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Second Life Blogs Feedback

Lexie Linden

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So far it's interesting especially getting the av pic up. I looked through all my settings and found none that would allow me to change the colour scheme, yet.

Not sure if others agree but to me the white background is a bit hard on the eyes.

Just a thought of change to a more comfortable shading?:smileywink:

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Ossian wrote:

I also miss the General Discussion. It was my reason for coming and staying, and being here to help.


You know, I've been in two minds about the lack of GD but, all in all, I'm starting to lean towards it being a good idea. I also hope (and suspect) that Lexie and co will be open to suggestions for other forum sections to go alongside the ones we have like 'Destinations', 'Your Avatar', 'Make Friends' etc. We should be able to cover the bulk of what was discussed in GD in those sections and hopefully keep things more focussed and flame resistant!

The only things that aren't covered are the really off topic stuff that, if we are honest, is the stuff that used to cause so much flaming anyway! If you can think of some sections that may be missing I would definitely make a suggestion here or drop Lexie a line. No guarentees it would be accepted, but I'm sure she'd consider it.

Besides which - I'm a master at still being able to generally discuss cheese admist staying on topic! :smileytongue:

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What are you going to do about RedZone?

Seriously, the silence is deafening.

I watched the video where this zFire Xue scab is calling us terrorists. It was the single most sickening thing I've seen since joining sl. Knowing that creep is doing such destruction to our world ... hearing nothing from LL ... it's enough to make me consider walking away.

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Overall - so far so good, I like it well enough. I do find the light grey writing on white background a bit hard on my eyes though so maybe a little bit of choice re colour schemes would be nice if possible. Otherwise I'm liking it so far.

(Entertainment may become a more civilised GD replacement I hope).

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On Firefox it's showing up as black on white, which for me is a vast improvement over the barely visible green text in the old blogs. I find this much more legible, I can even disable my Greasemonkey script now I think.

Another big improvement is the reply editor. The cursor even stays where I put it. :)

Anyone know if there's a way to see only new messages since you last visited?

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Suella Ember wrote: 

I also hope (and suspect) that Lexie and co will be open to suggestions for other forum sections to go alongside the ones we have like 'Destinations', 'Your Avatar', 'Make Friends' etc. We
be able to cover the bulk of what was discussed in GD in those sections
hopefully keep things more focussed and flame resistant!

The only things that aren't covered are the really off topic stuff that, if we are honest, is the stuff that used to cause so much flaming anyway! If you can think of some sections that may be missing I would
make a suggestion here or drop Lexie a line. No guarentees it would be accepted, but I'm sure she'd consider it.

I disagree. No GD is an attempt at engineering away the so called bad stuff. This will lead to the "bad stuff" flowing into other categories. Besides, It is 1 thing to run a forum for some coding geeks to talk, but it is a whole other thing when you have a population of people that are as vast in interests as they are in looks. Having a GD is about community, and not having 1 says that you do not care about that at all.

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