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These numbers have got to be wrong


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I'm new and found SL because I heard about Sansar. 

This world is amazing and some of these properties are so well done.  I've got a mind for business - like a serial entrepreneur and speculator, so I'm thinking "a builder probably makes some money".  So I look up the population and users and I see the Dwell On It blog. 

And it says things like there are 50,000,000 users and 50,000 logging in each day, 15,000 joining every day.

But I go on the Destinations guide and look at "hot", which I presume are the places with the most users at the moment.... and they have 20 people.  Most everywhere I go has nobody.  Empty clubs.  Empty shopping stores. 


What am I missing here?

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37 minutes ago, Chinami1000 said:

 50,000 logging in each day

Here is a graph (updated every 5 minutes) that shows the max in the previous 24 hours is a bit over 50,000

Ugh - remove the periods in the first part of the name -  the forum found a naughty word and changed it to ****


Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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24 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Here is a graph (updated every 5 minutes) that shows the max in the previous 24 hours is a bit over 50,000

Ugh - remove the periods in the first part of the name -  the forum found a naughty word and changed it to ****


To be clear, those are concurrency numbers,  not the totals for a day. It's not the same 40k logged in for 24 hrs.

Edited by Pamela Galli
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It is a BIG BIG WORLD (thing WORLD and that will help some). Lots of space. I used to live in a real life area where the average population as 7 people per square mile (that's a lot of land). And of course not everyone logs in everyday and not everyone is on 24/7.  So there ARE plenty of folks around.

The "what's hot" listings have been horrible for -- well many years. Better to scan the map and look for the giant numbers of green dots.

They likely mean:

Sex Club

Newly opened shopping event


A bunch of folks standing around zombielike and playing Tiny Empires (or today's equivilant).

Best to look for locations and events that interest YOU and find like minded people there.

Believe me there are LOTS more folks here than in Sansar LOL.



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I see where to get these stats.  I'm just saying I couldn't figure out how they were possible to have 15000 people on and the most populated places have like 30. 

But I see what it is, there are AFKs and bots sitting around on the edges of properties.  I don't know why yet, but there's a reason somewhere.    I still think the stats are horribly padded from what I'm seeing. 


So let me ask, is the real estate profitable? 


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20 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

It is a BIG BIG WORLD (thing WORLD and that will help some). Lots of space. I used to live in a real life area where the average population as 7 people per square mile (that's a lot of land). And of course not everyone logs in everyday and not everyone is on 24/7.  So there ARE plenty of folks around.

The "what's hot" listings have been horrible for -- well many years. Better to scan the map and look for the giant numbers of green dots.

They likely mean:

Sex Club

Newly opened shopping event


A bunch of folks standing around zombielike and playing Tiny Empires (or today's equivilant).

Best to look for locations and events that interest YOU and find like minded people there.

Believe me there are LOTS more folks here than in Sansar LOL.



Thanks for that.  I'm going to do that for sure.  As soon as this 90s club I'm in plays Rick Astley.  Then I'm OUT.  I will not be Rickrolled in my first AND second lives.  :)


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36 minutes ago, Chinami1000 said:

Like this one.  There's 60 people supposedly here.  And I'm on the ground in the middle of the green dots.... and not 1 avatar....


There is actually a club there at a height of 3400 - and there are lots of people there dancing and listening to a singer.

When looking at your mini-map, scroll it out a bit so you can better see the green marks.  If they are dots, the people are at the same altitude as you.  If the green marks are arrows, the people are either above or below you, depending on which way the arrow points.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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1 hour ago, Pamela Galli said:

To be clear, those are concurrency numbers,  not the totals for a day. It's not the same 40k logged in for 24 hrs.

True - a max of 50,000 logged in at once during the previous 24 hours and currently about 45,000 are logged in.  The total for the day would be quite higher.

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1 hour ago, Chinami1000 said:

I still think the stats are horribly padded from what I'm seeing. 

Not by the lab. Just by people not doing things you want to do.

1 hour ago, Chinami1000 said:

So let me ask, is the real estate profitable? 

Yes, it's what adds a lot to the Lab's bottom line and has kept this world alive for 15 years, and likely for many more, and at the same time allowed them to develop a new gaming platform in Sansar.

1 hour ago, Pamela Galli said:

They are in the sky.

My height right now, 2997 meters!

Edited by Callum Meriman
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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

True - a max of 50,000 logged in at once during the previous 24 hours and currently about 45,000 are logged in.  The total for the day would be quite higher.

 I have no clue how many hours on average someone is logged in but if for example the average was four hours, then that would be about 175,000 people per day.

Edited by Pamela Galli
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The destination guide is not actually an indication of what's hot, what's popular, or what's populated. It never has been, and never will be. The lindens seem to have some weirdly obscure way of adding things to it(or not adding things, as the case so often is). Don't trust the folks at the lab to tell you what's really popular, they have no friggen clue, as most of their employees have either never been inworld, or rarely ever go inworld, nor do they speak to actual residents on a regular basis, lol. Yes I am highly judgmental of them when it comes to this subject, because they really don't know their own product, much less their own audience. They're good at certain things..this just isn't one of them, lol.

If you really want to find where people are, open up the world map, scroll out, look for dots :D

Clubs, and events are where you will find most groupings. You may also find some at safe/info hubs, but, I strongly recommend you avoid those places, and would probably tie a lasso around you and yank you out of them if you went there anyway. They're really not great places to hang out(ok, a few might be "fine", may even have their "good" moments..otherwise..no...just....no, they will give new users a very BAD impression 9 3/4 times out of 10)

If finding people isn't your bag..as it's not really mine (this is more of a general comment, not necessarily for the OP alone) then simply search for things you're interested in, even things you like to do in rl, or would like to do but can't, or won't..(ie, I'm a chicken and in rl, I would never dream of getting ON a plane, much less jumping out of one..but in sl, I LOVE skydiving and parachuting...or generally falling from super high heights onto unsuspecting people...but that's just me). I love amusement parks, even old corny outdated and likely mostly abandoned ones in sl, surfing, bowling, arcades(I mean actual arcades, not gacha, with games, not on gaming sims) mini golf, exploring, visiting cool replica sims, zoos, etc..all of which I can find with a few clicks of my mouse-which is awesome for me mostly because I don't need other folks to do it, lol.

Oh, and no, the numbers aren't all padded. Yes there are some bots, yes there are lots of folks afk at any given point, but that doesn't mean numbers are padded, they simply represent things you may or may not think they should(ie, av presence, not necessarily mental presence of the human behind the av-though one need not be afk for that to be true, lol). There actually used to be a hell of a lot more bots, alts, afk avs, when they counted more towards traffic, or were used more for that purpose anyway, as a regular occurrence rather than a not so regular one like we have now. 

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1 hour ago, Pamela Galli said:

 I have no clue how many hours on average someone is logged in but if for example the average was four hours, then that would be about 175,000 people per day.

I don't think I've ever been logged into SL for four hours straight, let alone average that. My butt would get sore and I'd prolly wet myself (all that root beer, ya know).

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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4 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

I don't think I've ever been logged into SL for four hours straight, let alone average that. My butt would get sore and I'd prolly wet myself (all that root beer, ya know).

While I don't think I've ever sat at my computer for that long straight, I have been logged in for far longer.  Usually it is simply because I'll swith to reading the forums, then get up and go do something, and forget that I'm even logged in.  I came home from work yesterday and sat down to log in and noticed I was still logged in from Thursday evening.  Sometimes on the weekends I'll log in early to do something and then just leave myself logged in while I go AFK to do the general weekend chores, but coming back to the computer peridically when I want a break from the chores.  Often on those days, I'm logged in from mid-morning until late at night.

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I'd also point out, and someone correct me if I'm wrong but, I believe the new user count is including alts. So anyone currently in SL that is creating an alt, would constitute a new account.

Chic is spot on though, the world is massive and with the counts currently where they are, it can still seem deserted in most areas. The destination guide like Tari pointed out is not really a great tool and could use an overhaul with the help of some input from the community. It was a great idea, executed poorly IMO.

There are people on this forum more educated on the subject then I, but from my understanding the time for easy money in land ownership is over.

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46 minutes ago, Chase01 said:

There are people on this forum more educated on the subject then I, but from my understanding the time for easy money in land ownership is over.

Not at all, simply follow these simple easy to replicate steps...

1. Go to a merchant bank and see the New Business Manager, shoot him in the head with your Hypno-Ray pistol, and order him to agree your business plan is fantastic, and give you an unsecured loan of several million dollars.

2. Buy Premium in SL, and then purchase enough grandfathered full private regions to qualify for the 'super secret bulk owner mega estate discount scheme'.

3. Rent out your regions in 1/4's and 1/8's at keen prices.

4. Process credit your massive profits, and be rich

5. Win the Game!


MegaBucks Island Estates inc does very nicely, it's KNOWN subsidiaries account for more than 16% of all non-Madlands sims in SL, and be sure the old girl running it makes a very tidy sum every year.


What you cannot do any more is get moderately prosperous, by starting off with some rinky-dink patch of overpriced worthless digital dirt in the Madlands, and praying some idiot will buy it off you for a couple of thousand linden more than you paid to buy it and own it for the 4 years it took to find a buyer...

The Madlands Price Bubble, keeps prices stupidly optimistic despite the vast tracts of empty abandoned wasteland..


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6 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:

I'm new and found SL because I heard about Sansar.

This world is amazing and some of these properties are so well done.  I've got a mind for business - like a serial entrepreneur and speculator, so I'm thinking "a builder probably makes some money".  So I look up the population and users and I see the Dwell On It blog.

And it says things like there are 50,000,000 users and 50,000 logging in each day, 15,000 joining every day.

But I go on the Destinations guide and look at "hot", which I presume are the places with the most users at the moment.... and they have 20 people.  Most everywhere I go has nobody.  Empty clubs.  Empty shopping stores.


What am I missing here?

At any given time, there are between 30,000 and 50,000 accounts logged into SL That is actually quite a lot of people.

Problem is you are looking at the Destination Guides and Editor's Picks, which are sims chosen by LL.

Since most of the Linden Clan members involved with this a) seldom log in to SL, b) don't stay long and c) haven't got a damn clue, their choices are essentially... Worthless.

They seem to assume we're all here to visit the IRS Sim, catch up on Virtual Education, and enjoy Experimental Conceptual Interactive Art and other High Brow activities like imaginary people trying to 'Improve' themselves...

Reality is most of us seem to be here to shop, play digital barbie dolls, chat, roleplay, shag,  loiter, ogle,  and generally relax in a Low Brow manner like real people trying to have FUN.

As for plans to become an Amateur Business Tycoon, most of the people who wanted to try that, arrived between 2006 and 2009, and most of them left without success. People often think SL is a place to make easy money with low talent business plans "just invest x dollars in stuff, and wait for profits to roll in, no work needed". Land is the usual suspect... and the usual cause of massive negative equity, financial losses, total business failure, and Eternal Shame in the eyes of other True Believers in the Free Market Fallacy.

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1 hour ago, Klytyna said:

At any given time, there are between 30,000 and 50,000 accounts logged into SL That is actually quite a lot of people.

Problem is you are looking at the Destination Guides and Editor's Picks, which are sims chosen by LL.

Since most of the Linden Clan members involved with this a) seldom log in to SL, b) don't stay long and c) haven't got a damn clue, their choices are essentially... Worthless.

They seem to assume we're all here to visit the IRS Sim, catch up on Virtual Education, and enjoy Experimental Conceptual Interactive Art and other High Brow activities like imaginary people trying to 'Improve' themselves...

Reality is most of us seem to be here to shop, play digital barbie dolls, chat, roleplay, shag,  loiter, ogle,  and generally relax in a Low Brow manner like real people trying to have FUN.

As for plans to become an Amateur Business Tycoon, most of the people who wanted to try that, arrived between 2006 and 2009, and most of them left without success. People often think SL is a place to make easy money with low talent business plans "just invest x dollars in stuff, and wait for profits to roll in, no work needed". Land is the usual suspect... and the usual cause of massive negative equity, financial losses, total business failure, and Eternal Shame in the eyes of other True Believers in the Free Market Fallacy.

If anyone thinks there is a such thing as easy money, I want to sell them something.  Something expensive. 


I think from what I'm seeing that money can be earned like any business, but I'm still having a difficult time figuring out where the actual players are, not the bots.  And I'm not interested in the adult businesses, which seem to be where an awful lot of creepy green dots are.


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