they choose

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1 hour ago, Dhyaanee said:

Hopefully the coffee pot ran dry or you woke up on the wrong side of the bed and this isn't your normal personality. *Prays to the all-knowing one in the sky*
I'll ask a polite question when I please, sweetie, and anybody is likewise free to respond, or not, and in case you didn't notice, I didn't ask YOU.


Narcissist Graph.jpg

Oh god, another one of these? There are a few other people, or maybe just one, who likes to have this conversation about narcissists etc.

Sorry petunia, you asked your question on a public forum, so the public, of which I am one, gets to comment.

No one said you couldn't ask your question. Your question was not stupid, but this is a stupid place to ask. But, hey, you get your factual, decision making RL info from a forum for a virtual world. That seems reasonable. (sarcasm)

However, your question IS off topic.

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This thread, which is important, imho, is VERY inclusive. It is NOT however, a thread about getting into the weeds about health insurance. COVID related health insurance, sure, generally Health Insurance 101, no. Google it.

Cut it out, please.


Edited by Seicher Rae
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16 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

Sorry petunia, you asked your question on a public forum, so the public, of which I am one, gets to comment.

No one said you couldn't ask your question. Your question was not stupid, but this is a stupid place to ask. But, hey, you get your factual, decision making RL info from a forum for a virtual world. That seems reasonable. (sarcasm)

Sorry, Rosebud, but you don't get to tell me it was stupid to ask my questions here. There are many sources of information in this world of ours, and I take what is relevant from many places within my daily travels and check them all out, eliminating what doesn't work and following up on the gems. In fact, some of my best clues and avenues for finding truth came from unlikely places. For you to insinuate I believe anything uttered here is from the mouth of god and that I would not have the intelligence to view the information as only one part of the knowledge I seek is insulting.

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16 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

However, your question IS off topic.


16 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

This thread, which is important, imho, is VERY inclusive. It is NOT however, a thread about getting into the weeds about health insurance. COVID related health insurance, sure, generally Health Insurance 101, no. Google it.

Cut it out, please.


I endured Coronavirus in February and never fully recovered from it.
The company where I worked closed because of this virus.
I became too unhealthy to work any damn job due to Coronavirus.
I lost my health insurance when I lost my job because of Coronavirus.
The type of health insurance the States will develop will determine whether I'll ever heal from the long-term effects of Coronavirus.

Aside from my personal woes, any person with the ability to think clearly would likely want to keep abreast of the best health insurance in the States to deal with the increasing cases of Coronavirus with its extended detrimental effects for many, not to mention the consideration of vaccination costs.

So tell me again, how all of the above has nothing whatsoever to do with Coronavirus and so is off-topic for this thread?

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As far as I'm concerned, everything is on-topic until a Linden decides otherwise. We might try to skirt politics (at which I've been known to fail) simply to avoid thread lock, but otherwise I just don't see a problem.

About Vitamin D, do not assume that any over-the-counter supplement is even relevant to your Vitamin D needs. It can take years of ongoing blood tests to figure out how to fix Vitamin D deficiency -- which is surprisingly common, even before there was COVID-19. Some folks require dosages that would be toxic to others, and it's not only the dosage but also the formulation that can work differently for different people. Each test isn't all that expensive, but it can take a lot of them over a long time.

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Maybe I'm thick but I genuinely don't understand how the UK's in lockdown but our airports are still open?? 

I know the airlines are being affected, but I thought they had insurance and underwriters to cover things like this? 

I don't agree with any of the conspiracy people who think it's fake or an attack on our civil liberties, but it's hard to argue with them that lockdown's a waste of time when people can fly into Heathrow and be on the tube in Central London in half an hour, even if they are planning to self isolate later. I just don't get it?

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1 hour ago, Rat Luv said:

Maybe I'm thick but I genuinely don't understand how the UK's in lockdown but our airports are still open?? 

I know the airlines are being affected, but I thought they had insurance and underwriters to cover things like this? 

I don't agree with any of the conspiracy people who think it's fake or an attack on our civil liberties, but it's hard to argue with them that lockdown's a waste of time when people can fly into Heathrow and be on the tube in Central London in half an hour, even if they are planning to self isolate later. I just don't get it?

This thing are just for display. It shows that they doing something. 

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5 hours ago, Dhyaanee said:


I endured Coronavirus in February and never fully recovered from it.
The company where I worked closed because of this virus.
I became too unhealthy to work any damn job due to Coronavirus.
I lost my health insurance when I lost my job because of Coronavirus.
The type of health insurance the States will develop will determine whether I'll ever heal from the long-term effects of Coronavirus.

Aside from my personal woes, any person with the ability to think clearly would likely want to keep abreast of the best health insurance in the States to deal with the increasing cases of Coronavirus with its extended detrimental effects for many, not to mention the consideration of vaccination costs.

So tell me again, how all of the above has nothing whatsoever to do with Coronavirus and so is off-topic for this thread?

Then talk about it as you have just done, in reference to COVID. Then it is on topic.

Random discussions about various portions of Medicaid, or the difference between ACA and Medicaid, are not on topic.

Pretty effing easy.

I set up this thread to be as broad as it could possibly be, because COVID covers a multitude of topics.

It doesn't, to my knowledge, include whether Fords are better than Toyotas. That would be off topic. Unless it can be shown otherwise.


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4 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

As far as I'm concerned, everything is on-topic until a Linden decides otherwise. We might try to skirt politics (at which I've been known to fail) simply to avoid thread lock, but otherwise I just don't see a problem.

About Vitamin D, do not assume that any over-the-counter supplement is even relevant to your Vitamin D needs. It can take years of ongoing blood tests to figure out how to fix Vitamin D deficiency -- which is surprisingly common, even before there was COVID-19. Some folks require dosages that would be toxic to others, and it's not only the dosage but also the formulation that can work differently for different people. Each test isn't all that expensive, but it can take a lot of them over a long time.

Yeah, well, if the Lindens actually did consistent moderating. But they don't.

Threads are shut down on mere whiffs of off-topic. Threads that have been going on for years, pages and pages. Usually because some crank doesn't like a poster and they complain, and in that one instance the thread gets moderated and locked. Other threads? Can be off topic for many many many pages and miraculously still stand. There are a few doing that right now.

I set up this thread in such a way as to INCLUDE politics — the politics of COVID, and there are a lot of those. It does not include every instance of a political subject on the face of the earth though. The same as discussions about health insurance. Of course COVID and health insurance are related. FFS. But not EVERYTHING about health insurance is about COVID. Simple logic. 

Simple courtesy to keep what I think is a helpful thread OPEN and not blowing in the wind to the effing whims of so-called moderation.


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So I had to run to get some groceries yesterday. Outside of my local Walmart was standing a woman who had a petition she was aggressively trying to get signed. On her face was a mask...not covering mouth or nose but under her chin. She started coming directly towards me as I was going into the store and I put up my hand and just said, "No No No!"

She looked dumbfounded. I'm not going to waste my time speaking to someone who doesn't know how to correctly wear a mask or doesn't care to. I figure if they cannot be bothered to wear a mask and practice social distancing correctly, they don't need to speak to me.

Edited by Dafadilia Wayfarer
Because mask didn't need to be capitalized...
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