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Changing-how often do you do it?


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I change outfits several times during play. If I'm on a hunt, I'll often change outfits or skins as I find new prizes. I also tweek my shape and save variations that suit different skins. If the mood hits, I go tiny sometimes (currently doing the Twisted Hunt and spent several hilarious hours as the Twisted cube that we're all searching for), or, if I'm sightseeing, I'll change to the theme or mood of the build I'm in.

Just wondering who else is a crazy shapeshifter and who pretty much stays with a consistent look.

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I stay within rl proportions- no tinies or neko's or any of that- but within that I'm still a character in development. I just finished revising my shape to try for more proportionate look. And I'm still looking for a fashion which means I change clothes often several times a day probably as I move about sl. And I change hair all the time...always looking for a new hair style..lol..

                                       Dim Sum Garden group banner (750x167).jpg

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I rarely change my shape any more.  After four years, I think I finally have it right.  I do swap skins sometimes, maybe three or four times a month, depending on what I'm doing.  Outfits are different, though, I can sometimes change clothes and hair four or five times a day.  I like to mix items, just the way I do in RL, so I almost never save a whole outfit -- just change one blouse or skirt or pair of shoes for another.

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I am always a female human in SL (as I am a woman in RL).  I rarely change my shape in a major way these days as it is 'stable' as far as I am concerned.  I love to try on skins and I have been an avid Curio skin-a-holic for over a year now.  I do look at other skins but keep going back to Gala Phoenix's stuff.

Hair i can change 2-3 times/day.  Clothes nearly every day..sometimes more than once/ day.  SL content creators give us such wonderful choices!

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Seems like sometimes thats ALL I do.. change clothes, lol. Though I design clothes, that's not always the reason. More often then not, I find myself in a creative slump, or stuck on something trivial I can't figure out. This leads to a near obsession with my virtual closet, lol. When I can stop myself from obsessively changing clothes, I only do it about 3 times a day, and hair could be changed every hour.

I rarely change my shape to any dramatic degree. (shorter when I'm wearring monsterously high heels). Skin, sometimes, though I only had a few I liked, and one of them somehow mysterously turned into a 'gray layer' and doesn't render anymore. :-(

Occassionally I get a little crazy, throw on my bottom alpha layer, and wear an animated Spider bottom half instead of my legs, lol. It is hysterical to watch that spider with 'happy dance' on loop, hehe

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I change frequently and sometimes drastically.  I wish I'd seen you as the cube Stella. My favorite hunting outfit is the mannequin skins (and nothing else - no hair, no ao, no clothes) I usually use the black metallic but sometimes the stalactite.  I've also shopped as a tiny to avoid the people who think shopping is a good way to pick up chicks.  For some reason, I don't get hit on when I'm playing as a little Victorian bunny.  As for my clothes, sometimes I will wear the same outfit for a couple of days in a row, but some days I will change several times in a day. I tend to be more oddly attired when I am not with my partner, He rather likes me to be the woman he met and fell in love with. I save my more daring outfits for him.  My female shape is pretty standard now that I am not playing at being pregnant anymore.  But I love to try different skins and then I might tweak the face a little to suit the skin.  My hair is always white but the style changes every few months or so as I decide on a new favorite.

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I change a few times, maybe when I log in, but not during being logged in, just taking some or adding some in between, I also have couple of normal outfits saved, just in case a Greedy game comes on, and I want to tp there, only change outfits, eyes, not very often the hair

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Stella Carver wrote:


Just wondering who else is a crazy shapeshifter and who pretty much stays with a consistent look.

I haven't changed my shape since day 4 of my SL experience. Skins, I used to change often before I learned to make them myself. With alpha layers for makeup/tats I have two skins now, alive and dead ;) Also any facial changes I need to make can be done with adjustments to my skin.


I have thought about shortening my legs but that would make me "normal" so naaa :smileytongue:



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I don't usually change.... If I'm naked or something (because I do like to go naked.) I will throw on clothing. I usually have a few things... But not much. On my account yet. I have a few things friends have bought me/got the l for through donations/etc.


But it all depends on how much I log in and when and where. LOL

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Since I don't log in as often as I used to do, I don't change clothes often either. It's too much trouble to dig out a whole ensemble that actually goes together. 

I have just begun a project to type outfits onto a note card and put that into a folder. The folder will only have note cards, each with the complete list of names. Clothes, shoes, even hair and skin. I hope that will make changing quicker and easier. It will be a long time before I have a lot of outfits on note cards. 

I'm forced to change everything when I make a new shape. I mean, everything. So once that happens I try to find something new to wear. Sometimes I slap on any old outfit for time sake. Especially if I am just going to have to change it all again next log in.

More places should sell outfits that go together from head to feet and should include a note card to put in a folder like I described, so you can know what to type in your Inventory space.

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For clothing, I usually change once a log in but can be more depending on what I'm doing/working on. I used to change a lot more than I do now, so I must be getting SLold or something. Shape, I rarely touch it except for adjusting leg length for different footwear, or maybe to nuke my ears if I'm feline that day.

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I change clothes constantly :smileytongue:

I have 3 versions of my shape -- normal, small butt, no butt -- that I use for different clothing styles, but I mostly wear the small butt version now and only change to no butt for system skirts.  Otherwise my shape does not change because I would have to refit all my clothes!

My skin is LAQ Tasha 2 (sometimes Phoebe) in Nougat.  I don't change skins other than makeups or for a special party.  I do go through a skin upgrade abut once a year but it is an excruciating long ordeal for me to decide to go with a different skin.



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Nope! I didn't make a typo. This forum's dictionary has been corrupted and seems to think that any syllabled beginning with 'f' and ending with 'ck', *whatever the vowel* is rude. Let's try a,e,and o as well, since they resemble various antipodean and Irish pronunciations: fack, feck, fock.

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When I first made my avatar, I made it to wear what I happened to be wearing at the time in RL: a pair of blue jeans, a plain white cotton shirt and a black leather waistcoat (vest, for you Americans). It's sort of stuck as a trademark for me and most often when I change it's only to get better blue jeans, better white shirts and better black leather waistcoats. It's rare that I wear a completely different outfit.

I do change my hair quite a bit, going in phases from short to very long, depending on how elvish I feel.

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Thanks for all  the responses! - Rhonda, I keep a skirtbutt/jeanbutt/regular butt shape too. Shapes are one of the few things I'm good at that I also have the patience to finish.

I do find I'm changing less than I used to. The sheer variety amazed me at first, and then I stumbled on Grendel's children, so I was something different every minute for a while there.

Even though I do stay mostly a human female now, I still sometimes spend so much time putting together a look for an event that the event is over by the time I'm ready.

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Sometimes twice a day.  Sometimes only a couple of times a week....

I like to create looks and whilst it's fun, it can take time (especially with a cluttered inventory) so i often get lazy and just wear my bikini everywhere.

I'm really into skins, so i'll likely change my skin and keep the bikini on.  :-P

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My shape stays fairly constant with minor tweaks to suit changes in skin. I have a base shape/skin/eyes/hair combo that is "me", any variation from that I think of as a sophisticated form of costume/make-up/wig for special occasions. I have a full body tattoo that I wear with any human skin: I try to treat it as a real tattoo in that I can't just change it at a whim.

Clothes usually change from day to day, but it depends a lot on what I'm doing. Lots of party invites will mean lots of changes of clothing. Ditto for shopping trips. If I'm at home building or scripting I'm not likely to change at all, even if that means I landscape the garden wearing a ballgown and stilettos.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I change clothes and makeup all the time. Like at least once a day.

I change my shape and general aspect very rarely. I am always black, generally bald and always at least slightly impossible. When I find a skin I like, I stick with it for months and months. I was in LionSkins' Yang for about six months, then Nova for longer, and have found a PXL skin I am likely to be sticking with for a while now.

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