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Maitreya update

luna Datura

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OK i just got the new Maitreya update and the first thing i noticed was the notification saying it was going to cause me a drag on my system, well i saw my fps go from 50 to 20 damn. so i took off the HUD and 25 OK maybe i could live with that. not a chance, first time i stepped on a venue my fps was 2! OMG! turned everyone off and now I'm a 4 standing up on a dance pad. went home took it all off. and now same venue I'm a 10fps. this is bad. I know a lot of ladies have Lara and i bet there huds are causing this problem. i wonder if any of you are having the same problem?

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3 hours ago, luna Datura said:

OK i just got the new Maitreya update and the first thing i noticed was the notification saying it was going to cause me a drag on my system,

Was that a message when you attached the HUD? Something about the HUD have a lot of large textures which might impact performance (or words similar to that)?  I've never noticed any  FPS drop from that message.  I used to get that same message with the first time I put the older Lara HUD on also, after logging in, but I've never noticed any performance issue connected to that.  I suppose it might affect some more than others depending on graphics capabilities and viewer settings.   If it's a different message or happens at a different time, maybe you could provide more info about the message and when it shows up?

I only wear the HUD when I'm dressing, and then I take it off until it's needed again.

I don't usually display FPS, and only worry about it if I notice an actual performance issue occurring, and then I look at the statistics window to get a better idea about what might be going on.

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Yes thats the message i got. My friend told me the frame rates dropped for her too. Taking off the hud helped but my performance was still affected. on my sim were i run about 50-35 fps. Depending how many friends visit. With tbe body and hud fps dropped to 15-25. Went to a venue of 20 people and fps dropped to 1. Ok i took it all off went back to v4 and all was great on my sim. But at the venue still was bad and i was with my friend and she too was having trouble. We both thought it must be all the new  updated lara's

Another thing i saw was giant bento heads and ears flying around. Never saw that before.

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If performance was still affected even after taking off the HUD, it sounds like it might have been other performance or network issue maybe.  I didn't see any difference in performance between the prior version and the updated version.  I used to get that message with the prior version as well.  Did you trying putting on the prior version of the body and see if that helped any?  or did things stay the same?   that would help rule out whether it was the updated body or HUD.

Going to a crowded place, it's common - I think - to see body parts flying around at first.  Lol.  If you don't usually see that, then it might be another indication of a network or other glitch.  

Hopefully things will straighten out for you.

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This is definitely worth looking into.

First things first, someone else wearing a HUD is NOT gonna drop your average FPS, and contrary to popular believe, heavy script usage doesn't affect your ability to render frames either.
Scripts are ran on LL servers, not on your local machine. Your local machine downloads the assets it needs, be that the geometry and textures, and then does its thing. You are never downloading the textures of somewhere else's HUD and even if you were, since it's the same HUD you would already have those textures because you are wearing it yourself, you wouldn't need to download them again.

But as I said before, there is definitely something going on if you are dropping frames when wearing that body, I can meet you in world so we can do some testing and figure out what's going on with your viewer.

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8 hours ago, luna Datura said:

OK i just got the new Maitreya update and the first thing i noticed was the notification saying it was going to cause me a drag on my system, well i saw my fps go from 50 to 20 damn. so i took off the HUD and 25 OK maybe i could live with that. not a chance, first time i stepped on a venue my fps was 2! OMG! turned everyone off and now I'm a 4 standing up on a dance pad. went home took it all off. and now same venue I'm a 10fps. this is bad. I know a lot of ladies have Lara and i bet there huds are causing this problem. i wonder if any of you are having the same problem?

Huds should not be worn anywhere except at home when setting up your body. They are not intended to be kept on all the time when you're clubbing or whatever, and that warning you got is a normal reminder to take it off when you've finished setting up.  Always, always detach your huds before teleporting somewhere else. In any case, teleporting with a complex hud attached can break it. That said, while huds can affect lag, they don't normally affect the type of lag that causes a drop in fps. 

Anyway, I just tested my body with v5 vs v4.1 and got the following results, at ground level in a Bellisseria home. Firestorm, with High graphics settings, advanced lighting on, shadows off, draw distance 128. Camera not moved.

With v5 my fps is currently around 62. With v4.1 it dropped to 45. I put v5 back on and it immediately rose again back to 62. No difference whether the huds were attached or not. No other settings were changed. So that is pretty conclusive to me. After teleporting to my 3000m skybox (on the same parcel), my fps rose to 130, on account of not having to render the surroundings around my Linden Home. I am assuming that the fps drop on v4.1 is related to the additional onion-layers and possibly because of the separate hands and feet. 

I also tried opening and closing various tabs on the v5 Hud to see if there was any particular tab that might have complex textures that would cause a drop in fps. No tabs made any difference.

My fps nearly always drops by 20-30 points when entering any place where there's more than a half-dozen of other people present, regardless of what I'm wearing. In certain clubs it drops even more. That's normal for SL. But it seems to me like you have some other issue, either with your viewer, your hardware, or with something else you're wearing. 

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I believe the notification OP is talking about was the built-in "Your HUD has many textures, this may negatively impact performance." warning.

4 hours ago, luna Datura said:

Another thing i saw was giant bento heads and ears flying around. Never saw that before.

This is normal when the viewer is taking its time to download all the data about the mesh. What you saw was the mesh without rigging. It only looks correct after the rigging data is applied. 

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4 hours ago, luna Datura said:

And to pussycat, I  took mine off before tping to club. But i imagine alot lol.

And to angelia, if your happily chugging along you didn't need to reply. 

Starts a conversation, only wants to hear from those who agree. This is what's wrong with America.

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The person who started this thread is why 90% of everything we know about the world is misinformation based on hearsay, because too many others take their words as truth, rather than finding the actual truth for themselves..

Edited by Alyona Su
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HUDs are fine, the panic about them is mostly hysteria. You may wish to remove unnecessary and/Or complex HUDs when going anywhere resource intensive for the sake of your own performance, but that's pretty much the only thing you need to worry about.

OP: correlation is not causation. Something else is the cause of your performance issues, there is no reason to downgrade to an objectively more resource intensive older version of the body.

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10 hours ago, luna Datura said:

And to pussycat, I  took mine off before tping to club. But i imagine alot lol.

Sorry, wording was a little fuzzy so I jumped.

We all go to events or clubs and see crazy lag and then realize somebody has 371 HUDs going...

Not you, so... oops and move along. :)

I'm NOT a Maitreya user so I have no info on this one. I do remember when my own choice of body got a major update (2 updates back) that remade a LOT of it... the first few times I wore that lagged like crazy, then things got normal. My guesses as to why didn't make sense to me so I just shrugged and moved on once things were normal).


Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, luna Datura said:

Im really sorry I asked a question on this forum I wont do it again.

Why?  The posters here are trying to help you figure out why the V5 Maitreya body is causing you to lag more; they're asking questions to help find the source.

Like Matty, my FPS dramatically jumped up when I started wearing the V5 body.  If I add any of the layer elements (tattoo, underwear, clothing), the FPS drop.  I've never had all three layers on at once with the V5 (in fact I'm actively avoiding them, because I'm enjoying the decrease in lag so much), but if I had, it's possible I would have experienced a drop in FPS below my V4 body.

Did you have layers on when you experienced the FPS drop, or was it just with the base body?

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21 minutes ago, BelindaN said:

I'm just not tuned in to the IT speak, I know people talk about FPS......which I assume is frames per second......where do I find this? is it in preferences???

If you use Firestorm, Advanced->Performance Tools->Statistics Bar - a graphic display will show you the FPS

Opposite to the OP, I find the new Maitreya HUD fast and no impact on my FPS, excellent compared to the earlier versions of the Maitreya HUDs.

And love the new BOM body with layers, we can add/remove as needed and bring down the terrible high triangle count.

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1 hour ago, BelindaN said:

I'm just not tuned in to the IT speak, I know people talk about FPS......which I assume is frames per second......where do I find this? is it in preferences???

Differentiating "FPS / frames per second / framerate" and "ping / latency / delay" is the only useful way to talk about the issue of "lag." That little word means nothing on its own.

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2 minutes ago, BelindaN said:

I'm seeing between 12 and 16 just now so by the sound of that It's not great.

As long as it feels comfortable for you then I guess there's no harm, but... movies (non-interactive media) tends to play at 24 FPS or higher. For interactive media (such as console games, but anything interactive counts), the standard minimum acceptable framerate is 30 FPS. With a modern PC you should ideally get at least 60 FPS which makes controls feel very fluid. 60 FPS is absolutely not necessary for SL, but personally I would start getting annoyed around 20 FPS.

Higher FPS is objectively better, but your tolerance for less is entirely subjective.

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28 minutes ago, BelindaN said:

I'm seeing between 12 and 16 just now so by the sound of that It's not great.

It depends on how it feels to you, as Wulfie said.  I'm happier at 20 FPS or higher, but as long as the movement is relatively smooth I'm good.  Sometimes I can be as low as 12 FPS and only notice a slight drop in the visual... whatever it is.  The smoothness?

I get positively giddy at 30+ FPS, and when I'm over 100?  Shoot, it's almost better than payday!

Almost.  Not quite.

Sorry, I'm not a huge tech person myself; it's just that I just obsess over my lag so much that this particular set of terminology is familiar, albeit in a very, very narrow scope :)

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