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If Linden Labs had created Second Life 2.0...


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18 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

Um .. Sansar was literally designed from scratch with the lessons learn't from SL. It's basically SL 2.0 in all but name.

Sansar is not SL2.0, even the Lindens have stated that it is not SL2.0. They may share some similarities but they are totally different beasts going down totally different paths. 


19 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

Sansar uses C# .. so check on all of those.

Your missing the point of what I was saying. I wasn't talking about doing it in the way Sansar has. I was talking about a fully revamped version of SL in a whole new world with greater features added to what already works in the existing one, therefor enhanced LSL.


19 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

Why put a script editor in the client when the client on your desktop is always going to be better. 

Creating your script and seeing its results in real time alongside others who are either helping or critiquing vs on your own in a IDE maybe?. Also keeping the immersive experience of the new world without needing to install 23424 other programs?. Once scripting is fully implemented in Sansar you are going to have to go off and learn C# and what all of the available libraries that sansar as access to can do before you are able to make anything too meaningful like...some kind of game or other experience. Having an in world scripting client allows the user to learn IN GAME and see their results in real time and have fun doing it. Not all developers are super hardcore individuals who autism out over having things the best possible way for them. Some people just want to open SL and start designing something...hence why we should carry that theme over if SL2.0 was ever a thing. 


20 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

See #1

See second to last sentence in #2 and parts of #3


20 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

See #1

See second to last sentence in #2 and parts of #3


20 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

See #2 ... A dedicated source control client will always be better, personally I like GitKtacken.

Other programs have built in or installable bitbucket support. Case in point the external editor Atom. See second to last sentence in #2 and parts of #3


21 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

Stupid idea. If LL spent the time to make an world class industry standard C# development environment, they wouldn't need to be messing about with all this virtual world BS. Right tool for the right job and all that.

See #3


21 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

Again, right tool for the right job. If you want the power of Blender or Maya .. then you should be using Blender or Maya. Expecting LL to run off and develop there own internal versions of those applications would again negate the need for a virtual world product line.

Do you want to load up Maya every time you log in? Even if you're not a builder, because if you put it in the client, that is what you are expecting people to do.

What about texture editing, should SL2.0 fold in the entire GIMP project too, how about audio ... lets add in Audacity and LMSS.

SL2.0 would end up so bloated all it really missing is a kernel.

So your comparing the ability to move points, move edges and generate a few random trees and some grass as being the equivalent of building Maya into it?


22 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

SL2.0 is an OS at this point, why shouldn't it run minecraft.

Grow up kiddo


22 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

Yes, because new users are scum. Lets not make SL 2.0 accessible in an era where free entry to online services is expected.

As opposed to what, new users being kicked and banned by age restrictive products and as stated in a post above, causing them to take offence and quit SL for being banned, in their eyes, for technically nothing. Even the lab doesn't agree with you here as they finally accepted it after years of people trying as a potential new feature. So they must like the idea to some degree. Also others have voiced support for it so.....enjoy that branch on your lonesome... 


23 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

The tools you have in SL 1.0 do not make it impossible for you to create this, even more so with Animesh.

Were you not around when SL had clouds?. They weren't animated mesh floaty things you know, it was a full on cloud mist that was around 500m upwards and extended for maybe another few hundred more. It was seriously neat. Plus whats wrong exactly with a weather system. I know lets just stay static and never progress in anything and remain stagnant. I created a village once inside the cloud and it was like having literal mist moving around you, something I have yet to see from windlight.


23 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

That's not how rigging works, might as well add mind reading to the feature set :P

Im aware of how rigging works but at the same time there are ways I think you could accomplish a basic automatic rigging feature. For example weights copied from the default skeleton with the option to select which bones you do not wish to copy from and then sliders that simply adjust strength and also blend. Might work might not....but still a feature to consider.


Look this thread was supposed to be nothing other than some fun. Not something to be taken super seriously. The lab will never create SL2.0, they are fixated on Sansar. I was just curious is all what people would want to see in a new version of SL if it ever was to be created. Try not to tism out too much over it otherwise your gonna give yourself a hernia ?

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12 minutes ago, PhantomPixel said:

Look this thread was supposed to be nothing other than some fun. Not something to be taken super seriously. The lab will never create SL2.0, they are fixated on Sansar. I was just curious is all what people would want to see in a new version of SL if it ever was to be created. Try not to tism out too much over it otherwise your gonna give yourself a hernia ?

So..it turned into a serious discussion but you’re unhappy about that? How confusing! Your multi-response is incomprehensible..just sayin’. ?

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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

So..it turned into a serious discussion but you’re unhappy about that? How confusing! Your multi-response is incomprehensible..just sayin’. ?

I was playfully poking fun at her. Il say the same to you that I said to her....dont tism out too hard over it :)

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3 minutes ago, PhantomPixel said:

I was playfully poking fun at her. Il say the same to you that I said to her....dont tism out too hard over it :)

Since “tism” has no meaning, I’m sure that I won’t!

Edited by Love Zhaoying
Wtf is this an autism reference? That’s f’d up.
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14 minutes ago, PhantomPixel said:

Sansar is not SL2.0, even the Lindens have stated that it is not SL2.0. They may share some similarities but they are totally different beasts going down totally different paths. 

It's not SL 2.0 in terms of capability .. yet. but it was pretty clearly stated that eventually being able to create SL inside Sansar was a goal. If Sansar ever reaches feature completion then I'm sure the marketing will change to make it more appealing to all but the bravest of us.


Your missing the point of what I was saying. I wasn't talking about doing it in the way Sansar has. I was talking about a fully revamped version of SL in a whole new world with greater features added to what already works in the existing one, therefor enhanced LSL.

C# was floated as being added as a language to LSL, but they fired the guy who was working that magic. 

The big limiting factor is that you will never be able to compile and upload your own bytecode independent of the client to be then executed on the server. In the absence of that, there is little you can't accomplish with LSL. C# would be a change for the sake of it.

As for just extending SL .. what do you think LL spend all of there time working on? Animesh is an extension of SL, so is BoM, EEP, EAM and so on.

There is also no reason why you cant extend SL yourself, fake the server side and then submit your extensions to LL.



Creating your script and seeing its results in real time alongside others who are either helping or critiquing vs on your own in a IDE maybe?. Also keeping the immersive experience of the new world without needing to install 23424 other programs?. Once scripting is fully implemented in Sansar you are going to have to go off and learn C# and what all of the available libraries that sansar as access to can do before you are able to make anything too meaningful like...some kind of game or other experience.

Pair programming sucks.


Having an in world scripting client allows the user to learn IN GAME and see their results in real time and have fun doing it. Not all developers are super hardcore individuals who autism out over having things the best possible way for them. Some people just want to open SL and start designing something...hence why we should carry that theme over if SL2.0 was ever a thing. 

"autism out"

I would politely decline any xmas gifts from scripters this year if I were you.


Grow up kiddo



As opposed to what, new users being kicked and banned by age restrictive products and as stated in a post above, causing them to take offence and quit SL for being banned, in their eyes, for technically nothing. Even the lab doesn't agree with you here as they finally accepted it after years of people trying as a potential new feature. So they must like the idea to some degree. Also others have voiced support for it so.....enjoy that branch on your lonesome... 



Were you not around when SL had clouds?.

I'm glad the're gone.


They weren't animated mesh floaty things you know, it was a full on cloud mist that was around 500m upwards and extended for maybe another few hundred more. It was seriously neat. Plus whats wrong exactly with a weather system. I know lets just stay static and never progress in anything and remain stagnant. I created a village once inside the cloud and it was like having literal mist moving around you, something I have yet to see from windlight.

That's because wind-light in SL does not add local particle effects.. have you tired using a script?


Im aware of how rigging works but at the same time there are ways I think you could accomplish a basic automatic rigging feature.

You have no idea what you're talking about, thanks for clearing that up.


For example weights copied from the default skeleton with the option to select which bones you do not wish to copy from and then sliders that simply adjust strength and also blend. Might work might not....but still a feature to consider.

Good luck with that project, I look forward to seeing your results.


Look this thread was supposed to be nothing other than some fun. Not something to be taken super seriously. The lab will never create SL2.0, they are fixated on Sansar. I was just curious is all what people would want to see in a new version of SL if it ever was to be created. Try not to tism out too much over it otherwise your gonna give yourself a hernia ?

So you're just here to whine about things you wish SL did, but have no concept of how any of this works or why. Gotcha.

Totally constructive.


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2 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

So you're just here to whine about things you wish SL did, but have no concept of how any of this works or why. Gotcha.

Totally constructive.

Not at all, I appreciate what you originally said I just disagree with some of it. I do agree with you on the first part of your response though, if they do get sansar to that level then by all means lets use Sansar. But in terms of this thread..as I stated above I was just curious. Also, I am more than aware how difficult it would be to make a basic rigging system like that. I was just suggesting it as one way to think about it. I know there would be far more to it than what I stated. Im only basing my knowledge off how the user end process of rigging works in blender, I'm definitely not an expert on the matter. More than happy to accept that this is probably impossible but at the same time....its a feature I would love to see someone pull off.

Btw dont take the tism comment personally. I didn't mean it in a way to literally say you had autism or as an insult to anyone with autism so I apologise if thats how it made you feel. I meant in a playful way to stop taking things literally as if I'm demanding these features. 

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1 hour ago, PhantomPixel said:

Btw dont take the tism comment personally. I didn't mean it in a way to literally say you had autism or as an insult to anyone with autism so I apologise if thats how it made you feel. I meant in a playful way to stop taking things literally as if I'm demanding these features. 

Dude its useless to apologize to rabid dogs, they just want to eat you now. Just forget about it and pass to something else.

Edited by JJack Montreal
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6 hours ago, PhantomPixel said:

 I apologise if thats how it made you feel. I meant in a playful way to stop taking things literally as if I'm demanding these features. 

Sometimes we have a Mount St. Helens Day?


Edited by Shansi Kenin
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8 hours ago, PhantomPixel said:

Btw dont take the tism comment personally. I didn't mean it in a way to literally say you had autism or as an insult to anyone with autism so I apologise if thats how it made you feel. I meant in a playful way to stop taking things literally as if I'm demanding these features. 

That is a truly crappy way of requesting someone be less literal.

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Only bit here I'll comment on: The original Particle Cloud layer (and that is exactly what it bloody was) could cause a wee bit of lag at the altitudes it encompassed.

While on the one hand it is saddening to have had it pulled out I wholly understand and support the reason for its removal - improving performance.

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On 9/24/2018 at 6:31 PM, Phil Deakins said:

You are totally correct in that you described what you mean by 'proud'. And that's fine.

I used the word 'possibly' because of a word in the definition - 'qualities'. It could be argued that people had no hand in their qualities, and that it's all in the genes, or they are formed by their upbringing, neither of which they had a hand in. They were merely the recipients. And yet the definition allows us to be proud if them.

JJack could argue that he is right to be proud of his height because he did have an effect on it by doing what he was told and ate his greens when he was growing up :)

What I don't understand why you mentioned it at all.


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