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***** TRUMP *****


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Lori Paramour wrote:

Provided that the hundreds of thousands of "Syrian" refugees don;t turn out to be more than 10-15% ISIS and start a major civil war withing the US and Uncle Barry doesn't declare Marshal Law ans suspend the elections:

The -3%er no chance

Fiorina will go

Bush will go

Trump will go and 85% of his supporters will go to Cruz

Carson will go and 60-70% of his supporters will go to Cruz

Cruz and Rubio head to head in debates, Rubio loses.

Cruz grudgingly gets nomination.


Hillary get's indicted but fix in in and DOJ won;t take it to trail.  Career FBI investigators get pissed and leak all the evidence.  DNC forced to turn to Biden.  Biden and Sanders a toss up for the whackadoodle primary voters.  

Sanders squeaks by and the DNC are left with no choice

Head to head debate between Sanders and Cruz. Cruz kills him and Sanders sounds just like what he is, a far left crack pot that should be in a loony bin on thorazine.

Sanders scares the hell out of the Republican and independent voters and they turn out en-masse.

Cruz is next president


I am a PhD Candidate in Political Science and an Associate Professor of Political Science at an Eastern US College. Which has a very well known political think tank for which I work as an analyist. Both of which shall remain un-named.

Be happy to provide further updates as the situation warrants it



Just happened to notice this one again. Any more updates?

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Phil Deakins wrote:

I think it was during her last campaign for the Presidency. In the interview she said that, in the course of being Foreign Secretary(?), she once had to keep low and run to the building to avoid the bullets when she got off the plane in a particular country.

Yeah, that was pretty embarrassing, but in the context of her many retellings of the incident, I'm not sure I'd call it a "lie" exactly. I had to refresh my memory of that event, and found this summary from PolitiFact. It seems she'd progressively embellished her recollection in the years between her memoir recounting of it and that campaign speech. (It happened while she was First Lady; she only became Secretary of State -- the American equivalent of Foreign Minister -- after she lost that election and Obama appointed her.)

Reading about it again now, I'm struck by the similarity to successive embellishments by Brian Williams, who got shuffled from his NBC anchor desk for remembering a more dangerous situation than really occurred to a helicopter he rode in Iraq.

And funny thing: that fish that got away grows bigger each time I remember it, too.

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That was an interesting read, Qie. Thank you for the link. She sounds a lot like Al Gore was when he claimed to have invented the Internet lol. As I said earlier, you americans have my sympathy this time around, because there's nobody worth voting for from the 2 major parties. I wouldn't want either of them running the UK.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lori Paramour wrote:

Provided that the hundreds of thousands of "Syrian" refugees don;t turn out to be more than 10-15% ISIS and start a major civil war withing the US and Uncle Barry doesn't declare Marshal Law ans suspend the elections:

The -3%er no chance

Fiorina will go

Bush will go

Trump will go and 85% of his supporters will go to Cruz

Carson will go and 60-70% of his supporters will go to Cruz

Cruz and Rubio head to head in debates, Rubio loses.

Cruz grudgingly gets nomination.


Hillary get's indicted but fix in in and DOJ won;t take it to trail.  Career FBI investigators get pissed and leak all the evidence.  DNC forced to turn to Biden.  Biden and Sanders a toss up for the whackadoodle primary voters.  

Sanders squeaks by and the DNC are left with no choice

Head to head debate between Sanders and Cruz. Cruz kills him and Sanders sounds just like what he is, a far left crack pot that should be in a loony bin on thorazine.

Sanders scares the hell out of the Republican and independent voters and they turn out en-masse.

Cruz is next president


I am a PhD Candidate in Political Science and an Associate Professor of Political Science at an Eastern US College. Which has a very well known political think tank for which I work as an analyist. Both of which shall remain un-named.

Be happy to provide further updates as the situation warrants it



You were wise to keep both your identity and that of your think tank unnamed because that was a terrible advert for the political analyses of you both.


P.S. Don't you have to already have gained a doctorate to be an associate professor or professor in an academic field?  It seems somewhat odd to be studying for a doctorate in a field where you have already been given the grade of associate professor.  

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And Caesar's spirit, raging for revenge,
With Ate by his side come hot from hell,
Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice
Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war,
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial.


But you can now fly your Confederate rag with pride.

Hums the Internationale (by BB natch) as I doubt you could follow the words.



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As a Brit, I'm concerned, among other things, about the damage President Trump's policies are likely to inflict on both the US and world economies.   The USA will doubtless bear the brunt of it, but it's going to be pretty difficult for the rest of us to deal with the fall-out.

Doubtless things will stablilise, and we'll have to learn to live with a weaker and less influential USA, a more aggressive Russia and more agressive militant political Islamists.   

Why do people think Vladimir Putin was  supportive of Donald Trump's election campaign?   I had dealings with Mr Putin back the 1990s, when he the Director for External Economic Affairs in St Petersburg, just after the collapse of the old Soviet Union.   I was then working with British companies trying to set up joint ventures in the St Petersburg region, and his office oversaw such business partnerships, as well as running the port there.   He's a very smart and very scary guy.    

He is also a Russian nationalist who deeply resented the the humiliation his country experienced at the hands fo the west in general and the USA in particular, when it appeared the West had won the cold war.  

Not to put too fine a point on it, he hated America and Americans back then and I doubt he's mellowed since.    He's not a man I would like to have holding a grudge against me, for reasons I suspect the USA is about to learn.   I fear Donald Trump is only an early part of Mr Putin's game.

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Sy Beck wrote:

Lori Paramour wrote:

 Hillary get's indicted but fix in in and DOJ won;t take it to trail.  Career FBI investigators get pissed and leak all the evidence.  DNC forced to turn to Biden.  Biden and Sanders a toss up for the whackadoodle primary voters.  

Sanders squeaks by and the DNC are left with no choice

Head to head debate between Sanders and Cruz. Cruz kills him and Sanders sounds just like what he is, a far left crack pot that should be in a loony bin on thorazine.

Sanders scares the hell out of the Republican and independent voters and they turn out en-masse.

Cruz is next president


I am a PhD Candidate in Political Science and an Associate Professor of Political Science at an Eastern US College. Which has a very well known political think tank for which I work as an analyist. Both of which shall remain un-named.

Be happy to provide further updates as the situation warrants it


You were wise to keep both your identity and that of your
think tank
unnamed because that was a
terrible advert for the political analyses of you both.


I was thinking the same.   ; )


Here's to hindsight:


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One thing  I have learned in life never talk politics or religion with a forum such as this. I am surprised its aloud to go on as long as it has. That said, my opinion  (and i voted for Hillary) is that these protesters 1, most of them didn't actualy vote and 2, Trump isn't even sworn in yet and they have NO CLUE what he WILL OR WILL NOT do.

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Christin73 wrote:

2, Trump isn't even sworn in yet and they have NO CLUE what he WILL OR WILL NOT do.

While it's true that his pronouncements on policy have been so inconsistent and contradictory as to give scant hint of any plan, there is one consistent thread throughout Trump's life:

He scams everybody.

That's really it. That's how he made a fortune through scores of tax dodges, bankruptcies, and unpaid suppliers. Now he has the full faith and credit of the United States to swindle into his family's greedy grasp, eager as always to take the federal hand-out.

Prepare to be sold to Putin, America, in the "most terrific" kleptocracy in history. "Sad"

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As an Aussie I was delighted that Mr Trump has just given the nod to Mr Obama to allow us to send 1500 more Muslims to America. A wonderful thing to happen with Mr Trump's blessing.

That America is so accepting of my despicable countries rejected refugees makes me think such warm and good things about your country. So welcoming to take those my leaders have been torturing on Nauru and Manus Island for the past few years. Afganis, Iraquis, Kurds, Ronhinjyan, Tamil... all will have the chance to better themselves, get new jobs, make new lives safe from the wars that ravage their homes.

Kudos United States of America, and kudos Mr Trump for standing up, shoulder to shoulder with Mr Obama on the world stage and welcoming the Muslims my criminal right wing government refused to help.

You know, it's a good sign that he will be a great, tolerant leader.

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The great thing about America is that our democracy really works and there is no such thing as a dynasty that promotes a single way of running the government. I didn't like both candidates and I don't like the outcome of the election but at least Trump was voted in by the majority of people who bothered to vote.

Another great thing is that in four years we can vote him out if we really want to.

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Bree Giffen wrote:

The great thing about America is that our democracy really works and there is no such thing as a dynasty that promotes a single way of running the government. I didn't like both candidates and I don't like the outcome of the election but at least
Trump was voted in by the majority of people who bothered to vote

Another great thing is that in four years we can vote him out if we really want to.

Not quite. Trump will be voted in by a majority of electors in the Electoral College on Dec 19. Clinton looks to win the popular vote by about a million. This will once again set off arguments about the value of the Electoral College.

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