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Forum ranks must go

Laetizia Coronet

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I am wondering what the good people at Linden Lab think we are. Little kids longing for a pat on the back? Workfloor drones, content with an automated (and therefore meaningless) recognition from Management?

In my spare time I do not wish to be confronted with low level management trickery like 'ranks', complete with that phoney phrase "As the result of your contributions to the community, you have earned a new rank." No, I have "earned" a new rank because this forum is programmed like that. Pull the other one.

Some may have the impression that Lexie has actually read your contributions and decided to bump you up. That is, however, not how it works. But people will still feel entitled, entirely without justification, just because they like to believe that they have really achieved something, and they have really been 'recognized'.

I've seen that when I was a Mentor. If ever a group of people tried to boss around other people on the basis of a wholly unjustified sense of superiority, it was them. Me too - I'll be the first to admit that.

Ranks should go. I recognize no rank whatsoever, noone has any kind of authority over me whatsoever, and I certainly do not wish to exert any authority over others. If ranks are not removed from this forum, I demand the right to opt out on the grounds of incompatibility with my innermost convictions.

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to Laetizia


I agree with  you in half. Rank or not Rank isn't the question, the essential thing is to give an help. Ok some people comes and said the same thing than another person just wrote before just for to add a message. But we must to respect people who want to feel something better than on an other reality or jut because they love it.


:smileywink:HAVE FUN



Sense Perception and reality

"It is evident from what we have found, that there is no colour which pre-eminently appears to be the colour of the table, or even of any one particular part of the table-it appears to be of different colours from different points of view, and there is no reason for regarding some of these as more really its colour than others. And we know this even from a given point of view the colour will seem different by artificial light, or to a colour-blind man, or to a man wearing blue spectacles, while in the dark there will be no colour at all, though to touch and hearing the table will be unchanged. This colour is not something which is inherent in the table, but something depending upon the table and the spectator and the way the light falls on the table. When, in ordinary life, we speak of the colour of the table, we only mean the sort of colour which it will seem to have to a normal spectator from an ordinary point of view under usual conditions of light. But the other colours which appear under other conditions have just as good a right to be considered real; and therefore, to avoid favouritism, we are compelled to deny that, in itself, the table has any one particular colour"  by Bertrand Russell

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Eh I guess I dont really see too much with ranks

It is good to see people who have reached Acheivment and ranking

(but there is potential for trouble)

I Answered a question in Answers the other day to help a resident, And the solution was good.. Several Minutes later a "contributer" came and answered the Question with my exact same solution lol.. He/she got the "Solution Points" and I didn't lol. Maybe that should change a bit lol

Pretty funny

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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

Eh I guess I dont really see too much with ranks

It is good to see people who have reached Acheivment and ranking

I Answered a question in Answers the other day to help a resident, And the solution was good.. Several Minutes later a "contributer" came and answered the Question with my exact same solution lol.. He/she got the "Solution Points" and I didn't lol. Maybe that should change a bit lol

Pretty funny

That's part of the potential problem with ranks Dilbert, someone with a higher rank being deemed to be the best answer to bother to read.


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These ranks are very strange things anyway.  They "unlock" some privileges that, at the higher levels, seem almost completely unrelated to the activities that elevate those ranks.

I guess I can imagine that posting YouTube videos might be something to gateway based on such automatic metrics as number of posts, login time, etc.  But being able to edit Knowledge Base articles?  I find it very difficult to believe that such permissions are granted automatically anyway; they certainly shouldn't be.

As an incentive to contributions, I don't think the visible role titles serve much purpose.  Indeed, it seems to me that they motivate exactly the sort of folks one wouldn't really want to have elevated permissions.

Some sort of "honorifics" ( "awards", "badges", ...) have proven useful for promoting positive contributions in crowd-sourced content sites such as Foursquare or even Stack Overflow.  And there need to be permission gateways here.  The current role structure, however, combine those two objectives in a way that seems unlikely to satisfy either of them.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

Some sort of "honorifics" ( "awards", "badges", ...) have proven useful for promoting positive contributions in crowd-sourced content sites such as Foursquare or even Stack Overflow.  And there need to be permission gateways here.  The current role structure, however, combine those two objectives in a way that seems unlikely to satisfy either of them.


Yea I agree there

An Award Badge of some sort.. That can be attached to their current badge... eh who knows....

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After much consideration and soul-searching (didn't find one), I've had a change of heart.

I’ve decided to give up any and all resistance to the concepts of Achievements and Ranks and Some Customers Are More Equal Than Others and embrace these new Community Web Portal Forums Ranks.

So much so, that I’m going to start a new community, like tinies or furries or nekos.

We’ll be the Tokens.

To get started, just pick up your base Community Forums Rank Icon Avatar from Marketplace:


Or grab it for $0L from my Clocktree:


Then customize it for your unique Resident needs.

Once you’re finished, proudly show off your uniqueness to the Flickr gallery:


Do not pass Go.
Do not collect $200L.
Go directly to Fast Easy Fun!

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@Qie: Lexie has relaxed the restrictions on posting videos already. The rest of the "privileges" mean almost nothing, being functions that, like being a politician, if you are stupid enough to want to, you should be allowed to participate in them.

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No offense to any1 here, but I feel the Lindens have better things to do then deal with a bunch of people with insecurity problems. We have real issues that need fixing, lots of them. I personally do not go around helping in the forums to get any kind of useless imaginary reward, but is this really a bigger issue than fixing real bugs or making a better marketplace, or fixing search? I think not. Not even in the ballpark. This is a BS issue.

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The problem is that you can't just put those with "rank" on ignore on a blanket basis, because it is difficult to differentiate the brown-noses whose behaviour has been revised specifically to acquire status (as they see it) from those that have had it forced upon them, accidentally.

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@Madhue: It is not clear from your post whether you believe that it is those who believe that rank is important who have the insecurity issues, or those that are concerned about the marginalisation of those who are, unsurprisingly because of lack of experience, tyros. Would you like to be more specific?

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What ranks are you all talking about? And is there somewhere that I can read about them?

If they do bestow some extra 'powers' over other users, then they'll be abused. It will be very much like something I recently came across in an LL commerce group. LL wasn't moderating the group and it was sometimes spammed with ads. So a few of the members asked if they could moderate it to cover the spam, and they were allowed to. But as soon as they'd been given moderating powers, one or two of them decided that they could now control the topics of discussion in the group - something that they weren't given moderating powers for but something that they decided they could do anyway. (One of them even has a most vulgar name that is against the ToS). What happens is that, when some people are allowed to do something, and they find that can do other things with their new abilities, they go ahead and do it - because they can - and it makes them feel powerful - they like to be in charge. And example was one day when redzone had been discussed. Later in the day, the topic came up again but one 'moderator' decided that it had been discussed enough for the day and s/he insisted on it not being discussed, to the extent of removing a person from the group. S/he'd been given moderating abilities to protect against spam - that's all. Some people can be real children given the opportunity.


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If anything you should be given additional Rank.  It takes courage to seperate yourself from the herd and speak out about what is right or wrong.

Isn't it funny how that works?

From your words, you sound like a good person. Maybe your role is to keep the ranks in line.  

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