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culture in second life

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after a few months in SL, i have some observations on the culture of the place from the perspective of a new user. i invite your comments, especially experienced players I've been told that any observations or comments in SL forums that are not glowing and positive about SL are deleted immediately. the following observations are honest, but not all positive. If this post disappears, I'll know that these forums are not open to all opinions, therefore are not worth the time of any player. also, as many forum players have a stake in the game, i expect these observations to attract some flames. so be it. as a long time computer gamer, SL is a F2P game (free to play) which is also P2W (pay to win)... this is a common gaming structure now... where the player base is the content, and game designers get as many free to play players into their games as possible, while encouraging everyone to pay them for mostly cosmetic items. I estimate that in order to have a functionally attractive, modestly dressed AV in SL with a fair AO, that one must spend 20 USD. A very attractive AV with lots of clothes will cost approximately 50 USD Also, one must pay rent if one wants to have a private place to meet friends. rents range widely. of course you're paying other players in most cases, but that's common in a sandbox game, which SL is the culture in SL has positive aspects, but also has a lot of negative aspects. SL is an anonymous sandbox, in which some sort of roleplaying is common. furry RP, sexual roleplay, animal RP, Gor, etc. there also seems to be a large BDSM community that is well known to bleed over into GOR. there are good aspects to these RP opportunities, allowing players to take on roles and identities that are impossible in RL. gender bending, which is common in many games, is a big part of SL. Many female AVs are actually males. this happens a LOT. i've seen accounts that indicate that gender bending male players understand females better after RPing a female. both through personal experience and through accounts of people i've talked with, SL's culture is one of temporary amusement. players will say anything they please to amuse themselves with other players, then ignore/block the other player or simply log in as an alt to avoid contact with the player. any sort of relationship in SL is very difficult because of the culture. every player i've talked to has had many relationships, mostly short term, ending in the other player getting bored and wandering off, disappearing to use an alt, or simply blocking their partner. there are of course, exceptions to the above, as some players have had long term relationships, but from the perspective of a new player, my personal experience and that of my friends has been negative in regards to relationships in SL. i'm trying to figure out the culture here in SL to decide if i want to stay around. it seems that in order to be functional, you can't allow yourself to develop any attachments to other players, and you should not expect other players to be either truthful or thoughtful. my friends have told me many stores of outright lies told to them by other players who were seeking a romantic attachment. thoughts?
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SL is what you make of it. It has many diffrent things to do. You can RP anything you watn from pirates to police and fire to midevil knights. You also CHOOSE to pay for things. You can actualy live free in sl. There are plenty of shops and items in marketplace that offer free stuff. Theres also options for privacy. Skybox temp rezed in a sandbox is one. Also plenty of free to use places on the grid. So sl is what you make of it. Theres no reason to realy spend alot of money on a virtual world. People use alts for diffrent reasons as they are on the grid for diffrent reasons. In my 3 and a half years I have learned alot about SL. They say it has no goals but alot of people seem to try and have the most toys and most L$ they can possibly get. But that doesnt have to be your goal. Enjoy SL and do as you want long as you follow the tos rules.

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dfs234ddd wrote:


After a few months in SL, I have some observations on the culture of the place from the perspective of a new user. I invite your comments, especially experienced players. I've been told that any observations or comments in SL forums that are not glowing and positive about SL are deleted immediately. The following observations are honest, but not all positive. If this post disappears, I'll know that these forums are not open to all opinions, therefore are not worth the time of any player. Also, as many forum players have a stake in the game, I expect these observations to attract some flames; so be it.

As a long time computer gamer, SL is a F2P game (free to play) which is also P2W (pay to win). This is a common gaming structure now where the player base is the content, and game designers get as many free to play players into their games as possible, while encouraging everyone to pay them for mostly cosmetic items. I estimate that in order to have a functionally attractive, modestly dressed AV in SL with a fair AO, that one must spend 20 USD. A very attractive AV with lots of clothes will cost approximately 50 USD.Also, one must pay rent if one wants to have a private place to meet friends. Rents range widely. Of course you're paying other players in most cases, but that's common in a sandbox game, which SL is.

The culture in SL has positive aspects, but also has a lot of negative aspects. SL is an anonymous sandbox in which some sort of roleplaying is common. Furry RP, sexual roleplay, animal RP, Gor, etc. There also seems to be a large BDSM community that is well known to bleed over into GOR. There are good aspects to these RP opportunities, allowing players to take on roles and identities that are impossible in RL.

Gender bending, which is common in many games, is a big part of SL. Many female AVs are actually males. This happens a LOT. I've seen accounts that indicate that gender bending male players understand females better after RPing a female. Both through personal experience and through accounts of people I've talked with, SL's culture is one of temporary amusement. Players will say anything they please to amuse themselves with other players. Then ignore/block the other player or simply log in as an alt to avoid contact with the player.

Any sort of relationship in SL is very difficult because of the culture. Every player I've talked to has had many relationships, mostly short term, ending in the other player getting bored and wandering off, disappearing to use an alt, or simply blocking their partner. There are of course, exceptions to the above, as some players have had long term relationships. But from the perspective of a new player, my personal experience and that of my friends has been negative in regards to relationships in SL.

I'm trying to figure out the culture here in SL to decide if I want to stay around. It seems that in order to be functional, you can't allow yourself to develop any attachments to other players, and you should not expect other players to be either truthful or thoughtful. My friends have told me many stores of outright lies told to them by other players who were seeking a romantic attachment.


Uff... while reading I had to cut the  H U G E  wall of text it into smaller units.

In your future posts, please do pity us readers (i.e. avoid huge wall of text). Thanks. :matte-motes-big-grin:

You're welcome. :matte-motes-asleep:

dfs234ddd wrote:


I've been told that any observations or comments in SL forums that are not glowing and positive about SL are deleted immediately.

That is not true at all. Don't believe everything what you are told.

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When I taught writing, I would hold up a page of a student's own WoT and ask him "Would YOU read this?"

which every time elicited a look of horror. And made the point very well: You may have worked hard on this, but no one will read it.

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Oh this was so awful to read. Why do I even bother? I'm a masochist?


After a few months in SL, i have some observations on the culture of the place from the perspective of a new user. i invite your comments, especially experienced players I've been told that any observations or comments in SL forums that are not glowing and positive about SL are deleted immediately. Why not wait and see. The threads that are deleted is personal attacks - naming and shaming - and much harsher posts than this. I invite you to search for negative threads instead of listening to others who obviously have an axe to grind..

 The following observations are honest, but not all positive. If this post disappears, I'll know that these forums are not open to all opinions, therefore are not worth the time of any player. also, as many forum players have a stake in the game, i expect these observations to attract some flames. so be it. Not agreeing with you is flaming? 

As a long time computer gamer, SL is a F2P game (free to play) which is also P2W (pay to win)... this is a common gaming structure now... where the player base is the content, and game designers get as many free to play players into their games as possible, while encouraging everyone to pay them for mostly cosmetic items. I estimate that in order to have a functionally attractive, modestly dressed AV in SL with a fair AO, that one must spend 20 USD. A very attractive AV with lots of clothes will cost approximately 50 USD. I both agree and disagree. It is possible to find enough free and cheap items to look attractive, modestly dressed and with an AO that is maybe not superimpressive, but a nice walk and better stands, for 50 §L, not USD. Like this: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/Looking-For-A-Good-Avatar-below-L-50/td-p/2472115 But it will demand work. Reading freebie blogs, combing the Marketplace, looking for prices in hunts. And free offers disappear after a while, and there is not so much diversity. If you want diversity and pick free among all that is offered, It will cost much more. Sometimes I spend 40-50 USD a month. But that is entertainment money for me. I would have spent it on other things than SL.

Also, one must pay rent if one wants to have a private place to meet friends. rents range widely. of course you're paying other players in most cases, but that's common in a sandbox game, which SL is. Yes, that is true.

 The culture in SL has positive aspects, but also has a lot of negative aspects. SL is an anonymous sandbox, in which some sort of roleplaying is common. furry RP, sexual roleplay, animal RP, Gor, etc. there also seems to be a large BDSM community that is well known to bleed over into GOR. there are good aspects to these RP opportunities, allowing players to take on roles and identities that are impossible in RL. First you sound negative, then positive? It is of course much safer to try out things in SL instead of RL. There is no risk of STD, and if you have been careful and not shared RL info, you can break a relation without fear of RL stalking or shaming. Think about all the scorned lovers who put out images that were meant to be private on internet? Spreading an avatar image in Second life is not that dangerous as finding out that your RL photo of you in just a leash was sent to your boss. Especially if you are a school teacher! 

Gender bending, which is common in many games, is a big part of SL. Many female AVs are actually males. this happens a LOT. i've seen accounts that indicate that gender bending male players understand females better after RPing a female. Again, it is safe. Too many LGBT has been mocked, beaten up or outright killed in RL.  

Both through personal experience and through accounts of people i've talked with, SL's culture is one of temporary amusement. players will say anything they please to amuse themselves with other players, then ignore/block the other player or simply log in as an alt to avoid contact with the player. any sort of relationship in SL is very difficult because of the culture. every player i've talked to has had many relationships, mostly short term, ending in the other player getting bored and wandering off, disappearing to use an alt, or simply blocking their partner. Yes, it is easy to break up a relationship. I think that will happen in any place, be it SL or another place where people are anonymous and don't face any consequences. It has its benefits. No RL property that has to be sold, having to move, custody of children, serious things. Compared to RL, a breakup in SL can hurt much, but the damage to RL is much smaller... maybe a depression. I have not heard about suicide after a SL break, but I have heard about many in RL.

There are of course, exceptions to the above, as some players have had long term relationships, but from the perspective of a new player, my personal experience and that of my friends has been negative in regards to relationships in SL. Easy come, easy go.  

I'm trying to figure out the culture here in SL to decide if i want to stay around. it seems that in order to be functional, you can't allow yourself to develop any attachments to other players, and you should not expect other players to be either truthful or thoughtful. my friends have told me many stores of outright lies told to them by other players who were seeking a romantic attachment. thoughts? I agree that you should take SL as entertainment and not as a dating site. Do not bother yourself with details. Let what happens in SL, stay in SL. If you want RL friendships and maybe love, be upright about that in front. I know there are others who want to let SL and RL mix, and then there are those who keep two totally separate lives. I understand that you find sharing of RL to be the moral high ground, and that is your prerogative. If SL don't meet your standards, SL is not for you.


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dfs234ddd wrote:

after a few months in SL, i have some observations on the culture of the place from the perspective of a new user. i invite your comments, especially experienced players I've been told that any observations or comments in SL forums that are not glowing and positive about SL are deleted immediately. the following observations are honest, but not all positive. If this post disappears, I'll know that these forums are not open to all opinions, therefore are not worth the time of any player. also, as many forum players have a stake in the game, i expect these observations to attract some flames. so be it. as a long time computer gamer, SL is a F2P game (free to play) which is also P2W (pay to win)... this is a common gaming structure now... where the player base is the content, and game designers get as many free to play players into their games as possible, while encouraging everyone to pay them for mostly cosmetic items. I estimate that in order to have a functionally attractive, modestly dressed AV in SL with a fair AO, that one must spend 20 USD. A very attractive AV with lots of clothes will cost approximately 50 USD Also, one must pay rent if one wants to have a private place to meet friends. rents range widely. of course you're paying other players in most cases, but that's common in a sandbox game, which SL is the culture in SL has positive aspects, but also has a lot of negative aspects. SL is an anonymous sandbox, in which some sort of roleplaying is common. furry RP, sexual roleplay, animal RP, Gor, etc. there also seems to be a large BDSM community that is well known to bleed over into GOR. there are good aspects to these RP opportunities, allowing players to take on roles and identities that are impossible in RL. gender bending, which is common in many games, is a big part of SL. Many female AVs are actually males. this happens a LOT. i've seen accounts that indicate that gender bending male players understand females better after RPing a female. both through personal experience and through accounts of people i've talked with, SL's culture is one of temporary amusement. players will say anything they please to amuse themselves with other players, then ignore/block the other player or simply log in as an alt to avoid contact with the player. any sort of relationship in SL is very difficult because of the culture. every player i've talked to has had many relationships, mostly short term, ending in the other player getting bored and wandering off, disappearing to use an alt, or simply blocking their partner. there are of course, exceptions to the above, as some players have had long term relationships, but from the perspective of a new player, my personal experience and that of my friends has been negative in regards to relationships in SL. i'm trying to figure out the culture here in SL to decide if i want to stay around. it seems that in order to be functional, you can't allow yourself to develop any attachments to other players, and you should not expect other players to be either truthful or thoughtful. my friends have told me many stores of outright lies told to them by other players who were seeking a romantic attachment. thoughts?


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I' glad you caught the reference. Feynman was one of several people I admire who visited my SL lighthouse one evening while I was away. When I returned home, I found empty wine bottles on the floor and graffiti on the walls. You can see Richard's charcoal sketch (on the right, made with a charred stick from my fireplace) of one of the dancers from the strip club he frequented near Caltech...


... where he often worked physics problems.

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dfs234ddd wrote: [...] it seems that in order to be functional, you can't allow yourself to develop any attachments to other players [...]

I guess that depends on your definition of “functional”. Mine includes a working heart, so perhaps I’m not particularly scared of attachments.

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dfs234ddd wrote:

 ...as a long time computer gamer, SL is a F2P game (free to play) which is also P2W (pay to win)... this is a common gaming structure now... where the player base is the content, and game designers get as many free to play players into their games as possible, while encouraging everyone to pay them for mostly cosmetic items.

The players who realise this are the ones who make lots of L$.  The ones who don't realise thist will tell you 'Second Life isn't a game' and spend lots of L$ on clothes they can wear to tacky dance clubs  wher they can spend all their time going 'HOOOOOO' and 'GI@@LES' and  'Hewwo'.

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While much of what you say is true, it is only one perspective.  As a resident of SL for almost 9 years I will tell you mine.

SL is what you make it.  If you seek casual entertainment you will find it.  If you seek sex, in any form you will find it, you can also avoid it if you wish, as many residents do.  If you wish to have a richer and deeper SL you can have that too, making friends from all over the world and being creative in many ways. 

Friendship in SL is like RL.  You'll run into all kinds, some will be aquaintences, some will be people you don't like or are flighty or not worthy of your time, other's will be people that you can form lasting friendships with.  These people that will treat you as a true and good friend but just like RL it doesn't happen over night.  I myself have friends in SL that are as close to me as RL friends and have been for many years.  They are from all over the world and while we may never meet in RL, I still count them as true friends, RL and SL.

Don't look to SL as a dating service and don't expect to find 'love' here.  However I will tell you that just like any place people are you may find these things.  I know a surprising number of couples that met here, took their relationship RL and are now married, with kids and very happy. I myself have a partner that I have been with many years now.  While it is SL only, that is only due to the fact we are far apart in RL and have obligations there too, such as aging parents.  However one day we hope to be together in RL.

Be upfront with anyone you meet that you may want to form a relationship with.  There are basically two kinds here.  Those that view it as just roleplay and those that are their RL selves here.  Be sure you are with the kind that matches the kind you wish to be yourself.  Also be upfront if you are interested in SL only or maybe RL if things go that way.  In other words make sure your expectations match before committing to anyone short or long term, set ground rules, an make sure that your potential match is also mature enough to follow thru with any agreements you make.  Take it slow and really get to know the person too.

As to cost, you can spend as little or as much as you want.  With effort you can find enough free things to have a nice avatar and most things you'd like while spending little to nothing.  You also possible to earn a bit of L's here to help out with this working a few hours a week in say a club or learning to create content and selling on MP.  Many people find they have a creativity they didn't know they had and SL is a great outlet for it.   Don't expect to get rich or earn RL money unless you are highly skilled as a creator or real estate investor, but many people do earn enough to have nice homes and other things.

The only thing not free is land.  However you can rent a modest skybox or apartment for as little as $50L a week, or go premium and get a 'free' Linden home.

Many people in SL view it as entertainment and spend money in SL by choice that other's would spend going to or renting movies every week, having a drinks in a bar, eating lunch out at work, buying that expensive coffee etc.  It is just a matter of arranging spending priorities for what is important to you. 

SL is not for everyone, just as any entertainment is.  Your experiences here have a lot to do with the places you go and who you choose to hang out with and what you do otherwise in SL.  Choose wisely what is right for you.  There is also no shame is deciding it isn't your thing.  However, don't judge people just because it is theirs.  There are many good people in SL.


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dfs234ddd wrote:

... thoughts?

I don't think SL has a culture per se.  It's more a game than a personality, imo.  Everything that happens in SL happens in RL (except for the real stuff like violence, sneezing, breathing, death, cheating in relationships, and I can go on and on).  -- I hate the period on the outside, but I digress.

When not enjoying the art of SL, then SL is words.  Whether they are typed in German or English or French - SL is words. 

And just like the art, It's how we comprehend the words is the culture of SL.


PS I can always forgive a TOR user for lacking format in their post.  Just sayin. 

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You can find SL made art and exhibits. BrynOh regularly has an interactive art project on her sim. In the past there were replicas of several famous FLW homes, including Falling Waters. Another enterprising resident created a sim size 3D walk through of Van Gogh's Starry Night. The only limit in SL is your imagination.

The changes in SL since I started are amazing and just keep coming. I'm looking forward to what someone does next.

The SL birthday celebration is coming up shortly. You might want to wander through there to get a true idea of SL and not just bits and pieces.

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I only have one issue with your describing SL as free to play and pay to win. SL is free to play. I agree. It is not pay to win. Pay to win games are games where you must pay to get ahead and actually win. E.g. buying items that make you fast or make your weapons stronger so you can kill your enemy and win a match. If a game offers only cosmetic items, e.g. color your weapon pink, that do not give you a winning advantage, then it is not pay to win. Ergo, SL is not pay to win.

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Bree Giffen wrote:

I only have one issue
with your describing SL as free to play and pay to win. SL is free to play. I agree. It is not pay to win. Pay to win games are games where you must pay to get ahead and actually win. E.g. buying items that make you fast or make your weapons stronger so you can kill your enemy and win a match. If a game offers only cosmetic items, e.g. color your weapon pink, that do not give you a winning advantage, then it is not pay to win. Ergo, SL is not pay to win.

But the rest was pretty good stuff.  I agree.


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is interesting that you mention your own friends a few times

is interesting also that from what you write, they dont exhibit the behaviours that you are describing

so when you say that is difficult for you and them to form relationships then I wonder how you and them did form a relationship. Something that you do have with them

seems to me that is a bit of a oxymoron your observations


when it comes to making new relationships with others then SL is no different from RL. When go into social settings in the RL, like clubbing and that, and meet new people then quite often people will represent to strangers, something about themselves that they are not

like false cell number, wrong home address. even a made up name, job, etc

people do this not just to present themselves in what they think is a better light, but to also protect themselves from strangers who seem personable and quite friendly and nice when viewed thru the bottom off about 6 empty shot glasses (:

i dunno how many times I have given a person in a club a false cell number. Heaps of times (:

sometimes meet up with them next week, next month or whenever and they go: I tried call you and ended up chatting to a police station or some random person who had no idea of who you are or even who I was

and then I laugh and more times than not they will laugh as well. And is all good

when they dont laugh and get a bit angry or miffed with me then I think hmmm! probably was a good idea 

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Perrie Juran wrote:

find the number.png



I like these games!

There are actually 2 - numeric 8's. One in the text of the challenge and one in the numeric grid. That "8" in the grid hurts my eyes and sticks out like a sore infinity. Found it in 2 breaths.

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