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I honestly think  all those autotune singers really do miss out on the joy and benefits that comes with being an artist, able to actually sing a song at any moment and really feel what true artistry feels like.. I mean, they would never get the kind of permission  Alicia Keys did for this wonderful song.. That's one hell of a perk there.


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58 minutes ago, Jordan Whitt said:

We need to be able to leave multiple response emojis, like in Discord. And we need "heart eyes" and "drool" :)

Ummmm, was there music with this? :::drool plonk:::

ETA: While my eyes were mainly where they were "supposed" to be, on Hrithik, the female lead isn't chopped liver either. Geez Louise. Btw, I start my days with the same dance number, just to limber up, ya know?

Edited by Seicher Rae
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