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Linden Lab is building a NEW virtual world

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Lexia Moonstone wrote:

kind of like toll roads vs gas tax?  I'd rather pay at the pump much more convenient for me, and saves me time getting from point a to point b with out stopping to pay all the time, and wasting more gas as you sit in the toll line, great free market solution.

  LL is not a government it's a corporation Ebbe using the tax word was not best word to use it's a business expense.  Selling on the market place is not mandatory, you could just sell inworld for free, or on an other platform, or even on the internet from your own web page.  If any one is being lazy it's some one who has a marketplace store and lets LL run and maintain the system while they just sit back and collect $ from sales. 

How is a listing fee lass lazy then a % of slaes ? it take the same amount of effort on LLs part once the system in place.  LL charges a set up fee/tax and a monthly tire charge/tax for land dose' that make them lazy too?

Really sounds like your hung up on some republican/tea party talking points, and name calling, why is every one you disagree with politicly lazy?  You sound like a broken record how lazy is that...

Could LL do things better sure, but it's not because their lazy socialist from San Fransisco.  Wright brothers may have made the first airplane to fly, but it sure din't meet all the requirements for a usefull airplane, must have been because they were lazy soicialist from Ohio,  that they din't get it right the first time.

I always find it amusing to watch some1 take my words, which were generally thought out very carefully, and twists them all around to fit their own irrational scenerios. Where did I call any1 lazy? Read it again, and you will see I call that kind of thinking lazy, not the people lazy. Where did I ever call any1 a name?

The difference between a listing fee and a tax on sales, is what the affect of it would be. A tax on sales means higher prices. The results of a listing fee is that people won't pay to have products on the MP that never sell. It affectively cleans up the MP. The fee doesn't have to be big, even 10 lindens per month, per item listing is more than enough to do what it should do. In the end, merchants get a better MP, and LL gets the money to cover costs.

As far as promoting free market principles, it's just logical. I like logic. Obviously, some people like to live in fantasy land, where every1 is your slave and they do everything for you for free.


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Phil Deakins wrote:

Medhue Simoni wrote:

I hear many merchants blame the Marketplace for the loss of land owners in SL. I'm not sure this is accurate. It is my experience that LL destroyed land ownership when they started messing with the inworld Search Engine. When I started out Jan 2007, I sold my first animation in a skybox. Only because of how few animators there were, did people find me. I learned very early on that land made a big difference. Immediately, when I had earned enough, I rented a decent size plot of land where I could put my business name as the name of the land, and add a description. This all went into the search engine and immediately got me many more customers. See, back then, we got around by using the Search Engine. Within 6 months, I moved to a much large plot on a private sim. I saw that the more land I owned, the higher my ranking was in the Search Engine. Eventually, I started checking out my competition a little, to see how I could better do things. Land was a huge deal to the metrics of the Search Engine. Eventually, I bought my own sim, on the Mainland, and when that happened, if you typed in just the word Animation into the inworld search engine, I was ranked 10th. That was the effect of the land being such a huge metric in the search engine. No matter what your business, if you were so successful that you were able to purchase more and more land, you would be ranked very high in all the keywords in your land description. This put all the best merchants at the top of the search engine, and customer could easily find what they want, and from the best creators. When LL started messing with the inworld search engine to try and make it more "fair", they destroyed the incentive to own more land. They shot themself in the foot, and today they still don't understand this. Every1 lost when LL decided to touch it. The original inworld search engine before they changed it, was a custom search engine created by a resident in the open source program, or that is how I remember reading about it.


Soon after I bought my first sim, I did a survey of all my customers. It was all voluntary, and they just filled out a survey questionaire inside of SL. I stopped the survey when I hit 1000. 70% of all those people found me by typing the word "Animation" into the search engine. 15% found me by typing some variation of animation and another word. 15% found me through some other means than the search engine.

You are mistaken, Medhue. When you joined in January 2007, the search rankings were *only* about traffic. That was the *only* factor for rankings. Land size was totally irreleveant. Those rankings were gamed to death by bots, camping, etc. I enjoyed partaking in all of that

Later they leased the Google Search Appliance (GSA), which produced much better results because it used many factors for rankings, just as the Google search engine does. LL were unable to mess with it. They could do little things externally, but that's all. It's possible that they could have fitted in a bit of land size by adding something external but, if they did, it definitately made only a small difference. I got places up the rankings by using 4x4 plots of land. I thoroughly enjoyed gaming those results

After that - not too long ago - they started to use an open souirce engine, which they
mess with. I stopped platying with search before they got it though, so I've no idea if they've incorporated land size into the ranking factors. What I do know is that what you wrote about land size and the search rankings is not right, unless you only meant with the current engine, which I don't know about. It's definitely not right concerning the engine you arrived to in 2007, or the GSA that followed it.


I'm not mistaken Phil, although, I can't say exactly what the search was like in 2007, but by 2008 it was exactly as I said, as that is when I started paying attention to it. There are likely some old forums of me talking about it. The change to the GSA was not until 2010, the same time they released V2. Plus, I've lived off my SL income since 2008, so I know exactly when things declined for me, and it had everything to do with the implementation of GSA. If I remember correctly too, LL had dropped Picks about 6 months before GSA, cause I also took a big hit with that. From 2007-2010 I had extremely steady sales, within +5% or more, every single month. That went completely crazy when the GSA was implemented. Another metric to look at to will prove me right, is that the decline starts exactly on the day the GSA was introduce. It's right there in the stats. It is on that exact day that LL started losing sims.


Wait.....something is coming back to me. Maybe, it was not exactly the land size that was the big determining factor, but the fact that the more land you had, the more items you could place on your land, which all went into the search engine. So, more land meant more keywords for the search engine.

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i still play on Linden Realms game quite a lot. I pretty much know everything about it now. Is very deceptive simple game. Just play and go and go and go. even tho can know what are the outcomes

i like that can just run down the crystals. I like the monstas and fireballs and zappers and rocks that teleport you automagically when they get you. I like the puffers that will homekill you when try to get clever. I like the tower and the cave and the fire canyon and how they work. I like the HUD (when it actual works (: ). I like it that when a robber comes on the sim I am working to loot the blue then I can prevent the blue crystal from appearing until the looter leaves. i like that i can use the monstas to adapt my mowing patterns/lines based on how many others are playing at the same time as me and where abouts on the arena they are

all of these things i like about experience permissions that enable me to turn a very simple deceptive game into a quite complex game just by how I play it

when I come out of the game and go to other games in SL then I miss all these deceptive simple things


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Medhue Simoni wrote:

What I can't stop thinking, is that the current SL is FAR too complex for LL to recreate it. No1 will be happy with the end result, as it would have to truly be SL but better. I'm not really sure this is possible. Of course it is possible to have a better this or that, but SL has, what seems like, millions of this or thats. At best, it's going to take them years, and I suspect many aspect won't make it over.

Yeah right! This "much better SL" would have to be not only better from a technical point of view, it also has to be cheaper for residents to build on their spaces. And it also has to be more, or at least equally, profitable for content creators and merchants. Anything else would be a step backwards for the community.

This wishful thinking from Ebbe, that there are hundreds of millions of people just waiting for that easy to use virtual world is, to be honest, just wishful thinking, to put it nicely. The people interested in such virtual worlds has settled on what it is now, over the last decade. People can be creative in a gazillion ways, it doesn't require a virtual world to be creative. Even socializing, communicating is much more effective in such an "old" place like a forum thread like this.

There are much cheaper alternative around for years also, and only a handful of people went there.

IMHO, the chances that this "much better SL" will fail badly are much bigger than that it will be a success. To force it to be successful, they will have to shut down old SL probably.

Anyway, obviously the Lab is in fear that some other company will come out of nowhere, like CP did, and set them out of business over night. So they are trying to make this successor by themselfs, which is a smart move indeed.

I only hope that this "announcement" won't disrupt the current business on either side, the Lab and the merchants, or they will set themselfs out of business even before the "much better SL" is even ready for prime time.

Hey, maybe that's the name of the new VW, "Much Better". lol

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It looks as if they are serious about this, or they would not have moved most of the team over to it. There is just so much that could go wrong. It's incalculatable. What can we do about it tho? That is the tough part. Sitting, waiting and no input. I would very much love to get excited about this.

What is possible, is vast. The avatar alone, could be something of complete amazement. Total joy and complete customization for the users. Way beyond anything imaginable on any platform, and a pure joy for us creators. Seriously, my mouth is drooling over the thought of what could be done. Then, the realization sets in. I'm never going to get anything close to that, despite it being completely possible. Imagine something very much like Daz's Genesis character. Imagine selling morphs for him that turns him into a zombie. 1 sliders that the user can adjust to their liking, or a number of sliders to accomplish the look. Imagine selling just different ear morphs. How about teeth morphs, to have any kind of teeth. Imagine animating facial morphs in a much better way. Of course, I ultimately want this kind of system to create a Werewolf that can literally morph from a human to a werewolf, with growing hair/fur and all. Like I said, I'd love to get excited about this, but I'm never going to get what I want.

Again tho, I have to come back to, how the heck are they going to create it all, all over again? I mean, we have chat gestures, typing animations, and speech gestures. We have priorities in animations, and the ability to only animate specific bones. How will they do the facial expressions, if they don't allow us to import morphs? There are just so many decisions and parts to create, and we aren't half way thru the avatar yet. It's mindboggling the work ahead of them.

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Yeah, me too. I would love to get exited about it. There's a ton of things which could be better, be it content creation, or the architecture of the platform itself. But since we only get a "much better" response as yet, we can only express our feelings, and what common sense is telling us by now. And common sense is telling me that this will hit SL merchants, and land barons. Some more, some less. But something like this will not pass by as nothing has happend.

However, we will stick around anyway, and find out what it's all about. :matte-motes-nerdy:

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That's great, that there will be a new better SL. Yay!

But after working very hard to replace my four sims of sculpted furniture and houses with mesh -- I am maybe 60% of the way there -- I cant say I am looking forward to redoing it all again for SL2. I am all for technological progress but it's not like I have a team of workers, it's just me.

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

I'm not mistaken Phil, although, I can't say exactly what the search was like in 2007, but by 2008 it was exactly as I said, as that is when I started paying attention to it. There are likely some old forums of me talking about it. The change to the GSA was not until 2010, the same time they released V2. Plus, I've lived off my SL income since 2008, so I know exactly when things declined for me, and it had everything to do with the implementation of GSA. If I remember correctly too, LL had dropped Picks about 6 months before GSA, cause I also took a big hit with that. From 2007-2010 I had extremely steady sales, within +5% or more, every single month. That went completely crazy when the GSA was implemented. Another metric to look at to will prove me right, is that the decline starts exactly on the day the GSA was introduce. It's right there in the stats. It is on that exact day that LL started losing sims.


Wait.....something is coming back to me. Maybe, it was not exactly the land size that was the big determining factor, but the fact that the more land you had, the more items you could place on your land, which all went into the search engine. So, more land meant more keywords for the search engine.

It's never been about land size. Before the GSA it was *only* about traffic. That was the only rankling fatcor. Nothing else. Of course, with larger land, it's quite possible that more people (traffic) were on it over time.

Items on land had no effect until the GSA. Then they had a big effect, but not the numbers of them. It was their names and descriptions that were effective. Even then, they weren't as effective as the land's name and description.

I think it's probably that you've seen your ranking rise couincidentally with the increasing size of your land and objects, and assumed that the land/objects were the cause. But they weren't.

In 2007, traffic was the only ranking factor. That was commonly known. Then the GSA came along and the ranking factors were known by those of us in the RL search engine business, and we successfully got top rankings because of that knowledge. Not only did i get top rankings for myself, but I also got top ranking for other people's places - without their knowledge. It's never been about land size or the number of objects.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

 I'd given up on experience permissions so many times already that I'm still hoping they'll make an appearance in SL Classic before they turn pull the plug on this place.

Experience tools are about to be released! LL stated at the TPV meeting that the beta was coming very soon and there were two of the experience tools Lindens there to answer questions.

You can see the whole discussion about experience tools here - exp tools discussion starts at 7.10


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Phil Deakins wrote:

What are experience tools?


This, apparently.




ETA: so, scripting tools that will allow blanket permissions to be applied to a sequence of possible actions, animations, TPs, etc. that are part of a single "experience."

Obviously, this is something that could be exploited by griefers (and, from the sound of it, was in fact so exploited in an earlier incarnation), so LL will directly control who gets to deploy this by handing out "keys" that enable the tools.

I imagine that this will be useful in some limited contexts.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

It's never been about land size. Before the GSA it was *only* about traffic. That was the only rankling fatcor. Nothing else. Of course, with larger land, it's quite possible that more people (traffic) were on it over time.

Items on land had no effect until the GSA. Then they had a big effect, but not the numbers of them. It was their names and descriptions that were effective. Even then, they weren't as effective as the land's name and description.

I think it's probably that you've seen your ranking rise couincidentally with the increasing size of your land and objects, and assumed that the land/objects were the cause. But they weren't.

In 2007, traffic was the only ranking factor. That was commonly known. Then the GSA came along and the ranking factors were known by those of us in the RL search engine business, and we successfully got top rankings because of that knowledge. Not only did i get top rankings for myself, but I also got top ranking for other people's places - without their knowledge. It's never been about land size or the number of objects.

Well, this is just going to go back and forth. I say you are wrong and I know it for sure. I've never, ever had much traffic. Again, NEVER. The biggest factor was keywords in object descriptions on the parcel. This was exactly the reason I was ranked so high for the word "animation". I had that word more times on my parcel than most other parcels. I didn't rise to that level totally by accident. It was because I understood how to get there.

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Whirly Fizzle wrote:

Experience tools
about to be released! LL stated at the TPV meeting that the beta was coming very soon and there were two of the experience tools Lindens there to answer questions.

I just saw this on Inara's blog. That's good news, indeed. Although I'm sorry to say that I'm less enthused now than I'd expected, for two reasons: First, at least initially it won't do Mainland (I no longer have any Estate land on which to play with it). And second, without assurance that some version of this will be available on the new platform, it's hard to get too excited about investing a ton of time making experiences for an audience doomed to dwindle (assuming the new world is a success).

Perhaps I could get around the first of these by just dumping all my hard-earned Mainland and renting an Estate sim (or more like a Homestead, since I only have a full sim of Mainland tier and that wouldn't cover a full sim of Estate rental). Frankly, hanging on to Mainland -- always a bit of a folly -- looks ever more foolish anyway, with prospects for this new platform. But when I think about that, I get to seriously reconsidering what if any engagement I want to retain with virtual worlds, if I'm going to make that big a change.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

That's great, that there will be a new better SL. Yay!

But after working very hard to replace my four sims of sculpted furniture and houses with mesh -- I am maybe 60% of the way there -- I cant say I am looking forward to redoing it all again for SL2. I am all for technological progress but it's not like I have a team of workers, it's just me.

The good part is that you won't have to redo much about your mesh objects to make them work in the new SL. There might be things you might want to change about them, and of course you'll likely have to redo the coding, but other than that, they'll still work. This is exactly why I pushed so hard for every1 to learn mesh. It's universal, more so than animation.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

What are experience tools?


If you watch the video, every1 asked that exact thing. I watched the video, and I'm still wondering. It allows you to grant permissions to things once, and then the user doesn't get hit will more permission popups to agree to. That is as much as I know about it.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

Whirly Fizzle wrote:

Experience tools
about to be released! LL stated at the TPV meeting that the beta was coming very soon and there were two of the experience tools Lindens there to answer questions.

I just saw this on Inara's blog. That's good news, indeed. Although I'm sorry to say that I'm less enthused now than I'd expected, for two reasons: First, at least initially it won't do Mainland (I no longer have any Estate land on which to play with it). And second, without assurance that some version of this will be available on the new platform, it's hard to get too excited about investing a ton of time making experiences for an audience doomed to dwindle (assuming the new world is a success).

Perhaps I could get around the first of these by just dumping all my hard-earned Mainland and renting an Estate sim (or more like a Homestead, since I only have a full sim of Mainland tier and that wouldn't cover a full sim of Estate rental). Frankly, hanging on to Mainland -- always a bit of a folly -- looks ever more foolish anyway, with prospects for this new platform. But when I think about that, I get to seriously reconsidering what if any engagement I want to retain with virtual worlds, if I'm going to make that big a change.

If they simply port LSL over to this new Platform without major changes then migration would be easy for many people.

The real sticky point will be the investment in Inventory your every day user has.  For some people it's a huge investment.

One thing I'd hope would be addressed would be content optimazation.  No more 1024 textures where a 64 would do, etc, etc, etc, etc.

This does make purchasing land right now for any kind of 'investment' purpose look a little risky long term.


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Here's proof that I am right and you are mistaken. The original search system is still operating, so you can check your idea for yourself. That's the search that was operating when you joined in 2007 - the system you say was based on land size or the number of objects. Use a TPV and do a seach on something with the old search system (Singularity still has the old system), and check the land sizes starting from the top. The results come back ranked according to traffic and the traffic numbers are shown for each place. You can see that they are listed in traffic (numerical) order because all the traffic numbers are there. If land size came into it, those traffic numbers wouldn't be in numerical order. But they are.

I put that paragraph first because, if you do check it out, the rest of this post can be skipped :)

I'm sorry, Medhue, but are wrong. Everyone who was selling stuff before LL started with the GSA will tell you traffic was the only ranking factor. Of course you had to have the right keywords in the parcels name and/or description so that your parcel got into the results for particular searchterms. That goes without saying. But, after that, it was ranked solely in traffic order. Nothing else.

The GSA was different. The ranking factors it employed were Google's - like the Google engine. I was a professional SEO and I knew what the main ones were. With that knowledge, i was all over the top of the results for many searchterms - not low down at #10 like you were ;) At one point, I controlled most of the top 10 results for the main searchterm. I say "controlled" because I lifted other people's parcels up there without their knowledge, for the specific purpose of keeping one particular place down below the fold.

Land size came into it quite a while after the GSA was started. LL simply stopped adding parcel pages to the index when the parcel was very small, so tiny parcels could not be ranked because they weren't even in the index. It may be that they gave large parcels a small boost some time after the GSA was started. The GSA system allows for that, so LL wouldn't need to do anything much externally. But only a boost.

When I arrived, just before you, I started up in business too, and I soon learned what got higher rankings with that search system. Everyone knew. It's the sole reason why camping was so widespread back then. And it's the sole reason why traffic bots were also widespread back then. (Traffic bots were my method). If you'd been in the RA forum at the time, you'd have seen it discussed a multitude of times - usually with me on the wrong end of the discussion because I manipulated the traffic, and most forum users were dead against that. That's the period you said was all about land size. It wasn't anything to do with land size.

When LL started using the GSA, it was about many things, but the main ones by a very long way were parcel Titles and links. Not land size.

What you described about land size in the search when you arrived in 2007 is completely wrong. And it was also wrong during the GSA period. According to your posts, what you did was notice that your ranking rose as your land size rose, and you assumed that the rankings rose because of the land size, or because you had more objects on the land. It was a wrong assumption, I'm afraid.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Here's proof
that I am right and you are mistaken. The original search system is still operating, so you can check your idea for yourself. That's the search that was operating when you joined in 2007 - the system you say was based on land size or the number of objects. Use a TPV and do a seach on something with the old search system (Singularity still has the old system), and check the land sizes starting from the top. The results come back ranked according to traffic and the traffic numbers are shown for each place. You can see that they are listed in traffic (numerical) order because all the traffic numbers are there. If land size came into it, those traffic numbers wouldn't be in numerical order. But they are.

I put that paragraph first because, if you do check it out, the rest of this post can be skipped

I'm sorry, Medhue, but are wrong. Everyone who was selling stuff before LL started with the GSA will tell you traffic was the only ranking factor. Of course you had to have the right keywords in the parcels name and/or description so that your parcel got into the results for particular searchterms. That goes without saying. But, after that, it was ranked solely in traffic order. Nothing else.

The GSA was different. The ranking factors it employed were Google's - like the Google engine. I was a professional SEO and I knew what the main ones were. With that knowledge, i was all over the top of the results for many searchterms - not low down at #10 like you were
At one point, I controlled most of the top 10 results for the main searchterm. I say "controlled" because I lifted other people's parcels up there without their knowledge, for the specific purpose of keeping one particular place down below the fold.

Land size came into it quite a while after the GSA was started. LL simply stopped adding parcel pages to the index when the parcel was very small, so tiny parcels could not be ranked because they weren't even in the index. It may be that they gave large parcels a small boost some time after the GSA was started. The GSA system allows for that, so LL wouldn't need to do anything much externally. But only a boost.

When I arrived, just before you, I started up in business too, and I soon learned what got higher rankings with that search system. Everyone knew. It's the sole reason why camping was so widespread back then. And it's the sole reason why traffic bots were also widespread back then. (Traffic bots were my method). If you'd been in the RA forum at the time, you'd have seen it discussed a multitude of times - usually with me on the wrong end of the discussion because I manipulated the traffic, and most forum users were dead against that. That's the period you said was all about land size. It wasn't anything to do with land size.

When LL started using the GSA, it was about many things, but the main ones by a very long way were parcel Titles and links. Not land size.

What you described about land size in the search when you arrived in 2007 is completely wrong. And it was also wrong during the GSA period. According to your posts, what you did was notice that your ranking rose as your land size rose, and you assumed that the rankings rose because of the land size, or because you had more objects on the land. It was a wrong assumption, I'm afraid.

Well, I kind of hate that we are having this conversation, but I really can't back down because I know you are wrong. It's nonsensical to think that traffic was the only metric. You conceded that keywords in descriptions were used. They would have to be used, so what I said is exactly right. The more land you owned the more keywords you had.

Picks were also another factor in the old search, until about 6 months before LL switched to GSA. They took Picks out of the equation because of some obscure Pick that associated some1's land with Nazis. At least, that was the reason LL gave us. In order for Picks to be part of the equation, the user had to have PIOF, so not all Picks were counted. Despite this, scammers got merchants to pay for Picks, which didn't help them at all. I had a ton of people with Picks of my store, as I gave a free product to any1 that put a Pick of my store in their profile.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

Whirly Fizzle wrote:

Experience tools
about to be released! LL stated at the TPV meeting that the beta was coming very soon and there were two of the experience tools Lindens there to answer questions.

I just saw this on Inara's blog. That's good news, indeed. Although I'm sorry to say that I'm less enthused now than I'd expected, for two reasons: First, at least initially it won't do Mainland (I no longer have any Estate land on which to play with it).
And second, without assurance that some version of this will be available on the new platform, it's hard to get too excited about investing a ton of time making experiences for an audience doomed to dwindle (assuming the new world is a success).

Perhaps I could get around the first of these by just dumping all my hard-earned Mainland and renting an Estate sim (or more like a Homestead, since I only have a full sim of Mainland tier and that wouldn't cover a full sim of Estate rental).
Frankly, hanging on to Mainland -- always a bit of a folly -- looks ever more foolish anyway, with prospects for this new platform.
But when I think about that, I get to seriously reconsidering what if any engagement I want to retain with virtual worlds, if I'm going to make that big a change.

And this is precisely what I've been saying about the impact that this leaked news is going to have on Second Life.

It's going to be subtle and slow at first, but the effect will accelerate as the new platform nears readiness. Not all content creators, land owners, etc., will react this way . . . but I'm afraid (and I've already been called a "fear monger" elsewhere) that this really is the beginning of the end for this platform.

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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Qie Niangao wrote:

Whirly Fizzle wrote:

Experience tools
about to be released! LL stated at the TPV meeting that the beta was coming very soon and there were two of the experience tools Lindens there to answer questions.

I just saw this on Inara's blog. That's good news, indeed. Although I'm sorry to say that I'm less enthused now than I'd expected, for two reasons: First, at least initially it won't do Mainland (I no longer have any Estate land on which to play with it).
And second, without assurance that some version of this will be available on the new platform, it's hard to get too excited about investing a ton of time making experiences for an audience doomed to dwindle (assuming the new world is a success).

Perhaps I could get around the first of these by just dumping all my hard-earned Mainland and renting an Estate sim (or more like a Homestead, since I only have a full sim of Mainland tier and that wouldn't cover a full sim of Estate rental).
Frankly, hanging on to Mainland -- always a bit of a folly -- looks ever more foolish anyway, with prospects for this new platform.
But when I think about that, I get to seriously reconsidering what if any engagement I want to retain with virtual worlds, if I'm going to make that big a change.

is precisely what I've been saying about the impact that this leaked news is going to have on Second Life.

It's going to be subtle and slow at first, but the effect will accelerate as the new platform nears readiness. Not all content creators, land owners, etc., will react this way . . . but I'm afraid (and I've already been called a "fear monger" elsewhere) that this really is the beginning of the end for this platform.

I think the problem with thinking this way is that you are making many assumptions that can't really be made. That first, and most important assumption, is that people will like this new world. We have seen many worlds come and go. Almost never did people from SL rush over there and set up shop. Even CP had very little participation. LL's new world will deal with the same results.

I suspect that the way it will happen is that, in a year or 2, LL will open the new world, and it will be seriously lacking. Most of the first users will be creators, and some oblivious users. Be the end of it's first year, it will still be massively lacking and whether it will survive will be suspect. 4 years from now, will likely be some kind of turning point, and either LL did good, or not. I would not expect any real movement for at least a few years, at best.

So, SL is safe for, at least, 3 years, if not more.

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

That's great, that there will be a new better SL. Yay!

But after working very hard to replace my four sims of sculpted furniture and houses with mesh -- I am maybe 60% of the way there -- I cant say I am looking forward to redoing it all again for SL2. I am all for technological progress but it's not like I have a team of workers, it's just me.

The good part is that you won't have to redo much about your mesh objects to make them work in the new SL. There might be things you might want to change about them, and of course you'll likely have to redo the coding, but other than that, they'll still work. This is exactly why I pushed so hard for every1 to learn mesh. It's universal, more so than animation.

Yes that is a mitigating factor. I just cant get excited about the prospect of installing billions of new scripts and animations in everything (you would not believe how complicated the bar and kitchens are). I will do it, but I can think of one or two other things I had rather do, like stick a fork in my eye.

But: Yay!


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Pamela Galli wrote:

Medhue Simoni wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

That's great, that there will be a new better SL. Yay!

But after working very hard to replace my four sims of sculpted furniture and houses with mesh -- I am maybe 60% of the way there -- I cant say I am looking forward to redoing it all again for SL2. I am all for technological progress but it's not like I have a team of workers, it's just me.

The good part is that you won't have to redo much about your mesh objects to make them work in the new SL. There might be things you might want to change about them, and of course you'll likely have to redo the coding, but other than that, they'll still work. This is exactly why I pushed so hard for every1 to learn mesh. It's universal, more so than animation.

Yes that is a mitigating factor. I just cant get excited about the prospect of installing billions of new scripts and animations in everything (you would not believe how complicated the bar and kitchens are). I will do it, but I can think of one or two other things I had rather do, like stick a fork in my eye.

But: Yay!


One other thing that could add a little to this would be the scale factor.

Everything everyone builds gets scaled up to accomodate for the so called "oversized (too tall) Avatar."

If the base or center line is set shorter then a lot of furniture, cars, etc. will simply appear to be too big.

I know a couple of girls in the 'real hight' crowd who have a terrible time with motorcycles.  Some motorcycle creators are using resize scripts right now but no matter what they do they can't reach the handle bars.  If they up their Ava's from 5'6" to 7'6", the problem goes away.

So using builds designed for SL could require some tweaking.

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