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LL no longer accepting PrePaid Credit Cards-How many ppl will be affected by this?

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Well I have used pre-paid cards for years in SL, and the same one too.. then all of a sudden the card I've used for the past two years is no longer accepted.  I have tier due and cannot purchase lindens at all so I'm a bit more than pissed.  I dunno why they would do such a stupid thing honestly 75 percent of people use those cards.

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I found this out on my own, when trying to buy Lindens by using both a Visa Prepaid and Mastercard prepaid, neither worked.  So I ended up making a paypal account, and hooking it up to them and buying them through a 3rd Party, avatarsexchange.  You goto a terminal inworld, and you select how much L$ you want to withdraw, and you can check your account's balance.  



I wish LL would allow prepaid cards again, but I don't think that will happen very soon.  Maybe the new CEO could change that....LOL.

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Rule 1 of any business - make it easy for your customers to pay you.  Can't even use paypal outside the US for SL.  Only credit-cards, however rare or hard to obtain they may be in your country/region.

There are a whole bunch of other rules, of course, like treating your customers well so they don't leave, things like that.  SL is a new type of product/service though and has a new paradigm to go with it.  Those wacky hippies, hey, gotta laugh.  Nahhhhh - rules are what boring, straight, old-fashioned companies do.

(In the unlikely event that a Linden reads this - that's exactly why I'm not a premium member, I don't have a means of paying that you accept)

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  • 1 month later...

I don't use pre-paid credit cards,  but I do find it strange that LL will not accept them.  What do they care? 

Are there fees associated with a pre-paid credit card or something that LL has to pay?  I know the person buying them has to pay more than they get on the card...        interesting.

I have to agree,  I would think it in the best interest of LL to make it easy to pay!  lol

Things that make ya go, hmmmmm ?!?!

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Are you talking about the re-loadable cards or the gift cards? I've been using a Wal-Mart re-loadable visa for well over a year now and i've had no problems, in fact I just bought lindens yesterday and had no problems at all. Strange, because my card expires in September and I will have to do new one, if that doesn't work then I guess I'll have to link it to my paypal account.


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As far as paypal goes, it also needs to be a "verified" paypal account. I've researched this, and it is very pointless, no real difference between verified and non-verified for the receiver. Verified you must plug a CC# or bank account into paypal. Second Life is so far the only game/mmo I've found that requires a verified paypal account. I simply do not use my CC# or bank account # on-line. Look what just happened to SOE! I always use game cards or paypal with a debit card refill code that works for paypal, they sell them at many places. So even though I have quite a bit of cash in paypay, they still wont accept it here. Basically forced me to use a 3rd party exchange because I don't want to worry about having my bank account breached by some hacker, and at that I buy less Lindens due to the poor exchange rate using a 3rd party exchange. I guess I can live w/o the sub, but less Lindens to spend to help support my favorite SIM's I guess.



And yes, as for those cards, I assume you are speaking of the gift cards visa/mastro/AE, hardly anyplace accepts those any longer apart from those that sell them. It's all really odd me thinks, all these alternative payment methods but so many are refusing them now and requiring plastic that can be tracked and easily stolen as well. It really is good money for some to be able to review your purchases for their marketing research schemes. I don’t like being tracked, it’s nobodies business what I buy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

omg nuuuuu......my prepaid card hasnt worked since i tried to get l,s 4 days ago..and the same with my friend who just came back to sl we both havent been able to get l,s with our prepaid cards...now i know why. i cant believe it its the only card i have for getting lindens. im playing sl for 5 years and now suddenly i cant get l,s anymore so basically i just cant play anymore now. LL sort yourself out this is diabolical customer service! :( :(

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Indy Melody wrote:

Just found out that LL had decided to no longer accept PrePaid Credit Cards.
How many people will be affected by this decision and no longer be able to purchase lindens I wonder.

The ones that tell LL screw it if you don't want my money..Most will find another way..Some will get fed up and  tired of payment changes  changing  from this to that because LL can't stick to the plan lol


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I find it amusing that LL is working on their "local payment system" (which is in beta) while cutting out most forms of payment used by foreign residents.  By amusing, I mean headdesk worthy. This beta doesn't help those residents who need/want to pay NOW, but can't because the payment type they use has been disabled.  Stop phasing stuff out before you have the new stuff ready!

Reading the blog post about the local payment system, it seems they might reenable Paypal for the overseas once it's done and you'll be able to use your local currency, rather than having to convert it in to USD first.  I don't think Pre-Paids will ever be accepted again.  They've been getting a serious bad rap due to the higher fees for both merchants and users.

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  • 2 months later...

Just finding this out today after using a pre paid card for the last two years I have to wonder if the decision to not prominantely display this fact and also not inform you that your card was declined is intentional? "reffering to the never ending "update pending" message after receiving a global collect message that the card was accepted? Also, what is the legality of this while having the Visa/Mastercard logo's displayed as acceptable forms of payment when clearly certain Visa cards are NOT accepted? As stated by two seperate personell at the listed billing departments phone number.





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  • 3 months later...

Vanilla Visa used to work - but now has stopped.  No warning.

That's it for me.  I know some posters said that SL players will find a way to pay...not this one.  SL is a great thing but if they can't figure out a way of taking my money without all my personnal information - then I'm off.



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Yes same here, I just activated a vanilla visa and found out why , today , i cant buy lindens... well i will hang around to still be with friends but they have got the last of my money as I have no other methods of buying Lindens .. now SL sucks just like RL .. so much for using it as an escape !:mansad:

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Well rodvik fixed the problem of aduly verification. Maybe if his wall had lots of people asking about this issue then he might make the changes necessary to blow off the stazi US gov and get back to making money. After all there is no actual laws forbidding LL from accepting gift cards.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice Lindenlab have seen this at the moment too. Sadly no informations are given BEFORE that.

Hope You can handle this issue and miss the thousands of dollars, the missing payaccounts who can not get premium even if they have enought money on the account. For me its clearly, i remove all my money now from lindenlab and will NOT use Lindex for that.


There are many companys outside who will lovelly take my money i dont need to support such a shame american **bleep**ing company

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  • 1 year later...

i am in secomd life for nearly 9 years, in those yers i buy since day 1 my linden  by a dutch company with pre pay cards never had a problem till now i already had o give up my homestead i rented fro more than 3 years so i tought i miht could get linden with a prepaid credit card nope if i correct is linden lab try to discriminte here some peopple?

or is a law force them so ?

 sighs i miss lareayd my home i fele like a hobo now forced out of my home and forced to reveal rl information like  a credit card # or a verified paypall account is this a legall way?a way to get linden at our personall information?


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Well, a necropost to an old thread isn't very helpful.

francesco Smagda wrote: "i already had o give up my homestead i rented fro more than 3 years"

Wasn't that a bit quick?
When it comes to buying L$ with a non-accepted payment system, a third party reseller might help you out:
More third party exchanges will return as resellers.


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  • 1 year later...

Its about time these issues were made clear instead of giving half assed answers truth and fact are what is needed in any any customer support, I am amazed to find the lack of accurate info in the forums and support, LL need to take their heads out of their asses and sort all the payment issues out and make it easy for everyone to buy cash in the game not everyone wants a credit card or bank account pre paid cards are a good way to do this as are game top up cards, are those in charge that arrogant to this that they just dont care about their customers needs or the fact they will lose a lot of potential customers. guess the fat cats just dont care, well wake up call you are losing people every day because of this issue, i have lost the rental because linden labs will not make it easy to buy cash for sl, ps you do have people play out side of the usa you know, so its in your interest as a business to sort this out before you end up with a half dead sl, sheer incompetents of linden labs, not a very bright way to run a business

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