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If 0-Second Orbs Are Outlawed, Only Criminals Will Have Them!

(A short Play by Love Zhaoying)

Scene: Mainland shop.  Only the shopkeeper is present. A tough-looking avatar enters, and speaks with a stereotypical "Mafia" accent. (Presumably, this is a "Bronx" accent, combined with an Italian-American accent. No offense is intended to either New Yorkers, or to those Americans of Italian descent.)

Shopkeeper: "H'lo, let me know if you need any help. Everything has a Demo version!"

Tough Guy: "T'anks! I see you have an Orb..."

Shopkeeper: "Yes, we're quite proud of it."

TG: "Well, it would be a shame, should something happen to your nice Orb.  Those aren't legal anymore, you know."

Shopkeeper, visibly beginning to sweat: "I don't want any trouble..that Orb was Grandfathered to us!"

TG: "You know, should the authorities find out about this nice Orb,  it could be..difficult for you!"

Shopkeeper:  "What do you mean? I didn't do anything!"

TG: "There are some nice swimming animations available. I'd hate to see you at the bottom of the Blake Sea, swimming with the prim fishies, if you know what I mean!" (Tough Guy cracks his knuckles menacingly.)

Shopkeeper, shaking in fear: "No, no, no! I'll do anything - tell me what I can do!"

Tough Guy: "Well, me and my company, we like to offer what we call an Insurance policy. So long as you pay up, and on time, the authorities never need to know about your little Orb problem."

Shopkeeper: "Is that all? If I pay you, then you'll leave me alone?"

Tough Guy: "Yes, that's all. Just sign this here piece of paper."

Tough Guy hands the Shopkeeper an official looking document, which says, "Second Life No-Fault Teleport Home Insurance Policy"


This play sponsored by the Second Life No-Fault Teleport Home Insurance Company.

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On 6/4/2022 at 11:55 AM, Eddy Vortex said:

They both look purple to me.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 



I'll have you know 👀 that I have used 5 different shades of Lavender in painting our house.
(mixed in with other colours of course).
Thank you very much!~! 🙄

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