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Why Isn't There a Combat Section in the Forums?

Parx Oran

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       Hello, So I've noticed that most combat-related posts get moved to Roleplay, But why? A very large portion of Combat communities exists that don't RP. And a very large portion of RP communities have sections that Do combat, but when fighting is completely devoid of all RP. I'll give some examples of these sims, and what they are (sorry if i leave out DCS, and GOR too much, I'm not very well versed in the two but are aware the combat aspects are very in-depth.)

                           VICE: (That I know of)

Binh Dinh: A Vietnam war era combat sim with roleplay elements, but the focus is primarily on the combat

New Bastogne: A European WWII chain of combat sims with the option of RP

Tulagi: A WWII themed vice arena chain of sims. I'm not too sure if they RP there at all. If they do, it's news to me.

The rest are roleplay sims with a side of combat. so Coastguard RP's, and the like.


Coercion Combine: A Sci-Fi Knights group that acts as a public combat sim, and a military base. There is no roleplay here, and are laughed at when they do (Discord gets fun)

Chaos Indivism: A Warhammer 40K Chaos group that acts as a public combat sim, and a military base. There is no roleplay here, and are encouraged to not.

Chaos Decretar: Another Warhammer 40K Chaos group that acts as a public combat sim, and a military base. There is no roleplay here, and are harassed endlessly if they do.

TKOI: An Interdimensional furry group that acts as a public combat sim, and a military base. There is no roleplay here, and are encouraged to not.

CDF: A sci-fi Macro furry with guns themed group that acts as a public combat sim, and a military base. There is no roleplay here, and are encouraged to rather have furry sex instead.

Valix: A Final Fantasy 14 themed group that acts as a public combat sim, and a military base. There is no roleplay here, and are encouraged to not.

XAF: A dead military group that kept their sim open for others to enjoy publicly. You can roleplay here if you want I guess, but if a tree falls, and nobody is around to hear it, does it really make a sound?

Task Force Ghosts: A Modern Warfare themed group that acts as a public combat sim, and a military base. There could be RP here, but nobody is for sure. they are still primarily a combat group.

I mean I can go on, cuz there is more but I'm sure you get the point.

What could we do with a combat section that the roleplay section already doesn't do though, Kobi?

Well, I'll tell ya!

       We could advertise combat groups as combat groups instead of people having to be told when they come to combat sims that "Yo, we don't RP so stop calling me Sir. It's weirding me out."                         I swear, like 4 times a day lol

       The RP sims that focus on RP, but have combat elements such as GOR, and DCS (and those few VICE sims) can have a better platform to discuss the countless aspects of their combat experiences with their respective systems to improve them without people discussing the roleplay in between.

       Combat sims can easily get more exposure from this. People might even see that there is more to SL than furry sex, and dance animations than they had originally thought. People would see that there are opportunities for making combat sims and systems and possibly find a new passion.

       The dark corner of SL that is combat wouldn't be so dark and secluded anymore, and would hopefully get the exposure it needs to grow again.

       Discuss weapons, and their specific benefits in different situations, People could discuss Primjumping, what kinds of viewer controls should be allowed, how to navigate properly in a combat sim, etc..

Point being, there's no reason you shouldn't, but many reasons you should.

Don't forget we were one of the first communities, and will easily be one of your last. Please don't leave us feeling left out.



Edited by Parx Oran
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Where are the posts originally posted? I don't think they should be moved if posted under, say, "Games" category, but it does depend. You bring up good points about RP not being the correct category for many of these sims/projects, however I am not sure there is enough activity on the forum to justify a whole "Combat" subforum. Couldn't most of these fit in the Games category? Correct me if I am wrong, but most of these combat sims would involve some sort of game-like system, so it seems reasonable. Again, if the posts are being moved FROM the games category into Roleplay when they are NOT roleplay sims, that is indeed a problem.....

Regardless, thanks for posting, some of these seem quite cool and I was totally unaware of them existing! Cheers. 

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On 11/20/2017 at 4:33 PM, SAULGOODiE said:

Where are the posts originally posted?


I posted some stuff in General Discussion because I couldn't find a place. Most of the SLMC groups keep to themselves because there isn't anywhere to post. There are a couple groups in world that are uhhhh... no nvm they're all cancer. The best way to find these sims is to visit one and find what we call an "activity board" which can be found in most spawn hubs of SLMC sims. Each military has their own views as to whats "right and wrong" and usually don't have a moderated place to discuss the situations, so things can get rather fickle when discussing certain methods in combat. Its kinda been that way for the better part of like, 13 years. As for the vice sims, from what I understand they don't have many forms of advertising and discuss in their respective discords.

Anyways the thread I posted ended up getting moved to the RP board. Next day we had some people come into the sim looking for a place to RP, and I had to bear the bad news that we actually cringe at that kind of stuff. Not gonna lie, one of the most awkward situations is when you're trying to tell somebody how to shoot a gun, and they call you "sir." I swear I have to say "Nah dude please stop. We're just a buncha silly guys playin' video games. Cut it with the pet names, please." several times a day because somebody got used to everything being a roleplay sim.

As for posting in games, I'm certain since it's not gambling, or shooting prim zombies it would be moved. I'm also aware that most faction officers do keep up on the forums, but usually there isnt any discussion because well, where the hell would we put it lol? usually people would just post in the fray, or SLMN which are in world groups, but 98% of it is spam, conjecture, and furry porn. An attempt was made to make a forum for the groups, but there was a lot of people advertising copybotted items, doxxings etc... so we never did have a moderated platform to post on until somebody made a discord group called project genesis. The discord group is still used, but only certain people who have proven their eligibility to post can post in it. Even with that being a rather... slow... success..... there is no way for the rest of SL to see that sort of thing. Plus that excludes and leaves out GOR, DCS, VICE, MCE, Whatever the hell GAR uses, The naruto sims etc. The reason you've not heard of these places is that we've got nowhere to 'advertise' or even discuss the vast complexities and potential interests that each system has to offer.

Edited by Solo Linden
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There are lot of themes and games in SL that do not have their own forum.  I think there are several ways to advertise your combat (even though true advertising is not allowed on most forums) in the Places and Events section.

- Games: to talk about combat games
- Events: to advertise specific combat games/event coming up
- Favorite Destinations: To give note to specific Combat sims

I'm just a guest to these forums, so these are my thoughts, not rules or anything :)

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On 11/21/2017 at 2:50 AM, Zeta Vandyke said:

There are lot of themes and games in SL that do not have their own forum.  I think there are several ways to advertise your combat (even though true advertising is not allowed on most forums) in the Places and Events section.

- Games: to talk about combat games
- Events: to advertise specific combat games/event coming up
- Favorite Destinations: To give note to specific Combat sims

I'm just a guest to these forums, so these are my thoughts, not rules or anything :)


There are in fact many themes, however, combat is a massive corner of SL. not just that, it is also involved in almost every form of RP. 

Games... I'm certain is about gambling, or in world things like zombie shooters. Not PVP. It's not the right place at all.

Events... we don't really have events and haven't. There have been few situations where events were held however, those are not to be painted in good light and for the most part are political happenings rather than happy events. There is definitely light in posting events there for maybe a VICE RP if they're doing some "hey we're having a party, come get free guns and... idk prim food."

Favorite Destinations... I posted there for a single faction (It's not my job, or prerogative to advertise other groups), and a hotlink is in my signature. Which is a good place to post individual sims.

However, Combat is one of those things that is a fact of SL. SL is a game where you can do anything with unlimited freedom. With that, certain facts of an environment like this arise. People will first and foremost have sex. People will roleplay (Garry'smod taught us this inevitability). People will make art. And finally, people will kill each other. Combat has been here since the first weapons were made. and this isn't just about advertising several different communities, it's about a place to talk about combat aspects of the countless systems that SL has to offer. With these discussions comes advertisement. The simple act of talking about something on forums advertises things. 

Favorite destinations is the better alternative, but the second I start talking about the benefits of Coercion's weapons over say New Roman weapons (Devil's advocate keep your filthy pants on, Rome), There is nowhere to put it. I'm assuming the lindens would move it to roleplay, however, a good portion of the discussion that would be held is not even close or related to any sort of roleplay. It's even better suited in photography because there are original pictures in each of those posts. When one of my discussion threads was moved to roleplay, I had a large group of people in a discord asking me why the hell of all places I put it there. Short answer, I didn't. Long answer, the Lindens themselves don't even know where to put stuff like that so their only assumption is to slap it wherever. I contested the placement of the thread per request of a large number of people in discord however it was ignored.

So when the Lindens don't know where to put something, it's safe to assume that a new section should be made.

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There are a lot of things in SL that are a far more massive part of SL than combat that do not have there own forums . Vampire games such as bloodlines or progeny for example and no before you say vampire games are rp no to most participants of for example bloodlines it tends to be no more than a game and rp isnt really involved in the least. I have certainly met plenty of active bloodlines and progeny players. I have as yet to meet a single combat player that didnt do combat as part of something else like Gor and they were doing it for the something else not for specifically the combat.

There are however plenty of free forum hosting services out there such as Enjin for example that the combat community could use to host a forum for themselves with the advantage that they themselves would be the moderators of that forum.

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Parx, please go here https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/403538-community-participation-guidelines/

  • Abuse of Moderation or Moderators: Please honor our moderation process and the decisions that come out of it; they are being made in order to provide you with a productive environment for conversations about Second Life. We prohibit abuse of our moderation process, including the following:
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On 11/20/2017 at 4:43 PM, Parx Oran said:

I posted some stuff in General Discussion because I couldn't find a place.


On 11/20/2017 at 4:43 PM, Parx Oran said:

Anyways the thread I posted ended up getting moved to the RP board.

I bring this up because I personally don't like people cluttering up the forum just because they 'could not find a place'.

" So when the Lindens don't know where to put something, it's safe to assume that a new section should be made. "

It looks like they found a place for you.

Edited by Hunter Stern
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I personally don't see the benefit of a "Combat" specific category on this forum.

If it operates like a game, it belongs in games. PVP or PVE, does not matter, if you are gaming you are gaming. Put it under Games and call it a day. You're not on the sim to Roleplay or Shop, you are there to participate in a First Person Shooter Game. Correct me if I am wrong. 

The only thing that would make PVP less of a game is if there was Roleplay, which you state repeatedly is not the goal of these combat communities. You also mention distinct differences between PVE "Zombie" shooting games inworld and your PVP community, who would make these moderating decisions within such a sub-thread?! What are the qualifications for getting in said COMBAT category if something like Player Vs. Computer Zombie Shooting is not considered "Combat"? Seems like it would lead to even MORE confusion and tangled-lines than you are currently experiencing. 

Besides, at the end of the day, if there was such a specific COMBAT subforum, it would likely be filled up exclusively by content from your existing members. Would it really bring in more people? Would people even bother clicking into the Sub-Forum and reading topics if they are not familiar with it? It could very well just turn into a circle-jerk for people already inducted into the community. In my opinion it would certainly generate more views and traffic if it were under a more broad category..... which seems to be the goal, recruiting more people to join??

Also an aside...If I were running a community and wanted to get more people interested and involved, I would let them RP all they f*ing wanted lol xD If someone wants to come onto the sim all gung-ho screaming SIR YES SIR good for them, let them play how they want to play as long as they aren't holding back the team. I even know people who lightly RP in games like Planetside 2 where it's def not the norm, but heck, some folks really get into the voice chat!!! It seems like a silly thing to be strict about, I know lots of people who casually "Roleplay" within conversations throwing a /me here and there.  Unless they have come to specifically paragraph roleplay, in which case a few minutes on a sim mid-combat should show them that it's not that type of sim.  Heck, for all I know there could be a ton of RPers who would LOVE your communities and sims, but they are barred from entry because of your limitations or attitudes. Perhaps that is something you are against, having a flood of such residents take over your sims, but in that case you should not be posting in the Forum to begin with because ANYONE can read and show up for any reason they want...

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Hello, I read your post but I know how things go with large walls of text and I wrote down my interpretations on your individual paragraphs and wrote responses ^^ Let me know if i misenterpreted your paragraphs.

"you're there to participate in a first-person shooter game"

       *You're there to shoot people and be apart of and fight to support your respective communities, I can see how that would be a very good alternative for a select few VICE sims though.*

"Zombie shooter games in SL wouldn't be able to post in combat"

       *Of course they would. They'd have a place to discuss the combat aspects, how weapon efficiencies work in other communities relative to theirs to keep sim time dilation at it's most efficient and learn off of each other because let's face it, This game isn't made for combat but it is one of the most participated in activities in SL.*

"If there was a combat subforum it would be filled with content from just members of my community, resulting in a circle-jerk."

       *the SLMC is the largest, but definitely not the only community that does combat. You talk as if I'm leaving out the GOR, DCS, VICE, MCE, and many more.  Even so, the SLMC contains many different communities under it each with their own way of doing things and each would more than likely have several threads open for each of them on how to do certain things in the respective communities. VICE would have a place to talk about the best methods for integrating scripts into weapons resulting in an expansion of gear being made for VICE. GOR would have a place to talk about the tactics involved with their combat installments, educate people on the complexities of the system *

"The person in charge of the SLMC should let people RP if that's their prerogative. It would raise morale and would attract more people to your community"

       *First off again this thread wasn't started to benefit just the SLMC. Secondly, nobody started the SLMC lol, and nobody is/was ever in charge of the SLMC. There have only ever been influential neutral voices such as Caine Constantine, or Syla (Both retired). It manifested as a result of the Lindens adding Linden damage and people fought over whose method of doing combat was superior, and a sort of gang war started. It was dubbed the "SLMC" correct me if I'm wrong in 2011 during the Grid-merge when the MG combat community met TG (huge culture shock, and hundreds of stories there. Imagine if China were made an American state)  years ago because these are just separate combat communities that make items and fight each other with them. Secondly over the years there have been several military groups that were also part RP. They died off promptly (Recent 7th military installments, and Moriarty Static's ADI) This is because people who RP as their primary objective in the combat sims, prove themselves to be rather lacking in combat skill which brings down the rest of the group. SLMC groups aren't places you go to join and do whatever. Most will only take people who prove their worth in combat through a set of trials (See here for example) They are there to "win" over the other communities and fight to see who lasts the longest. Plus people usually don't use text chat at all, and we ask that people communicate through voice over mediums such as Discord, and Teamspeak as it is much faster and more efficient to communicate. Many people join because they think our community is roleplay/has roleplay, but then they end up staying for the history, weapons and armor, the combat, and the people. I could go on for weeks about SLMC history, and people are still working on putting together a cohesive story. I only know a modicum of TG history, and post-gridmerge history from 2011-Now for a few military groups (Maybe 3 or 4 out of over 120)*

Let me know if I misinterpreted any of your points, and if you wanna discuss this in-world, I'd be more than happy to.

Also, I'm aware that I do a terrible job of staying off the topic of the SLMC. Its unfortunate but I'm just better versed in it, and I used to run VICE sims around 6 years ago so I know how that goes. As for DCS, GOR, and others. I'm only just aware of their existence but have hung around their sims and observed enough to know that they are vastly complex. This is why I think a subforum would help in educating people who don't know quite as much about these systems and would definitely invite a new breed of people into SL.

Edit: just read the "barred from entry" sentence. we don't barr people from entry, we just inform people that its kind of foreign to those combat sims, and would end up slowing them down in the end. It also is rather awkward, as most of us live in RL primarily and those that RP don't always live the same. The cultures are different, and that's a whole 'nother thread in itself, so I won't open that up.


Also, I called it. it was moved to roleplay lol

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22 hours ago, AmandaKeen said:

Having watched numerous threads, I can philosophically opine that the entire Forum is a Combat section :-)


lol, unfortunately, combat stuff can be posted anywhere and technically not be in "the wrong place." so you're not wrong. Combat goes on everywhere in SL. I just think it'd be nice to be able to reveal to the rest of SL what all goes on in that avenue.

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6 hours ago, Parx Oran said:

lol, unfortunately, combat stuff can be posted anywhere and technically not be in "the wrong place." so you're not wrong. Combat goes on everywhere in SL. I just think it'd be nice to be able to reveal to the rest of SL what all goes on in that avenue.

The SL Forums are not any ones personal Website, Blog, Board, or otherwise. It is a forum simply for discussion and the sharing of ideas and opinions, etc. Does SLMC have a website or blog? If so then those would be very appropriate avenues to pursue as well to get combat related information out there. You could even put a reference link to the site in the Games forum for people to easily find.

Otherwise I would have to say, no, a subforum is not appropriate , for example , say I wanted my field in Media Production to have more of a spotlight? Depending on the medium, I would post what relevant information or links to the appropriate forum (i.e I make a mesh model which is available for download or dissemination though my website, I would post the link to that in the Mesh Forum with a brief description open for any questions or discussion )

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3 hours ago, Hunter Stern said:

The SL Forums are not anyones personal Website, Blog, Board, or otherwise. 


never said it was, babu.

Combat is such a broad and frequently done thing in SL, that many of its conversations and content can fit in any subforum just like roleplay. That is all that was said.

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10 hours ago, Parx Oran said:

lol, unfortunately, combat stuff can be posted anywhere and technically not be in "the wrong place." so you're not wrong. Combat goes on everywhere in SL. I just think it'd be nice to be able to reveal to the rest of SL what all goes on in that avenue.

I was thinking of "combat" in the sense of the flame-wars and drama that break out on the forums sporadically. Its better than it was, but we relapse frequently :-)

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1 minute ago, AmandaKeen said:

I was thinking of "combat" in the sense of the flame-wars and drama that break out on the forums sporadically. Its better than it was, but we relapse frequently :-)

ooooooohhhhh lol. Hey mang, there's a section somewhere for flesh combat as well.

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2 hours ago, Parx Oran said:

never said it was, babu.

Combat is such a broad and frequently done thing in SL, that many of its conversations and content can fit in any subforum just like roleplay. That is all that was said.

and this is a Feed Back forum, not a Suggestions or Petition forum. Infact there is a channel for such things. You can use the Help>Support>Open a Ticket route infact. LL may not respond to you on this, or they might, but atleast they will see the proposal clearly that way.

Also, I was referring to personal Website, Blog, Board,  in context and usage of the Forums and not 'content'.

Edited by Hunter Stern
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1 minute ago, Hunter Stern said:

and this is a Feed Back forum, not a Suggestions or Petition forum. Infact there is a channel for such things. You can use the Help>Support>Open a Ticket route infact. LL may not respond to you on this, or they might, but atleast they will see the proposal clearly that way.

never said it was, babu.

I opened this thread as a discussion for the rest of the community to take part in. ^^

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5 minutes ago, Parx Oran said:

discussion for the rest of the community

about your SLMC and/or Combat. This Forum is for feedback pertaining to the forum as a whole and how it relates to ALL possible topics and areas , not just one that we might favor the most. If Combat gets a special subforum, then why not Modeling Agencies, or Clubs, or DJing?

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Just now, Hunter Stern said:

about your SLMC and/or Combat. This Forum is for feedback pertaining to the forum as a whole and how it relates to ALL possible topics and areas , not just one that we might favor the most. If Combat gets a special subforum, then why not Modeling Agencies, or Clubs, or DJing?


I tend to use the SLMC as one example (even though it's absolutely full of other smaller examples) because that's where I'm from and know the most about. I do my best to bring up the others in conversation, however, I'm not as well versed in their cultures. 

Clubbing would be a useful subforum, and DJing would go under it as separate threads. Its a very large portion of SL, and many people could discuss all sorts of crazy stuff in there I bet. I could also respond to that with "Why does roleplaying get a subforum?"

I never understood modeling agencies, as most people can just buy one avatar, spruce it up, and take pictures of themselves. plus that definitely fits under the umbrella of photography. I don't know enough about the process to make any statements. 

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You're not into RP, and you call your combat non-RP, but your signature screams RP. Most combat sims, and combat, that *I* have seen, is indeed, RP, though perhaps not the type of RP some might think of when they hear the word "roleplay", it's most certainly RP in the opinion of many, including plenty of folks that actually participate in it.  They have names, they have roles, and they're "playing" , or acting out combat scenarios...that doesn't exclude it from being RP.  Perhaps you'll have to clarify why it's NOT RP, so that folks will understand better. Nothing I have seen in this thread tells me combat isn't RP...just that it's one *type*...of which there are countless in sl.  Maybe you assume people automatically think RP and think it's something negative..I really don't know, and I can't tell from your posts. I just see no distinction whatsoever here..(and I'm not afraid of long posts, lol, I'll read it all). I've also seen a lot of combat discussed IN the RP section of the forums over the years, since it's the most appropriate section. 

Perhaps that's why folks think it's more appropriate in the RP section, because most have likely never seen any real reason why the two are in no way similar. ::shrugs::



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3 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

You're not into RP, and you call your combat non-RP, but your signature screams RP. Most combat sims, and combat, that *I* have seen, is indeed, RP, though perhaps not the type of RP some might think of when they hear the word "roleplay", it's most certainly RP in the opinion of many, including plenty of folks that actually participate in it.  They have names, they have roles, and they're "playing" , or acting out combat scenarios...that doesn't exclude it from being RP.  Perhaps you'll have to clarify why it's NOT RP, so that folks will understand better. Nothing I have seen in this thread tells me combat isn't RP...just that it's one *type*...of which there are countless in sl.  Maybe you assume people automatically think RP and think it's something negative..I really don't know, and I can't tell from your posts. I just see no distinction whatsoever here..(and I'm not afraid of long posts, lol, I'll read it all). I've also seen a lot of combat discussed IN the RP section of the forums over the years, since it's the most appropriate section. 

Perhaps that's why folks think it's more appropriate in the RP section, because most have likely never seen any real reason why the two are in no way similar. ::shrugs::



Then, by all means, this entire game can go into the roleplay section. It's a fair argument, however, when a child screams over call of duty saying they had consensual coitus with various people's mother's, it's not RP. That is more or less how the SLMC works. our themes are more or less in this metaphor the same choice of theme call of duty would pick (WWII, modern, sci-fi or whatever)

as for our rank structures, we have rank structures so our armies don't crumble due to drama usually caused by furries, not so people can live out their fantasies of being a leader of a military. We administrate where needed, and the leaders make sure nobody is upset during raids.  they always make sure sim tier is plentiful, on time, our R&D moves smoothly. The reason we have training is so we make sure we test people's patience to the fullest extent before letting them in. We don't want anybody who will be upset during raids or will cause issues with other members. each faction in a sense is a clique that people try out for, and each of those cliques fights each other.

I have to remind everybody again that this thread isn't just about the SLMC.


but yes the SLMC has kind of kept to itself for the past decade or so very very seldom posting on forums or even leaving our own sim network. I completely understand that it might seem a little far-fetched for this community to have been here as long as it has without anybody talking about it which may make it seem like the massive history was made up for the sake of playing roles. The game is seemingly shrinking, so I am posting, and people are very skeptical in the community over how much posting in the forums will change anything. Plus getting the factions to agree on something is a near impossible feat. 

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I wasn't limiting my response to SLMC, I don't know why you insist everyone that replies actually is..when that's not true-unless someone directly mentions SLMC(I didn't). I'm also not denying that a combat community(note I, again, did not limit it to ONE combat, but rather, a collective of them all) has existed for ages, since almost the very beginning, really. I'm not naive enough to believe it's a tiny community. I've participated in it in the past, even if I no longer do. I thought of it as a form of roleplay then, just as I still do today. I've never seen one person so adamant that it is, absolutely, not rp, in any way, shape, or form.  I am going to ignore your analogy there, as the two are not even remotely similar, and it's actually quite disgusting to me that you'd head down that rabbit hole to compare them. I won't follow.


If you want people to believe you're not playing roles, you're not doing a very good job of telling us precisely why we shouldn't believe that you are indeed playing roles. While others may need more explanation on how combat groups, communities, sims, etc...function....that's not what I was addressing. I understand, far too well, how they work, what people do, why there are ranks, training, groups, etc.. What I don't understand, is why you don't see that as a form of roleplay. You ARE playing a role...and yes, RP actually applies to a lot more areas of sl than some folks want to admit.

I have prim babies...that makes me a mom in sl. Despite the fact that I am also a mom in rl...I was STILL playing a role throughout that whole pregnancy/becoming a parent in sl thing. It may not be the kind of thing some folks think about when they hear the term roleplay...but it very much was, and is. They aren't *really* my children, they're prims, and as much as I enjoy taking care of them(much like I enjoy other aspects of my sl), I'm still roleplaying when I dress, change, etc.. them. 

I still fail to see why calling combat in sl a form of RP, is such a bad thing. You seem to come across as if it's insulting to even suggest such. You might want to actually talk to more folks in combat sims, because I don't believe most folks share your same sentiment about it not being roleplay in any way.  I don't, and when I participate, I will call it RP , because that is what it is to me, and probably way more folks than you think ;) 


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I am with you on this!!! Honestly, my husband has been looking for combat sims, not combat with rp (He doesnt want to have to type out a paragraph of what he wants to do to people, he just wants to do it and have the other react). A combat section would help people like him find a new home to cause a little trouble in (Fun trouble!)



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