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What's your biggest fear?

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43 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

I think you need to put menthol on your skin or something like that.  Maybe there is something that could help.

Gawd, I will never forget that chigger pestilence.  It was trillions of them.  Awful, awful, awful.  We won though and got rid of them finally but it was unbelievable!    

I don't use any perfumed anything either because I don't like bees or wasps either thinking I am a flower.  

Once they get on you, it's over. And you don't see them until they are on you. And they are everywhere. Trees, bushes, flowers, grass. Everywhere. Best thing to do is fill a tub with warm water and add bleach, then soak the body. Be sure to shower and wash with soap after. Then grab the calamine lotion. And BE A PINK SKIN.



Edited by Selene Gregoire
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47 minutes ago, Caerolle Llewellyn said:

You must be quite tasty, lol. ;)

I must be. lol 

I dunno. When my skin is wet it's very slippery (not oily) and it's difficult to hold on to me. I can slip away easily. I don't use lotions and such either.

Yeah I know I'm weird. Or just a throwback. lol

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Being forgotten. 

Which unless I do something incredible, like make an insane and ground breaking innovation (not likely) I probably will be. We all will. It's scary, more so than dying to know one day you'll just be another member of the countless number of "people who lived before". Even if you leave a family behind, eventually that family will grow and change and you'll be but a stepping stone in the family's timeline.

It's overwhelming and terrifying how small we are. 

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I fear a lot, which sounds pathetic but I think as a species we have a lot to be afraid of or for (and this doesn't include "trivial" fears like we're creating generations of Kardashian clones so reliant on technology that we lose basic skills like self-reliance and how to talk to real life people without a screen in our face)

I fear for the future of the planet.

I fear for the generations yet to come (what's on the other side of this PC-mad, no-commonsense way-of-life).

I fear for all the animals we torture and kill who can't defend themselves.

I fear those I love will suffer or be physically alone in their hour of need.

I fear having Full Locked-In Syndrome, not necessarily a risk, but the idea of being locked inside my body with no means to communicate would be a fate worse than death.

I fear dying, though I know it will happen eventually, I just hope it's quick and painless. I don't fear "what's on the other side" just the fact my life ends and the finality of it. That's it. No round two. Nothing. Just gone, forever...

But if not I also fear dying before being able to clear my browser history. Or my back-up drives. In fact just destroy my computer and phone to be on the safe side.

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any height over 3 feet.. 

On 8/5/2019 at 2:42 AM, Pixie Kobichenko said:

Whether my son will be okay once I am gone.

As a son who lost their mother last summer.. No. we will never be OK. We will have days that are ok, some that are even good. But most are mheh days where hearing any of the songs played at her wake (which i put together with the 3 hour picture montage with no repeat songs) absolutely destroys me and i cry for a while. The fact that a children's musician came to her wake because he was at the campground we went to for over 20 years every summer and saw my post on FB about her wake tears me up as well. playing his songs for my 3 year old niece is hard, but its what my mom would want. Realizing she wont get to see her new grandson (my being created nephew) hurts. It will get better over time, but right now it hurts.

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It's been very moving reading everyone's posts, I love hearing everybody's stories.

I have problems with fear and anxiety, it controls my life, and probably because of that my biggest fear is future regret.  I'm afraid that in the future I'll have an epiphany where I suddenly realize how much of my life has been wasted by living in fear.  I guess it's sort of a meta fear, like I'm scared that I'll stop being scared and realize how fruitless this feeling has been.  I suppose, in a greater sense, it's a fear of the time that I, deep down, already know I've wasted.

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On 8/5/2019 at 6:47 AM, Fritigern Gothly said:

That SL decides to call it quits from one moment to another.

The gap in my life will be immeasurable, and I am not even exaggerating. SL is such a big part of my life that it will be extremely hard to replace that, should SL suddenly and irrevocably vanish.

Sure, there are OpenSim grids, and some of them have content which is suspiciously similar to some SL content (but they swear it's legit...) but it just won't be the same. Not even if current SL creators will find refuge on one of the OpenSim grids...


My wife and I been playing sl 13/14 years, she plays live music going on 10 years , we have a music studio in the house with a live stream, mics, and guitars we would not use unless SL was here gaining her a huge outlet for music hobby. I use SL to building enjoying scripts, mesh and whatever new technologies they add to the platform at 30 I returned to school to continue my education and get my self off construction sites and into offices as well as doubling my earning. I would have never done that or went in the direction I am in now if I had not interacted with SL.I met my wife on SL, moved from the US to the UK and went from a lonely person to a happily married man. Sl been life-changing for me I could not imagine them closing overnight, though I do not have the time to play as much as would like it's still a huge part of my everyday life.

We share the same fear.

Edited by TheDarkhand
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1 hour ago, Branduff Bisnovat said:

It's been very moving reading everyone's posts, I love hearing everybody's stories.

I have problems with fear and anxiety, it controls my life, and probably because of that my biggest fear is future regret.  I'm afraid that in the future I'll have an epiphany where I suddenly realize how much of my life has been wasted by living in fear.  I guess it's sort of a meta fear, like I'm scared that I'll stop being scared and realize how fruitless this feeling has been.  I suppose, in a greater sense, it's a fear of the time that I, deep down, already know I've wasted.

I dealt with those same fears, I never had a passport until 3 years ago never leaving about a 5 mile or less radius of my home.I spent half my life making sure jobs, banks, schools, stores where never out of that distance range.Then I met the right person that stood by my side and help me conquer those fears.Hang in there at least you know your problem and taking self inventory and responsibility, there are many that just blame everyone else and never get better.

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11 hours ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

any height over 3 feet.. 

As a son who lost their mother last summer.. No. we will never be OK. We will have days that are ok, some that are even good. But most are mheh days where hearing any of the songs played at her wake (which i put together with the 3 hour picture montage with no repeat songs) absolutely destroys me and i cry for a while. The fact that a children's musician came to her wake because he was at the campground we went to for over 20 years every summer and saw my post on FB about her wake tears me up as well. playing his songs for my 3 year old niece is hard, but its what my mom would want. Realizing she wont get to see her new grandson (my being created nephew) hurts. It will get better over time, but right now it hurts.

I absolutely promise you, from many miles ahead on the same road and parallel ones, that you will be ok. You won't be the same as you were before, nothing will be. But the world will shift and refocus, and you will find peace. Take as long as you need and I hope it happens soon. Take comfort in your nephew, she lives on in him and you. Kids are brilliant. 

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