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Who in SL has impacted your RL the most?

Tolya Ugajin

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Well and since i just added to this thread, I'll add some more.

First and foremost, is @Ghosty Kipswhich is also the most obvious to those who have known us for any length of time. What began as a mere flirtation on these forums many (MANY) years ago became so much more than either of us ever anticipated. Here we are, going on 12 years, one of those long term SL couples that crossed over into RL and still here too! I am sure I've had more fun with G inworld than any other person I can think of, and same in RL.  

Now going backwards since I already mentioned him. @Chris Norse who I'm tagging but who will most likely never know I did. I don't talk about him at all because well, it was a) so long ago and b) complicated and I value the person who came after me who shall be mentioned at the end of this. paragraph Anyone who was around at the beginning of the Forum Cartel knows Chris was  a ladies man. Well,  I was one of the ones who was involved with him. It was a quiet, private thing, for various reasons. But he really was a huge influence on me for many reasons other than that. He was the first person who made a big effort to be friendly, to help me feel comfortable, to give me a reason to want to keep coming back to SL when I had every reason not to. One would think we wouldn't have much in common  but we really enjoyed  each other and it was really nice getting to know him. Anyway, by the time we felt more comfortable about being a little more open about the situation, he'd realized he preferred someone else, which hurt for about a day or so but then it was fine. And they wound up getting partnered and remain partnered to this day even though neither of them come in anymore.  I  owe my entire SL existence to him, truly. Had it not been for my meeting him, his gracious friendship (yes, and the extra attention helped) I would have never kept coming back in world at all. He kept me interested, enthralled and wanting to explore more and it changed my life in ways that I can't even get into as they are too personal to share.

That person, believe it not, is the second person who means a lot to me... Feline Slade (for some reason her name isn't coming up as being on the forum).  I adore Feline. The fact that we found our way to this lovely friendship is remarkable. It says a lot for all three of us.  Feline and I do have much in common and, we have met in RL. The biggest thing we have in common is kitties LOL. We are both expert cat herders 😻 

There are those who I may not have spent a lot of time with regularly but have warm memories of having really good times with, or  interesting intense conversations. There was one night a long time ago that @Lindal Kidd and I chit chatted in the wee hours of the night, I believe it may have been at that Greek seaside sim? I still remember it like it just happened; it was a very evocative setting, one of those immersive nights where I felt very in the moment. I'm sure I never told Lindal this, so taking the opportunity now. 

There have been many people who have been wonderful friends through the years, some I've met in person ... @Maureen Boccaccio (she mentioned this above /waves back - please come to NYC again! I miss you bunches and we need to catch up!) , Ghosty and I met up with Trout Recreant and his wife Oryx Tempel some years back too. I also have met someone else who used to be in SL, via different channels not related to knowing her here - it turned out to be a coincidence which was totally weird! There's also a couple of others I've spoken to over the phone only but have not yet had the pleasure of meeting in person.

Oh yes, Crap Mariner. I was kind of put off by him for years but then I started to rent land from him. And got to know him. And realized his crusty exterior hid a really warm heart. I like him and enjoy talking to him, and he's been really generous and helpful through the years in many ways in and out of SL. I hope to meet him in person one day.

Ok that's enough for now. Suffice it to say through the years there's been plenty of people who have influenced me and just the fact of being in SL has changed my RL greatly on the whole.

Oh and last, I've refrained from commenting on the one person who impacted me negatively which is the same person others mentioned, because I hate the thought of raising the dead and most of you know the whole story already anyway.


Edited by Elora Lunasea
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On 12/7/2019 at 12:50 PM, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Mo is wonderful: I'm so glad she's still around, even if not as often as she once was. Generally, everyone from the old Forum Cartel group, including definitely you, are among the more important reasons I stuck around.

"Aggravating" is the nice, non-four-letter word for Pep. Eventually, LL decided he was so "aggravating" that he got perma-booted. He did come back for a number of years later on a succession of alts, of course, but as for Storm, although he was a great friend of Pep, he's definitely his own man.

Me too. Chris was one of the first people to make me feel really welcome on the forums, despite disagreeing with probably pretty much everything I said. He was a great friend.

I bumped into Brenda, quite by accident, while shopping a few months ago. It was nice to see her!

Gosh, I really feel like I should know you better than I do Scylla. Obviously you were around at the beginning of the Cartel, as was I. Were you always under this name or were you using another avatar at that time? 

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50 minutes ago, Elora Lunasea said:

Gosh, I really feel like I should know you better than I do Scylla. Obviously you were around at the beginning of the Cartel, as was I. Were you always under this name or were you using another avatar at that time? 

Nope, I was always me -- other than about a year from 2013-14 when I posted here under an alt.

I missed the beginning of the Cartel -- I didn't join the forums until late 2008 or so, I think? According to the RA archives, which I just now took a quick look at, I joined the Cartel itself in about October of 2009 -- so actually very late. I was pretty active on the RA, though, with (according to the archive, anyway) about 4,400 posts. And I certainly attended Cartel events, although I'm certain not as often as you did.

I knew of you, and Ghosty, but I don't think we interacted much, or, I guess, posted in the same threads? We must have run in to each other, though.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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I'm just a new kid here. Still nowhere near two years in world. Right at the start, I was looked after by a girl I met at NCI, who taught me the basics, gave me a place to live, and bought my first AO. She doesn't log often now but we remain very close. We just clicked right away as if we'd always known each other.

Making your first post on the forum, having read posts and seen the dynamics is really intimidating.  But I was welcomed with open arms and made to feel valued from the start. So those who have had the greatest influence on my SL are the forum stalwarts, too many to mention by name, but almost everybody here. 

Without all your help and support, I would have struggled to go mesh, and the forum has given me a community and reason to log on every single day. There are some talented, knowledgeable and thoroughly decent people on the forums............😊

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So many...and I’ve tried to tell them, let them know how much their kindness, their help, their patience, teaching and friendship has meant...several have passed, one without me really ever telling them and I so regret that.

...but I’ll tell one that I think is interesting...I met a fêted and award-winning creator soon after I joined. They had a sim, huge main store, several satellites, did collabs, fashion shows, had branched out beyond clothing etc. etc.. Cool - I was so eager to hear their SL creative story! Turned out, SL success is relative, highly subjective and they were not actually consistently bringing home minimum wage at the height of their popularity. It taught me probably the first very valuable lesson of SL. Intentional or not, many things are ‘not as they seem’, and both the good and the bad are hugely magnified in a not-quite-accurate way much of the time. Combine this with the faster speed that time flows inworld and it’s like a distorted magnification of what I think I see sometimes. It’s not a bad thing per se, it’s just something to know and remember. 

And sure some things are also like that RL too...but it seems to be much more concentrated and also exaggerated in SL.

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7 hours ago, Fauve Aeon said:

And sure some things are also like that RL too...but it seems to be much more concentrated and also exaggerated in SL.

Having spent time in audit work, I can certainly say that RL success and wealth often comes with enormous overdrafts and borrowing, and mortgages. So never assume that everyone who visibly oozes success and wealth really has it.  It may also include insolvencies and lots of unpaid debt.

Sorry for the drift!

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On 12/7/2019 at 4:23 PM, CaerolleClaudel said:

For me it would be the first person I really fell for and was with in SL, who suddenly left. Pretty pathetic, but I had a bunch of RL therapy sessions over her. Oh, and actually sent her money IRL. I did that a fair amount back in the day, but sent her way more than the others (I have a suspicion that is why she left SL, I got wind she was scamming people). So, double pathetic, lol.

On the positive side, several people over the years have made me feel better IRL while I was engaged with them in SL, and put me in a better mood in general IRL. The person who does that best is my SL sister, who is also my Bloodline Liege and Queen, even though I have not participated in the clan for a really long time. She is older and has a lot of health problems, and SL is a big social outlet for her. She lives in a coastal village in England, and I love to hear her talk about her life and children. Iszie is just a lovely, caring person. I sit and smile the whole time I am talking with her, it reminds me of thing in a movie or something where a guy would call this cafe in Paris and have them just lay the phone down so he could hear the atmosphere of the place. He would sit and smile and soak it up, it was almost like being there. I tell Iszie that if I ever win the lottery I am going to come and visit her and experience her village (though I may need a translator, lol...I have done voice with her, and can barely understand what she says ;) ).

It is not at all pathetic to admit to needing some real life therapy sessions after a Second Life relationship went awry. We invest our time and emotions with real people in our virtual world, and it can and does impact us as mere mortals.  

I get a warm and fuzzy feeling when you describe your friend who lives by the coast in England - I hope one day you will manage to visit her. The English coastlines are amazing, addictive even.  

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On 1/10/2020 at 1:10 AM, Scylla Rhiadra said:

First, welcome back Marigold! It's really lovely to see you here again! Welcome to the Old Forum alumni association?

That said (and this is actually maybe more directed at @TDD123 than to you) . . .

Sus was, and actually still is, a friend of mine, in-world, and just generally. I haven't spoken to her in probably about 8 months, because I haven't seen her in-world, but she's someone I like and whose friendship I value.

I do understand that Sus could be difficult, and combative, and that it's entirely legitimate not to like her -- but I'll also note that she was, while here, goaded, insulted, and provoked by people who knew that she wouldn't handle it well, and who were being deliberately inflammatory with her for their own amusement.

I have avoided any extended criticism of Pep here in response to those who obviously remember him with affection because I don't think it's fair to name names and go at someone who isn't here to defend himself. I'm beginning to have second thoughts about that policy, to be honest -- but it does seem to me that we should avoid mocking or attacking people who no longer post here.


Thank you for the welcome back, Scylla. I just thought I would sneak in, had logged in for a few minutes here and there, but hadn't been up for more than that until very recently.

Thank you also for what you say about Suspiria. I did make a rather childish remark, and have deleted it.  You are absolutely right.  The old days of flaming and goading seem to be well and truly over on these forums, and I say that is no bad thing. Sometimes what went off on the old forums, actually gave me real life indigestion! A little bit of light-hearted derailing was perhaps OK, but I have even got my doubts about that now.  

I feel I have come back to a much kinder world - and to answer Tolya's original question - "Who in SL has impacted your RL the most?" - I could name half a dozen people who really did change my real life for one reason and another, but every single person I have encountered in Second Life has altered my real life in some way, opened my mind, and hopefully helped to make me a better and more understanding person.  

I suppose the people that I still miss the most must be the ones who impacted my real life the most, and if I were to name them here, half of them would not even be recognised names, as they are not people who frequent the forums, and I strongly suspect others are on the forums, but have deleted original/replacement accounts and restarted their Second Lives - I think I know who you are; you give off the same vibes, and if I loved/liked/disliked you before, then the same applies now, because you are the same people behind those replacement avatars (and I haven't quite given up stalking !!! ;) )



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On 1/10/2020 at 3:39 AM, TDD123 said:


Hey Mari,

How's your c*ck ? ;)



Ah, how intriguing (/me scratches chin).  

It is very kind of you to ask, but sadly the best c*ck in the world had a stroke and died 14th February 2017.  I miss him so much some days.  He probably impacted my real life more than anyone or anything I ever met anywhere in any life!

We got a budgerigar given to us though, in April 2018. It had been rescued from crows in someone's garden.  She is like me, a moody hormonal wreck! :D She helps with the pain of loss. 


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20 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

Ah, how intriguing (/me scratches chin). 

Awww .. so sorry to hear about the cockatiel. I remember his chirps.

Here's a hint.


We did bike rides on mainland once ... and ghosthunted together.

It was in a passed life in SL. Many of it a blur to me.

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16 minutes ago, TDD123 said:

Awww .. so sorry to hear about the cockatiel. I remember his chirps.

Here's a hint.


We did bike rides on mainland once ... and ghosthunted together.

It was in a passed life in SL. Many of it a blur to me.

Darling, you didn't need to do that - I knew it was you - had written down in my diary notes it was you already. You and another SL friend got me a cockatiel pet for in world, you had a lovely home with horses, and we sat in a tree together, and I found your lovely ghost one day in world.  You were very good company for me, and definitely were one of the half dozen who impacted me the most in SL, affecting my RL too. Truly. 

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@Hippie Bowman

Before meeting Hippie I felt lost in SL and was probably about to quit in confusion, frustration and lack of purpose. I met him at his Lagrange Spaceport we talked and he got me interested in building, but more than that he opened my mind up to the possibilities in SL. He was part of a community that gave me the stability and confidence to go on and do my own thing.

I can't thank him enough for being himself and the impact that had on me.


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5 hours ago, Aethelwine said:

@Hippie Bowman

Before meeting Hippie I felt lost in SL and was probably about to quit in confusion, frustration and lack of purpose. I met him at his Lagrange Spaceport we talked and he got me interested in building, but more than that he opened my mind up to the possibilities in SL. He was part of a community that gave me the stability and confidence to go on and do my own thing.

I can't thank him enough for being himself and the impact that had on me.


Hippie is an institution, isn't he? I don't know that I could name someone who better exemplifies kindness, generosity, and acceptance.

Hippiestock is coming up soon, isn't it?

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On 12/6/2019 at 8:47 PM, Tolya Ugajin said:

So, my post this morning about writing your own obituary seems to have squicked a few people out, so I'll try something a bit more positive.

Share with everyone who in SL has had a major impact in your RL, changed you as a person, and how/why?

I have 3 examples:

1:  My SL partner, whom I shall be marrying in RL in a few months.  The why should be self-explanatory ;)

2:  Scylla Rhiadra:  This one is a little less obvious.  Scylla and I are pretty far apart on most political and social issues (at least we were years ago) and one day she challenged my stance on abortion rights by arguing for them mostly from a conservative (ie. my) point of view.  She made me realize that I had established positions on important issues without a sound foundation of values and beliefs from which to logically establish consistent and valid opinions.  As a result I reexamined the fundamentals of my beliefs and drew some very different conclusions on positions on several subjects, and any time I come across some new controversial subject, I follow that process rather than taking a knee-jerk "well, good little conservatives take this position" stance.

3:  I forget his name, actually - I think it was Pep or something like that, used hang in the old Forums a lot.  Anyway, he was fun to argue with and taught me the value of googling anything you weren't 100% sure of, especially the meanings of words or proper grammar, a habit I now follow religiously in RL, calling out in a sportscaster voice, "Let's go to Google!".  I now look a lot smarter than when I totally misused "penultimate".

Mostly the artists and musicians here I think have affected (changed) my real life the most.  The best digital art I've ever seen is here in SL.  I was amazed the first day and am still amazed today.  It made me "hungry"...still a wee novice compared to many artists here.  

And, then the ones who have made me laugh made me realize I need that more in my real life...I need more fun.  Fun is now on the schedule.  lol  Well, it is.  I scheduled it in.  


p.s.  Congratulations of your upcoming marriage!  

Also, I couldn't name names...I cannot remember them all....it's a lot.  Also, I didn't know who to put first.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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5 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Hippie is an institution, isn't he? I don't know that I could name someone who better exemplifies kindness, generosity, and acceptance.

Hippiestock is coming up soon, isn't it?

Yes, just under 2 weeks time on the 25th. Songbird is at 2:00, love to see her each year and her Tiny fans. :)


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On 1/12/2020 at 6:43 AM, Aethelwine said:

@Hippie Bowman

Before meeting Hippie I felt lost in SL and was probably about to quit in confusion, frustration and lack of purpose. I met him at his Lagrange Spaceport we talked and he got me interested in building, but more than that he opened my mind up to the possibilities in SL. He was part of a community that gave me the stability and confidence to go on and do my own thing.

I can't thank him enough for being himself and the impact that had on me.


Thank you so much for your kind words Flower!



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On 1/12/2020 at 12:10 PM, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Hippie is an institution, isn't he? I don't know that I could name someone who better exemplifies kindness, generosity, and acceptance.

Hippiestock is coming up soon, isn't it?

Thank you so much! Yes! Hippiestock 10 the 25th of January!



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