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Do you treat your avatar...


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...to a premium membership?  I do.  I get a little Linden home to dress and unwind from the daily grind of in-world play.  I get a really good stipend to spend on some fancy clothes for dancing.  The support has been really good in answering my questions and addressing my issues.  The bottom line is that all these 'perks' cost next to nothing.

What's your opinion: do you treat your avatar well?


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I treat my avatar very well.  She deserves it!  I, too, have had a premium membership since my earliest days in SL.  I appreciate the stipend (L$300/week...that's enough for new hair or shoes!), I also have a lovely Linden alpine style home that I can use as a crash pad when my other home's sim is being restarted, the Live Chat support has, for the most part, been receptive and helpful, and I am very happy!


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Definately! I do like being a premium member. Have been for a good while now. I wish it was reflected in our icons though.

Live support can be troublesome if they are only looking after others in their own time zone. When its available it's usually great!

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Been premium since May 2007, currently got 1/4 of a mainland region plus my 512 sq m fee free elsewhere for when I need to escape.  I've always owned directly from LL either via mainland or for a private island so probably always needed premium membership.  I pay annually as I get clobbered for VAT and it makes it a bit cheaper.  Stipend gets swallowed on classifieds but is very nice.

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Venus Petrov wrote:

I treat my avatar very well.  She deserves it!  I, too, have had a premium membership since my earliest days in SL.  I appreciate the stipend (L$300/week...that's enough for new hair or shoes!), I also have a lovely Linden alpine style home that I can use as a crash pad when my other home's sim is being restarted, the Live Chat support has, for the most part, been receptive and helpful, and I am very happy!



Same for Caity, she is a long time (honoured, if I may add!) premium and she may spend the stipend on herself...so I would say she is treated well!

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I do and then some. (^_^)

Went premium in 2008 to buy land close to someone I liked.  I still have that 512.  Then more recently, after I paid off my RL car, I got myself an estate island, grandfathered homestead, an 8192 in Zindra, a 112 in Brown, and another 512 roadside just outside the Ross infohub. (^_^)

Why?  Well... It seemed like a good idea at the time. =^-^=



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No. A premium membership is unneeded for the activities you describe.

All that is essential to enjoy SL likewise is some financial institute like iDeal in the Netherlands and one is set.

Premium membership is like ranks in the forums. Those happy with it in bliss should remain in that bliss for all I care, but they are not above anybody else. = >.< =


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Wilhiam Hydraconis wrote:


Premium membership is like ranks in the forums. Those happy with it in bliss should remain in that bliss for all I care, but they are not above anybody else.
= >.< =



I never meant to imply I was above 'anyone' for being a premium account.  I did not put anybody down - I am not a pig.  

I made this post because someone in SLA asked the question about premium memberships, I figured I would start this thread so they can understand the opinions of others.


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I was a premium member for a while back in 2008 when I first started Second Life.  Then, when finances got tight, I had to go back down to a free membership, where I still remain today.  Even so, I treat Marcus to the best of everything I can find!  His clothes closet is second to none!  :smileyvery-happy: He has a great place to live, has good friends and has a fun time no matter where he is or what he's doing!

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Oh yes I have 'treated' my avatar to a prem account almost right from the beginning... she has actually cost me a fortune. The reason I like prem membership is it shows 'support' I guess for a platform I love and it allows me to own a wee bit of land for my pub - I mean home... pub!!!

I know many people who aren't prem members and they spend just as much as any prem member in SL - so it's kind of hard to say who is being most 'spoiled' I guess. :smileyindifferent:

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I think a Premium account is totally worth it, I've had one since April 2007.

When you calculate the amount you get back in stipend, it's actually really cheap. And it is really nice to have the option to report when a sim is offline and request that it be restarted, as well as be able to hold up to 512 sqm and not have to pay monthly tier on that land.

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I don't have a premium membership... I have thought about upgrading but really not sure the weekly stipend would be enough for me (the way I love to shop) LOL.  I may, one day, decide to go that route... but for now I just purchase L$ when I need them and I have my own home already.


Oh, and I do treat her to the best SL has to offer.... of course, I am always looking for more places to spend my L$.  >.<

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Rhonda has never been premium.  I have had a premium membership on an earlier avatar, tho.  Even with the weekly stipend and the reduced price for buying a premium membership in one year allotments, I still do not see a reason to go premium over just buying L$ and renting land from another resident.  For me it is all about the maximum amount of shopping I can get for my entertainment budget :)

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I "treat" my avatar to new clothes, new jewelry, stuff like that. 

I'm not premium and never have been. I've never considered the premium offerings to be worth what I'd pay, frankly. I don't want a plot on the mainland.

Of course, I buy lots of stuff and rent plenty of land--a homestead, 1/16 of a full region, and 1/4 of a homestead, plus market stalls and a house on an RP sim.

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My main avatar (Persephone) is most an extension of myself & even has some work to do in SL (community building, content creation & sales), so I think she desearves a premium account & land of her own. My favorite alt (Alycia) enjoys fishing for outfits at DV8, so I've decided she can sell some of what she catches to Persephone, who's been giving her rent & spending money ever since Alycia's old house burned down. (We don't discuss how that incident happened.) My other alt (Tasha) doesn't seem to care much about having a house or apartment (she's more lone wolf than human in some ways), but she's free to come spend time on Persephone's land or hang out at Alycia's place whenever she wishes.

If my avatars really need anything, I make sure they have it, but I don't like them spending my money too frivolously either. 

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I'm with Rhonda, Matty and Relm on this one...

I was premium for a very long time, but gave it up when I sold my 512 mainland parcel.  I spend wayyyyyyy more than I should on my avie...she is quite spoiled and loves it.:smileytongue:

Beyond spoiling my avie...I love love love spoiling my friends.  I am very impulsive and always remember when there is something they mentioned that they like...but that door swings both ways...I have been truly blessed with so many wonderful friends in SL and they have always been most generous with their time, lindens and knowledge.  I honor all those blessings by paying them forward...usually by helping new residents.

Nice thread topic Storm.


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No, I do not have a premium membership anymore.  I used to have one.  And for all the money I spent SL ran worse and worse and went from "your world your imagination" to "stand on the dotted line 6655321!"  And LL cost me my home and my sim with their criminal bait and switch tactics, which they still employ today (re: Ownership).  Not to mention that phone support for the premiums is now nonexistant.

I won't pay premium to be treated like #2.  When LL wakes up and a) fixes the grid, b) gives us back OWNERSHIP that they sold to us, c) remembers that all they have to sell is a fantasyland and let us enjoy our fantasylands, then and only then will I consider getting a premium account once more.  But the past 3 years have seen SL turn from a fun place to a powerpoint presentation.  I'm not interested in paying for a powerpoint presentations as they are not entertaining. I continue to rent on an island, but that's as much money as they'll get from me after shafting me repeatedly like they've done.

If LL thinks newbies coming in are going to save them, they are in for a rude awakening.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I treat my avi well....and I don't have a premium account. I live on a beachfront property...go shopping all the time, and have fun with my friends. I've seen the plots of land that LL gives people because some of my friends live in them. That wouldn't be an incentive to upgrade my membership...hmm.

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  I used to keep premium active all the time back in '06 when I first came to SL. I've been away for a few years now and just recently came back. Definatly will be getting primium again because I feel that supporting the company that works so hard to bring us SL is the right thing to do.

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