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Nancy Hilltop

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Everything posted by Nancy Hilltop

  1. I'll be your friend add me my username is nancy hilltop
  2. I'll dance with you my username is nancy hilltop send me an im in world sometime
  3. me too my username is nancy hilltop send me a message in world I'll be your friend
  4. my user name is nancy hilltop add me I'll be your friend
  5. My username is nancy hilltop add me I understand i usually have to tell them the power went out if I need to get off this or wow in a hurry.
  6. Hi you can call me Violet I'll show you around my user name is nancy hilltop send me an im in world.
  7. I can be a furry too
  8. Hi I'll be your friend my username is nancyhilltop im me in world
  9. my username is nancy hilltop send me an im in world if your interested and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
  10. Usually how I do it is each person I add to my friends list gets one favor from me on the house then if they do a favor for me i write it down and make sure to do something for them at sometime in the future like if they are hosting/djing I drop what I'm doing and show up for their event at the club some people I would use to give giftcards too i only have a few friends that will come hang out with me any time to try something new to them I'm doing for fun
  11. I'll be your my username is nancy hilltop add me
  12. Don't gotta do much just be a photographer as normal but you'll have a board at kewl mart that says when your online or not with a notecard with your rates and information on your photography and how to get a hold of you for people that want to hire a photographer it just be free advertising worse come to worse I'll be hiring you for stuff sometimes if you want the job send me an im my username is nancy hilltop
  13. Hi sure my username is nancy hilltop add me
  14. Hi my user name is nancy hilltop send me an im I'll be your friend
  15. my user name is nancy hilltop I'll be your friend add me.
  16. Don't gotta do much just be a photographer as normal but you'll have a board at kewl mart that says when your online or not with a notecard with your rates and information on your photography and how to get a hold of you for people that want to hire a photographer it just be free advertising worse come to worse I'll be hiring you for stuff sometimes if you want the job send me an im my username is nancy hilltop
  17. Hi my username is nancy hilltop add me I'll be your friend I'll show you what I can.
  18. What's krafties?
  19. A little.
  20. Hi my username is nancy hilltop add me I'll be your friend.
  21. Hi I'm from Minnesota my username is nancy hilltop add me I'll be your friend add me
  22. Hi I'm from Minnesota my username is nancy hilltop add me I'll ve your friend
  23. Hi my user name is nancy hilltop I'll be your friend add me.
  24. Hi I'll be your friend add me my username is nancy hilltop
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