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Everything posted by Chinami1000

  1. got it. thanks for that. do you happen to know if there are more tools out there that can edit in more detail than the SL standard sliders? maybe that's not a thing, but I have in my mind some of the avatar editing tools in various video games, some of which go into intricate detail (like Fallout 4, for instance)
  2. thanks. yeah, for sure. i want it to look right. not gonna sell things that don't work well. i've bought too many things like that in the past. lol.
  3. Ok. So here is my question. I've learned to make custom shapes, which I'd like to sell, but they aren't playing nicely with Maitreya/Belleza clothes. Do I need a creation kit or something similar to do this? I have no experience in digital design work so it's a bit daunting to learn a new skill and I'd like to avoid that if possible. As I edit the shapes I'm wearing the Maitreya or Belleza bodies. Maybe I just need to tweak the shapes a bit? Also, are there tools that aren't too complicated that allow more customization to be made than just the simple editor included in SL?
  4. thanks so much. it would have taken me way too long to figure that out. lol.
  5. So it appears things have changed. If you edit the basic shapes they become no-transfer. Any other ideas? I'm afraid to buy a full perm shape on the markeplace because they aren't cheap and if i edit it I'm afraid it will become no-transfer too. edit - another reply showed me how to make an all new shape which can be transferred. so we figured it out.
  6. you're awesome. thank you so much.
  7. oh that's so silly. i feel a bit, um, yeah. dumb. thanks though. will this work with bento shapes/maitreya-catwa etc.
  8. Somehow I haven't found a tutorial on this. I'd like to design custom shapes to sell in world and on marketplace. Shapes you edit remain no-transfer of course, and i haven't seen which tool or work-around is necessary to use to create your own. thanks for any help or for pointing me in the right direction.
  9. I'm looking to buy another small piece of the mainland. But I noticed 30 prims were already being used on vacant land... so I look up to the sky... The neighbor has 4 skyboxes that overhang onto this property, almost all the way across. If I were to buy this property, do I have to track this person down, hope they are still playing, and ask nicely, or can I just 'return' the item to them - even though only part of their skybox is on my land? What's the protocol and what rights do I have?
  10. George W. Bush was an awful President for economic growth you know. But it should be worth noting that Obama created more debt than all the previous Presidents combined.... so there is definitely a culture of people in DC who are quite happy to attempt to run indefinite deficits.
  11. Maybe the problem is that this platform attracts the fringe who would defend anything that upsets others.
  12. you don't have to try. I saw ***** going down on Social Island within my first 5 minutes. Look, I know people come here to do the fantasy things they can't do on the other side of the keyboard. What I don't know is why anyone who thinks they shouldn't do it in front of kids is a 'moral crusader'. I know the mean old Christians make your feels hurt, but come on.
  13. oh. abuse reports are time machines that prevent people from seeing the illegal thing? awesome. THAT is what they should monetize. Time traveling. Idiot.
  14. It's not hard to find and you know it. Go try it.
  15. I didn't say banned. Why is there always one of these people on the internet? It's like there is some rule that there be a massively defensive, conclusion jumping, edgy in their own mind, giant douche. I'm a libertarian you donkey. I don't care what people do - I just want a better separation from it so my 13 year old doesn't ask me why a transvestite in a fox costume was sodomizing a captured three breasted woman in front of naked alien avatars with giant tentacles.
  16. Unfortunately there isn't a good enough reporting standard of financials for companies to make that viable. But I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about banks. Reading the TOS (yeah, I actually did that..fun stuff) there's a rule against collecting or paying interest.
  17. It's workable. No clue why they want all that vacant land. Surely SOMEBODY there in a meeting must occasional say "you know, maybe we should think about doing what worked, when we were growing, and making a ton of money." What is the deal with the rigidity and refusal to change? They are slowly bleeding active users, and at some point that will reach a point where it accelerates. Sansar will not be an answer to that - they need to keep SL going or sell it to someone who wants it to grow. Off topic but it wouldn't hurt if they did a better job of segregating the truly deviant adult activities that go on.
  18. You're not stupid. I probably should have explained rather than being snarky. on 1. the supply of land is way too high. the value of the land itself needs to increase while the tax collected on it needs to decrease. this will BOOM real estate. if banks open, it will even create low interest mortgages. on 2. Tier is essentially a real estate tax. Bring the tax down, so that property owners can earn a positive cash flow, and property owners will stop letting land sit. The goal should always be to keep land developed - keep the economy going. It's just like the outside world - government has to balance what it sucks out of the economy in taxes against what it needs to continue operating. Right now the SL government is choking the life out of their economy. In economics it's called the Laffer curve. Lower taxes often mean more growth, which then creates more tax revenue than would be collected with the economy that is not growing. Less land will be abandoned. More land will be developed. The barrier to development is not that people don't want to do it. It's that there isn't enough ability to generate revenue with that land to meet tier. If tier were lower, land would start being developed. More new and interesting things would happen - just like when SL was booming. When land is developed, they sell more lindens - way more. After growth, they can bring the tier price back up. So we get land owners who want out a way out, and get the land into the hands of people who want to develop it. Then we get the taxes on that land down to a point that it's profitable to do it.
  19. I'm new but I'm aware of the ups and downs of SL and I have a mind for business. Spent about 2 weeks now doing almost nothing but SL, as is my nature when I examine a new business opportunity. As is, the only reasonable way to earn in SL without having a genius on staff create a new disruption of one type or another, outside of skill gaming, is to have things and land that create a small profit and just repeat it over and over and over. Risky. But it would be SOOOO easy to fix. It's apparent within a week on this game if you know finance and investment. SL revolves around its creators and its land. Period. You HAVE to give creators reason to create. 1. never, ever, ever under any circumstance create new islands. never. real estate prices MUST increase. The only exception is - THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. 2. lower the tier price. It will create MORE revenue for them, not less 3. create a minimum sales value on the marketplace. people have to have a reason to visit the sims in game. 4. LET THE LINDEN FLOAT - and if possible, merge into crypto. If L$ floated higher, eventually even a 10L sale would be meaningful. Not 4 cents anymore, which is frigging absurd. People who don't want to sink USD into the game would instead sink their TIME and ENERGY and CREATIVITY in, so that they could earn L$ which now have an ACTUAL VALUE. SL needs a deflating currency more than Jimmy Kimmel needs a new shtick. If L$ had been bitcoin, or its own crypto, SL would have so many content creators the non-virtual world would be BEGGING them to come back. If it goes too far LL could start selling L$ again and inflate. 5. continue to make improvements to performance and graphics. Just keep up with the times, that's all. It's doable. WoW has done it, too slow, but they are doing it. 6. ALLOW BANKS TO FORM!!!! Finance for investment works. It just does. Communists, gtfo now. This is all that needs to be done. Given a little time and press and ANY of these would bring thousands back. Do them all and there would be 250,000 concurrent users within a year. Now, obviously I expect LL to instantly implement all of these ideas, hire me as a consultant, and apologize for the last 8 years. So you're welcome SL. /sarcasm My impression is that the people who make decisions don't even read the blogs or forums.
  20. i never get tuckered out. but i have found 2 people with enough knowledge to be useful and a dozen who are just cancer. be gone tumor. this post has played itself out i think.
  21. I'm not new to life. ffs. Google and moving around the world for a couple days, firing questions at people will get you pretty far. i don't know why people think SL is so complicated. or life for that matter.
  22. Ok. I misunderstood. I thought you meant that YOU had been here for 14 years. In general, what I've learned in business, is that if all the businesses are doing something there's a pretty good chance it's working. I don't think anyone could come along and rewire SL unless they had a really disruptive program to insert. But doing something that already exists a little bit better with some innovation creates big businesses on this side of a computer. But SL isn't that different from the rest of life in my view. It's still people behind those avatars, just like it's people behind our bodies. Anyway, appreciate the thoughts.
  23. You've been here a LONG time. Have you owned a club or shopping center? You also mentioned how players will go to the highest payout. No doubt, but I've been looking for payout rates and haven't been able to find them. So how would the players know? If they don't know, wouldn't they likely choose the place with the best atmosphere and player benefits, etc? I know that as I've hopped around for a while the one I like best is the one with a set of games that offer a proportional payout and frequent player rewards. It 'feels' like I'm able to play for longer before the venue gets the cash. But I don't really know the numbers.
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